
Wellington is in his temporary home and is doing fine.


Mar 2, 2005
I was able to get him in a trap this evening. I sat outside from 3 pm until about 8:30 pm (I'm certain my neighbors think I'm nuts). I didn't see him all day. I went in to make a phone call and went back out a little after 9 PM and he was in the trap.

He meowed very softly when I lifted the cover and saw it was him. I rushed him over to my friend's place where he will be staying for the next 4 weeks. He was very quiet in the car.
We set him up in the bedroom. He quietly exited the trap and slowly walked around. First under the bed, now under the dresser. He is very quiet and relaxed. I am going to spend the night in here while my friend is sleeping in her living room.

I have a few days to spend with him until I leave for my 3 week trip. He has 2 litter boxes, I brought his food and water bowls and his familiar toys and dirty towels. He also has a brand new Smart Cat scratching post (the best there is).

I truly believe things happen for a reason. My friend, Kel, who is taking him in, just had to put her cat to sleep last Wednesday. While very sad, it has opened her home and her heart to take care of Wellington for me.

While outside for hours, I was reading "Chicken Soup for the Cat Lover's Soul" (my mother sent it to me for Christmas - but I've yet to pick it up). I read the first 3 stories that warmed my heart. Then I set the book down and began to meditate. I prayed for a sign. I closed my eyes, picked up the book, flipped and opened to a random page. I opened my eyes to page 333 (my lucky number) - and the title on that page was "Happy Endings".

Thanks to all of you who have followed my journey with Wellington and have sent me special wishes and kitty dust. Lynn B - I will never forget your kindness and encouragement. I am hopeful that we will get our happy ending.


Aug 17, 2009
I just wanted to assure you that happy endings are possible.
My parents befriended a big white odd eyed feral/stray cat they named "Beauty". He was just starting to become somewhat comfortable when they had to move from California to Missouri.
My parents had never had a cat before but something about him made them determined to make him a permanent part of their family.
My DH and I agreed to keep him for two months till they got settled
then flew him to Springfield. He proceeded to live a long and happy life
in Branson and even won a "beauty" prize at the fair.


Mar 2, 2005
MissMina - what a wonderful story about Beauty. Stories such as yours helps to calm my nerves.

He stirred around a little during the night. He still hasn''t yet eaten or used the litter box. I heard 2 soft meows at daybreak. He is now back under the dresser. I suppose this is normal behavior. I hope he allows me to pet and cuddle him again before I leave on Saturday.


Jul 27, 2007
I was so happy to see your post this mornig!! I will be keeping you & Wellington in my thoughts & will be sending lots of "kitty dust" your way. I''m hopeful you will get that cuddle & then some beofre you leave on your trip!!

movie zombie

Jan 20, 2005
i haven''t responded before but i want to tell you how worth it is to do what you''re doing. years ago i managed over the course of months and with a lot of food to get close enough to a feral to get it into the house. i isolated him in a bedroom for more months where he spent all his time under the bed. i''d go in every night after work and just lay on the floor next to the bed and talk to him. over time he became "my" cat....loving me to pieces. getting him to integrate with my other cat was another set of problems but it happened. its a lot of work but most of its a lot of love. thank you for having a lot of love....and your friend, too.



Jan 1, 2007
Awwwww this is so good to read! Wellington is lucky to have you! I hope he likes his temporary home and continues to do well there.


Aug 17, 2009
I think Wellington is doing very well considering
the circumstances. Cats like routine and sometimes don''t adapt well to change. He could be howling and throwing himself at the door.

Beauty spent his two months with us in our bedroom.
Most of the time he was under the bed.
We had to lean over the side and hang upside down to talk to him.
Once he got to his "forever home" Beauty was fine.
Your love for Wellington and your friend''s compassion will carry him through.


Aug 14, 2009
Thank you for updating us

I hope he does well in his temporary home.


