
What constitutes an inspired by piece vs. stealing designs?

Re: What constitutes an inspired by piece vs. stealing desig

dollyanjuli|1472406475|4070925 said:
Erica, your work is beautiful and I love your designs, along with CVB, Erika W, etc. I do again want to steer this thread slightly away from discussing one *specific* jeweler (even though that incident is what inspired this topic) as I know when we start talking about any one jeweler in particular, that is what causes threads to become derailed. Given the interesting comments and viewpoints being shared I really want to keep this conversation going and not becoming about one person, but the broader issue at hand.

Sorry, but I respectfully disagree with steering the thread away. This issue is very specific to him. He is the only one who makes a living copying anything he's asked to. Especially now that it's out there that he has other vendors designs in his shop and is laughing about all his cease and desist orders. People considering using him need to have this information.
Re: What constitutes an inspired by piece vs. stealing desig

soxfan said:
Sorry, but I respectfully disagree with steering the thread away. This issue is very specific to him. He is the only one who makes a living copying anything he's asked to. Especially now that it's out there that he has other vendors designs in his shop and is laughing about all his cease and desist orders. People considering using him need to have this information.

Since no one has named this Jeweler, it's going to be a little tough for the casual reader to be steered away from him.
Re: What constitutes an inspired by piece vs. stealing desig

soxfan|1472411111|4070936 said:
dollyanjuli|1472406475|4070925 said:
Erica, your work is beautiful and I love your designs, along with CVB, Erika W, etc. I do again want to steer this thread slightly away from discussing one *specific* jeweler (even though that incident is what inspired this topic) as I know when we start talking about any one jeweler in particular, that is what causes threads to become derailed. Given the interesting comments and viewpoints being shared I really want to keep this conversation going and not becoming about one person, but the broader issue at hand.

Sorry, but I respectfully disagree with steering the thread away. This issue is very specific to him. He is the only one who makes a living copying anything he's asked to. Especially now that it's out there that he has other vendors designs in his shop and is laughing about all his cease and desist orders. People considering using him need to have this information.

Hi Soxfan!

First, I did not realize he is actually selling these rings based on other peoples designs IN his shop. I thought it was more that he will make lower cost copies of anyone designs - which I don't think is something only he does. I think almost any joe smith jeweler in any of the jewelry districts will make a copy of a picture if you bring it in.

Second- I think what Erica said hits it on the head for me, apart from legal ramifications or even taking business away, and that's intent. Are you trying to just make something nice for someone who asked and that's the end of that? Or are you trying to purposefully undercut someone's business? Are you doing something based on a consumer ask, or are you trying to establish yourself using designs taken from others? To me even if the end result is the same ( a copied ring) the feeling is very different, and I think that was what Eric and Caysie were also feeling. Like I have mentioned before in this and other threads, I have a bench jeweler in DTLA that I think is awesome. Is he an artisan? No. Is he a designer? No. Can I bring him a picture and say "I really like this can you make it for me?" Yes. And it never comes out exactly like the picture and it is inexpensive, but he does not put it on his social media, he doesn't try to pass it off as his own, he doesn't do anything other than make it and hand it over. Does that make him morally better than another jeweler who does?

All that said, the reason I didn't want this to become focused on one jeweler is that I think it is a very wide spread issue, and for the purposes of this thread I was more interested in people's thoughts on the moral issue and their experiences in the past. Everyone's thoughts have been really thought out and focused and i have seen on other threads things going a bit haywire when a specific jeweler is called out. I appreciate you wanting those who read this to know about the underlying catalyst, maybe we save naming him outright until the end ( although most PSers probably already know by now who it is)

Last thing- if someone IS making copies of another persons bespoke designs and selling them en masse as if it is something he/she made, that to me is beyond the worst. Seriously terrible.
Re: What constitutes an inspired by piece vs. stealing desig

arkieb1|1472395411|4070861 said:
I did talk to the person involved about it. And I recommend said vendor all the time to people on a budget. Like I have stated many times I think ripping off high end jewellers designs when people fork out thousands for them, when those (and lets face it there is more than one) that do it could in theory just change it a little isn't asking too much, that's all I am saying.

I know there are people that won't post photos of their stuff on here any more specifically because of this, and that, to me, is really a sad thing.

