
Weight Loss

Thanks for sharing about whole 30, House cat. I'm always learning something new on PS!

I snuck out today to do a walk through with the landscaper of my community. Normally, by 11 AM I haven't done any outdoor walking yet, but by 11 AM today, I had 1 mile down already! Who knew hump day could be a "weight loss wednesday" :lol: :lol: :lol: !
PintoBean|1459948113|4016109 said:
Weight loss is at a stand still, so I'm trying to eat a little better. I did not stick to my diet plans (posted earlier). I ate whatever I wanted. I know it's time to be more vigilant with food. Breakfast today is plain yogurt + honey + cinnamon + granola. I also lapsed on my yogurt ingestion, so here we go - picking it back up again!

(Psst.... TP sent you a reply just wanted to make sure it made it to you! :wavey: )

I like small changes that add up over time. Otherwise I don't stick with them :nono:

Add an extra veggie at dinner and reduce portions of other. Vinegar on salad instead of dressing. One cup of sweetened whatever instead of two.

I am way off the last couple of weeks. The antibiotic leaves me starving. My body isn't absorbing as well. I feel hungry an hour or less after a meal. Gets bad fast. I tried ignoring it because (I thought rationally since I had just eaten) I figured it was just a mind thing. Nope. Shaky, sweating, lightheaded, and almost passed out. So I eat. And eat and eat.
Trying to keep it to a minimum to be okay.

I need to get healthier stuff. Don't generally snack so grabbing whatever leads to bad things...
Wow, TP! While you're still on antibiotics and healing your body, EAT! Would it help to carry little sandwich bags with an ounce of raw nuts in each bag/container so that when you do your daily miles at work, you make sure you're refueling yourself?

I read something years ago that said that non fat dressing is no bueno, and that you need some good fats to help your body absorb the nutrients from the veggies. Vinegar is definitely better than dressing! Vinegar + a good oil + some seasoning should be great!

I need to wean off bread and pastas again. Last time, I ingested potatoes as a substitute and it did help shed pounds and prevented any withdrawal from sugar. OMG I made so many fritatas with potatoes hahahaha... I don't think it's good for me to ingest so many eggs though LOLOLOL! I think DH and I need to sit down and make a meal plan for the week this weekend. Nothing like getting tired of take-out to make you focus on your diet!
TooPatient|1459973325|4016300 said:
PintoBean|1459948113|4016109 said:
Weight loss is at a stand still, so I'm trying to eat a little better. I did not stick to my diet plans (posted earlier). I ate whatever I wanted. I know it's time to be more vigilant with food. Breakfast today is plain yogurt + honey + cinnamon + granola. I also lapsed on my yogurt ingestion, so here we go - picking it back up again!

(Psst.... TP sent you a reply just wanted to make sure it made it to you! :wavey: )

I like small changes that add up over time. Otherwise I don't stick with them :nono:

Add an extra veggie at dinner and reduce portions of other. Vinegar on salad instead of dressing. One cup of sweetened whatever instead of two.

I am way off the last couple of weeks. The antibiotic leaves me starving. My body isn't absorbing as well. I feel hungry an hour or less after a meal. Gets bad fast. I tried ignoring it because (I thought rationally since I had just eaten) I figured it was just a mind thing. Nope. Shaky, sweating, lightheaded, and almost passed out. So I eat. And eat and eat.
Trying to keep it to a minimum to be okay.

I need to get healthier stuff. Don't generally snack so grabbing whatever leads to bad things...

I love these probiotics. The strains were studied for weight loss. Plus, you should take probiotics when taking antibiotics. These arengood and potent, so if you feel some stomach upset like gas, etc for the first week or two, that means they are doing their job. Although, since you are taking antibiotics, your gut might be wiped out and you might not have any die-off syndrome at all.

I hope you feel better!!!
I hope you all don't mind me joining. :D In HS I was on the swimming team and LOVED it! This also meant that I could eat whatever I wanted and still be thing. Now, fast forward a lot of years (mumble like 20), add hubby, three kids, and stresses of life I have a lot of extra weight. :nono: I've done the Walk away the pounds, but they didn't really work that well for me. I also did couch to 5k which was good for a while, except I detest running. So, I got suckered into the BeachBody commercials where they give you a month free....found Autumn Cabrese, and I love her work outs! Now I'm waiting for the 21 day fix kit to arrive. I'm terrified. With all the stresses going on right now AND NOW I'm going to add changing my DIET?!?!?! WTF I must be crazy. Hopefully, by posting here I can get some support.... :D
My weight problem stems from my having very bad fitness habits. When I was a kid, I was skinny fat. I was super inactive, and ate whatever I wanted. I'd get lightheaded scrambling up stairs. Helping with groceries entailed carrying the bag with a loaf of bread and a box of cereal.

