
What about this emerald?


Nov 3, 2009
Oh my.. The world of colored stones is DAUNTING! :shock: LOL There's SO much more to learn than with white diamonds. It's a bit intimidating actually. :?

So I've come to you knowledgeable folks for help! ::)

I've always wanted a large emerald right hand ring and was just searching for one a few days ago but quickly ended my search when I realized I was in way over my head.

Then I saw this:


The price just seems too low for the carat weight.....? I know the cut is not great but can't it just be re-cut?

I didn't want to ask about this on the OP's sale page so I'm asking here.

Thanks for any help!!!
The saturation is very light, it has cut issues (huge window), somewhat included and unknown treatment. All these are reasons why it is priced low.
I completely agree with Chrono, but wonder when you say you've always wanted a big emerald for a RHR, does that mean a high quality emerald - in which case you will be shelling out many times over what this one is being sold for - or would you go for size over quality? If so, if you can overlook the window, this mid range emerald might just do the trick
It is unlikely to be a good candidate for a recut for two main points; too included which poses the risk of the stone fracturing and the stone is shallow so will lose a lot of carat weight in order to remove the window.
Its being sold as no treatment, but has not been to a lab.
Thanks guys! I find the color pretty even if it's not as good as it could be. But I don't want a stone that has windows so if it can't be recut to eliminate the window then I'll pass.

I was looking for an emerald in the range of 3 carats up and not the best because I can't afford that. I truly thought almost all emeralds (unless you can afford the cream of the crop) are included to some degree? Same with rubies. Am I wrong?

Is there a thread where I can study up on emeralds and learn what to look for? Also any recommended vendors who have decent larger sizes in stock? I looked at about 15 sites on the recommended vendors list but none had any.
Chrono, aren't many emeralds windowed, or is that just some fallacy I'm laboring under?
Many emeralds are included due to the nature of chromium contaminating the beryl during its growth. This why emeralds are commonly clarity enhanced either by oil or resin which range from none, minor, moderate to heavy. It is generally a good idea to stay within minor to moderate for those under budget constraints.

These 2 are trustworthy but do not post their inventory. You'll have to call and inquire.
minousbijoux|1341020097|3226308 said:
Chrono, aren't many emeralds windowed, or is that just some fallacy I'm laboring under?

Just because they are more easily found as windowed stones does not mean we have to accept it. :tongue: Windows are purposely cut into the stone in order to lighten the stone when it is too included (translucent to opaque), sometimes to conserve weight / rough due to the shape of the rough. You will find fewer windowed emeralds of African origin.
Minou - most Emeralds I see are not windowed. I guess if the cutter is maximising carat weight then this is always a possibility so perhaps the larger you go, the more chance you have of seeing a windowed gem.

LALove - not all Emeralds are included. The inclusions ("jardin") are a normal aspect of Emeralds, but the better quality, the less intrusive they become. I have an eye clean Emerald so they are possible to find but are not common. If you are looking for big and are prepared to accept jardin then look for one where the jardin doesn't affect the overall look. Too much and it can become cloudy/smoky looking or just like a cracked sheet of glass. You should be looking for the body to be as clear as possible and just a few jardin. My advice is NOT to look for a stone that can be re-cut as it's a skill understanding what can be recut successfully. Also, in coloured gemstone world (unlike diamonds), cut is not the main priority for most collectors. Our saying is "colour is king" and it really is! A phenomenal colour will boost the price of a coloured gemstone far higher than an average colour that might have a good cut. Hope that helps!
Chrono|1341022914|3226330 said:
Many emeralds are included due to the nature of chromium contaminating the beryl during its growth. This why emeralds are commonly clarity enhanced either by oil or resin which range from none, minor, moderate to heavy. It is generally a good idea to stay within minor to moderate for those under budget constraints.

These 2 are trustworthy but do not post their inventory. You'll have to call and inquire.
Thanks!!!! I really appreciate your help! :wavey:
LD|1341058597|3226477 said:
Minou - most Emeralds I see are not windowed. I guess if the cutter is maximising carat weight then this is always a possibility so perhaps the larger you go, the more chance you have of seeing a windowed gem.

