
What is your favorite dog breed?


Feb 2, 2016
Just curious, even if you don't have a dog yourself. I have four but my Sheltie I'm really partial to because she is the sweetest thing ever. She is seven years old and just a big love.

So, what is your favorite and share a picture if you have one. My girl is hard to photograph but this is Fiona.

Old English Mastiff
Greyhounds. Of course its obvious because I have They can have a lot of fun but be soooo chill and low key most of the time. Of course you have the few that are always ON but some dogs just are :lol:

They have their issues. Sometimes they have the worst paint peeling gas ever. WHEW! And also because many of them race, they've been around other dogs their whole lives and sometimes will get SA pretty badly and they can sometimes be a little hard headed. I'm thankful my dog likes being an only dog, and she loves making me happy so not too hard headed either.
I actually like lots of breeds, so I don't think that I could pick just one (or two, or three... ;) ). I prefer smallish dogs though. Not tiny (tea cup/mini) breeds, but small to small/medium-size dogs. I'm sure that there are lots of wonderful large dog breeds in this world, but they are not for me.
I'm biased, but how could anyone not like a wiener dog? My dachshund is the sweetest dog - tends to be naturally mischievous and stubborn because he's smart, but very obedient because he's eager to please and is ridiculously food motivated. Plus, he is the best little snuggler/heater.

Pit bulls. Cavalier King Charles Spaniels.
I'm a mutt lover!

I believe the shelters where The Demon and his crazy brother Oscar came from refer to them as "non-specific breeds." :cheeky:
Pugs. I looove them!!

Yorkies are my perfect match breed. My house is just not home without my yorkie. Small but mighty, non-shedding and excellent snugglers. Perfect!
My mother and I have Cavalier king Charles spaniels. Such dolls. I love Mort but I will not get his breed again until my kids are out of the house.

So far my favorite dog we ever had was a golden retriever chow mix. It was territorial so a good guard dog, but with people it knew it was the nicest (golden retriever-y) dog in the world. His hair wasn't long so he didn't get mats and require bathing all the time, and he was 120 lbs. Such a sweetie. He died a few years ago. :(
hot dog, Yum! :lickout: :lol: :lol:

I'm a mutt lover, like Dee Jay. I love mutt puppies. It's a surprise how they'll turn out as adults (lookswise!).
Dee*Jay|1454517926|3986252 said:
I'm a mutt lover!

I believe the shelters where The Demon and his crazy brother Oscar came from refer to them as "non-specific breeds." :cheeky:
Me too, all my dogs have been mutts.
I am partial to dachshund mixes or lab mixes.
Tiger was a malamute mix, great dog but was a runner and could not be let off leash no matter how much training he had. That is very common for a malamute so he got it from his dad LOL.
My first dog was a dachshund mix.
Purebred dogs are of course more genetically pure.
This ensures the desired appearance and increases the odds of the desired temperament.
But reduced genetic diversity makes them more likely, than mutts, to have health issues.
That's why I'd take a mutt over a purebred dog, and not just to avoid vet bills.
Something's borderline-creepy about eugenics and selective breeding.

Our dogs are mutts.
When we adopted them we found out mom was a Shi Tzu and dad was a Chihuahua.
I think they are beautiful but, more importantly, their personalities are ideal.
I'm not sure how much of that is genetic and how much is nurture.

I like most dogs. I currently have maltese - future dogs for me will be mutt rescues. This is my little love. p3070164.jpg
kenny|1454522656|3986313 said:
Purebred dogs are of course more genetically pure.
This ensures the desired appearance and increases the odds of the desired temperament.
But reduced genetic diversity makes them more likely, than mutts, to have health issues.
That's why I'd take a mutt over a purebred dog, and not just to avoid vet bills.
Something's borderline-creepy about eugenics and selective breeding.

Our dogs are mutts.
When we adopted them we found out mom was a Shi Tzu and dad was a Chihuahua.
I think they are beautiful but, more importantly, their personalities are ideal.
I'm not sure how much of that is genetic and how much is nurture.
I love their cute little faces!!! To wake up to that every day has to be such a joy!!
House Cat|1454524106|3986331 said:
I love their cute little faces!!! To wake up to that every day has to be such a joy!!

Yes, every day here is a sunny day. :bigsmile:
We dread their passing.
I love all dogs but if I had to choose a favorite it would be boxers because I grew up with a boxer and my family has had boxers since. They have a wonderful disposition and are great with kids. They are smart and loving and sweet and even tempered and delicious. Big negative they are so inbred that their life span is relatively short. :cry:

Stephanie, Blingbunny, Kathley, Queenie and Kenny, I love your sweet dogs. They are beautiful. :love: :love: :love:

And Kenny you are absolutely right. Mixed breeds aka mutts are the healthiest.

