
Wasserman Schultz stepping down

Good! Funny how the liberal media is being pretty mum about the whole thing. You'll hear much more about Melania's speech than about any of the contents of the leaked e-mails.
redwood66|1469391415|4058870 said:
The "dump" that Wikileaks released Friday morning consists of 19,000+ emails -- spanning January 2015 - May 25 2016 -- from the accounts of DNC Communications Director Luis Miranda, National Finance Director Jordon Kaplan, Finance Chief of Staff Scott Comer, Finance Director of Data & Strategic Initiatives Daniel Parrish, Finance Director Allen Zachary, Senior Advisor Andrew Wright, and Northern California Finance Director Robert (Erik) Stowe (751 emails). I didn't see for myself anything from Ms. Wasserman Schultz in the half-hour I spent rummaging through the Wikileaks database via its Search function. Regardless, I'm not sorry to see her go, as I thought she was less than impressive in the role.

Plus, I don't think any current, elected official should be the Chair of a party's National Committee. And if you aren't an elected office holder when you assume the position, but later decide to be a candidate for public office, I think you should be required to resign as National Committee Chair.
Can we just fire everyone in the DNC, scrap all the rules, and hit "restart"? Raze the entire organization to the ground and just start over.
Gypsy|1469428997|4059019 said:
Can we just fire everyone in the DNC, scrap all the rules, and hit "restart"? Raze the entire organization to the ground and just start over.

I haven't been following this closely, just looking at the headlines. And I was a Sanders supporter, so I have nothing to gain by defending Secretary Clinton in any way where their rivalry is concerned. However, no matter how corrupt the DNC is (and how much it deserves to be razed), I think we should also look into whether Donald Trump was in cahoots with the Russians to hack into the DNC databases. Why would the Russians want to do it except to get him into office? (That is IF they did it.)

I'm less worried (at this point anyway) about WHO was responsible for the leak than I am the fact that the emails and their contents exist and the people who did/said those things. This goes to the character and ethics of the committee and reflects quite poorly on the party as a whole, IMO. The responsible parties should be removed immediately while the other facets (Russian hack theory, Trump involvement, etc.) are looked into.

She should go, and all others who broke with party ethics. Here is what I am troubled about. Initially, I said I will not vote for a socialist, although I agreed he was a good senator and seemed a nice man. If I knew that HRC would adopt his platform, and seeing the results of the FBI investigation, I would have voted for Bernie, who seems to have integrity, and who is a person who I feel I can trust. I'm really annoyed. It is a rigged system. I want a do over. :)


I watched the 60 minute interview. Kaine was good, but, she still comes across stiff and serious, and most of all carries the resentments of yrs of republican attacks on her, which shows thru. Not pleasant to see in her. I could see again the possibility of a loss for HRC.
I think you're not hearing a lot about it because it's not exactly a surprise. We knew the Democrats were railroading Bernie. This isn't exactly news.

Unfortunately I think these leaked e-mails speaks more to the bigotry of the US as a whole than to the bigotry of the Democratic Party. They knew that accusing him of being an atheist would ruin his political career. Why is that? Because Americans are so prejudiced against anyone who is not a Christian (preferably Protestant) that they would never vote one in to office.

One thing I've learned from this election is that while Americans talk a big game with regards to tolerance and acceptance and all that "give me your tired, your poor. Your huddles masses yearning to breathe free" stuff we don't actually mean it. It should read "give me your whites, your Evangelicals yearning to suppress everyone else." :(sad Winston Churchill said "You can always count on Americans to do the right thing — after they've tried everything else." But I'm not sure he was right. I don't think we can count on Americans to do the right thing at all. It's all very depressing.
BeekeeperBetty|1469463895|4059106 said:
I think you're not hearing a lot about it because it's not exactly a surprise. We knew the Democrats were railroading Bernie. This isn't exactly news.

Unfortunately I think these leaked e-mails speaks more to the bigotry of the US as a whole than to the bigotry of the Democratic Party. They knew that accusing him of being an atheist would ruin his political career. Why is that? Because Americans are so prejudiced against anyone who is not a Christian (preferably Protestant) that they would never vote one in to office.

One thing I've learned from this election is that while Americans talk a big game with regards to tolerance and acceptance and all that "give me your tired, your poor. Your huddles masses yearning to breathe free" stuff we don't actually mean it. It should read "give me your whites, your Evangelicals yearning to suppress everyone else." :(sad Winston Churchill said "You can always count on Americans to do the right thing — after they've tried everything else." But I'm not sure he was right. I don't think we can count on Americans to do the right thing at all. It's all very depressing.


I think America got the two candidates it deserves, :knockout: and :knockout: .

I think America got the two candidates it deserves, :knockout: and :knockout: .


