
When you gonna make her an honest women?

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Sep 25, 2006
Does anyone elses BF get asked this question? This happened over July 4, one of his friends asked him while we were at a picnic "When are you gonna make ksprincess an honest women?". It doesn''t really bother me, I was just wondering what the origin of this is? Am I not/less honest b/c we are long-term dating and are not engaged? We don''t live together. I''m just curious. Does anyone know the origin of this saying? Had it happen to you?

He always says, "I kinda like her how she is..." ha! I don''t let it bother me, people love sticking there nose in to peoples relationships especially when they are happy.
As you''ve figured out, that''s a very old fashioned euphemism for "When are you going to get married and stop shacking up/living together in sin/having pre-marital sex," (not that I''m assuming you are or do any of those things). "Honest" in that context means something more along the lines of "pure or chaste" rather than "truthful." It''s a joking phrase, generally, but I think it''s a little obnoxious. If you aren''t an "honest" woman, that your BF isn''t an honest man, but nobody''s telling you to make him one!

I think people have asked ME that question in regard to my FI ("So, B, when are you going to make an honest man of J? Heh, heh,") in a purely joking or ironic way, since I was the one who wanted to put off getting engaged!
My fiance and I dated for almost 6 years before he proposed, and we were constantly bombarded with that question!! However, now that we''re 3 months out of the wedding, the BABY questions have already started! It''s a never-ending battle! :)
That question doesn''t really get asked around here since living together and not marrying is pretty much the norm, so I have to say I find it kind of offending... As if an unmarried woman has no morals. Some people really don''t think before they speak...
It doesn''t bother me at all. It''s just a saying.
Actually this is funny. His own mother asks him that all the time! "When are you going to make an honest woman out of her (me)". I guess after 8 years they figure its about time! I thought they would given up by now!

ETA: We've lived together for amost 7 years. I think my parents gave up quite a few years ago!

My FI were in Ireland for a friend''s wedding a few years ago (before we got engaged). After the wedding we were in a bar in Dublin and we met this very nice guy. We ended up hanging out with him and his friends all night. As we were leaving, he pulled my FI (then BF) outside and in a stage whisper, said, "when are ya going to make an honest woman out of her, for f*@%''s sake?!" It made us laugh.
So apparently I am not the only one! lol. Selkie, its interesting that people asked you that question. I find that most people only talk to my bf about it and never me, as though they assume that I could not possibly be the one holding off the engagement. Zoebartlett, the irish guy''s comment made me laugh, I could just picture it happening accent and all. Overall, I don''t find the comments offensive. Especially since they are coming from his friends directed at him. Hey I figure I need all the help I can get.
My reaction depends on who is saying and where they are saying it - out with friends, funny; with family at a funeral, upseting.

Generally though, I don''t care.
Date: 7/6/2007 9:20:10 PM
Author: ksprincess
So apparently I am not the only one! lol. Selkie, its interesting that people asked you that question. I find that most people only talk to my bf about it and never me, as though they assume that I could not possibly be the one holding off the engagement. Zoebartlett, the irish guy''s comment made me laugh, I could just picture it happening accent and all. Overall, I don''t find the comments offensive. Especially since they are coming from his friends directed at him. Hey I figure I need all the help I can get.

I''m with princess...we can use all the help we can get if all of their friends are the ones saying it!
My BF always answers with..."Why don''t you mind your own business?" He is definitely and straight forward, honest type guy. That''s one of the things that I love about him. But I definitely get tired of hearing people ask when we are getting married and why we aren''t married. They always ask ME, not him, ME!!! It''s frustrating.
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