
What is your favorite thing to cook/bake?


Sep 13, 2019
And why? Feel free to include "runner's up"

Does it remind you of grandma?
Can you can get your kids to actually eat it?
Is it because it's your favorite thing to eat (pan + fork = evening plans?)
Or is it because you are lazy and you can do it in your sleep?
Or...what else?
I will start, because I LOVE FOOD.

My favorite thing to make is pie. I'm more of a cook than a baker, but I like making all pies, including quiche - which I consider a savory pie :lol: They may not be the prettiest, but I think they taste pretty great.

The type is a toss up - but here goes:
  1. I love making pumpkin pie from scratch (yes, roasting a whole dang pumpkin) because I love showing others just HOW much better it tastes than made with canned pumpkin. I have no pictures unfortunately
  2. Strawberry rhubarb, with fresh strawberries / rhubarb from my community garden or from the farmer's market because it just tastes like summer to me and reminds me of my dad (it's his favorite)
  3. Quiche - my particular fave is a recipe I made up with roasted balsamic garlic scapes and asparagus and a mix of swiss and bella vitano cheese
A strawberry rhubarb from this summer:


My cheese & balsamic roasted asparagus / garlic scape quiche:

Can I answer from the eating perspective since I don't bake or cook?

I love my DH's apple pie. One of my favorite things he bakes.


I will start, because I LOVE FOOD.

My favorite thing to make is pie. I'm more of a cook than a baker, but I like making all pies, including quiche - which I consider a savory pie :lol: They may not be the prettiest, but I think they taste pretty great.

The type is a toss up - but here goes:
  1. I love making pumpkin pie from scratch (yes, roasting a whole dang pumpkin) because I love showing others just HOW much better it tastes than made with canned pumpkin. I have no pictures unfortunately
  2. Strawberry rhubarb, with fresh strawberries / rhubarb from my community garden or from the farmer's market because it just tastes like summer to me and reminds me of my dad (it's his favorite)
  3. Quiche - my particular fave is a recipe I made up with roasted balsamic garlic scapes and asparagus and a mix of swiss and bella vitano cheese
A strawberry rhubarb from this summer:


My cheese & balsamic roasted asparagus / garlic scape quiche:


YUMMMMmmmmmmmm!!!!!! :lickout:
And I LOVE his cheesecake too. Swoon!



This is how he first captured my heart. When we were dating he would bake for me. Raspberry bars were the first baked goods he made for me. So yummy.
I don't mind quick easy things, like banana bread or brownies, or bar cookies. My patience level is poor the last year for anything else.

I used to make macarons frequently and croissants for years. Then I lost interest.

I recently bought almond meal to see if I want to make macarons again. So far, not yet.

I dislike baking anything that requires frosting that is not a ganache. I don't enjoy decorating cake or cookies. If I can't pour it on and just let it be, I don't like messing with it.

I don't really like frosting much anyway. A lot of time I prefer to just have plain cake.

For cooking, I get stuck with all prep plus dishes, and the cooking. So I can't say I enjoy it.

Baking is the same, but at least I can clean while things are baking.
In this season of life baking for me is all about what I can do easily with kids — good old chocolate chip cookies, other simple cookies, muffins.

My husband is the real cook/baker in the family. Here’s what he has waiting in the fridge for us right now. Banoffee pie, yum!

I will start, because I LOVE FOOD.

My favorite thing to make is pie. I'm more of a cook than a baker, but I like making all pies, including quiche - which I consider a savory pie :lol: They may not be the prettiest, but I think they taste pretty great.

The type is a toss up - but here goes:
  1. I love making pumpkin pie from scratch (yes, roasting a whole dang pumpkin) because I love showing others just HOW much better it tastes than made with canned pumpkin. I have no pictures unfortunately
  2. Strawberry rhubarb, with fresh strawberries / rhubarb from my community garden or from the farmer's market because it just tastes like summer to me and reminds me of my dad (it's his favorite)
  3. Quiche - my particular fave is a recipe I made up with roasted balsamic garlic scapes and asparagus and a mix of swiss and bella vitano cheese
A strawberry rhubarb from this summer:


My cheese & balsamic roasted asparagus / garlic scape quiche:


Omg I want that quiche in my life! You’ll have to share the recipe with my husband :lol:

My favorite is holiday side dishes, pies, dressing (stuffing), sweet potatoes, creamed corn, creamed spinach, festive salads, cranberry molds etc. I consider myself side dish queen, and while my sides get a ton
Of praise, my turkey rarely does....

