
Who preordered the iPhone6/6+

I already think the 5s is too big but I'm sure I'll adapt to the 6. The 6+ will never work for me
As a former high tech worker, involved in microprocessor development, it will be a cold day in hell that I ever use an apple product. Of course that is because I have seen how they treat competitors full on.. we are and will be an Android family till the cows come home, plus Android's interface is much cooler :)
ame|1410630263|3750405 said:
I already think the 5s is too big but I'm sure I'll adapt to the 6. The 6+ will never work for me

I pre-ordered an iphone 6. I agree, a 6+ would never work for me. I think the 5 was perfect, size-wise. I'm pumped for the new one :)
I can pick mine up in store tomorrow I think.

I am still waiting on word of whether or not my car is a total loss. My bruising is finally starting to fade. It's HUGE but thankfully fading. I finally tried driving again in my husband's car, white knuckling it and shaking like a leaf, and just as I started to relax a little, a jerk in a semi decided that he needed to go across four lanes of traffic and nearly took me out. I started SOBBING and pulled over. He scared the hell out of me. It took me a while to get it together but I made it to work. An hour after I got here, my boss came in and said "I just ran someone off trying to break into your car!" Just great!

I took my rings out of the boxes the other day to inspect them--they were on my hand during the crash. They have been "dented" on the left side. After my brother's wedding in two weeks I am going to send my Tiffany band in to have it checked out. I can't detect loose stones or anything serious but I want them to confirm it. My setting on my ering is a little flat on the one side but the stone is not loose. My plain stuller band even has a flat spot!
I sold my 5s for $450. Make sure if you are buying on contract your rate is not going up. Apple employee son said Att will be adding $25 increase to monthly contract for every phone not purchased on the NEXT plan. Ultimately, the NEXT plan is the better deal.
I would like to hear why everyone adores these products so much? I have a 4S and the only thing I have really enjoyed about it is the camera, okay and I do like being able to check the weather. Other than that I text(hate texting on it) and talk, that's it.
$150 a month to talk and text to mostly my husband. Seems so stupid.
My contract is up at the end of the year and I am really considering getting rid of my phone altogether and either just having a home phone again, or getting a basic cell phone.
If Apple made a basic IPHONE that would awesome and then I would be excited, it could have a kick-ass camera, text, phone, alarm, calender....that's it and a cheap family friendly plan for people like me that just want the basics and for kids just starting with cell phones.

My husband say's "that's not what APPLE does" well APPLE could, is what I say!

Try going to Verizon and shopping for a basic phone, they kindof suck.
I got an iPhone 6 today in gold. I am pretty happy with it. I had the iPhone 5 before.

I got a pretty good deal too. Verizon had 60 or more people in line at their door so I decided to try the little Best Buy Mobile site in our mall. I was "next" in line, they had the phone I wanted and they gave me $225 for my old phone. I bought their Geek Squad plan and paid for the entire 2 years upfront which works out to less than the $10 a month I've pay for insurance on my phone with Verizon.

The case I bought was like holding a greased pig so I went back and got something that won't shoot out of my hand.

DH is quite intrigued with the iPhone 6 Plus 128 g but isn't eligible for an upgrade until a year from now. He's struggling with that full price though. I'd bet a dollar he owns one before Christmas.
I got my iPhone 6+ today in gold, DH preordered it in space grey but his will arrive later next week which is really strange. I upgraded from the 5 so this big ole phone (phablet) will take some getting used too. I do like the size though.
I got mine after work, waited in the pickup line forever. ATT is having activation issues due to the onslaught of activations so it's taking a while, but I am home so I don't care. My 5S was still active for another half hour after I got home anyway so it was fine.

it is HUGE. I am a little in shock about it in person. I don't like the power button on the side but hopefully I will adjust
DH received his 6+ via UPS today. He's pretty happy with it so far. It's huge! It didn't do a pocket test yet.
mary poppins|1411178227|3754115 said:
DH received his 6+ via UPS today. He's pretty happy with it so far. It's huge! It didn't do a pocket test yet.

Mary Poppins, let me know about the pocket test. DH travels a lot and is worried it wouldn't work well in his pocket. Also see if your husband can answer email or text with one hand. Thanks!
So DH held my 6 today and even with his GIGANTIC hands proclaimed it RIDICULOUSLY HUGEMONGOUS.
marcy|1411187049|3754183 said:
mary poppins|1411178227|3754115 said:
DH received his 6+ via UPS today. He's pretty happy with it so far. It's huge! It didn't do a pocket test yet.

Mary Poppins, let me know about the pocket test. DH travels a lot and is worried it wouldn't work well in his pocket. Also see if your husband can answer email or text with one hand. Thanks!

I have a 6+ and it fits into my boyfriend jeans pockets, and some of my loose trouser pockets. Skinny jeans are a no go though.
We tried to get new phones on friday and sprint was 'out' of them. Really, they had some but they wouldn't sell them to us. They were only selling the ones they had to new customers. I think that is messed up but there is not much I can do about it. I would never go back to ATT. I am holding a grudge with them but it's a big one. Plus, I really like the unlimited data with Sprint. They said to come in on Monday and they might have some.

Hubby is going to get the space grey 6+ and I am going to get the gold 6. Both of us are going to get the 128 gig. We both have 16 gig and are almost out of space. I really want to put all my music on the phone. I guess I just want the option but when I exercise I take my ipod classic with me. It's thinner and smaller.
Ame, I'm so sorry to hear about your accident! I hope you are doing well.