Sep 30, 2009
Wellington sounds like he will settle in happily.
I adopted a cat from neighbors, and he''d been abused and tormented and just wasn''t secure around people. He disappeared in my 1000 sq. ft. apartment, and there were not a whole lot of places to hide in that place. Actually, I think he must have holed up in the open wire bedspring on the antique bed in the back bedroom. I looked everywhere in that apartment, and that cat hid for 3 days. He''d sneak out to eat and use the litter box at night, but I literally could not find and did not see him for 3 days! He eventually decided he could trust me, but was pretty much a one-person cat forever.


Jun 26, 2008
LAJen im so happy for you and Wellington
its so great what you''ve done for him...i look forward to hearing more about him as he settles in

Lynn B

May 9, 2004
Oh what a wonderful update! THANK YOU!

I am so happy now that he has been safely "captured"
. I was worrying so much that something might happen to him while he was still outside.

LOVE the updates, please keep them coming. And give that handsome boy some kisses and chinny skritches for me, please!!!


Jun 13, 2006

I am so happy for you and this will end well for you. I love cats but every know and then, there is one you have a special connection with. Of the seven cats I have lived with in my life I have only had the depth of connection my current baby, Odin.

I would like to tell you the story of Bill Daniels and his cat. Bill Daniels was a billionaire and the father of cable TV who lived in Denver and who worked with a good friend of my mom''s who told us this story. Daniels was a dog person who didn''t dislike cats, he just didn''t really get them. While at one of his other homes, he saw a mangy tom who came up to him. Being a good person, Bill fed the cat. The cat came back the next day, and he fed him again. After a few days, Daniels was going to his main home, but didn''t want to leave the cat, so he called his sister, who did a lot of work with animals. She asked if he had fed the cat and explained that he had, but what kind of person wouldn''t? Apparently her words were "Congratulations Bill, you have a cat, what are you going to call him?".
Although he argued with her, he did take Sydney home with him. Apparently, Sydney was a bit temperamental, but adored Bill above all else and anywhere Daniels went, there was a good change Sydney was with him. After about a decade, Sydney passed on and was cremated. A few years later, when Bill died, he was cremated as well and he insisted that their ashes were mixed and spread over the ocean together. And they were.


Jun 8, 2009
LAJen, you are such a good person to be taking in Wellington. I hope you two the very best! I bet he''ll do just fine while he''s at his temporary home!


Mar 2, 2005
Thank you so much for all the encouragement. I appreciate every single one of you. I was just telling my husband what wonderful friends I have here. I am really touched by those of you who have followed the story.

I spent the night last night and visited twice today. He still won''t come out from under the dresser, but he tries to bring me under the dresser. He purrs up a storm, and let''s me know where he wants rubbed or scratched (everywhere - his ears, head, chin, shoulders, tail). We held hands for the first time, today. I was lying on the floor on my side and he was lying on his side while we were facing eachother - and he reached out and held my hands while gazing lovingly deep into my eyes.

Kel was also able to pet him and give him food and treats (he wouldn''t eat at all last night).

My only concern is that he is yet to use the potty and it has been 24 hours since he was trapped. Granted he didn''t eat or drink anything after being trapped. He ate some wet food around 1:30 PM today, and then some more a couple of hours ago. He also had a few treats. He has 2 full size litter boxes (one next to the dresser and one under the bed). But he hasn''t gone. I was concerned that he won''t come out to do his business, so I found a lid of a cardboard box and filled with litter and slid it under the dresser.

Is he in danger? Surely if he has the urge to pee or poop he will . . . right?


Mar 2, 2005
And Brazen - what a beautiful story. Thanks so much for sharing.

I have to say that when I first started making friends with Wellington - my husband was adamant that "he can''t come inside". Our home is not large and we have 2 already that we adore and would hate to upset that "balance".

Little by little, DH would go outside with me and got to adore his "character" (he is such a funny cat). We had decided when we return from our trip, we would "discuss" bringing him inside. Now that Wellington''s crawl space is being closed up - that sped up our discussion quite a bit. Luckily, our friend Kel was able to take him in.

I asked DH today, about the possibility of Kel getting attached to Wellington and should we consider letting her keep him, should that happen. DH said, "Absolutely not. She knows he belongs to us."

It really is kind of magical how certain animals make such an emotional impact on our lives.