This is why I will not be posting pics here or anywhere on social media for that matter when my new ring is completed.
Re: What constitutes an inspired by piece vs. stealing desig

soxfan|1472411111|4070936 said:
dollyanjuli|1472406475|4070925 said:
Erica, your work is beautiful and I love your designs, along with CVB, Erika W, etc. I do again want to steer this thread slightly away from discussing one *specific* jeweler (even though that incident is what inspired this topic) as I know when we start talking about any one jeweler in particular, that is what causes threads to become derailed. Given the interesting comments and viewpoints being shared I really want to keep this conversation going and not becoming about one person, but the broader issue at hand.

Sorry, but I respectfully disagree with steering the thread away. This issue is very specific to him. He is the only one who makes a living copying anything he's asked to. Especially now that it's out there that he has other vendors designs in his shop and is laughing about all his cease and desist orders. People considering using him need to have this information.

This is exactly the point - he has made a living and is known by everyone as the go to person who makes believable copies of anything from here, and statistically would have to be the person that has copied the most number of rings, social media is partially to blame but there is a question of ethics going on that most of the other jewellers don't agree with as well.... gone are the days of taking a photo of a ring from a magazine to an ordinary Mum and Pop jeweller, and even if you find a photo on the internet and take it to an ordinary jeweller, most of them do not and cannot afford to have the bench staff capable of producing a good likeness. This person specifically has made a business out of scouting bench people that can make a high level copy of these items.

And any of you are in doubt read the exchange between myself and Mrs Blop the person is clearly named.
Re: What constitutes an inspired by piece vs. stealing desig

arkieb1 said:
And any of you are in doubt read the exchange between myself and Mrs Blop the person is clearly named.

Ah, Voldemort. Gotcha.
Re: What constitutes an inspired by piece vs. stealing desig

David Klass. There. I said it. :shifty: :shifty: :shifty:
Re: What constitutes an inspired by piece vs. stealing desig

Resonance.Of.Life|1472422034|4070977 said:
arkieb1|1472395411|4070861 said:
I did talk to the person involved about it. And I recommend said vendor all the time to people on a budget. Like I have stated many times I think ripping off high end jewellers designs when people fork out thousands for them, when those (and lets face it there is more than one) that do it could in theory just change it a little isn't asking too much, that's all I am saying.

I know there are people that won't post photos of their stuff on here any more specifically because of this, and that, to me, is really a sad thing.

This is why I will not be posting pics here or anywhere on social media for that matter when my new ring is completed.

And for a place like this which exists on the premise of showing/sharing jewellery with the community therein lies the double edge sword.
Re: What constitutes an inspired by piece vs. stealing desig

mrs-blop|1472395150|4070858 said:
I just don't think a ring which can be made in a week or less can be compared to a Sistine Chapel - or any great work of creativity. At the risk of offending someone, I think rings largely fall into the category of mechanical - there's only so much deviation which can be achieved.
My RDG took Mike several months to design and create. I consider it art, as does Mike and anyone else who's seen it.

I've never given it its own thread on PS specifically because I do NOT want Klass to copy it. Not that he has the skill - but he's proven that he'll happily try.

What I don't like is someone not acknowledging my input in my own design - not because they don't say it's my design (I mean, if they say nothing one way or the other - who cares?) - but because they specifically say it's theirs. There's a big difference. And for what it's worth, I know of at least 2 pieces I designed currently being sold as stock pieces by jewelers recommended on this site.
If you, whose business' success and whose industry reputation doesn't depend on people respecting the integrity of your designs, are upset when vendors "steal" them for their own profit without crediting you or soliciting your permission... How on earth do you think other vendors feel? Vendors who put as much or more time and love into their creations... How on earth can you possibly justify Klass' actions? By copying other vendors' designs without crediting those vendors explicitly he IS absolutely claiming them as his, no two ways about it.

Truly, I don't understand, and I am trying. I have also had vendors add designs I've gone to them with to their stock listings - I'm always flattered. However, I don't feel your feelings are any less valid than mine on that topic - it's worth a thread of its own.

And to say it again - if people have a problem with the way anyone does business, they need to make a call. Not bitch about it interminably online to every customer that comes their way.
They've tried. Klass simply ignores them, apparently.
Re: What constitutes an inspired by piece vs. stealing desig

Yssie|1472424762|4070992 said:
mrs-blop|1472395150|4070858 said:
I just don't think a ring which can be made in a week or less can be compared to a Sistine Chapel - or any great work of creativity. At the risk of offending someone, I think rings largely fall into the category of mechanical - there's only so much deviation which can be achieved.
My RDG took Mike several months to design and create. I consider it art, as does Mike and anyone else who's seen it.

