
Who is your favorite person?


Nov 12, 2007
This question came up with my family on Thanksgiving. Who is your favorite person? This should be someone you actually know, not someone you'd like to meet/someone famous you've met, but someone you really know well. Curious if your answers will be similar to what came up in my family.
My husband. He is the only person I've ever liked enough to voluntarily spend all my time with!

My immediate family and best friends are obviously all runner-ups. The one wildcard who is a favorite person who is not someone it would be clear how much I like based on my interactions is my old boss from my internship, who I admire greatly.
Absolutely, without a doubt my husband. He and I have had the best ups and the lowest of lows over the last 26 years. He is my best friend and holds my whole heart.
My best friend of 46 years.
Unfortunately she is battling cancer now.
My dh is my favorite person in the world. No question. He is there for me unconditionally always supportive and loving and makes me feel safe and adored. Even when we disagree or argue I know he is my rock and my soft place to fall when things get tough and I know he loves me no matter what as I do him. He is the yin to my yang.

He is also the best person I know. Kind, generous, funny, smart and just a good person in all ways. I respect and admire him as well as love him more than I can express with words.

Kenny, I am so sorry about your best friend. I hope her treatments can help her and that she recovers.

kenny|1480360043|4103148 said:
My best friend of 46 years.
Unfortunately she is battling cancer now.

I'm sorry, kenny :blackeye: How is she doing?
I don't know if I could pick just one. It's my husband and kids. I am very close with my husband, but the bond with my children is like no other.
Kenny, so sorry about your best friend.

I have two favorites, my husband being one and his grandmother is the other. My own grandmother
passed at least 25 years ago and Grandma is at an age where she needs help with things sometimes. We went to a baby shower for a member of the family recently and she asked me to sit with her. It's maybe a bit selfish but helping her cut her food and getting her a plate and coffee (multiple trips to keep her awake!) makes my heart happy. Plus I can joke with her still. I told her I was going to church and she remarked that she was surprised it didn't burn down when I walked in :lol: Still spry at 85!
My favorite person is my DH - no contest.
My favorite person is my DH. :appl:
My husband. The only person I can 100% trust with anything. We've been married 28 years and together for 31. And I still like him!!
So sorry about your best friend, Kenny.

Also, these answers are in line with what me and another cousin said--we both said our husbands were our favorite person. Glad to know that's pretty normal!
rubybeth|1480438325|4103453 said:
So sorry about your best friend, Kenny.

Also, these answers are in line with what me and another cousin said--we both said our husbands were our favorite person. Glad to know that's pretty normal!

Even better - it's normal even though our husbands aren't reading these answers!
A kind and gentle man
My husband.
:cheeky: .Myself. I get annoyed with everyone I spend a ton of time with, but I never get tired of spending time alone by myself. Yes, narcissistic....but I just enjoy "me" time. My husband and kids are a close second though!
I can't choose. I love so many people.

Tossup between my Grandpa who is a 97year old WW2 Field Medic Vet, my husband (sometimes) and my mother in law.
My kids - I feel terrible not saying my DH. I love him. Really. Just nothing compares to the way I feel about my kids and watching them grow and learn and discover every day. Nothing brings me more joy than that. I think DH might say the same. After the kids, DH. After DH, my brother. We're 15 months apart and I feel completely comfortable with him. He cracks me up and would do anything for me and knows I would do anything for him.

Ame, amazing that you have such a great relationship with your mother in law. Not so much over here! A friend of mine recently got divorced and has a pretty great relationship still with her now ex in-laws. I'm pretty sure I know where I stand with mine if DH and I ever got divorced! :naughty:
My husband. He is a keeper!

My husband is my constant no matter what else changes in life. Next year we will have been married 40 years so through thick and thin he is my rock. However, I am very close with my two children and truly enjoy and never tire of their company. They are both adults now with families of their own but they are fun and uplifting for me. I am blessed!
My kids!

Before having kids, and she still remains one of my favorite people ever would be my grandmother. She was the most amazing woman ever and my role model on how to be a good mom and a good person. She died last year at the age of 97 and I miss her every day. She never far from my thoughts.
Hands down - my husband. He's my absolute best friend - knows me better than anyone, easiest person to be around all the time.

Good question. I honestly don't think I have favorites. I love so many people for so many reasons......

Maybe the winemaker for Ehlers Estate? Or Tattinger?? :cheeky: :lol: :lickout:

puppmom|1480642815|4104173 said:
My kids - I feel terrible not saying my DH. I love him. Really. Just nothing compares to the way I feel about my kids and watching them grow and learn and discover every day. Nothing brings me more joy than that. I think DH might say the same. After the kids, DH. After DH, my brother. We're 15 months apart and I feel completely comfortable with him. He cracks me up and would do anything for me and knows I would do anything for him.

Ame, amazing that you have such a great relationship with your mother in law. Not so much over here! A friend of mine recently got divorced and has a pretty great relationship still with her now ex in-laws. I'm pretty sure I know where I stand with mine if DH and I ever got divorced! :naughty:
There was a time that my husband and I had some issues and I wasn't sure, but after my father in law's sudden passing,things got very strong with us. I wish we all lived in the same city, though. ESPECIALLY in that specific instance. We missed our chance to hug him before he died, as well, and there's never been closure.
I visited my immediate family and while I love all of them I really enjoyed the time I had with my lil' brother. A no nonsense, man of few words, but someone you can always count on. He put me up and the room I was staying at he set up a shelf with a row of books he thought I would like and a sketchbook with pencils since he knows I like to draw (heart!). I love my kids too, but I can't have favorites with them!
Ame, DH's Grambo (as we called her) was a really awesome lady. She died at 91 and I spent a lot of time with her. We had dinner together 1 night a week for a while - just she and I. She made the most disgusting food (seriously!) but I didn't care because the conversation was so interesting and she was just lovely - I don't use that word often but it's the only way to describe her really.

Part Gypsy, what a great brother! My brother and I are less close than we used to be - just logistics now that we have families - but he could literally finish my sentences.
my mother but she has been flying around as an angel for 17 years... the people I love the most are my sons and my husband, I would rather be with them than anyone..

Merry Christmas and all the other good holidays to you!
It's a tie between my best friend's 15 yr old daughter and 4 yr old son. I love them both to the moon and back, and they each make my heart happy every time I'm with them. :love: