
Where to buy a mature Japanese Lilac tree


Nov 3, 2009
My parent's have a 20 year old (used to be) gorgeous Japanese Lilac tree in their backyard. They planted it when they built their house 20 years ago and it's finally reached it's full size. Well, they had a tree service come out last week and the guy climbed in the tree to prune it. (I thought it was odd that this big guy was climbing on these tiny branches but figured even though the physics didn't add up to me- he was the pro.) Well, about 10 mins into pruning, the guy called my mom over and pointed out that a main branch was cracked and he thought it was odd because when he came 2 days earlier to give the estimate, the tree was perfectly healthy and free of cracks. He swore he didn't crack it and we didn't see it happen so my mom just said, "Oh ok." and asked him to tie it up. Today, 3 of the 4 MAIN branches cracked and 2 hit the ground, completely broken off the trunk. The tree looks pathetic now with only 1 main branch left standing. My mom is in tears over this and I feel really bad for her. Today she spoke to a different tree pruning co and asked them how to prune Japanese Lilacs- the gal told her absolutely not to stand in them but use a ladder. :(sad

The good news is that the tree co is insured and my mom called the insurance co today and they'll cover the cost of a new mature Japanese Lilac (which is good since it's probably in the thousands). The bad news is we spent all morning calling (local and out of state) tree farms and nurseries and no one has mature Lilac trees for sale. My mom is 60 and doesn't want to wait until she's 80 yrs old to enjoy a mature Lilac in her yard.

Does anyone know where my mom can purchase a mature Japanese Lilac tree?

I am so sorry to hear this. Unfortunately, I have no good ideas for you (I'm sure you've already been googling it and following up every lead), but just wanted to respond. I can't believe how often experts use questionable judgment and we are convinced they know what they're doing because, after all, they're the experts! It is good to know the company's insurance company is standing behind their mistake. Good luck!
Have you tried calling the nurseries in San Gabriel? There are the smaller for public nurseries on San Gabriel Blvd (2 of them) and they carry exotic plants. If they don't carry it, they might be able to source it for you? There are much larger nurseries that are also in San Gabriel, but I believe they're not to the public :(

There are also a few larger nurseries in Claremont? Or was it Montclaire. I always get the 2 mixed up. And Whittier.

But I know of the family that runs the San Gabriel nursery and they are plant LOVERS. I'm sure if they don't carry them, they can at least point you in the correct direction

/////I'm going off your screen name that you're in Los Angeles :?: Ignore my whole post if you're elsewhere!
minousbijoux|1338571639|3207333 said:
I am so sorry to hear this. Unfortunately, I have no good ideas for you (I'm sure you've already been googling it and following up every lead), but just wanted to respond. I can't believe how often experts use questionable judgment and we are convinced they know what they're doing because, after all, they're the experts! It is good to know the company's insurance company is standing behind their mistake. Good luck!
I know... I should have said something when I had the thought that the guy shouldn't be standing on the little branches.. sigh. Next time I'll speak up!
madelise|1338572817|3207351 said:
Have you tried calling the nurseries in San Gabriel? There are the smaller for public nurseries on San Gabriel Blvd (2 of them) and they carry exotic plants. If they don't carry it, they might be able to source it for you? There are much larger nurseries that are also in San Gabriel, but I believe they're not to the public :(

There are also a few larger nurseries in Claremont? Or was it Montclaire. I always get the 2 mixed up. And Whittier.

But I know of the family that runs the San Gabriel nursery and they are plant LOVERS. I'm sure if they don't carry them, they can at least point you in the correct direction

/////I'm going off your screen name that you're in Los Angeles :x Ignore my whole post if you're elsewhere!
Thank you madelise!! :wavey: We're actually in MI (used to live in LA). ::) If we can't find anything local, we may have to have one brought in from another state so thank you for the ideas!

My girlfriend is calling someone she knows - a professional landscaper who does a lot of local celebrity landscaping to see if he has any ideas.

I called a tree farm in WA (only place I could find on Google that sells mature trees) and the lady told me that we needed to get a Certified Arborist to come give a tree appraisal because this type of tree is likely in the 10s of thousands and damage to the tree can actually affect the value of the house?!? Anyways it's a good idea so my mom knows what a replacement will cost (if we ever find it) and can make an accurate claim.
If you're in southeastern MI, I'd try Goldner Walsh on Orchard Lake Rd. 248-3326430. They have a great tree selection. Good luck!
lulu|1338575470|3207386 said:
If you're in southeastern MI, I'd try Goldner Walsh on Orchard Lake Rd. 248-3326430. They have a great tree selection. Good luck!
Thanks lulu! I called and they only have 10 ft ones in stock. The lady said that normally they take out the trees before they reach 20+ feet. But she did recommend another tree farm in the area and they have 14 ft ones in stock. It's not as big as the ruined tree but maybe if my mom gets 2 or 3, it'd compensate for the loss in size. Thanks again!! :wavey: is my favorite local nursery that's run by a knowledgeable Japanese family. They're pretty big with landscapers ordering through them. It may not hurt to give them a call. Good luck with your search!
I am so sorry to hear that happen! I am angry for you.
I was going to say the tree is irreplaceable, but that's not what you want to hear. Many places sell trees going up to only a certain size/age. This is in part to cost, but also the bigger and older the tree is the less likely it will survive transplant. I'm not saying plant a seedling, but just use common sense in choosing a tree or trees that are still beautiful, but will transplant and grow well in that spot. 60 years old is not that old!
part gypsy|1338832176|3208974 said:
I am so sorry to hear that happen! I am angry for you.
I was going to say the tree is irreplaceable, but that's not what you want to hear. Many places sell trees going up to only a certain size/age. This is in part to cost, but also the bigger and older the tree is the less likely it will survive transplant. I'm not saying plant a seedling, but just use common sense in choosing a tree or trees that are still beautiful, but will transplant and grow well in that spot. 60 years old is not that old!

Thanks for the referal princess!

Part Gypsy- you're right- replacing this tree isn't gonna happen- not at this size anyways. :( I'm just so sad that my mom is so upset over this. She's trying to keep it in perspective as it is just a tree.. She has a specialist coming out this week to see if anything can be done to salvage it. Thanks for taking the time to respond! ::)