I've never given it its own thread on PS specifically because I do NOT want Klass to copy it. Not that he has the skill - but he's proven that he'll happily try.

I do wonder how much of this divide is "jewelry as art" vs "jewelry as industrial piece." I don't know that I'm firmly in either camp. I think the basic model of each piece is more industrial/less art, but many jewelers do elevate their work to that of art. It doesn't even have to be as blatant as RDG to reach that level.

Although re: David Klass, I'm always intrigued that his knockoffs are so much clumsier not only than the originals, but than his more original work (whether to his own design or his customer's original design). Like, he does them but he doesn't seem to be particularly interested in them. Or maybe the customers who wanted them aren't particularly invested in the details. Idk. It has long been something I've wondered about, because I've seen him make some really pretty things and then I see his knockoffs and I'm like "huh."
Re: What constitutes an inspired by piece vs. stealing desig

It saddens me, as I've learned a lot from this community over the years (nearly a decade-- a couple of years as a lurker and then I finally decided to register). I love looking at the jewelry posted, but when having a one-of-a-kind "holy grail" setting made, I'd rather not see it poorly imitated.
Re: What constitutes an inspired by piece vs. stealing desig

dollyanjuli|1472421875|4070975 said:
soxfan|1472411111|4070936 said:
dollyanjuli|1472406475|4070925 said:
Hi dollyanjuli :D

First, I did not realize he is actually selling these rings based on other peoples designs IN his shop. I thought it was more that he will make lower cost copies of anyone designs - which I don't think is something only he does. I think almost any joe smith jeweler in any of the jewelry districts will make a copy of a picture if you bring it in.

Second- I think what Erica said hits it on the head for me, apart from legal ramifications or even taking business away, and that's intent. Are you trying to just make something nice for someone who asked and that's the end of that? Or are you trying to purposefully undercut someone's business? Are you doing something based on a consumer ask, or are you trying to establish yourself using designs taken from others? To me even if the end result is the same ( a copied ring) the feeling is very different, and I think that was what Eric and Caysie were also feeling. Like I have mentioned before in this and other threads, I have a bench jeweler in DTLA that I think is awesome. Is he an artisan? No. Is he a designer? No. Can I bring him a picture and say "I really like this can you make it for me?" Yes. And it never comes out exactly like the picture and it is inexpensive, but he does not put it on his social media, he doesn't try to pass it off as his own, he doesn't do anything other than make it and hand it over. Does that make him morally better than another jeweler who does?

Yep. It does make him better. Number 1 because it's not an exact copy and number 2 because he's not pimping his stuff out on instagram AS HIS OWN with peonies in the background and 12 hashtags.

All that said, the reason I didn't want this to become focused on one jeweler is that I think it is a very wide spread issue, and for the purposes of this thread I was more interested in people's thoughts on the moral issue and their experiences in the past. Everyone's thoughts have been really thought out and focused and i have seen on other threads things going a bit haywire when a specific jeweler is called out. I appreciate you wanting those who read this to know about the underlying catalyst, maybe we save naming him outright until the end ( although most PSers probably already know by now who it is)

DK has no morals. He's made that perfectly clear by laughing at the C&D's he's been compiling.

Last thing- if someone IS making copies of another persons bespoke designs and selling them en masse as if it is something he/she made, that to me is beyond the worst. Seriously terrible.

Well, he's not selling them "en masse," but he's copying them down to the last letter. And the fact that Erica has had customers TELL her that he's laughing about all of his C&D orders and has pics of her settings hanging up in front of customers, ALONG with the fact that Caysie is having to EXPLAIN to potential customers that DK is not her "bench" tells me he's copying them enough to interfere with their livelihood.

I don't care what he says or doesn't say that his "intent" is. His intent is to get paid. And he doesn't give a shit who suffers in the process. I don't CARE that people think he's a "nice guy." They are ONLY saying that because they are getting a knock off at half price.
Re: What constitutes an inspired by piece vs. stealing desig

I agree with whomever said that the puzzling thing about DK's copies is that they are so clumsy and poorly executed in comparison to his more original work. I totally agree. It is puzzling. I am thinking of one piece in particular (not going mention which) and it was honestly just an eyesore, I was like... what hack made that hot mess. And then when I found out it was DK I was like ???? I've seen his work and it's lovely. But yes, all the duplicates I've seen (including the one posted in this thread) are not as nice as his original work.
Re: What constitutes an inspired by piece vs. stealing desig

soxfan|1472434106|4071050 said:
I don't care what he says or doesn't say that his "intent" is. His intent is to get paid. And he doesn't give a shit who suffers in the process. I don't CARE that people think he's a "nice guy." They are ONLY saying that because they are getting a knock off at half price.