LALove - not all Emeralds are included. The inclusions ("jardin") are a normal aspect of Emeralds, but the better quality, the less intrusive they become. I have an eye clean Emerald so they are possible to find but are not common. If you are looking for big and are prepared to accept jardin then look for one where the jardin doesn't affect the overall look. Too much and it can become cloudy/smoky looking or just like a cracked sheet of glass. You should be looking for the body to be as clear as possible and just a few jardin. My advice is NOT to look for a stone that can be re-cut as it's a skill understanding what can be recut successfully. Also, in coloured gemstone world (unlike diamonds), cut is not the main priority for most collectors. Our saying is "colour is king" and it really is! A phenomenal colour will boost the price of a coloured gemstone far higher than an average colour that might have a good cut. Hope that helps!
Ok makes sense, thanks! :) I found a few sold ones that are mostly eye clean on the above vendors sites and it seems like the price range for a good quality emerald in the 2 carat range is 8k+... :( To tell the truth it's not that I want an emerald per se, I just really love the color. Are there other less expensive gems that are similar in color?
Tsavorite comes reasonably close and while not inexpensive, a 2 ct stone will still cost a fraction of an emerald, around $3K thereabouts, for a fine quality stone.
LALove Chrono's comments on my emerald are exactly correct. Chrono and I are both fans of quality muzo emerald. The stone I have for sale is not a top quality stone and does have cut issues so please consider this in your purchasing. I also would not recommend a recut for the stone. I am very negotiable on the price. If you like the color then that's you preference.

Thanks for helping with this Chrono and everyone else who chipped in!
As an Emerald lover I would say that there is no real substitute for an Emerald. Some Tsavorites come close but most don't. Russian Diopside is another green stone but that's typically more like a Zambian Emerald ie darker and some yellow. If you prefer the green/blue of an Emerald then I'm afraid you may have to look for an Emerald and not settle for anything else.
LD, what about Tourmaline? Either Chrome Tourmaline, or a really saturated Bluish-Green, like an Afgan Tourmaline? With the right saturation?? I am not talking everyday Tourmaline...Im talking a really saturated, slight blue modifier, strong green...
Chrisa222|1341439117|3228678 said:
LD, what about Tourmaline? Either Chrome Tourmaline, or a really saturated Bluish-Green, like an Afgan Tourmaline? With the right saturation?? I am not talking everyday Tourmaline...Im talking a really saturated, slight blue modifier, strong green...

I completely agree with LD. I have seen the tourmaline that you are describing but I still feel that quality Emerald trumps it.
To put it simply, to most people, any dark green stone looks like an emerald. It's all a matter of how well trained your eye is. Can you spot the difference between the sparkly and satiny look? Do you want that emerald "glow"? Does it matter to you?
Chrisa222|1341439117|3228678 said:
LD, what about Tourmaline? Either Chrome Tourmaline, or a really saturated Bluish-Green, like an Afgan Tourmaline? With the right saturation?? I am not talking everyday Tourmaline...Im talking a really saturated, slight blue modifier, strong green...

Nope - it wouldn't look anything like an Emerald. Also, if you were to find a blue/green tourmaline with vivid colour and saturation you'd be looking at about the same price as an Emerald - maybe slightly less but not by much.
LALove Here are some options for you. These are from a seller that I have spoken with and had good experience with. They are on eBay with excellent feedback as well. If you deal with them through there actual website you can probably get better pricing since eBay isn't involved. Also I believe there are willing to take offers on pretty much all of there stones.
Here is the website

Here are a couple that I have found that may or may not fit your needs depending on your budget. None of these stones are top quality but for the money they are some of the best values I have found.

This one is my top pick for you. Beautiful stone with a strong medium green tone and excellent saturation! Its not Muzo but it sure is beautiful! =)
1. emf2552-5.jpg

Here are two larger stones. You will see that at the same price point the color and clarity is lower.
2. emf2762-11.jpg

3. emf1864-11.jpg

Here are two stones that are a little more budget minded.

4. emf2145-4.jpg

I like the in hand shot of this next one. Nice color for this price point! This is my pick of the two.

5. emf1854-5_0.jpg

Hope this helps!
Thanks all for your help! And Justin thank you so much for all those options! They're all pretty (to me) in their own way. But, what I really want is an emerald like this:

I looked at other green gemstones and, while lovely for what they are, they're just not the same.

Maybe I'll start with a lower quality emerald for now, until I can afford what I really want. Thanks again everyone! At least I now know I'm looking at prices equivalent to diamonds for the quality I really want.

Now THAT is an emerald!!! :love: I love that blue green. I'll take it setting and all, thank you!
Like us, you have expensive taste with a limited budget. :tongue: If you want something sort of affordable (you'll definitely have to give up the size because fine emeralds that are clean-ish just don't come in large sizes, or really, over 2 carats unless you strike the lotto), you might want to consider a resin filled (low to medium enhancement) emerald.
LALove|1342630750|3236136 said:
Thanks all for your help! And Justin thank you so much for all those options! They're all pretty (to me) in their own way. But, what I really want is an emerald like this:

I looked at other green gemstones and, while lovely for what they are, they're just not the same.

Maybe I'll start with a lower quality emerald for now, until I can afford what I really want. Thanks again everyone! At least I now know I'm looking at prices equivalent to diamonds for the quality I really want.

LALove, This is very nice! I personally am not a huge fan of the blue modifier but this stone is excellent. I hope you find an Emerald someday that is exactly what you are looking for! =)


If you want a stone that is of that color, would you consider a non-emerald? You could probably find something that color in another type of stone that was less expensive.