
What are you currently reading


Dec 8, 2011
Since it is so dead over here, I thought I would start a new topic to liven things back up (hopefully!).

I'm re-reading Hollywood Kids by Jackie Collins. I love her writting as she doesn't pull any punches, writes like real life (well, hollywood real life, anyway) and she knows how to write trashy, fast-paced books! :)

What are you reading?
Just finished The WEdding by Nicholas Sparks - cried from about page 1 to the end... so touching, I just could't stop thinking of The Notebook ;(

Now, just started "The Help".
I haven't read Nicholas Sparks, mainly because I don't want to cry lol :) I tend to go with the thriller/mystery fiction, the trashy stuff (hence the Jackie Collins), or YA stuff. I'm also reading the latest Rick Riordan book called The Serpent's Shadow. I tend to do two books at a time lol
I finished the Jackie C book and picked up another option at a second hand sale. The new book is called Midnight Mass by F. Paul Wilson and is about a priest, nun and rabbi trying to fight back against vampires. It's about the ruthless kind of vampire, not the sparkly kind.

Any updates for anyone else?
Picked up The Hobbit on the way to Vegas.

I'm thinking about what to get for my next book. I like dark, mystery, suspense books. And also like books like the hobbit and lord of the rings. A book I thoroughly enjoyed and is probably my most favorite book of alllll time is The Book of Lost Things. Anybody that read this book have any suggestions?
Enerchi|1338325377|3205726 said:
Now, just started "The Help".

As I just posted in Hangout, we read The Help for a bookclub right here in The Library! You can find the thread(s) with our discussions in them, I'm sure! I loved that book.

Currently nothing, unfortunately. I just finished up Digital Fortress by Dan Brown. It as an interesting book, and an easy read. I am definitely going to be scouring the a library to find some suggestions for my next book.
I have the Book of Lost Things on my To Read list- glad to hear it's a good one!

I'm re-reading Goose Girl by Shannon Hale, YA fairy tale re-telling, excellently done in my opinion.

I am holding my breath waiting for Riordan's next Percy Jackson book, Curse of Athena. I read the first Kane Chronicles book, when it came out (two years ago?) and wasn't drawn in quite enough to immediately pick up the others; I'll wait till the series is completed and give it another go.

Probably looking at Elizabeth C. Bunce's Star Crossed for my next new read as well as re-visiting some old favorites again.
"The Book of Lost Things" looks interesting- I'll have to put a hold on it at the library.

Has anyone read "House of Leaves"?
I just started 100 Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. I'm finding it kind of hard to get into, but I'm only a few pages in. I heard Love in the Time of Cholera is better so that's next on my list!
aviastar|1339871990|3217784 said:
I have the Book of Lost Things on my To Read list- glad to hear it's a good one!

I'm re-reading Goose Girl by Shannon Hale, YA fairy tale re-telling, excellently done in my opinion.

I am holding my breath waiting for Riordan's next Percy Jackson book, Curse of Athena. I read the first Kane Chronicles book, when it came out (two years ago?) and wasn't drawn in quite enough to immediately pick up the others; I'll wait till the series is completed and give it another go.

Probably looking at Elizabeth C. Bunce's Star Crossed for my next new read as well as re-visiting some old favorites again.

I've read all of Rick Riordan's book and the Percy Jackson books are my favorite of his! I have the next Kane Chronicles that came out last month, but I'm about half way in and can't really get fully into it. I definitely don't feel the same connection with the Kane's as I did with Percy and his camp half-blood peeps! When does Curse of Athena come out?

Can we talk about how terrible the Percy movie was? It was an absolute let down and the way things played out, they didn't leave any room for the sequels. Such a shame, as I think it could have been big money for them.
YayTacori|1339790277|3217143 said:
Picked up The Hobbit on the way to Vegas.

I'm thinking about what to get for my next book. I like dark, mystery, suspense books. And also like books like the hobbit and lord of the rings. A book I thoroughly enjoyed and is probably my most favorite book of alllll time is The Book of Lost Things. Anybody that read this book have any suggestions?

Yaytori - you might want to try Devil in the White CIty by Erik Larsen. It's considered a "literary nonfiction novel." I absolutely loved the way the author wove together the two true stories - the building of the 1989 world exposition in Chicago and its place in history, and the mass murderer who used the exposition to find his victims. I mostly read fiction these days* but I had trouble putting this book down!

* I tell myself I'll read more non-fiction when I retire. We'll see. :wink2:
Forgot to mention what I'm reading now. It's The Friday Night Knitting Club, by Katherine Jacobs. Women from different backgrounds get together in a knitting shop every Friday night - friendships ensue. Very chick lit but readable and likeable enough that I'll be looking for the next book in the series when I finish this one...
SK's newest in the Dark Tower series, Wind Thru the Keyhole
The Newlyweds by Nell Freudenberger. Brief synopsis: Young Bangladeshi woman, Amina, moves from her native land to Rochester, NY to marry an American man that she met on an Asian/Euro dating site. The book delves into her adaption to the US, as well as the carrying out of her and her parents' plan for them all to be reunited in the US after she marries. Along the way, the reader is given glimpses into her life in Bangladesh, the cultural and personal ties that she left behind, and the expectations that arise (from both sides) when trying to mesh two cultures in a marriage. It's easy, but very enjoyable reading, and I find myself really looking forward to getting back to the characters and seeing what will happen next after putting the book down each night.

I've read all of Rick Riordan's book and the Percy Jackson books are my favorite of his! I have the next Kane Chronicles that came out last month, but I'm about half way in and can't really get fully into it. I definitely don't feel the same connection with the Kane's as I did with Percy and his camp half-blood peeps! When does Curse of Athena come out?

Can we talk about how terrible the Percy movie was? It was an absolute let down and the way things played out, they didn't leave any room for the sequels. Such a shame, as I think it could have been big money for them.[/quote]

Ugh, that movie was awful! First, they changed a bunch of plot points and events rather unnecessarily (why Nashville and not St. Louis?), second, the dialogue in the book is fast-paced, witty, and believable- the movie? Not so much. Third- the acting, oh the acting! And lastly, no one looked like they should! Normally, one or two changes don't bother me at all- but this was so widespread it was ridiculous. I'm glad they aren't making any more- maybe someone else can give it another go later and decide to, ya know, actually use the book as the basis for the script.

The Percy books always come out in the fall, October or November, I think. It was a bit of a cliffhanger in the last one, so I am very anxious for the next one!
VRBeauty|1340048372|3218853 said:
Forgot to mention what I'm reading now. It's The Friday Night Knitting Club, by Katherine Jacobs. Women from different backgrounds get together in a knitting shop every Friday night - friendships ensue. Very chick lit but readable and likeable enough that I'll be looking for the next book in the series when I finish this one...

OK - I'm not going to recommend this book. It's chick lit pretending to be something more than chick lit, and the result is neither fun nor satisfying,

I might still read the sequel... just to follow up on some of the characters :wink2: but I'll go into it knowing not to expect too much.
I just finished Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn & then started Catching Fire (the sequel to Hunger Games) but it didn't really *catch* my attention so I'm considering reading the other books by the author of Gone Girl.

I've read all of Rick Riordan's book and the Percy Jackson books are my favorite of his! I have the next Kane Chronicles that came out last month, but I'm about half way in and can't really get fully into it. I definitely don't feel the same connection with the Kane's as I did with Percy and his camp half-blood peeps! When does Curse of Athena come out?

Can we talk about how terrible the Percy movie was? It was an absolute let down and the way things played out, they didn't leave any room for the sequels. Such a shame, as I think it could have been big money for them.[/quote]

Ugh, that movie was awful! First, they changed a bunch of plot points and events rather unnecessarily (why Nashville and not St. Louis?), second, the dialogue in the book is fast-paced, witty, and believable- the movie? Not so much. Third- the acting, oh the acting! And lastly, no one looked like they should! Normally, one or two changes don't bother me at all- but this was so widespread it was ridiculous. I'm glad they aren't making any more- maybe someone else can give it another go later and decide to, ya know, actually use the book as the basis for the script.

The Percy books always come out in the fall, October or November, I think. It was a bit of a cliffhanger in the last one, so I am very anxious for the next one![/quote]

Yeah, it was pretty terrible. They made all the characters so much older than they were in the books (starting out at least) and hell, they left out so many characters and they just changed far too much for my liking. I hope they do another one in the future, as I think it would be a big deal.

I can't wait for the next book though!
I finished the Historian by Elizabeth Kostova a while ago and enjoyed it so I just got The swan thieves at half price books the other day and will read that this week, I am off work after today yippeee! A friend also just gave me a stack of The vampire academy books by Richelle Mead cause she knows I like that stuff but I have not got to any of them yet. And I have love in the time of cholera in my work bag right now, I am about halfway but it is not holding my attention very well.
Porridge - Love in the time of Cholera IS better, but 100 years is good too.

I'm currently reading The Chinese Way to Healing : Many Paths to Wholeness , Sword of Truth : Stone of Tears and Mary Wanless Ride With Your Mind Master Class
I started a new book about two days ago called Out Of The Blue by Joann Ross. It's actually the second in a trilogy, but I don't seem to have missed out too much and will just go back and read the first on after I finish this one. It's about a country singer who when the books start s is having temporary memory loss and finds herself in a bar in New Orleans. The police take her to the hospital (she was recognized as the singer & had blood on her, so the bartender called them) and she realizes who she is but is still missing a few hours of memory where her friend and guitar player was shot. I'm about 25% in and I like it thus far, although the main male character seems a bit too hard around the edges (former FBI and her first love. seems like he had some trauma with shooting's still developing). I like fiction with some mystery, danger and a little romance thrown in, so this seems to fit all those categories!
Finished up my last books and I've decided to try the Gregor The Overlander series by Suzanne Collins. Different audience than for the Hunger Games, but I enjoyed her writing, storytelling, and worldbuilding so I am going to give her other work a shot!

Anyone else on to new books lately?
aviastar|1340680326|3223650 said:
Finished up my last books and I've decided to try the Gregor The Overlander series by Suzanne Collins. Different audience than for the Hunger Games, but I enjoyed her writing, storytelling, and worldbuilding so I am going to give her other work a shot!

Anyone else on to new books lately?

Ohhh...keep me posted!

I started Fallen by Lauren Kate (I wrote about it in the YA topic) and it's going ok. I need a bit more though! I bought a few more books this weekend, so I'm super I'll be starting something new in a few days. I tried to read always and never leave the house without a book or two in my purse. :)
So I finished the Overlander series and I liked them! Quick reads, enjoyable characters and dialogue. The plot lines are interesting, but straightforward, not as complex as some other YA lit. The end of the series left me wanting a bit more...closure, I cliffhangers, the story wraps up, but I was lefting feeling like I wanted to know more about some of the characters odds for a happy future. I hope that obscure enough to not ruin it! Would still recommend it!

Now I am onto Bitterblue, by Kristin Cashore, the third in a set. So far so good!
I'm reading a chicklit romance novel - A Turn in the Road by Debbie Macomber. Really enjoying it! :sun:
Metro Girl by Janet Evanovich (of the # series fame). I am very happy with easy reading, "chick lit". We all have our 'happy places' ....
Playing for Pizza by John Grisham. It's a football novel set in Italy, and if there's such a thing as chick lit for guys, this book would qualify. I thoroughly enjoyed it event though I'm not a football fan.
I'm reading The Paris Wife for book club. It took me a while to get into it, but somewhere around 70 pages in it picked up and now I'm enjoying it. (And I'm not exactly a Hemingway fan, so I went in with few expectations. Although I do like "Hills Like White Elephants.")

We read The Moonflower Vine by Jetta Carleton last month, and I really enjoyed that book. It was the kind of lovely slow-burn that makes for great reading, and it was excellent discussion fodder for book club.

I reread The Jane Austen Book Club last weekend because it's our January book club choice, and I've been rereading the Harry Potter series for some time, now. But I'm always rereading the Harry Potter series, so nothing new there.

It's not a book, but I'm using The Best American Nonrequired Reading 2011 (edited by Dave Eggers) as my "textbook" this semester--what a wonderful compilation. Every piece is better than the last. My students even love it. :cheeky:
FYI to the Rick Riordan fans - The Mark of Athena comes out tomorrow (Oct. 2)!

Also, Kane Chronicles is done, I believe - it was a trilogy.