
Which is the lesser of 2 evils, hbc or ragine PMS?


Aug 16, 2007
After getting off hormonal birth control when we started our ttc journey, I SWORE I would never go back on it. I had been on it for 10 years and just didn't like what it did to my sex drive.

I've enjoyed being off bc since then, and things have improved since ds was born with the major exception of the fact that I now have ridiculous PMS. I can practically feel myself having hormonal spikes both around the time of O and the couple days before AF. Seriously, I'm filled with rage about ridiculous stuff, nothing can make me happy, and I can float around in this little bubble above my head WATCHING myself acting and reacting and OVERreacting inappropriately, yet not being able to do a darn thing to stop it. Knowing why I'm acting so crazy and that it will pass soon doesn't seem to do any good in stopping me from acting crazy.

Which do you think is the lesser of these 2 evils...going back on hbc or being the crazy pms girl?
If it was just hubby who had to deal with my craziness, I would say deal with the PMS, but if I had a little one I would go back on the HBC. I wouldn't really want my child to be subjected to that, lol!
How long until you want to TTC again? I didn't have bad PMS before, but since I got the Mirena ALL of my PMS symptoms have gone away.
For me, my PMS was actually worse on HBC than on it's own. The only thing that wasn't worse was the back spasms, and I've figured out how to reduce those now. I tried several HBC's to no avail. So Raging PMS for me.
Can you try a HBC with a lower dosage? My sis is on Loestrin-FE (something like that) and likes it. I'm on Seasonale (generic). I like it. Some people don't.

Good luck :)
I feel like my bcp actually makes me really moody. I've heard other women say the same thing. I really thought that I was just imagining it, but even my FF commented that I'm actually much calmer during my period than during the rest of my cycle. I really don't want to have to get off the Pill because I don't want to rely on just non-hormonal methods right now (I'm not in a good position for an 'oops'), but I'm not sure how to handle this.
Birth controll by far! And don't be afraid to try out different methods. I had horrible PMS and mood swings that led to dissociative episodes and (mild) cutting (more like scratching). I tried antidepressants but that just made things worse. Finally, I found birth control that works for me and I've never been happier in life and with my marriage. I'm on loestrin 21 and take it continuously. It's a very low dose.

My best advice is to find a doctor whom you trust and who trusts that you know your body. Then give different pills a try until you find what works for you.
I don't have a great answer for you. But I wanted to let you know I have the same issue. I am on Yaz and that is the only thing that has worked for me. I am probably going to go off it in the next 6 -8 months (to TTC) and I am a bit worried.

I think if it becomes a problem again, I seriously may get evaluated for PMDD and weigh the benefits of OCP vs another medication (such as an antidepressant). Neither sits well with me. Another option I am thinking of is getting some therapy to help give me techniques to try and pull myself out of that bubble, that would be my first choice. I know that my relationship is going to suffer if my PMS comes back the way it was before.

I am interested to hear everyone's opinions and would love to know if you find something that works!
No, no, no! You don't have to go back on birth control pills and you don't have to deal with raging PMS either. I've been taking natural progesterone or as they call it these days, bio-identical progesterone since 1991 and it's a wonder substance (I hesitate to call it a drug). I took it while fertile and trying to get pregnant, also for my Endo, and I'm taking it now even though I'm in menopause. If it helps someone, it can be taken long term.