Unless you have mind reading skills you haven't shared with us, I don't think you can impute intent like that.

distracts|1472425504|4071002 said:
Although re: David Klass, I'm always intrigued that his knockoffs are so much clumsier not only than the originals, but than his more original work (whether to his own design or his customer's original design). Like, he does them but he doesn't seem to be particularly interested in them. Or maybe the customers who wanted them aren't particularly invested in the details. Idk. It has long been something I've wondered about, because I've seen him make some really pretty things and then I see his knockoffs and I'm like "huh."

Yes, I've noticed that too - which seems to be a disservice to both his own customer and the original designer.

I think part of the reason some of us chose not to reveal the jeweler's name earlier, even though anyone it's probably no mystery to anyone who's been around for awhile - is that the goal in having this discussion (at least, not to me) is NOT to make anyone who has commissioned a piece from DK feel bad about it - and that's especially true of anyone who has worked with him on an original design. He has been recommended as jeweler many times, both for the budget-conscious and for others, and it hardly seems fair to now come back and try to shame people who took that advice, or to make them feel bad about their jewelry.
Re: What constitutes an inspired by piece vs. stealing desig

VRBeauty|1472434980|4071059 said:
I think part of the reason some of us chose not to reveal the jeweler's name earlier, even though anyone it's probably no mystery to anyone who's been around for awhile - is that the goal in having this discussion (at least, not to me) is NOT to make anyone who has commissioned a piece from DK feel bad about it - and that's especially true of anyone who has worked with him on an original design. He has been recommended as jeweler many times, both for the budget-conscious and for others, and it hardly seems fair to now come back and try to shame people who took that advice, or to make them feel bad about their jewelry.

This is exactly why I didn't want to mention his name.
Re: What constitutes an inspired by piece vs. stealing desig

I totally agree, it's not and has never been about naming and shaming any P/Ser that purchases his work, we recommend him all the time to many on a budget and for something like a coloured stone that costs a few hundred bucks it makes sense to use him, and he is brilliant for that. I'm beating the same drum, many of his own designs or new designs are amazing, which begs the question why bother copying so many items from here. The fact remains that most of the other jewellers on this forum go out of their way to not rip off or to intentionally change original designs enough that they are not direct copies. So really the heart of the issue is integrity what someone will and won't do for money.
Re: What constitutes an inspired by piece vs. stealing desig

I've clearly been on PS far too long - the moment I saw this thread I knew exactly who it was about.

This jeweller is a repeat offender. I've seen him copy anything from one-off RDG designs to diamond Trinity de Cartier rings.

I think he's a competent jeweller who, thanks to being recommended by so many PSers on RT, has had the opportunity to move away from copying and create his own niche, but he has clearly decided that copying *is* his niche.

Seeing his copied work is actually quite sad, the same way I feel when I see someone who can afford a designer bag walking around with an obvious knock off. Like, sure, perhaps you can't afford or choose not to spend $10000 on a Birkin but why not spend your $400 on something nice from Coach or Longchamp? There are so many options that don't involve going for a fake!

But what really upsets me is that because of this particular individual and others like him, I won't ever see Yssie's RDG. :(sad
Re: What constitutes an inspired by piece vs. stealing desig

Whenever I see a poster who wants to have a jeweler copy a design by VC (for example), it doesn't bother me at all. Because they CAN'T. The poster usually cannot afford VC's work, and wants to get the same thing, except for a lower price. So they try to have another jeweler copy it. That happened recently on another thread. Well, the end product will likely look similar to the Jocelyn with a scalloped basket, from far away, but up close, it won't be the same. The work will not be as fine as VC's, the millgrain not as perfect and fine, the claws not as nice, etc, etc, etc. If no jeweler would attempt to copy VC's work, would that poster have tried to purchase the setting from VC? In most cases, I am guessing not.