I also love to make stuff that is labor and or time intensive like lasagna, wontons, dumplings, stews etc. it is a stress reliever for me.
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I actually hate to cook but it's my job so I do it anyway. The least tedious thing for me though is to make is rosemary chicken and mashed potatoes. I can wash the potatoes, cut them into 8ths or so and dump them in boiling water and then stick them in the mixer with a full stick of butter and half a serving spoon full of sour cream.

Usually while the potatoes are boiling i put 2 tablespoons of flour and 1 cup of chicken broth in my chicken pan and my spices and mix it. Then when the potatoes still have 10 or 15 minutes to go I put the chicken and cut onions and any other veg I want, like broccoli peices in my pan and cook on medium for 12 to 15 stirring every few minutes so it doesn't burn. I usually have to add half a cup more of broth halfway through so it doesn't stick but it makes a really tasty sort of less thickened sauce for the potatoes.
I also wanted to add, I love eating international cuisines, so I look up recipes and go to specialty food stores to make things I’ve had in restaurants and make them at home...some examples are koobideh, samosas, albondigas soup, pho.....
Can I answer from the eating perspective since I don't bake or cook?

I love my DH's apple pie. One of my favorite things he bakes.



I will definitely allow it! That pie looks YUM

My favorite is holiday side dishes, pies, dressing (stuffing), sweet potatoes, creamed corn, creamed spinach, festive salads, cranberry molds etc. I consider myself side dish queen, and while my sides get a ton
Of praise, my turkey rarely does....

I also love to make stuff that is labor and or time intensive like lasagna, wontons, dumplings, stews etc. it is a stress reliever for me.

Delicious! I love all of those things, especially the holiday dishes! They are among my personal favorites - let me know if you have room at your table this holiday because that all looks scrumptious :lol:
I actually hate to cook but it's my job so I do it anyway. The least tedious thing for me though is to make is rosemary chicken and mashed potatoes. I can wash the potatoes, cut them into 8ths or so and dump them in boiling water and then stick them in the mixer with a full stick of butter and half a serving spoon full of sour cream.

Usually while the potatoes are boiling i put 2 tablespoons of flour and 1 cup of chicken broth in my chicken pan and my spices and mix it. Then when the potatoes still have 10 or 15 minutes to go I put the chicken and cut onions and any other veg I want, like broccoli peices in my pan and cook on medium for 12 to 15 stirring every few minutes so it doesn't burn. I usually have to add half a cup more of broth halfway through so it doesn't stick but it makes a really tasty sort of less thickened sauce for the potatoes.

That sounds fabulous, even if you are a reluctant cook!
I also wanted to add, I love eating international cuisines, so I look up recipes and go to specialty food stores to make things I’ve had in restaurants and make them at home...some examples are koobideh, samosas, albondigas soup, pho.....

Ooooh yum! I love your bravery - I love eating international cuisines and make a few Indian curries and other dishes, but it stops there! I’ve tried and failed at Thai food many times and will stick to carry out :lol:
In this season of life baking for me is all about what I can do easily with kids — good old chocolate chip cookies, other simple cookies, muffins.

My husband is the real cook/baker in the family. Here’s what he has waiting in the fridge for us right now. Banoffee pie, yum!


Oh boy am I jealous!!!!
I don't mind quick easy things, like banana bread or brownies, or bar cookies. My patience level is poor the last year for anything else.

I used to make macarons frequently and croissants for years. Then I lost interest.

I recently bought almond meal to see if I want to make macarons again. So far, not yet.

I dislike baking anything that requires frosting that is not a ganache. I don't enjoy decorating cake or cookies. If I can't pour it on and just let it be, I don't like messing with it.

I don't really like frosting much anyway. A lot of time I prefer to just have plain cake.