Speaking of which, I have neither slept nor eaten in the last week. I know he is in good hands, but it is going to be soooooo hard to get on that plane Saturday morning.


Mar 2, 2005
My friend called this morning - he still hasn''t peed or pooped and he wouldn''t eat for her this morning.

I''m running over there right now. What should we do?


Feb 18, 2008
I wouldnt worry too much. My cat hated new places and would hide for days, sometimes not going to the bathroom either for 3 days although I think he probably peed somewhere. As soon as we got home and he relaxed, he would go. He would also not eat if he was stressed. Just make sure there is lots of food and water available...he won''t starve himself. My cat was also feral when I got him, and it took a couple months for him to trust me and learn to love his home. It was well worth it, I only had him for 3 years but they were 3 of the best years of my life because of him!
GL and enjoy your new little companion :)

Lynn B

May 9, 2004
Oh, just an interesting little tidbit I recently read.

When you and your cat are looking at each other, it is supposedly understood by them to be an act of affection if you blink your eyes slowly at them. And if the cat does the same back (a long, slow blink), then the cat is telling you it has affection for you, too, and that you have successfully *connected* with him/her.

I''m not sure it''s true in all cases (neither of my boys seemed too impressed!!! Scalawags!) but I thought I''d share. It sure can''t hurt!!!

Hugs to you and Wellington!


Jun 13, 2006
Date: 6/2/2010 9:35:38 PM
Author: Lynn B
Oh, just an interesting little tidbit I recently read.

When you and your cat are looking at each other, it is supposedly understood by them to be an act of affection if you blink your eyes slowly at them. And if the cat does the same back (a long, slow blink), then the cat is telling you it has affection for you, too, and that you have successfully *connected* with him/her.

I''m not sure it''s true in all cases (neither of my boys seemed too impressed!!! Scalawags!) but I thought I''d share. It sure can''t hurt!!!

Hugs to you and Wellington!
Kitty kisses! At least that is what I have always heard them called. Of the five cats I have lived with, only three do it with an regularity, but I love it when they do. I really do think it is a sign of love as they only do it when they are content with you and the world.


Jan 29, 2010
Hi LAJennifer!

Just a thought - do you think putting a little outside dirt in the litterboxes might entice Wellington to use them? Since he''s used to doing his business outside, maybe the soil would seem familiar and he''d be more apt to try it.


Mar 2, 2005
Date: 6/2/2010 10:08:44 PM
Author: brazen_irish_hussy
Date: 6/2/2010 9:35:38 PM

Author: Lynn B

Oh, just an interesting little tidbit I recently read.

When you and your cat are looking at each other, it is supposedly understood by them to be an act of affection if you blink your eyes slowly at them. And if the cat does the same back (a long, slow blink), then the cat is telling you it has affection for you, too, and that you have successfully *connected* with him/her.

I''m not sure it''s true in all cases (neither of my boys seemed too impressed!!! Scalawags!) but I thought I''d share. It sure can''t hurt!!!

Hugs to you and Wellington!

Kitty kisses! At least that is what I have always heard them called. Of the five cats I have lived with, only three do it with an regularity, but I love it when they do. I really do think it is a sign of love as they only do it when they are content with you and the world.

I love kitty kisses! What a beautiful way to describe such an emotional moment. My kitties do this too. And yes, Wellington will now gaze into my eyes and slowly blink. He also likes to hold my hands. Such a sweet boy.


Mar 2, 2005
Date: 6/2/2010 10:42:14 PM
Author: gemdandy
Hi LAJennifer!

Just a thought - do you think putting a little outside dirt in the litterboxes might entice Wellington to use them? Since he''s used to doing his business outside, maybe the soil would seem familiar and he''d be more apt to try it.

Hi Gemdandy - this is exactly what I did today, and he let out the longest pee I''ve ever seen. It is going to be hard to get more dirt from outside - do you think he would use potting soil (non toxic, of course) just as well?


Jan 29, 2010
I think that would work. I brought in a cat who loved to poo in my potted plants! He did this for a month or so, but he eventually adapted to standard litter. (He just turned 20 in April!)