Weight would creep on when I was stressed and super inactive. Always belly weight. The kicker was working full time and going to law school at night from 2007-2011. 10 lbs per year - usually 5 lbs at the end of each semester. 40 lbs! Then the job I got post-graduation. Late nights and weekends and hard and fast deadlines = 10 lbs. I lost 8 for the wedding and it came back. Lots of anxiety, depression, stress, from the job and the last boss made me her target. When I quit that job and got a new one, it was remote and in the quiet I realized I had a lot of lingering issues. The quiet and calm actually bothered me more now because the hectic let me have an excuse to not work out any issues. I put on another 10 lbs. Those lbs went away then came back as I was hustling around juggling working and overseeing renovations. Then I lost my job and the pounds crept back, got the current job months later, winter kept me from going outside and again I'm back at needing to lose the whole 60 lbs. I'm on 5 mgs of lexapro for less than a month now and that's helped me - who knows if it's the pill or a placebo affect. I haven't had one of those "I'm so sad I don't know why and I'm going to stay in bed" days in a while. I'm not having crazy mood swings - I'm more even keeled, and more like the me from 8 years ago. I'm wanting to wake up earlier now. I'm being more consistent with my walking, and I'm not letting the scale break my spirit. I have a couple of weddings coming up in June. I had unrealistic expectations for weight. well, guess what, it's not MY wedding, so as long as I don't steal the thunder by looking inappropriate (or acting inappropriately), who cares :lol: .
Hello from Scandinavia!
I came in here looking for a bit of motivation as I still have a few pounds to loose after baby number two, even if that is four years ago.. :wall: I just wanted to say that you are all doing such good jobs!! I know how hard it can be to find time for exercise and the motivation (and time) for a healthy diet. But you are doing it! And all progress is good progress and you should be sooooo proud of yourself for making the right choices every day! Thank you for giving me some motivation to keep up my diet and exercise also :-) I'm going to make a very healthy dinner now, lean meat and veggies, lol but not kidding. Hugs!
Hi girls! Just coming by to give support to all of you and cheers for all the work and energy you are putting into getting and staying healthy! Also going to share something I saw on GMA yesterday as I was getting ready for work. Thought some of you might be interested. I don't know her recipes but they intrigue me. I am tempted (well now I need to get my dh tempted since he is the chef) to try some of them. Especially the PB brownies.

Lisa Lillien is the whiz behind Hungry Girl, a guilt-free eating website and newsletter. Her new cookbook, "Hungry Girl Clean & Hungry: Easy All-Natural Recipes for Healthy Eating in the Real World," features waist-friendly recipes made with no artificial ingredients. Lillian appeared today on "Good Morning America." Try this recipe she shared with "GMA" viewers in your own kitchen!

You’ll Need: 8-inch by 8-inch baking pan, nonstick spray, food processor, medium bowl

One 15-ounce can black beans, drained and rinsed
1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
1/3 cup unsweetened applesauce
1/4 cup canned pure pumpkin
1/4 cup (about 2 large) egg whites
1/4 cup whole-wheat flour
1/4 cup Truvia spoonable no-calorie sweetener (or another natural brand that’s about twice as sweet as sugar)
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
3/4 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons mini (or chopped) semi-sweet chocolate chips
1/3 cup powdered peanut butter or defatted peanut flour
1 tablespoon Truvia spoonable no-calorie sweetener (or another natural brand that’s about twice as sweet as sugar)
Dash salt
1 tablespoon creamy peanut butter (no sugar added)

Cooking Directions

Nutrition Info: 1/9th of pan (about 2 1/2 inches by 2 1/2 inches): 116 calories, 3.5g total fat (1g sat fat), 255mg sodium, 23.5g carbs, 5g fiber, 4g sugars, 6.5g protein

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Spray an 8-inch by 8-inch baking pan with nonstick spray.
2. Place all brownie ingredients except chocolate chips in a food processor. Puree until completely smooth and uniform.
3. Fold in 1 tablespoon chocolate chips.
4. Spread mixture into the baking pan, and smooth out the top.
5. In a medium bowl, combine all topping ingredients except creamy peanut butter. Add 1/4 cup water, and mix until smooth and uniform. Add peanut butter, and stir until uniform.
6. Spoon topping onto the brownie batter, and swirl it in with a knife. Sprinkle with remaining 1 tablespoon chocolate chips, and lightly press into the batter.
7. Bake until a toothpick (or knife) inserted into the center comes out mostly clean, 25 to 30 minutes.
8. Let cool completely, about 1 hour.