So I guess at the end, trying to enforce the "stop copying another's design" thing is super hard to do. I don't think that designers should lose too much sleep over it. To the designers: If a person is going to some other jeweler for a cheap knock off, they would never have purchased your setting anyway. If they had the money, they would have gone for an original. And the piece they are going to get is going to be far from the quality and perfection of execution that is in your work. People who recognize it and value it are going to become your customers and will be willing to pay for it.

There will always be a market for a cheaper, less well executed, close enough if you stand far away and don't look at the details, version of practically every beautiful thing.

I have never been tempted to work with DK not only because I don't think it's right morally, even if it does not violate the letter of the law, but because I know any attempt at a copy would not be nearly as beautiful and perfect as the original. So in essence, it's not a copy. I'd rather get it done right by the original designer, and I'm willing to pay for it. Others who are are willing to live with a less well made...kinda-copy...well...You get what you pay for.

That's how I see it.
Re: What constitutes an inspired by piece vs. stealing desig

LLJsmom, I know the thread you are talking about and I agree. Plus the guy is overseas.

And I think, as has been mentioned, there is a great deal of difference between making a single custom copy of a ring and putting someone elses design in your standard catalog as if you had all rights to it!

That said, I feel that there are usually simple tweaks that can be made to make a design your own in most cases.
Re: What constitutes an inspired by piece vs. stealing desig

Gypsy|1472461262|4071109 said:
LLJsmom, I know the thread you are talking about and I agree. Plus the guy is overseas.

And I think, as has been mentioned, there is a great deal of difference between making a single custom copy of a ring and putting someone elses design in your standard catalog as if you had all rights to it!

That said, I feel that there are usually simple tweaks that can be made to make a design your own in most cases.

Whoa. I think I missed that. He's saying they're his designs? Ok, lemme check out his instagram. If that's happening, :nono:
Re: What constitutes an inspired by piece vs. stealing desig

Are we really back to calling other people's engagement rings cheap knock offs and fakes? Isn't this scorched PS earth at this point?
Re: What constitutes an inspired by piece vs. stealing desig

If a client wants a copy of a ring and the jeweler doesn't stop and change something, don't blame the client.

My friend works at Walgreens and has to explain daily that people can't print professional photos due to copyright. A jeweler could say, "that ring is beautiful, but let's make it your style." And change an element to make it personal.

Don't call the rings a cheap knockoff. There is no such thing is cheap fine jewelry. It's just a better deal.

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Re: What constitutes an inspired by piece vs. stealing desig

I'd be interested in a different aspect of the original question. At several points I was very tempted to get highly recognizable designs from a luxury brand. I like symbolism behind one and the simple aesthetics of the other.

Every time I wanted small changes to the original design. One was one more diamond in a " love" bracelet (to match the number of my children), one was a SMALL change in pavé placement on the " juste un clou " - again for a personal touch marking an anniversary.
Both times I ended up purchasing sth. else instead, because they

a) flat out refused changes in their designs and were totally apalled by my suggestion.
b) quoted an absolutely outrageous price AND a turnaround time of min. 6 months, likely 2-3 more, when I enquired in a different boutique.

I know I could at least puchase the love and just have any jeweller add a diamond pretty easily. But this voids their warranty on the bracelet. And it also somehow makes me kind of angry that I was about to spend 12k on a bracelet that I need to tweak without any warranty elsewhere to get what I REALLY wanted...

I do know a bench who makes excellent copies of their items, but wouldn't go this route, because I feel the designs are so widely recognizable that it feels to me like I was pretending to wear a big brand name, when it's just a fake. But theoretically: wouldn't this be a classic case of going custom? Getting sth. with specific details that's just not on offer anywhere?
Re: What constitutes an inspired by piece vs. stealing desig

Yeah. That sounded bad. I should have been more sensitive. I was putting myself in the shoes of the designer. I know that there is little to nothing that I could do about stopping people from copying my design but I would still be very frustrated. Basic general designs like plain solitaires and three stones I can see being created by everyone. However, designs by Erika Winters are some of the more innovative designs that I would be really annoyed (if I were her) if copied down to the last shank.

I was also thinking about stuff like Cartier, branded stuff. Yeah none of it is cheap on an absolute scale. But I've seen so many vendors show knock offs of the love bracelet at jewelry shows that those were forefront in my mind. But you're right. Even this aren't actually cheap, just cheaper than the original. I asked. $2k compared to $6.5k. Well, maybe some are, the $29.99 brass version.