My vote this year might be to take the ballot, rip it up, and throw it in the garbage where it belongs.
Laila619|1469415214|4058978 said:
Good! Funny how the liberal media is being pretty mum about the whole thing. You'll hear much more about Melania's speech than about any of the contents of the leaked e-mails.
So are the PSer liberals... :wink2: Had this happened in the GOP we would be on page 3 by now... :bigsmile:
Dancing Fire|1469473001|4059152 said:
Laila619|1469415214|4058978 said:
Good! Funny how the liberal media is being pretty mum about the whole thing. You'll hear much more about Melania's speech than about any of the contents of the leaked e-mails.
So are the PSer liberals... :wink2: Had this happened in the GOP we would be on page 3 by now... :bigsmile:

These cyber attacks clearly show Russian involvement.

That Russian involvement should be scrutinized to the fullest extent and people should be connecting the dots as to why Russia would want TRUMP TO WIN THIS ELECTION.

Conservatives, stop gloating. No one should be so naive to think that these elections aren't completely rigged. The Bush/Gore election stripped me of any idea that democracy actually existed in this country.
I am a conservative and believe me I am not gloating because Trump is no better.

We have two lousy candidates and at least 4 scary years to look forward to no matter who wins.
JoCoJenn|1469456520|4059071 said:
I'm less worried (at this point anyway) about WHO was responsible for the leak than I am the fact that the emails and their contents exist and the people who did/said those things. This goes to the character and ethics of the committee and reflects quite poorly on the party as a whole, IMO. The responsible parties should be removed immediately while the other facets (Russian hack theory, Trump involvement, etc.) are looked into.

I would LOVE to read the RNC emails... it's unfair, unkind, and interfering in American politics and I would bet it will backfire at the polls in November. Time will tell.

What bothers me is so many women don't stand up for Hillary Clinton.. people seem to forget what it was like for women in the 70s.. I for one was sexually harrassed on a daily basis, oogled, awed, at work.. it was horrible.. at Fox that seems to not have ended but the business world is much better for young women today and many more doors are open.. although my exhusband always said and I think it true, a woman's worst enemy is another woman.
Dancing Fire|1469473001|4059152 said:
Laila619|1469415214|4058978 said:
Good! Funny how the liberal media is being pretty mum about the whole thing. You'll hear much more about Melania's speech than about any of the contents of the leaked e-mails.
So are the PSer liberals... :wink2: Had this happened in the GOP we would be on page 3 by now... :bigsmile:

So you approve of another government interfering in the DNC? and the American process? I hope not. I'm ashamed, I'm ashamed people's personal emails were posted whether it was democrats or republicans, if this were the republicans they would be lying and saying it didn't happen. Republicans would be suing everyone there would be a committee, a sub committee, a gun revival, a few old presidents brought up, America the beautiful and etc.
Gypsy|1469428997|4059019 said:
Can we just fire everyone in the DNC, scrap all the rules, and hit "restart"? Raze the entire organization to the ground and just start over.

Sure, if we do it for the RNC also, I'm for that.
I would LOVE to read the RNC emails... it's unfair, unkind, and interfering in American politics and I would bet it will backfire at the polls in November. Time will tell.


So would you rather have not known?

I do not agree with the sleazy way info seems to be popping up now a days. But it happened and we need to deal with the fact that this is now the second time for Hillary that she does not tell the truth.
Sure, if we do it for the RNC also, I'm for that.

Not a Trump fan, but until proven otherwise, nothing came up during that convention that would warrant it.
Tekate|1469477146|4059182 said:

Thank you for posting this! I couldn't figure out what people in here were referring to - the story is plastered all over every site I've visited today! There were at least 6 different articles about it on yahoo alone.

ETA - Tekate, I seriously love your posts.
Tekate|1469477367|4059183 said:
JoCoJenn|1469456520|4059071 said:
I'm less worried (at this point anyway) about WHO was responsible for the leak than I am the fact that the emails and their contents exist and the people who did/said those things. This goes to the character and ethics of the committee and reflects quite poorly on the party as a whole, IMO. The responsible parties should be removed immediately while the other facets (Russian hack theory, Trump involvement, etc.) are looked into.

I would LOVE to read the RNC emails... it's unfair, unkind, and interfering in American politics and I would bet it will backfire at the polls in November. Time will tell.

What bothers me is so many women don't stand up for Hillary Clinton.. people seem to forget what it was like for women in the 70s.. I for one was sexually harrassed on a daily basis, oogled, awed, at work.. it was horrible.. at Fox that seems to not have ended but the business world is much better for young women today and many more doors are open.. although my exhusband always said and I think it true, a woman's worst enemy is another woman.
Tekate: you want me to stand up for someone just because they have the same plumbing as me? That's as bad as attacking someone just for having different plumbing. Two wrongs do not make a right.