Recipe styled by Karen Pickus, chef/food stylist, "Good Morning America.”

Recipe Summary
Main Ingredients: black beans, applesauce, whole wheat flour, pumpkin, egg whites, chocolate chips
This is wild, Missy! Thanks for sharing!
Hi Scandinavian :wavey:
One healthy meal at a time! Nice work.

How is everyone doing?

I am feeling a lot better, but still not 100%. Still on the antibiotics. A stronger probiotic twice a day instead of once is helping a lot, but I am still hungry a lot and eating more than I should. I carry protein bars, fruit, nuts, and other premeasured snacks. Looking forward to my body rebalancing and not needing all of them! I usually do two little healthy snacks (up and physical job) per day but that adds all of 200 calories to my day. Right now, I am doing close to 1,000 calories in snacks plus my regular meals...
Hi Scandinavian :wavey:
One healthy meal at a time! Nice work.

How is everyone doing?

I am feeling a lot better, but still not 100%. Still on the antibiotics. A stronger probiotic twice a day instead of once is helping a lot, but I am still hungry a lot and eating more than I should. I carry protein bars, fruit, nuts, and other premeasured snacks. Looking forward to my body rebalancing and not needing all of them! I usually do two little healthy snacks (up and physical job) per day but that adds all of 200 calories to my day. Right now, I am doing close to 1,000 calories in snacks plus my regular meals...
Hi Toopatient :wavey:
Only tip I have is to really (REALLY) reduce carbs. As in no fruits, potatoes, flour, bread, cake, rice, pasta etc of any kind. Eat a lot of veggies instead, as much as you like. That will keep you full with a lot less calories. And you reduce the need for snacks if you are able to keep your blood sugar at a more stable level, at least that helps me, otherwise I get hungry before I stop eating if you know what I mean... For me at least, I need to eat more food than normal the first two days after reducing carbs, because I get "sugger pains of hunger" and they go away if I eat more proteins and veggies. Brokkoli is my current favourite, I eat it raw as a snack (my DH thinks I'm crazy, but I like brokkoli, lol). These little tricks have really helped me. I still have 5 pounds to go, and whilst that is not (!) a lot, it is so so soooo hard to do. But I'm going to be super good for the next three weeks, because we are going on holiday the first weekend in May :-) So keep me company in eating brokkoli and it will make me better at sticking to the plan :-) (I really do love snacks, even proteinbars, but my weight does not..)
I hope you feel better soon! It is too hard to loose weight as it is without being sick. But you are doing it! You are keeping active and the scale will soon tell you that you are doing a good job! And don't forget - muscles are much heavier than fat :bigsmile:
Only other tip I have is to buy a dog - my dog is an English setter and she barks until she gets me out of the door every day :-)
Good point about the dog, Scandinavian!
My parents will be going out of town next week, so I will be responsible for feeding and letting the dogs out. They are rat terriers, so it's quite easy for them to dig a small hole under the fence and escape!! Usually, I end up just walking them on a leash until they "go empty" so I don't have to deal with the dirt digging shenanigans. It's a good work out for sure, walking the dogs! My biceps feel it the most when I'm done lololol.
PintoBean, I hear you on the biceps, lol. I actually got blisters on my fingers this weekend, LOL. There were butterflies in the woods for the first time this year :bigsmile: And as the dogs are required to be on leash now this time of year, she was crazy :halo: :devil: :halo:
I lost 1.5 of the 2 pounds I gained...I have hit a plateau again..need to work harder...went to my Mom's last weekend for her birthday..little too much food and wine was consumed...I will pay dearly for that lol...
Scandinavian|1460398827|4017991 said:
Hi Toopatient :wavey:
Only tip I have is to really (REALLY) reduce carbs. As in no fruits, potatoes, flour, bread, cake, rice, pasta etc of any kind. Eat a lot of veggies instead, as much as you like. That will keep you full with a lot less calories. And you reduce the need for snacks if you are able to keep your blood sugar at a more stable level, at least that helps me, otherwise I get hungry before I stop eating if you know what I mean... For me at least, I need to eat more food than normal the first two days after reducing carbs, because I get "sugger pains of hunger" and they go away if I eat more proteins and veggies. Brokkoli is my current favourite, I eat it raw as a snack (my DH thinks I'm crazy, but I like brokkoli, lol). These little tricks have really helped me. I still have 5 pounds to go, and whilst that is not (!) a lot, it is so so soooo hard to do. But I'm going to be super good for the next three weeks, because we are going on holiday the first weekend in May :-) So keep me company in eating brokkoli and it will make me better at sticking to the plan :-) (I really do love snacks, even proteinbars, but my weight does not..)
I hope you feel better soon! It is too hard to loose weight as it is without being sick. But you are doing it! You are keeping active and the scale will soon tell you that you are doing a good job! And don't forget - muscles are much heavier than fat :bigsmile:
Only other tip I have is to buy a dog - my dog is an English setter and she barks until she gets me out of the door every day :-)

LOVE broccoli! When it looks good, I buy a 20 pound box of it and just eat broccoli. Breakfast? How about a plate of lightly cooked broccoli with an ounce of cheese? Snack? Broccoli! Lunch? Big plate of broccoli with some toasted almonds. Dinner? Pile of broccoli with some chicken breast. SO GOOD!

I am (usually) very low carb. Tastes yummy and helps stay full with less.

The antibiotic has really messed me up that way. The eating non-stop is crazy. Getting it under a bit better control and waiting for the last of them so I can get back to normal. NOTHING stays with me. It is almost like the antibiotic killed all of my good stomach bacteria and my body isn't able to use the food I eat. Trying hard to get 2 probiotics per day. They help...

Dogs are awesome that way! We have a high energy corgie/lab mix who loves to go non-stop. Out in the yard playing. Walking. Day trips to visit the herd of sheep. All sorts of fun stuff to get moving.


A little off topic, but a guy DH used to work with saw him on LinkedIn. Sent a PM saying that he sees DH is in a contract that is about to end and he has all the skills they are looking for. If interested, send a resume....
So resume sent Sunday. He liked and sent on to the recruiting department Monday morning. Within 2 hours, DH had an email from a recruiter wanting him to call. I was there for the call. The recruiter was VERY happy with the sounds of him. Likes and trusts the guy who recommended him. DH super super excited over company. Took all of 10 minutes. They are scheduling a day to go down and meet everyone and take it from there!
I'm not quite clear on how many interviews to expect or anything, but from what I see online, they are skipping a bunch of preliminary phone stuff and starting much of the way through the process.

Commute will take a little working out, but we can make it work.
DH so excited. Keeps walking around the house finding reasons to say "But it IS rocket science!" (company does space stuff)

Trying to not get too excited. Still sending out to other places too. Hoping for the best!
Awesome update on your DH, TooPatient! Lots and lots of lucky dust heading your way!!

Antibiotics are so strong nowadays that a few days in, my system is OFF! I find that non-dairy probiotic foods help during this period, in addition to to a probiotic pill. I can't handle yogurt made from milk when i'm on ABX, so I get soy yogurt or coconut yogurt - whatever's in stock at the supermarket. Also, if you like miso soup, kimchi, sauerkraut, those could help as foods with probiotic.
I just tried this 10 minute video and it was a lot of fun!

I just don't jump around indoors so I modify because I'm still in the newness of renovations and I'm afraid that one bad bounce and my new floors will give and my patched and painted walls will crack. :errrr: yes, I am sick :lol:
PintoBean|1461027293|4020953 said:
I just tried this 10 minute video and it was a lot of fun!

I just don't jump around indoors so I modify because I'm still in the newness of renovations and I'm afraid that one bad bounce and my new floors will give and my patched and painted walls will crack. :errrr: yes, I am sick :lol:

:lol: :lol:

Looks like a lot of fun! (I just watched the whole video with sound muted in the break room at work.)

I can see why you'd be worried about your new renovations! I'd have to find room downstairs or our whole house would come down! :lol:
Just wanted to say hello and hear how you are all doing! Hope everything is going well! Soon - SUMMER - and that makes everything easier, at least exercising outside :-) Keep up the good work and keep inspiring the rest of us :appl:
I had my follow-up checkup #3. I actually weight 2.4 pounds more on the doc's scale, but this time i didn't bother taking off my coat, my shoes, etc., but whatEVER - my bottom blood pressure number was lower by 6! Yay! I do have to go on cholesterol meds, but that doesn't surprise me because I've always had high cholesterol - even as a skinny mini 10 year old. My maternal first cousins - both docs and slim - are on cholesterol meds too. We all tended to have low blood pressure and high cholesterol, until i packed on 60+ lbs and raised my blood pressure :-(, so I knew at some point in time a doc would put me on cholesterol meds.

