
what brand of coffee do you drink at home/office?

Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004
I drink what ever brand of coffee is on sale at that store, I am not a picky coffee drinker, I add flavored creamer to it, so it all taste the same to me :wink2:
Folgers or Dunking' Donuts... My DH does anyway. I'm a hot tea girl... Milk and sugar too please.
Right now we drink Kickapoo Coffee because that's what's stocked by our local produce delivery service. Hubby and I love the taste and love that it's both Fair Trade and Organic. We're moving soon so we stocked up and bought a couple extra pounds until we figure out where our new "fix" will be coming from. Probably one of the local roasters in our new town...
I buy whole beans of Jose's Columbian Supremo at Costco, freeze it, and grind them right before use.

My favorite is Dunkin Donuts coffee. We buy it at Costco and make it in the AM. I drink it black and it's delicious to me. I have tried organic brands, exotic brands, more expensive brands etc and Dunkin is my favorite.
DH provided some of the start up funding for an ethical coffee growers' cooperative many years ago, when he lived in Africa. We get beans sent to us regularly, and they are delicious. Occasionally, if we run out, I'll by the Scottish Cooperative's own brand of fairtrade beans.
I order single origin raw beans in bulk and roast them myself. Roast is usually done once a week and beans go straight into the hopper of the burr grinder (once cooled!) for grinding fresh each morning.
West Bean or Rusty's.
DH loves Starbuck's expresso roast whole bean coffee.
I usually buy whatever blend of whole beans that catch my eye at Whole Foods, but if I don't have the time to get to Whole Foods. Lately though, I have been enjoying Starbucks Veranda blend. It's from their "Blonde" line, which is supposed to be lighter than their other varieties.
I usually have a bag of whole bean coffee from Trader Joe's or (now and then) Starbucks - espresso beans or a dark roast - and I always keep a can of ground Cafe Bustelo cafe espresso on hand. I don't drink coffee at the office.
for Father's Day my daughters bought me a K cup machine from Costco and the coffee inside was already out-dated... :rolleyes:
I'm a big fan of Starbucks Via, the Columbian variety. To "She Who Does Not Cook" -- and that includes use of a proper coffee pot! -- this Via is stuff is a godsend!
Dancing Fire - I hope you love your Keurig machine! We have that and try all sorts of flavours. You can order on line and after a certain amount of 'points', they ship you some freebies that you select. We like the Starbucks French Roast, I think we've done their Pikes Place as well. I love anything flavoured - I've tried Timothy's MAple sugar, the Kahlua, Irish Cream... and vanilla hazlenut is a perennial favourite. The Donut Shop is a good brand in the K Cups, as well.

As for work - we have a Tim Horton's on the main floor and just because I can load up my Tim card, I buy my 2nd coffee there. Its ok - I don't get the "Timmie's" hype :rolleyes:
I like illy, but we buy bulk at Costco and like the Starbucks French Roast, which is x-bold. We grind fresh.
We buy the archer farm brand at Target. They have tons of flavors but some of our favorite include the Kona blend, breakfast blend and a new favorite, coconut macaroon.
I buy Dunkin Donuts hazelnut coffee. I have a Keurig so I put it in those refillable cups. I used to buy Starbuck's ground coffee but it would make my heart beat so fast so I had to give that up.
We generally drink whatever is on sale. It's Starbucks today. :)
I love New England coffee. I actually prefer it to Dunkin' Donuts. I go through phases with coffee - I'll stop at a local shop and buy a large cup every day for weeks at a time, and then I won't touch the stuff for months afterward. I add a lot of skim milk or low-fat/fat-free coffee creamer and a couple packets of sugar to mine.
We use Folger's for two reasons BJ's always has the large can very cheap AND many years ago both DH and I were in a Folger's coffee commercial that thankfully has funded our retirement plans! We feel obligated . Lol I do love Barnies Santa's White Christmas. Buy it online since our local Barnies closed. We too have a Keurig and I often brew a single cup if DH wants " normal" coffee and I want something exotic. The best cup of coffee I ever had was from 7-11 blueberry muffin!!!! They hardly carry it at my local 7-11 :(
Elisateach|1340378314|3221814 said:
We use Folger's for two reasons BJ's always has the large can very cheap AND many years ago both DH and I were in a Folger's coffee commercial that thankfully has funded our retirement plans! We feel obligated . Lol I do love Barnies Santa's White Christmas. Buy it online since our local Barnies closed. We too have a Keurig and I often brew a single cup if DH wants " normal" coffee and I want something exotic. The best cup of coffee I ever had was from 7-11 blueberry muffin!!!! They hardly carry it at my local 7-11 :(
i remember...Folger's,good till the last drop!!.. :bigsmile:
Green Mountain hazlenut decaf!
Jose's from Costco. We buy the Vanilla-flavored whole beans.
At home, we grind beans from our local grocery chain. They have a wide variety of flavors and roasts, and they're pretty good.

At work, I have a Keurig mini. One cup at a time.
Dancing Fire|1340389406|3221928 said:
Elisateach|1340378314|3221814 said:
We use Folger's for two reasons BJ's always has the large can very cheap AND many years ago both DH and I were in a Folger's coffee commercial that thankfully has funded our retirement plans! We feel obligated . Lol I do love Barnies Santa's White Christmas. Buy it online since our local Barnies closed. We too have a Keurig and I often brew a single cup if DH wants " normal" coffee and I want something exotic. The best cup of coffee I ever had was from 7-11 blueberry muffin!!!! They hardly carry it at my local 7-11 :(

i remember...Folger's,good till the last drop!!.. :bigsmile:

No no no :nono: The best part of wakin' up is Folgers in your cup!
Mayk|1340416620|3222200 said:
Dancing Fire|1340389406|3221928 said:
Elisateach|1340378314|3221814 said:
We use Folger's for two reasons BJ's always has the large can very cheap AND many years ago both DH and I were in a Folger's coffee commercial that thankfully has funded our retirement plans! We feel obligated . Lol I do love Barnies Santa's White Christmas. Buy it online since our local Barnies closed. We too have a Keurig and I often brew a single cup if DH wants " normal" coffee and I want something exotic. The best cup of coffee I ever had was from 7-11 blueberry muffin!!!! They hardly carry it at my local 7-11 :(

i remember...Folger's,good till the last drop!!.. :bigsmile:

No no no :nono: The best part of wakin' up is Folgers in your cup! and i are showing our age.. :bigsmile: