
What if he does not win?

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I''m not sure if it''s legal/constitutional to call in the Natl Guard because there may be riots. That is what police are for.
The National Guard is busy fighting wars in Central Asia.
Date: 10/23/2008 6:10:40 PM
Author: beebrisk
Date: 10/23/2008 4:18:10 PM


This will be the biggest riot in history if he does not win. I hope they have the national guard there just in case.

...And doesn''t that say something about his supporters??

As with everything, one bad apple spoils the barrel. There is a small precentage of extremists on both sides.
Date: 10/23/2008 6:14:09 PM
Author: Addy
Date: 10/23/2008 6:10:40 PM

Author: beebrisk

Date: 10/23/2008 4:18:10 PM


This will be the biggest riot in history if he does not win. I hope they have the national guard there just in case.

...And doesn''t that say something about his supporters??

As with everything, one bad apple spoils the barrel. There is a small precentage of extremists on both sides.

Well, I don''t think anyone''s speculating for one second that there would be riots in the streets if or when his opponent loses.
Date: 10/23/2008 6:10:40 PM
Author: beebrisk
Date: 10/23/2008 4:18:10 PM
This will be the biggest riot in history if he does not win. I hope they have the national guard there just in case.
...And doesn''t that say something about his supporters??
I think it say more about the frustration in this country ... and how much of a surprise it would be if Obama lost. Heck even McCain doesn''t feel like attending his own election night party. Poor fella.
Date: 10/23/2008 6:20:03 PM
Author: beebrisk
Date: 10/23/2008 6:14:09 PM

Author: Addy

Date: 10/23/2008 6:10:40 PM

Author: beebrisk

Date: 10/23/2008 4:18:10 PM


This will be the biggest riot in history if he does not win. I hope they have the national guard there just in case.

...And doesn''t that say something about his supporters??

As with everything, one bad apple spoils the barrel. There is a small precentage of extremists on both sides.

Well, I don''t think anyone''s speculating for one second that there would be riots in the streets if or when his opponent loses.

My point wasn''t to debate about if there would be riot if McCain lost. My point was that you are seemingly grouping all of Obama''s supporter into one group. There are extremists everywhere and in both political parties. Not all, or even a large percentage, of Obama''s supporters are the rioting type.
Date: 10/23/2008 6:23:54 PM
Author: decodelighted
Date: 10/23/2008 6:10:40 PM

Author: beebrisk

Date: 10/23/2008 4:18:10 PM


This will be the biggest riot in history if he does not win. I hope they have the national guard there just in case.

...And doesn''t that say something about his supporters??

I think it say more about the frustration in this country ... and how much of a surprise it would be if Obama lost. Heck even McCain doesn''t feel like attending his own election night party. Poor fella.

Riots are not about frustration. I''ve lived through riots. They are about looting, destruction and indiscriminate violence against innocent people. "Frustration" is a sickening excuse for that behavior.
Date: 10/23/2008 6:32:40 PM
Author: Addy
Date: 10/23/2008 6:20:03 PM

Author: beebrisk

Date: 10/23/2008 6:14:09 PM

Author: Addy

Date: 10/23/2008 6:10:40 PM

Author: beebrisk

Date: 10/23/2008 4:18:10 PM


This will be the biggest riot in history if he does not win. I hope they have the national guard there just in case.

...And doesn''t that say something about his supporters??

As with everything, one bad apple spoils the barrel. There is a small precentage of extremists on both sides.

Well, I don''t think anyone''s speculating for one second that there would be riots in the streets if or when his opponent loses.

My point wasn''t to debate about if there would be riot if McCain lost. My point was that you are seemingly grouping all of Obama''s supporter into one group. There are extremists everywhere and in both political parties. Not all, or even a large percentage, of Obama''s supporters are the rioting type.

...And I am not suggesting they are. However, the post is about rioting if Obama lost. I don''t think anyone fears rioting if McCain looses. So while a "large percentage'' of Obama''s supporters are not the rioting type, it''s important to note that those fears seem ONLY to apply to the prospect of Obama losing. Not the other way around.
Obama supporters are counting their chickens before they hatch.
look what happen in the 1948 election.
I don''t pretend to understand everything about the electoral college, but there was some reporter guy on last week that had a chart showing all the undecided states and he said that if McCain took every single state (EVERY ONE, which isn''t very likely to occur), he still would not win.

It''s a done deal unless Obama voters don''t show up at the polls.
Date: 10/23/2008 6:49:18 PM
Author: purrfectpear
I don''t pretend to understand everything about the electoral college, but there was some reporter guy on last week that had a chart showing all the undecided states and he said that if McCain took every single state (EVERY ONE, which isn''t very likely to occur), he still would not win.

It''s a done deal unless Obama voters don''t show up at the polls.
agree,but most of his supporter are the all talk and no action young voters.

btw; if McCain wins Pa this race will be closer than most people think.
Date: 10/23/2008 7:04:05 PM
Author: Dancing Fire

Date: 10/23/2008 6:49:18 PM
Author: purrfectpear
I don''t pretend to understand everything about the electoral college, but there was some reporter guy on last week that had a chart showing all the undecided states and he said that if McCain took every single state (EVERY ONE, which isn''t very likely to occur), he still would not win.

It''s a done deal unless Obama voters don''t show up at the polls.
agree,but most of his supporter are the all talk and no action young voters.

btw; if McCain wins Pa this race will be closer than most people think.
What makes you say that?
Date: 10/23/2008 7:10:34 PM
Author: Ellen
Date: 10/23/2008 7:04:05 PM

Author: Dancing Fire

Date: 10/23/2008 6:49:18 PM

Author: purrfectpear

I don't pretend to understand everything about the electoral college, but there was some reporter guy on last week that had a chart showing all the undecided states and he said that if McCain took every single state (EVERY ONE, which isn't very likely to occur), he still would not win.

It's a done deal unless Obama voters don't show up at the polls.
agree,but most of his supporter are the all talk and no action young voters.

btw; if McCain wins Pa this race will be closer than most people think.
What makes you say that?

The stereotype lives!
Date: 10/23/2008 6:35:27 PM
Author: beebrisk
Date: 10/23/2008 6:23:54 PM
Author: decodelighted
Date: 10/23/2008 6:10:40 PM
Author: beebrisk
Date: 10/23/2008 4:18:10 PM
This will be the biggest riot in history if he does not win. I hope they have the national guard there just in case.
...And doesn''t that say something about his supporters??
I think it say more about the frustration in this country ... and how much of a surprise it would be if Obama lost. Heck even McCain doesn''t feel like attending his own election night party. Poor fella.
Riots are not about frustration. I''ve lived through riots. They are about looting, destruction and indiscriminate violence against innocent people. ''Frustration'' is a sickening excuse for that behavior.
Just labeling things "sickening" isn''t going to give anyone much insight into why they happen. All those whiny sociologists & stuff are just Lame-O! Can''t they see - people just want a chance to whoop some *** and get free stuff!

And, sorry to rain on your "we''re above this" parade but I would be AMAZED if there wasn''t some rioting if Obama wins. Among "sickening" groups of haters who put dummies in trees from nooses and would be convinced that the country has been taken over by terrorists! Nah, those people don''t exist. We only see them ALL OVER YOU TUBE. And taking the mic away from McCain at "rallies". And creating tin foil hats & nasty websites & yelling out "Kill Him". Maaaayybe you forgot *those* crazies. Convenient.
Deco, I''m going to tell FF that you think Sociologists are Lame-O! (He''s getting his PhD in Soc) But! He''ll probably agree--because he''s really studying Criminology and our university doesn''t have any grad degrees in Crim. Still.

I don''t think there will be riots if Obama wins. I think there will be mobs.
As Deco posted further up above, McCain''s folks are also planning for the big night less than two weeks from now. Obama has been clear that none of his supporters should "get comfortable," he even declared a moratorium on high was a joke, here are his words: "I''ve been in these positions before when we were favored and the press starts getting carried away and we end up getting spanked," Obama said. "That''s another good lesson that Hillary Clinton taught me. So we want to make sure that we are closing strong, running through the tape." don''t get cocky
It makes me sad to think that there are people angry, bigoted, and crazy enough to act that way...but I''m not naive enough to think there aren''t.

It never even occurred to me to think about anything happening to Obama till someone mentioned it earlier this week. Sigh. I would rather see him lose than to have the country face another assassination, especially one that was motivated by nothing more than the color of the man''s skin. That''s just sickening. Even though I was old enough to remember the Kennedy and MLK killings, I guess I''ve gotten complacent and began to think the country had matured beyond that.

The Secret Service agents will have to be extra vigilant for the next four years.
Well, to speak to some of the above posts, by rioting, I meant that this party is evidentally going to be HUGE, and public, and in a large city. If all of these people are there partying and expecting Obama to win, because a lot of people think he has it nailed down already, and he does not get the win, I can only imagine what would happen!
True, it will be large and public and in a huge city, but it will also be a celebration staged by a well-organized campaign, as opposed to an unorganized mob scene. Presumeably Obama would be there, and would be interacting with the crowd, especially if it looks like the election is not going his way. And as pretty much everyone has noted -- although some, disparagingly -- he is a good orator. He has the power to sway crowds. Plus if it is an upset, it''s more likely to be close than to be a McCain landslide. In which case absentee ballots or the electoral college would play a significant role -- meaning that each candidate could or would probably go home on election night claiming victory (or at least not conceding defeat.)