I am going to lay off the garlic knots and continue walking and tending to my flowers. My neighbors were suggesting that I get a longer hose to water my plants in the back yard, and I said no, the 2 gallon watering can is my strength training :lol: :lol: :lol:
Nice work Pinto!

Dropping 6 on the bottom number is great! I love your strength training. Gardens are far better than gyms, in my opinion.

I am so glad to finally be off antibiotics. Haven't bothered to get on scale yet. Still dealing with rebalancing my poor stomach. Probably should look soon, but I am still feeling bloated and ick. Normal eating is helping though! (Well.... And a mega strength probiotic twice a day with some yogurt and other such foods for added help.)
Went to the doctor today for my 6 month meds check...weight is down 11 lbs in 6 months (this is very good for my slow metabolism) A1C is 5.7 woohoooo, blood sugar normal, blood pressure normal, cholesterol normal...he had reduced both my blood pressure and diabetic meds when I was there last, all my tests were in normal range! I am pretty darn excited..I still have 35 lbs to go to be in the "normal" BMI range..but heck I don't care right now lol...I will care tomorrow and get back on my wagon...edit to add, I finally had to have my rings sized down...I was afraid I would lose them, they were literally falling off my fingers!
Way to go, diamondrnglover! That is absolutely fantastic!

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DiamondRingLover -- Nice work! :appl:
Just wanted to give encouragement to everyone dedicating to the weight loss. Im with you!! I joined a boxing club and changed my diet about 6 months ago. Healthy is the key!! Keep your eye on the prize ladies!!! We can do it!!! :))

Congrats diamondrnglover!!! Awesome job! Take it one day at a time, be patient with yourself and you we meet you goal in no time!! :D
Thanks everyone...we can do it but it is very hard...there are days I just want to give up and just be a fat, out of shape old woman....then I think about how old I am and how many years are left on this earth and I don't want to go out that way and the fact that one day I will have grandchildren and I want to be able to do things with I keep at less weight has to be better for my arthritic filled can do it but you have to be in the right frame of mind and really want it...then be prepared to be hungry all the freaking time lol....keep going everyone, I think the end goal will be worth it!
So I am now about 6 weeks in to that drug, and sticking to my diet. I am right at 31 down. I have had two cheats thru the course of it, where I went to Raisin' Canes for chicken strips, trying to jolt myself by jacking the carbs. I really wanted to go to Drewes for one of them, but since we needed dinner, I just went with something I knew was more doable. Dangit. I love that place so I felt like it was worth it.

I see the doctor about 3-4 days after I run out of meds. I've been skipping taking it on Sundays, and got up late today so I didnt take it today. I know there's a half-life of about a week anyway, so its working for me to do that. Since I've stuck to the low carb thing pretty well on the weekends, surprisingly, I've been hanging in ok to skip on the weekends. And honestly, I really appreciate it bec I can f'ing sleep a little bit! lol. I have to tranquilize myself at night most of the time to get any sleep otherwise.

I have decided that when I see the dr later this month I am going to see if she will give me another 2 or 3 months worth, and after about 6 weeks will skip a week of it and start again. I want to see what happens after another few months.
Haven't been on the scale recently, but my mom said it looks like I have lost weight!

Breakfast this week is fresh strawberries, blueberries, low fat unsweetened yogurt, and a handful of granola.

TP - that looks DELICIOUS!!! Yogurt and fruit "parfait" hee hee hee... I'm giggling right now because my neighbor's dog - this happy little Maltese, Lucy, whenever I'd say "parFAIT, parFAIT" she'd stand up, wag her tail and bite at the air :lol: :lol: :lol:

I gained weight. My new role as HOA president is impeding me. I no longer am able to walk a lap without someone asking me to check something out. Maybe my new cholesterol med is playing a part as well. Whatevs... forging ahead... had DH hold my feet last night as I did full OLD FASHIONED situps lolol... The goal is to make that a part of the evening ritual.

Whenever I get frustrated by work or from my HOA volunteer stuff, I grab an empty grocery bag, my weeding stick, and go outside and dig up dandelions. Sometimes I sneak up onto a neighbor's lawn and pop one out. Most of the time I'm digging dandelions up in the common area. Who knew that "weed" could be so cathartic and so addictive :lol: :lol: :lol: but this type of weed doesn't give me the munchies BAHAHAHAHAA :lol: :lol: :lol: . This is exercise, no?