For cooking, I get stuck with all prep plus dishes, and the cooking. So I can't say I enjoy it.

Baking is the same, but at least I can clean while things are baking.

Impressive that you have made croissants and macarons! I totally get it - I tend to enjoy baking things that are easy too!
Oh goodness @missy that cheesecake looks delicious! Smart man :appl:

I have a soft spot for cheesecake as well - his looks divine!
I love to eat and to cook, and the dishes I love to cook at home are the ones that I like to eat.

It would be easier to say what I am not keen to cook, and that would be fish as I find fishy smell lingers for a lot longer than other dishes.

And I don't like to cook dishes that are too complicated and definitely not one to spend time making the food on a plate to look nice.

Hence I like fine dining and often opt for fish dishes.

DK :))
I love to eat and to cook, and the dishes I love to cook at home are the ones that I like to eat.

It would be easier to say what I am not keen to cook, and that would be fish as I find fishy smell lingers for a lot longer than other dishes.

And I don't like to cook dishes that are too complicated and definitely not one to spend time making the food on a plate to look nice.

Hence I like fine dining and often opt for fish dishes.

DK :))

Ohhh yes - definitely! I especially do agree regarding fish. Shrimp are the most offensive in my opinion with all of the peeling and de-veining!
Omg I want that quiche in my life! You’ll have to share the recipe with my husband :lol:

Yes! Often my quiches are "whatever is in the fridge / ready to eat in the garden"

Here is my go-to all butter pie crust

Basic quiche filling
I love BIG flavors - you can leave some of the seasonings out and have a lovely quiche:

  • 6 large eggs
  • 1 c whole milk
  • 3/4 t salt
  • 1/4 t black pepper
  • pinch of nutmeg
  • 1/4 t smoked paprika
  • 1/4 t garlic powder
  • 1/4 t thyme
  • 1/8 t ground mustard (a squeeze of regular mustard works)
  • pinch of cayenne pepper
  • 2-4 dashes of my favorite hot sauce

  • 1 1/2 - 2 c shredded / cubed cheese (swiss, cheddars, gouda, all work here, I used swiss / bella vitano here)
  • handful of raw spinach
  • 1 T chopped fresh parsley

  • Roasted veg
  • about 1lb / one bunch asparagus
  • 3-4 garlic scapes (you could easily sub green onion or ramps)


Cut off ends of asparagus / scapes. Tossed in about 2 T balsamic, 1/2 T olive oil 1/2 salt and black pepper for about 8-10 mins at 425! You want them to be a bit crunchy. Let cool and chop into 1-2 inch pieces.

Whisk eggs, milk and spices for your egg custard first.

Fold in the cheese and other fillings into the egg mix, pour it all into the crust, bake for about 50-55 mins at 350.
but i have to make a Euro cheese cake not a New York one (and i love a baked cheesecake) but they are just not as well known to be loved here
My recepie comes from a South African cookbook
Instead of giliten it uses a packet of jelly (jello) i just taylor the flavour to the fruit i want to use
ive even learnt how to make a low carb one
And the most important thing is Gary likes them !
I love making soup, never follow a recipe, just throw things in a pot and they seem to work. I do cut some corners, like using frozen vegetables to eliminate all the chopping.

As a kid I would raid the spice cabinet and throw flour and any spices I could into a bowl and try to get my dad to eat it :lol:
I love to cook and bake...for other people. My family is always soliciting cupcakes from me because they love my buttercream frosting; I get a lot of satisfaction from making something beautiful and sweet for them but out of 2 dozen (my usual batch size) I maaaaaybe will eat one, typically half of one. I don't have a big sweet tooth, never have.

I like to put together charcuterie boards, well, any type of food board, really. I also like making big, hearty dishes like lasagna and chili. I never use recipes, I just wing it which would probably drive some people crazy. I love holiday sides and tend towards a lot of southern sides like sweet potato casserole, mac n cheese, cornbread, green bean casserole, deviled eggs, etc. My mother always makes this fruit salad that's like ambrosia that is TDF. She gave me the recipe years ago but I'm 100% sure if I make it it will not taste the same as hers. She never uses recipes either, LOL. We are eye-ballers, not only in cooking but in design and a lot of other things. I think creatives have a tough time sticking to doing things precisely the same way every time. Baking is another story; you can't deviate much or you end up with a bunch of wasted ingredients.