She's a better candidate than Trump. But barely. I am a liberal and a feminist, but I am not going to promote or defend someone solely because of their sex. There are many women of her generation that achieved great heights and managed to do it without getting their hands dirty.

I do want a great woman president. But the part that matters most to me of that phrase is 'great President'. I want a great person. Regardless of sex, color, or religion in office. And I am sorry but she hasn't met that criteria, regardless of plumbing.
ruby59|1469477898|4059189 said:
Sure, if we do it for the RNC also, I'm for that.

Not a Trump fan, but until proven otherwise, nothing came up during that convention that would warrant it.

I am not a trump fan.. Why did the DNC merit it?? We don't know if the RNC sponsored the breach? As far as I can tell, Trumps statement that he supports Putin (which is abhorrent really horrible). As a long time manager in the computer business I can say unequivocally that people say things in emails, doesn't mean you don't have a meeting to clear the air.

Does it bother you the our country's computers are breached by the Russians? I doubt these guys just went around the DNC, I'm sure there are other places they have been.. who knows.
House Cat|1469474317|4059159 said:
These cyber attacks clearly show Russian involvement.

That Russian involvement should be scrutinized to the fullest extent and people should be connecting the dots as to why Russia would want TRUMP TO WIN THIS ELECTION.

Conservatives, stop gloating. No one should be so naive to think that these elections aren't completely rigged. The Bush/Gore election stripped me of any idea that democracy actually existed in this country.
The only reason Gore lost the election b/c he couldn't even carry his own state of TN... :rolleyes:
Gypsy, yes I think we as women should stand up for each other. Even today Clinton is branded 'masculine' 'aggressive'. And that is by other women. You can stand and do what you feel is right and I can do the same. Clinton has baggage, but I don't find her nearly as scary as Trump.

As I said above, do what you think is right for you but as a 63 year old woman I remember, and it was awful and women still are going through the pain.
Tekate|1469477542|4059184 said:
Dancing Fire|1469473001|4059152 said:
Laila619|1469415214|4058978 said:
Good! Funny how the liberal media is being pretty mum about the whole thing. You'll hear much more about Melania's speech than about any of the contents of the leaked e-mails.
So are the PSer liberals... :wink2: Had this happened in the GOP we would be on page 3 by now... :bigsmile:

So you approve of another government interfering in the DNC? and the American process? I hope not. I'm ashamed, I'm ashamed people's personal emails were posted whether it was democrats or republicans, if this were the republicans they would be lying and saying it didn't happen. Republicans would be suing everyone there would be a committee, a sub committee, a gun revival, a few old presidents brought up, America the beautiful and etc.
No I don't approve other government reading HC's top secret Emails... :devil:
I will not support or vote for a person just because they are a woman or a black, green, white, Christian, or whatever. I believe it is ridiculous to even suggest that someone should vote based entirely on that issue, regardless of political party.
am not a trump fan.. Why did the DNC merit it?? We don't know if the RNC sponsored the breach? As far as I can tell, Trumps statement that he supports Putin (which is abhorrent really horrible). As a long time manager in the computer business I can say unequivocally that people say things in emails, doesn't mean you don't have a meeting to clear the air.

Does it bother you the our country's computers are breached by the Russians? I doubt these guys just went around the DNC, I'm sure there are other places they have been.. who knows.

Read my previous post. I stated I do not like the sleazy way information is being put out there.

But that does not negate the fact that no matter who leaked it, the information appears to be true.
redwood66|1469487298|4059254 said:
I will not support or vote for a person just because they are a woman or a black, green, white, Christian, or whatever. I believe it is ridiculous to even suggest that someone should vote based entirely on that issue, regardless of political party.

Regardless of merit, character or ideology! That's not progress, that's reverse sexism!!!

I will be voting for Hillary. Because voting against Trump is the only thing that makes sense to me in this election. But make no mistake: it has nothing to do with her being a woman. If I had another viable option, it could be an athiest who is a purple hermaphrodite, I'd vote for them over Hillary.
Dancing Fire|1469486537|4059249 said:
House Cat|1469474317|4059159 said:
These cyber attacks clearly show Russian involvement.

That Russian involvement should be scrutinized to the fullest extent and people should be connecting the dots as to why Russia would want TRUMP TO WIN THIS ELECTION.

Conservatives, stop gloating. No one should be so naive to think that these elections aren't completely rigged. The Bush/Gore election stripped me of any idea that democracy actually existed in this country.
The only reason Gore lost the election b/c he couldn't even carry his own state of TN... :rolleyes:
You are so lost