I like little dogs and have owned a maltese poodle, a pomeranian, and a shitzu. I think that if I ever get another dog, I'd
like to have a short haired small dog like a french bulldog.
I like most dogs (and virtually all the cats who don't hate me). I really like border collies, especially the ones I have known, but I could never keep one busy and unbored, so probably another herding dog that is less obsessive, like a sheltie or a corgi.
If I were to get a dog today (actually really hoping for 2 dogs in the not too far future) I wouldn't get a boxer despite loving the breed so much just because it would be too heartbreaking since their lifespan is so short. I would get a rescue dog. A smaller dog probably mixed breed and I would love if some of the dog's background included boston terrier, french bulldog or chihuahua. But again I really love all breeds of dogs and cats. Wish I could rescue all of them!
Pit Bulls, Pit mixes, and Boxers
kenny|1454524889|3986340 said:
House Cat|1454524106|3986331 said:
I love their cute little faces!!! To wake up to that every day has to be such a joy!!

Yes, every day here is a sunny day. :bigsmile:
We dread their passing.
I totally understand. My husband and I have had the "Now I understand cloning" talk a few times while giving love to our dogs.
House Cat|1454529963|3986410 said:
kenny|1454524889|3986340 said:
House Cat|1454524106|3986331 said:
I love their cute little faces!!! To wake up to that every day has to be such a joy!!

Yes, every day here is a sunny day. :bigsmile:
We dread their passing.
I totally understand. My husband and I have had the "Now I understand cloning" talk a few times while giving love to our dogs.

Cloning pets ... another thing that blows my mind.
I assume the clone would be physically identical, but what about personality/temperament etc. ... would it be the same?
I wonder whether the zillionaires who clone their pets use the same name, and think of it as the same animal.
I guess physically it IS the same animal.
Like some of the other posters, I love all dogs. I love certain characteristics of different breeds and am happy that all dogs exist. One of my favorite breeds is, now, the breed I own: the Newfoundland because of how loving they are. It is impossible to find a breed that is more loving or wants more affection. That they are so huge and ask for affection in ways that only Giant breeds do (by leaning) only makes them more adorable. They are always ready to cuddle, even if you wake them up from a deep sleep while they are lying on their backs. And they feel like huge, thick, fur rugs!

I also love Golden Retrievers and Labs because they are so intelligent and exuberant. They have to explore every nook and cranny of a new building and greet every visitor to your home. They are always ready to run after a ball and to play. They are in hunt of bras on clotheslines and shoes left out by careless people who have an unconscious need to have their shoes chewed up.

I love Pit Bulls because they are the only little dogs who are strong and energetic enough to play with my Newfie! They are like fast moving armored tanks and Griffin doesn't have to worry about hurting them if he plays with them at full force! I love their square little heads. I generally find them delicious.

And I love any mutt with a doggie soul. I doggie essence. I love doggie smell. Dogs are something to live for.
Akita, Bernese Mountain Dog, Corgi
I love really big dogs, and I'm interested rare and native breeds, so I currently have a Scottish Deerhound. I previously had rescue dogs, lurchers with deerhound and wolfhound parents. I really do love giant hounds. =) DH loves Springer spaniels and isn't ever all that impressed with my pony sized pups. :lol:
Bird dogs such as English, Irish and Gordon setters :-) Always love to run/exersise/hike and cuddle :-) Family dog and hunting dog all in one big furry ball of joy :-) Sleeps inside, crazy outside and loves you tons :-)
I love ALL dog breeds. LOVE THEM. I also love mixed breeds so much!!

Finn, West HIghland White Terrier ("Westie") is my avatar. I also have a female Westie, Maggie.

They are the most wonderful dogs, super smart, sunshine-y personalities, LOVING, stoic, but I firmly believe through hard experience and about $40,000 in vet bills, that breeders have ruined dogs' health with overbreeding and $-centered litters and mixes. Yeah, yeah, there *are* ethical breeders out there who seek to advance and improve a breed before $ but honestly, in the 13 years I've had Finn I"VE NOT MET ONE.

Finn is getting old and he has some health problems. We've pulled him back from the abyss twice when the vets have given up. He and Maggie are the heart and soul of our home. Kenny, I'm with you, NO IDEA how we will lose them and get over it.

Missy, great pic of Apache and you, you party animals!

I love all the dogs and kitties of Pricescope. We are a pet loving bunch :love: :wavey: :appl:
I loved my cute and smart Jack Russell. She lived to be 15 years old. Miss my baby so much :(