I also don''t think this public hand-wringing is useful, especially since the election does not appear to be close. And starsapphire, please note that my comments are not directed to you -- you''re certainly not the only person thinking about this scenario. But... we know what groups are most likely to cause problems -- young kids (aka hotheads) and people who feel they have nothing to lose. The young kids, especially, are likely to use the cop out that because "everyone" is expecting them to riot, they may as well do it. I know this is a gross generalization, and that it''s no excuse, but I do think that at at some point these speculations increase the possibility of problems.
It depends on how he doesn''t win. If the election process is deemed unfair, as it was in 2000, then there will be chaos. And the chaos will be ugly. Honestly, I think we, as Americans, are so jacked up that it is going to get ugly regardless of who wins. It''s shameful.

If anyone can be calm, cool, and collected, it is Obama. He has a calming presence that will likely suppress his supporters from becoming crazy. I hope they would follow his lead. I am amazed at the number of staunch Repulicans that have told me they voted for "Barack Hussein Obama"

I usually react something like this..." Huh?
I thought you said that you loved a woman who kill dinner and bring it home?"

"I did. But that doesn''t mean I think that she is qualified to be the President. The more I know, the more I realized that I couldn''t vote for I just voted for Barack Hussein Obama".

Trust me...this is coming from some hard core military Republicans. If nothing else, this election is going to define who we are as Americans. If not to each other, than at least to the rest of the world.
deleted post.
Date: 10/23/2008 10:30:20 PM
Author: miraclesrule
It depends on how he doesn''t win. If the election process is deemed unfair, as it was in 2000, then there will be chaos. And the chaos will be ugly. Honestly, I think we, as Americans, are so jacked up that it is going to get ugly regardless of who wins. It''s shameful.

If anyone can be calm, cool, and collected, it is Obama. He has a calming presence that will likely suppress his supporters from becoming crazy. I hope they would follow his lead. I am amazed at the number of staunch Repulicans that have told me they voted for ''Barack Hussein Obama''

I usually react something like this...'' Huh?
I thought you said that you loved a woman who kill dinner and bring it home?''

''I did. But that doesn''t mean I think that she is qualified to be the President. The more I know, the more I realized that I couldn''t vote for I just voted for Barack Hussein Obama''.

Trust me...this is coming from some hard core military Republicans. If nothing else, this election is going to define who we are as Americans. If not to each other, than at least to the rest of the world.

This is going to make for amazing books in the future! If you read the Rednecks for Obama thread, you will see just how incredible Obama''s candidacy really is. I''m so excited about this election!
Date: 10/23/2008 7:10:34 PM
Author: Ellen

Date: 10/23/2008 7:04:05 PM
Author: Dancing Fire

Date: 10/23/2008 6:49:18 PM
Author: purrfectpear
I don''t pretend to understand everything about the electoral college, but there was some reporter guy on last week that had a chart showing all the undecided states and he said that if McCain took every single state (EVERY ONE, which isn''t very likely to occur), he still would not win.

It''s a done deal unless Obama voters don''t show up at the polls.
agree,but most of his supporter are the all talk and no action young voters.

btw; if McCain wins Pa this race will be closer than most people think.
What makes you say that?
my daughters, my friend''s kids say they''re not gonna vote (ages 18-22)
That sad Dancing Fire. Considering what so many people went through to get the right to vote, it''s sad to know so many won''t be exercising that right.

Although I have to admit. I didn''t vote at that age either. But then I got all fired up about a local election and registered and have been hooked ever since.

P.S. I didn''t tell my Mom that I voted the first year that I did, because I wasn''t going to vote for the same candidate and that sort of scared me. So, maybe they say that.....but....
There was a 9% increase among young voters in the 2004 election, but just less than half of those eligible voted.
there are folks who will be upset if he loses and folks who will be livid if he wins. Neither are the type I want around ME.
there are folks who will be upset if he loses and folks who will be livid if he wins. Neither are the type I want around ME if they are going to riot or cause any type of issue.
Date: 10/23/2008 11:15:49 PM
Author: miraclesrule
That sad Dancing Fire. Considering what so many people went through to get the right to vote, it''s sad to know so many won''t be exercising that right.
most of my chinese friends say they don''t care who wins, so they don''t vote.
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