@jaysonsmom I am in awe of your selection and all matching serving dishes. Ok, where do you store all that when not in use? Some kind of heavenly closet that looks like a Williams-Sonoma open stock section? Like a Real Housewives closet but for kitchen goods?!
I love to make pies.
Working with the pie dough is so much fun! I love making lattice top pies and fluting the edges.
I think my pie crust is pretty good. I can be rather critical of other's pie crust. I can tell if they over worked it, added too much salt, etc.
Of course, I never tell the baker that I wasn't thrilled with their crust. Any time an effort is made, I think the baker should be applauded!
Thanksgiving dinner!
That sounds fabulous, even if you are a reluctant cook!

It's surprisingly tasty lol. I wish it were a bit prettier and less beige but it tastes very good. I forgot to mention I cut the chicken into bite sized peices before I cook it but I imagine you could still do it with a whole piece. I'm trying to decide if I'll do the same method for turkey with turkey broth in November. Luckily I still have time to consider what to do for that ordeal lmao.
I mostly make healthy food from scratch.
Low salt, no sugar, white rice or white flour!

I don't mind, the time and effort it takes cooking from scratch with all fresh ingredients takes, or the clean up.
I find it relaxing, and sooooo worth it.

I'm not an adventurous cook who's always looking for new recipes to relieve the monotony.
Fortunately SO and I don't mind eating the same old thing, so I make huge batches.
Getting 10 to 20 meals from one prep/cleanup is more efficient, and green, than cooking every day.
I relish the luxury of microwaving a home-made entree from the freezer ... a healthy home made dinner in 5 minutes, then only a plate and a fork to wash.

My favorite things to cook/bake are lentil soup, tabouleh, whole wheat bread, home-incubated greek yogurt, salsa for Trader Joe's organic unsalted tortilla chips, marinara sauce which freezes nicely for throwing on some whole wheat pasta.

While I don't 'make' them I do like a few proteins from Costco that are quick to prepare, frozen salmon patties, hot fresh rotisserie chicken, low-fat sirloin beef patties, frozen shrimp.
Also my freezer always has Costco frozen organic strawberries and mixed berries for my greek yogurt.
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Wow - this is a fun thread! I am going to come back to it when I can really focus and enjoy it! The pictures alone are such eye candy. I love baking in general, but what is really fun is making baklava! I have not made it in years though. Not even sure at this point what recipe I used to use. I learned how to make it from my friend's mom when I was in 5th grade.

ETA I see you want to know why! Well, how fun is it to brush phyllo dough with melted butter, layer after layer after layer? So much fun!
Yes! Often my quiches are "whatever is in the fridge / ready to eat in the garden"

Here is my go-to all butter pie crust

Basic quiche filling
I love BIG flavors - you can leave some of the seasonings out and have a lovely quiche:

  • 6 large eggs
  • 1 c whole milk
  • 3/4 t salt
  • 1/4 t black pepper
  • pinch of nutmeg
  • 1/4 t smoked paprika
  • 1/4 t garlic powder
  • 1/4 t thyme
  • 1/8 t ground mustard (a squeeze of regular mustard works)
  • pinch of cayenne pepper
  • 2-4 dashes of my favorite hot sauce

  • 1 1/2 - 2 c shredded / cubed cheese (swiss, cheddars, gouda, all work here, I used swiss / bella vitano here)
  • handful of raw spinach
  • 1 T chopped fresh parsley

  • Roasted veg
  • about 1lb / one bunch asparagus
  • 3-4 garlic scapes (you could easily sub green onion or ramps)


Cut off ends of asparagus / scapes. Tossed in about 2 T balsamic, 1/2 T olive oil 1/2 salt and black pepper for about 8-10 mins at 425! You want them to be a bit crunchy. Let cool and chop into 1-2 inch pieces.

Whisk eggs, milk and spices for your egg custard first.

Fold in the cheese and other fillings into the egg mix, pour it all into the crust, bake for about 50-55 mins at 350.

Thank you so much!!