
Who has Sprint or Cingular in DC/VA/MD?

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Mar 9, 2004
Who uses Sprint or Cingular in the DC, MD, or VA area as their primary mobile phone service?

Are you satisfied with the reception, calling area, plans, minutes, customer service, price?

Were you able to carry your number to either company?

I HAD Sprint, but dumped them as soon as my contract went up because their service was horrible. Luckily with number portability I was able to take my number to Verizon where I'd say my service is excellent. I get reception in places I never did before, including inside my house, as well as on the metro.
On 6/24/2004 12:08:13 PM verticalhorizon wrote:

Were you able to carry your number to either company?


I thought since last November the government has required wireless and service providers to allow customers with eligible phone numbers to retain their phone numbers when changing service providers? Although the keyword is "eligible"...
I don't have Cingular in the area you mentioned, but I have it in NJ.

I've had both Verizon and AT&T in the past, and much prefer Cingular. I guess both of the above had so so service, as far as telephony goes, but both fall way down in the Customer service dept.

Thanks for the replies everyone.

The problem is... different services have different levels of reliability in different markets.

Like TL mentioned, Sprint in the DC metro area sucks, but I've heard it's good in other areas.

Cingular, I hear, is buying AT&T Wireless division, but no idea when that switch will take place. I used to have AT&T a long time ago and they were kind of expensive, which is why I switched to T-Mobile. But the new phone I want (Treo 600) isn't available from them (but is compatible, if you buy it separate at full price).

My alternative? Go with Cingular or Sprint.

Ah who are we kidding, the FW will never let me have it.
When I was shopping around for a new phone I thought it might be nice to combine my PDA with my phone, but when the Treo wasn't offered by Verizon I decided I'd just keep the two seperate because it menat more to have a working phone. If I were you I'd look into the Blackberry... my sister-in-law has one and it is reaaaaaaaaal slick. Much more intuitive and easy to use than the Treo line, plus they seem to be built to take some banging around. I have a Treo 90 (the non-phone first generation Treo) and it is pretty flimsy.
From the back-side.

Side view. And it doesn't weigh that much.

Too bad it's as expensive as all heck. $450 with a new line and apparently you can't have a shared family type plan with it from AT&T. See? This is why I hate them.

Phone service should be easy. I tell you how many phones and what area and they tell me how much. No plans, just a la carte. I buy or not buy. That's it.

Ahhhh touche!! You're right.... that thing is pretty slick. I've never seen that one before... but then again, if I'm not shopping for a new phone then I tend to be out of the loop of whats hot and whats not. I can see why you want that though.

Regardless of the decision you make, I got my phone at Circuit City and I was glad I did, because I found out later that they have 30 day price guarantee. I purchased the $150 phone(if you get the 2 yr contract) for $80 with rebates... then about 2 weeks later the price dropped and the phone was "free" after a new set of rebates, so I went back and they matched the new price..... I ended up getting my phone FREE!
My girlfriend has Cingular in NJ and the customer service has been HORRIBLE!!! I won't get into the details, but essentially it took them over 2 months to get her phone working. It really is a situation over there where the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing.
Corey Z
Dunno what went wrong Corey, but I've had my phone and service w/them almost a year now, and love it. However I'm thinking of getting a newer phone with which I can communicate from Europe since I'll be stuck over there for a while.

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