What people don't know about natural progesterone is that it helps the physical affects of PMS (that was me, muscle cramps, neuropathies, not sleeping well at night), the psychological affects, it helps to balance all of your other hormones, lessens headaches, damps down allergic reactions, actually there's an incredibly long list of benefits to it. Ask your GYNO to go natural instead of chemical.
There's no down side and no nasty side effects. I'm going to take this til I die.
I got off bc because it made me psycho, lol, so I opt to deal with the natural mood swings. But I've been taking 5-htp and SamE supplements, and these have helped me tremendously!
It really depends on the individual. It might be worth looking into what other holistic options might help with the mood swings. I've personally found that taking Vit. D3 and B-complex helps my PMS related mood swings. After years of no HBC I decided to try seasonique for 3 months before my wedding, hoping to control my period/skin/no condoms etc for just a few months. What a mistake. The biggest joke around here was that the reason they work is because 4 weeks in I had ZERO interest in sex, although I did notice a marked improvement in the steadiness of my moods. I also continued to spot and have cramping for 9 weeks straight at which point I said enough is enough and quit. Two weeks later I was feeling back to "normal" and am much happier. I've mentioned it a few times before, and hopefully will get on the move with it with the new hubby's HSA but we are going to move on to a Lady Comp and diaphragm method.
I'd second the recommendation for pursuing holistic remedies, progesterone, or the like. I have raging mood swings, too, and taking Sam-E or 5-HTP makes a huge difference to me. I don't know if it's just the placebo effect, and I don't want to - I'm just happy with the results.
Your description is identical to how I feel every single month. Wow, it is so nice to know I am not entirely alone.
I would try holistic methods before a perscrption but don't rule out a perscription. I used to be very anti-drug of any kind until I learned that when not used in excess they can help quite a bit (and I got a doctor who wasn't so quick to write a script for any bad feeling). Good luck!
iwannaprettyone said:
Your description is identical to how I feel every single month. Wow, it is so nice to know I am not entirely alone.

Ditto this! Sometimes I'll say something really awful to DH or I'll pick a fight about something in the past and in my head I'm thinking "What is wrong with you!?!? Knock it off! He didn't do anything to deserve this. Stop bringing up old sh*t!" But it's like I can't stop! I keep going. And then when I'm done PMSing, I feel so foolish.

The only difference is that for me, BC pills made my PMS much worse. It was like I was fine when I was on the hormones, then when I suddenly dropped off for "Shark Week" (as we call it in my house), I would go batsh*t crazy.

Have you been diagnosed with PMDD?
I haven't ever asked anyone about it. I go to the OB/GYN next month so I'll see what she suggests. It is crazy though, things come out of my mouth that I know are mean or sound nutso but my mouth just keeps motoring on......THEN I am made and in tears. LOL cookoo.
Travel Goddess said:
iwannaprettyone said:
Your description is identical to how I feel every single month. Wow, it is so nice to know I am not entirely alone.

Ditto this! Sometimes I'll say something really awful to DH or I'll pick a fight about something in the past and in my head I'm thinking "What is wrong with you!?!? Knock it off! He didn't do anything to deserve this. Stop bringing up old sh*t!" But it's like I can't stop! I keep going. And then when I'm done PMSing, I feel so foolish.

The only difference is that for me, BC pills made my PMS much worse. It was like I was fine when I was on the hormones, then when I suddenly dropped off for "Shark Week" (as we call it in my house), I would go batsh*t crazy.

Have you been diagnosed with PMDD?
I'm not alone. I hate feeling like a nut case during pms. I went to see my doc just a week and a half ago about this. She gave me celexa and I took it three days and hated how I felt. Was pissed that she really did not say why she recommended it and she never explained the side effects/withdrawal problems you can have, the more reading I did about it freaked me out more. I stopped taking it. I am not pleased with my doc and need to seek one I can relate to. I may look into natural remedies like some of the others have suggested.
OK so pretty much ruined a great Sunday with my PMS this weekend. I am DONE. On a mission to find some relief before my husband leaves me. LOL
gemgirl said:
No, no, no! You don't have to go back on birth control pills and you don't have to deal with raging PMS either. I've been taking natural progesterone or as they call it these days, bio-identical progesterone since 1991 and it's a wonder substance (I hesitate to call it a drug). I took it while fertile and trying to get pregnant, also for my Endo, and I'm taking it now even though I'm in menopause. If it helps someone, it can be taken long term.

What people don't know about natural progesterone is that it helps the physical affects of PMS (that was me, muscle cramps, neuropathies, not sleeping well at night), the psychological affects, it helps to balance all of your other hormones, lessens headaches, damps down allergic reactions, actually there's an incredibly long list of benefits to it. Ask your GYNO to go natural instead of chemical.
There's no down side and no nasty side effects. I'm going to take this til I die.