(Sorry, I didn't see that you had already tried the dirt method. So glad to hear your boy is doing well! He is so beautiful. He reminds me of a snow leopard!)


Mar 2, 2005
Date: 6/2/2010 11:14:05 PM
Author: gemdandy

I think that would work. I brought in a cat once who loved to poo in my potted plants! (He just turned 20 in April!)

(Sorry, I didn''t see that you had already tried the dirt method. So glad to hear your beautiful boy is doing so well! He reminds me of a snow leopard!)

Thank you. Snow Leopard, huh? Funny, I''ve been calling him my little snow tiger.


Nov 27, 2007
Date: 6/2/2010 1:22:22 AM
Author: LAJennifer
And Brazen - what a beautiful story. Thanks so much for sharing.

I have to say that when I first started making friends with Wellington - my husband was adamant that ''he can''t come inside''. Our home is not large and we have 2 already that we adore and would hate to upset that ''balance''.

Little by little, DH would go outside with me and got to adore his ''character'' (he is such a funny cat). We had decided when we return from our trip, we would ''discuss'' bringing him inside. Now that Wellington''s crawl space is being closed up - that sped up our discussion quite a bit. Luckily, our friend Kel was able to take him in.

I asked DH today, about the possibility of Kel getting attached to Wellington and should we consider letting her keep him, should that happen. DH said, ''Absolutely not. She knows he belongs to us.''

It really is kind of magical how certain animals make such an emotional impact on our lives.

Speaking of which, I have neither slept nor eaten in the last week. I know he is in good hands, but it is going to be soooooo hard to get on that plane Saturday morning.
Heh. It''s amazing how the "no more cats!" rule gets shot down when a real sweetheart of a kitty needs you.

When I got my stray... god, 7 or 8 years ago, DH was in El Salvador as an elections monitor. All he knew was the day he left I''d found O.P. outside our business, all eye goopy and matted and I let him downstairs to cruise around the antique furniture. Then, after all the so called "no kill" shelters said yes, they''d put a cat with a chronic eye issue down, I took him home after he got an otherwise clean bill of health. I swore up and down that I would find a home for him before DH got back. (Guess how well that worked out
? Well, guess I did find him a home... ours!)

Then O.P. met Rat, our other kittyboy. It was Gay Kitteh Loooove at first sight- they sleep in a big furpile to this day and lick each other constantly. I just couldn''t part them! Plus O.P. has the sweetest temperament of any cat I''ve owned- just an absolute doll. He worries about the other cats, takes care of them, and is an all around awesome guy. (He was definitely abused at some point- he had a bullet in his neck and cringed for about a year when you''d touch him from an unexpected angle- and he still has a black boot phobia to this day.)

DH was not so thrilled to be faced with a 3rd cat when he got back two weeks later in our 900 square foot apt. But O.P. won him over too in about a day.

That is so incredibly awesome what you''re doing with Wellington. (Cute name too!) He is so lucky to have found you. Glad your husband is cool with him too.


Mar 2, 2005
LittleGreyKitten - there is something extra special about kitties that "choose" us. It is kind of bizarre when you think about it - we randomly meet somewhere and develop a cross species "relationship" and grow to love each other.

Thought you guys might enjoy some more pics: this one is Wellington outside, about a week before trapping.



Mar 2, 2005
This is where he was living - the crawl space that is now closed up.



Mar 2, 2005
He has come a long way and hangs out like normal in Kellee''s room (when I am there at least). Here he is trying to decide if he wants to get the food that is in a kennel we just set up (he didn''t go in).

Kel would like to keep him in there while I''m gone, for his safety (her bedroom door doesn''t really latch, and her bedroom is getting stuffy. Can''t really open the windows because the screens are somewhat loose).



Mar 2, 2005
And of course, this is his favorite activity (he is going to LOVE living in my home - can''t wait to get him here. Wish I could cancel my trip).



Mar 2, 2005
And here is one of my Seth - he''s my baby even though he is almost 11. Just had to post because he is always sitting in the most awkward positions (check out his feet).

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