
what does it mean


May 12, 2013
hi what does it mean internally flawless?
It means that the grader at the laboratory couldn't find any flaws - inclusions, feathers, clouds, nada - under 10X magnification (though it may have a natural, a little bit of the original surface, still on the girdle of the diamond, and under higher magnification, you will always find something). Are you considering an IF stone?
So does it mean that it's the best kind of stone?
sarah1972|1368383870|3445580 said:
So does it mean that it's the best kind of stone?
Best is relative. The highest clarity grade there is would be FL, which is no internal inclusions and no external blemishes. An internally flawless just means no internal inclusions were visible to the grader.
Theoretically it is the "best" because it is rare. However, you would be paying for something that you could not tell the difference between an IF, VVS, and possibly VS with your own bare eyes. Most posters here would not promote an IF clarify if you need your stone to be "clean" because often times VS is clear enough of inclusions to the naked eye.
Are you looking for the "best" stone? If that's the case you need to be looking at the cut quality of the stone (not cut as in shape, but cut as in light performance).

Color and clarity are subjective - for instance, some people are very color sensitive and prefer a very white stone (D-E-F-G), where others either prefer a stone with more warmth or cannot see the difference in color, in which case an I-J color may be perfectly acceptable. Clarity refers to inclusions or flaws in the stone. Most stones are eye clean (meaning you can't see the flaws unless you are looking through a 10x loupe, and maybe not even then) all the way through VS, and most SI1's, and some SI2's. Clarity and color have *nothing* to do with how sparkly the stone will be.

What shape are you looking for? And what is your budget? There are a lot of people here who can help you find just the right stone for you. :)
Agreed. Cut quality is the number one factor in finding a beautiful diamond. Clarity of VS1 means that a person would have difficulty spotting inclusions with a 10x loupe, so that is the level I look for personally. I would never pay for flawless or IF. I do have a 1 ct diamond in a right hand ring that is VVS just because it met all my requirements even though the clarity was higher than I needed.

If you want the very best cut quality rounds, you'll want to shop for hearts and arrows rounds at vendors such as Good Old Gold, WhiteFlash, and Brian Gavin who specialize in top cut quality stones.
sarah1972|1368383870|3445580 said:
So does it mean that it's the best kind of stone?

It means it is the second highest clarity grade, flawless being higher.

There are many opinions on what's the best stone.
Learn tons and make up your own mind on what YOU consider to be best.
Well this answers the question I just asked on DF's thread!
hi thank you for your help
im looking for a round stone in the budget of 7000$ between the sixe 1.60 to 1.80
sarah1972|1368424373|3445835 said:
hi thank you for your help
im looking for a round stone in the budget of 7000$ between the sixe 1.60 to 1.80
You will not get be able to get a stone of that size in that budget without going down on clarity and color, most likely. You will absolutely not get an IF clarity at that price point in that size.

Here are some stones in your range:

If you go with stones with Fluor you can offset some of the warmth:

The closest thing to a D IF I found on these two sites in your budget was this:
Use the search engine at the top of the page and you will see you cannot get a stone of that size within your budget. Best of luck.
You are going to have to sacrifice colour and clarity in a huge way to even hit the 1.5 carat mark to keep within your $7000 budget. I did a quick price check to find that K/L SI1/2 stones of around 1.5 ct to 1.7 ct averages $7000.
Are those nice colors k/l ?
How important is that D color to you? It's not very symmetrical, and faces up just slightly big for it's size (IMHO). I think there could be a better performing stone found in that size range for way less $$$.
BTW - I don't think that's the picture of your actual diamond - every picture is the same on there.