
Which woman should be on the new US $10 bill?


Apr 30, 2005
In 2020 (the centennial of US women getting the national vote) the US Treasury will unveil our new $10 bill.
It will feature the portrait of a woman notable to US history. :dance: :clap: :wavey:

Who do you think she should it be?
I say Rosa Parks.
Me! :bigsmile:

I look gorgeous in green. :$$):
My mom, because she is amazing :-)

Plus, I would get to hear her say, "cool beans" every time she saw herself on it.
Belva Ann Lockwood
Weren't we trying to get a woman on the 20? Not half of the $10 bills?

Susan B AnthonyAnthony, that is sense its the anniversary of the amendment and she's a suffragette

But Eleanor Roosevelt would ve a good one
I think they are going with the ten, because that's the next bill up for a new design.

My vote would probably be for Rosa Parks.
I think Elizabeth Cady Stanton or Harriet Tubman. While Rosa Parks is iconic, I think there are women who did a lot more who would be better suited. Harriet Tubman was about a thousand different kinds of badass, and in addition to all the slave-freeing and being the first woman to lead an armed charge in the Civil War, also supported women's suffrage.

I chose Elizabeth Cady Stanton over Susan B Anthony simply because SBA already got to be on the $1 coins. I've got a ton of SBA dollars and Sacagawea dollars because for whatever reason the library parking machine gives change in dollar coins and they seem to have an interminable supply of them.
KaeKae|1434853348|3892020 said:
I think they are going with the ten, because that's the next bill up for a new design.

My vote would probably be for Rosa Parks.

Yes that's the thought, that they didn't want to announce a 20 and get flack for that not being out for 15 years. But I still think it's a bit of a letdown that its not even all 10 dollar bills .

Don't get me wrong it's a nice start but I think they lost sight of what women on the 20 was really after.
I like Rosa Parks but it was planned that she would sit in the front of the bus. The story is that she was just too tired and that is not true. There was an attorney standing by to get her out of jail. For a true hero I would vote for Harriet Tubman. She actually put her life on the line for freedom just like the founding father's that are on there now.
Clara Barton
NonieMarie|1434853880|3892024 said:
I like Rosa Parks but it was planned that she would sit in the front of the bus. The story is that she was just too tired and that is not true. There was an attorney standing by to get her out of jail. For a true hero I would vote for Harriet Tubman. She actually put her life on the line for freedom just like the founding father's that are on there now.

Yeah, that's the thing about Rosa Parks. Like... if it wasn't her it would have been someone else, and it would probably have been as successful, since the civil rights activists picked their cases well, and she doesn't really have anything other than that that is so seminal, you know? I'd rather the woman on the bill be someone who was there for contributing more than that. Not to diminish the importance of Rosa Parks, but there's a difference between being an icon and being accomplished.
Hows bout the first ... well, soon to be first ... woman US president?
kenny|1434861785|3892073 said:
Hows bout the first ... well, soon to be first ... woman US president?

If she were picked, I'd love to be a fly on the wall when her husband found out...
kenny|1434861785|3892073 said:
Hows bout the first ... well, soon to be first ... woman US president?

I would especially love hearing all about the Fox News commentators going crazy when it was announced.
Calliecake|1434911481|3892251 said:
kenny|1434861785|3892073 said:
Hows bout the first ... well, soon to be first ... woman US president?

I would especially love hearing all about the Fox News commentators going crazy when it was announced.

Harriet Tubman would be my first choice followed by Elizabeth Cady Stanton.
distracts|1434861243|3892069 said:
NonieMarie|1434853880|3892024 said:
I like Rosa Parks but it was planned that she would sit in the front of the bus. The story is that she was just too tired and that is not true. There was an attorney standing by to get her out of jail. For a true hero I would vote for Harriet Tubman. She actually put her life on the line for freedom just like the founding father's that are on there now.

Yeah, that's the thing about Rosa Parks. Like... if it wasn't her it would have been someone else, and it would probably have been as successful, since the civil rights activists picked their cases well, and she doesn't really have anything other than that that is so seminal, you know? I'd rather the woman on the bill be someone who was there for contributing more than that. Not to diminish the importance of Rosa Parks, but there's a difference between being an icon and being accomplished.

I did not know that about Rosa Parks. I still think it was brave, but knowing the story gives it a different spin. A smart one. Why shouldn't she have planned it out?

Not sure who else I would pick.
NonieMarie|1434853880|3892024 said:
I like Rosa Parks but it was planned that she would sit in the front of the bus. The story is that she was just too tired and that is not true. There was an attorney standing by to get her out of jail. For a true hero I would vote for Harriet Tubman. She actually put her life on the line for freedom just like the founding father's that are on there now.

distracts said:
A little more about Rosa Parks, and Claudette Colvin, who was part of the case that ultimately decided that bus segregation was unconstitutional -

This pdf does a little explaining of how test cases were picked by the NAACP -

I don't think Rosa Parks should be dismissed because her protest was planned. Her situation was still a tinderbox; it was impossible to know if a bus passenger would decide to beat her or if the officers would have beat her (or killed her like the NYPD tends to do :rolleyes: ) or harassed her. If someone said to me "We're going to send you into a dangerous situation with hostile people and have you make them plain mad . . . " I wouldn't have the courage to go!

I say good for the NAACP; fight systematic bigotry with planned and executed protests/actions. I'm sure that an individual could not possibly have desegregated the US on their own.

Also, the KKK had planned and executed their atrocities for decades. Good for the civil rights leaders on figuring that out and following suit.

Planning, mobilization, etc., does not diminish accomplishment, in my mind. Not one bit.
Maybe Eleanor Roosevelt.
I would be happy with:
Eleanor Roosevelt
Helen Keller
Rosa Parks
Harriet Tubman
I still vote me! :wavey:

I vote Eleanor Roosevelt or Harriet Tubman... but on the $20 instead of the $10. I'm sure we'll be protesting that aspect soon enough. ;)) :kiss: :lol: :lol:
Rosa Parks' civil rights record extends past her arrest, but I agree that the fame around her arrest was mostly coincidental, and I also agree that America has even stronger female civil rights leaders to call on for this honor.
Harriet Tubman
Eleanor Roosevelt
are my two favorites in that order
Bree Newsome.

"A black woman has climbed the flagpole in the grounds of the South Carolina State House and removed its controversial Confederate flag.

Bree Newsome climbed the 30ft (9m) steel pole just after dawn on Saturday despite police telling her to come down, Associated Press reported.
Ms Newsome and a man were later arrested and the flag returned.
There have been calls for it to be removed since nine people were killed in a racist attack in Charleston."

I'd vote for Eleanor Roosevelt, although I think I'd be happy with any of the choices. So many women have made significant impact on our lives.