So sorry. Didn't mean to offend. I shoulda known better than respond at 1:30 in the morning.
Re: What constitutes an inspired by piece vs. stealing desig

Elliot86|1472470278|4071126 said:
Are we really back to calling other people's engagement rings cheap knock offs and fakes? Isn't this scorched PS earth at this point?

You are right. I shouldn't have used that word.
Re: What constitutes an inspired by piece vs. stealing desig

My intention was never for this to become a thread where someone reading it would feel badly for decisions they have made or jewelers they have used.

To be clear- there is a thread on show me the bling right now of DK pieces and they are beautiful - I would be thrilled to own any of them. To my knowledge many of them are custom designed or based on a collaboration between him and his client, not copies of other designers work. Based on his workmanship and pricing I would not hesitate to use David to make me a piece in the future. In fact I have a French cut band on my jewelery bucket list and had him on a list of people I was going to speak too. Someone else mentioned this before, that no one should be made to feel bad because they can't afford a 6k setting. Having someone who can execute something nice on a tight budget is a great find and that is why he is reccomended and used over and over by many people. To me this is completely seperate from the question at hand.
Re: What constitutes an inspired by piece vs. stealing desig

Elliot86 said:
Are we really back to calling other people's engagement rings cheap knock offs and fakes? Isn't this scorched PS earth at this point?
And this is why I'm unlikely to post photos here. Not for fear of being copied, which I don't really get. But for fear of being belittled.
Re: What constitutes an inspired by piece vs. stealing desig

shaggy1 said:
Elliot86 said:
Are we really back to calling other people's engagement rings cheap knock offs and fakes? Isn't this scorched PS earth at this point?
And this is why I'm unlikely to post photos here. Not for fear of being copied, which I don't really get. But for fear of being belittled.

I do think that members have been pretty inclusive and do enjoy seeing more modest or attainable pieces too, granted they're not from Kay or Jared or Shane Co.

I was nervous to post mine because it's less than a carat and it's not from a well-known designer and I'm pretty young (22) but it was well-received. As long as you don't post the price because then people will tell you that you were ripped off. And I also don't know how much my ring cost anyways. It was a gift.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Re: What constitutes an inspired by piece vs. stealing desig

This has been somewhat touched on here, but I'm interested in peoples perspectives, and I'm not sure its worthy of its own thread.

If you work with a designer to design a piece, how would you feel if THEY started selling copies of it? If you got your one of a kind, but they start offering it to clients? Do you think they should ask the client first? Or because they helped design it and ultimately built it, is it fair game for them?

I've had a piece designed that was largely based on my ideas and sketches. If the designer wanted to do it for someone else, I don't think I would care. But it is cool to think that the piece is one of a kind. I never even considered the possibility of someone copying it, but I guess they could. Although it is quite unconventional so I doubt any one would.
Re: What constitutes an inspired by piece vs. stealing desig

My hope is that as all the implications of the copying issue get talked about here, more PS'ers will see this as an opportunity to educate themselves and people who come to this site. PS has been advocating and teaching about the importance of cut for years even though an excellent cut is usually more expensive than a poorly cut diamond. Maybe we should take that same approach with settings.

If someone came to the site and wrote 'my girlfriend has her heart set on a 2 ct. diamond and my budget is $10,000,' I don't think any PS'er is going to say 'Here's a jeweler who can get you a 2 ct. for $9995' even though those jewelers are probably out there. Why not? Because we know a diamond of that size in that price range is not going to be very good. We're trying to educate people about the world of diamonds, and why cut is important. We do that even though a well-cut diamond will almost always be more expensive. If that person decides not to follow our suggestions and goes off to buy a terrible diamond because it fit his size and budget requirements, we can't stop that but we don't try to steer him in that direction.

Why can't we take the same kind of educational approach with settings? If someone comes on PS and writes, 'I or my girlfriend has her heart set on the Tiffany Legacy (or some other very specific design) but I only have $1500 for a setting,' I hope PS'ers don't respond by saying, 'Here's a jeweler who will make a copy of that. See what he would charge.' Instead, I'd hope they'd say that reputable bench jewelers won't make copies of someone else's design' and let them know the choice is to spring for a Tiffany Legacy or to get something that may be in the same spirit but different, either as a stock design or custom. And then offer some examples of something that might be more affordable. If that person then goes off and finds someone to make a copy, that's on them. But at least we won't have encouraged or facilitated that kind of behavior. That to me seems like the better approach.