Gemgirl, is the progesterone something you need an rx to get?

Thanks so much for all the suggestions, it helps to hear I'm not alone! I'd really like to try some natural things first because I really don't want to go back on bcp. This was also a reminder that I need to find a new obgyn since I haven't found one since we moved and I'm due for my annual (yuck). So I guess I'll be talking to the doc. about other alternatives too!
Wow. I guess I'm lucky because when I use birth control it 1) makes my periods regular, 2) reduces their severity 3) reduces my pms, 4)clears up my skin, and makes me a generally happier camper overall (yay go away anemia!).

I waited 3 years after having my second because I'm older and I didn't want to be on any more additonal meds than needed. Now that I'm back on them, from a quality of life standpoint, I wondered why I waited so long.

Other options that I got from my provider was the nuvaring, which reduces periods (I don't know what it does re: pms) but uses less hormones. I'd ask your provider.
Golly results may vary! Both my sister and my mom are like me, that we would stay on them till we die of old age if we had a choice (my sister's not even in a relationship). After they changed the rules about hormone replacement my mom fought with her doctor to stay on them, and luckily the doctor agreed and let her stay on estrogen+progesterone replacement even though it supposedly ups heart attack risk. As my mom says, who cares about increased risks if your quality of life is at 0? Her issue was when she was off it she felt both physically and mentally sluggish.
For me, HBC was worse for sure. But I do have PMS more now.

I do find it is worse sometimes that others -- if I do not exercise, if I drink too much caffeine, if I am sleep deprived. Have you done any experiments on yourself to see if it is better or worse sometimes that others?
Dreamer_D said:
For me, HBC was worse for sure. But I do have PMS more now.

I do find it is worse sometimes that others -- if I do not exercise, if I drink too much caffeine, if I am sleep deprived. Have you done any experiments on yourself to see if it is better or worse sometimes that others?

Good point, being tired always reduces my emotional threshold.

My concern with natural stuff is that the amount of the drug (at least in the US) is not regulated. At least with birth control I know I am getting x amount of hormone and that it is a safe level (and well studied). For some other natural products, I am ok with not getting the exact concentration, but I am a little paranoid about hormones because I have a family history of breast cancer.
Sabine said:
gemgirl said:
No, no, no! You don't have to go back on birth control pills and you don't have to deal with raging PMS either. I've been taking natural progesterone or as they call it these days, bio-identical progesterone since 1991 and it's a wonder substance (I hesitate to call it a drug). I took it while fertile and trying to get pregnant, also for my Endo, and I'm taking it now even though I'm in menopause. If it helps someone, it can be taken long term.

What people don't know about natural progesterone is that it helps the physical affects of PMS (that was me, muscle cramps, neuropathies, not sleeping well at night), the psychological affects, it helps to balance all of your other hormones, lessens headaches, damps down allergic reactions, actually there's an incredibly long list of benefits to it. Ask your GYNO to go natural instead of chemical.
There's no down side and no nasty side effects. I'm going to take this til I die.

Gemgirl, is the progesterone something you need an rx to get?

Thanks so much for all the suggestions, it helps to hear I'm not alone! I'd really like to try some natural things first because I really don't want to go back on bcp. This was also a reminder that I need to find a new obgyn since I haven't found one since we moved and I'm due for my annual (yuck). So I guess I'll be talking to the doc. about other alternatives too!

Yes, natural or bio-denticals require a prescription too. The benefits in the long run are worth it though. My progesterone prescriptions have been custom compounded by Madison Pharmacy for the last 19 yrs. Now they are called Womens Health America

The woman who was responsible for defining PMS and formulating the first natural progesterone (called Cyclogest in England) was Dr. Katarina Dalton. That was fifty years ago. I had a mail consult with her and she diagnosed me and referred me to the PMS Medical Center in Manhattan and Dr. Joseph Martorano. The rest is history. I've happily taken natural progesterone for all these years with absolutely no side effects, while chemical hormones always made me very sick.