I went to check out the 6 and 6+ Am I the only person on the planet who wants a small phone?
Calliecake|1411315742|3754811 said:
Ame, I'm so sorry to hear about your accident! I hope you are doing well.

I went to check out the 6 and 6+ Am I the only person on the planet who wants a small phone?
No. you are not. I thought the 5S was too big and the 4/4S was perfect. But the way of the world now is this monster sized crap. I am starting to adapt to the size but the damn power button is still making me crazy.
My old phone had broke about 3 weeks before the 5 was released. I could go not 3 weeks without a phone so I have the 4S. Which to me is the perfect size. I thought I wanted the 6 but I'm not so sure now. Decisions, decisions!

Do you think the size change will be hard for you to get used to Ame?
I had the 4s and I liked the size fine but when I got my 6 I loved how much larger everything was on the screen. Doesn't seem too big for my hands either. The power button is a bit awkward especially when trying to do screenshots but oh well.
Calliecake|1411316789|3754829 said:
My old phone had broke about 3 weeks before the 5 was released. I could go not 3 weeks without a phone so I have the 4S. Which to me is the perfect size. I thought I wanted the 6 but I'm not so sure now. Decisions, decisions!

Do you think the size change will be hard for you to get used to Ame?
It might take a while but I am sure I will adjust. The most annoying adjustment for me is the Power button being on the side. I still keep going for the top.

I got a Speck Candyshell (one with a pattern) today to get me by til the "flip" comes out which is what I typically get from Speck, and I did a side by side. It's still really really big, and a size leap, but I know I will get used to it. I did go into the font size thing and make the text smaller like I am used to. I wish I could get more icons across, like 5 vs 4 in a row without jailbreaking.


I played with the 6+ for a while today. Someone with small hands might not want one. You need 2 hands to take pictures (one hand to hold the 6+ steady and one hand to hit the button). It's easier to read books and newspapers on the 6+, but if you have an iPad or a Kindle you don't really need the 6+. If you have a 5 or a 5S, you can download ios8, which is the same operating system as the 6'S.
Thanks for everyone's input on the 6+. I will relay that information to my husband.
marcy|1411187049|3754183 said:
mary poppins|1411178227|3754115 said:
DH received his 6+ via UPS today. He's pretty happy with it so far. It's huge! It didn't do a pocket test yet.

Mary Poppins, let me know about the pocket test. DH travels a lot and is worried it wouldn't work well in his pocket. Also see if your husband can answer email or text with one hand. Thanks!

Mr. Poppins said the phone fits in his front pocket just fine for both sitting and standing. He can text with one hand by using a feature where you tap the round button on the bottom twice to shrink the screen to the bottom of the phone.

The phone sticks out of my front pocket while standing. Sitting with it there would probably make it fall out. The width of the phone fits in my back pocket but the length sticks out of the top. Great for pick pockets, lol! Doesn't matter to me because I'm not getting a new iphone and I usually don't keep cell phones in my pockets. I was just curious because the 6+ looks so big.
I am so furious! We went back to sprint for the third time, and tried two other stores and no one will sell us a phone. They have them, but since we dont want to go with their more expensive "apple for life" plan, they magically dont have any to sell us. The last store told us it came down from corporate that any customer with an old plan doesn't get a phone if they wont switch. We have been Sprint customers for over 10 years!!!

I am ready to switch but Verizon wont have any phone for new customers until the first few weeks of october. I also dont really want to pay my 18 year olds ohone bill for another two years. There is no way not to get screwed in this deal.

It is amazing how some companies treat their customers.
luv2sparkle|1411425504|3755461 said:
I am so furious! We went back to sprint for the third time, and tried two other stores and no one will sell us a phone. They have them, but since we dont want to go with their more expensive "apple for life" plan, they magically dont have any to sell us. The last store told us it came down from corporate that any customer with an old plan doesn't get a phone if they wont switch. We have been Sprint customers for over 10 years!!!

I am ready to switch but Verizon wont have any phone for new customers until the first few weeks of october. I also dont really want to pay my 18 year olds ohone bill for another two years. There is no way not to get screwed in this deal.

It is amazing how some companies treat their customers.
Can you buy it from Apple and not change plans? I stopped buying from the carrier because I hated the games.
I have not even ordered an iPhone 1 yet.
I still use this.
My prepaid plan averages $14 a month.

Where you you people find the money for these expensive plans?

kenny|1411436794|3755547 said:
I have not even ordered an iPhone 1 yet.
I still use this.
My prepaid plan averages $14 a month.

Where you you people find the money for these expensive plans?

Where do you get the money for expensive FCDs?

It's all a choice. :angel:
Asscherhalo_lover|1411437746|3755552 said:
kenny|1411436794|3755547 said:
I have not even ordered an iPhone 1 yet.
I still use this.
My prepaid plan averages $14 a month.

Where you you people find the money for these expensive plans?

Where do you get the money for expensive FCDs?

It's all a choice. :angel:

Exactly! People vary.
Asscherhalo_lover|1411437746|3755552 said:
kenny|1411436794|3755547 said:
I have not even ordered an iPhone 1 yet.
I still use this.
My prepaid plan averages $14 a month.

Where you you people find the money for these expensive plans?

Where do you get the money for expensive FCDs?

FCDs are way cheaper.
kenny|1411443827|3755587 said:
Asscherhalo_lover|1411437746|3755552 said:
kenny|1411436794|3755547 said:
I have not even ordered an iPhone 1 yet.
I still use this.
My prepaid plan averages $14 a month.

Where you you people find the money for these expensive plans?

Where do you get the money for expensive FCDs?

FCDs are way cheaper.

:lol: :lol: :lol: