
WARNING: who should you take advice from?

  • Thread starter Thread starter LD
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Jun 29, 2008
I don't come onto the forum every day so when I do, I try to catch up with as much as I can.

I've just come across new posters giving "advice" and was horrified at what was being dished out. Unfortunately, anybody new to this forum may read those posts and then act on highly dubious/wrong information.

Can I ask all new posters to the forum that if you're asking for advice, please check out the number of posts that the person giving the advice has made and how long they've been a member of PS. Of course highly informed new people join the forum all the time but take you time sifting through what you're being told and do your checks.
Yes it's pretty disruptive. Thank you LD for the warning.
Will RT take the bait?
The sad thing is he is now over in RT dishing bad out advice to unsuspecting newbies as well. :errrr: a few are wondering if it's our infamous image stealing scammer/con artist back for some more (his similar name is a clue isn't it?) and he pops up again usually every six months or so to do some trolling....
Chrono|1441719014|3924922 said:
Will RT take the bait?

Who/what is RT please, stupid here, and no expert? :confused:

DK :))
RT = Rocky Talky forum, which is the diamond and primary forum of Pricescope.
arkieb1|1441720971|3924933 said:
The sad thing is he is now over in RT dishing bad out advice to unsuspecting newbies as well. :errrr: a few are wondering if it's our infamous image stealing scammer/con artist back for some more (his similar name is a clue isn't it?) and he pops up again usually every six months or so to do some trolling....

oh no! I thought he had just gone away. Wishful thinking I guess. Hopefully RT members know to ignore him? Looks like the multiple threads he started this morning have been ignored thus far.
Asking questions about the nuances of GIA's grading policy on carbon and how identical 4C graded stones have huge variances in prices by the same dealer are probably questions less than 1% of this forum can answer, check that, less than .1%.

Now I'm sure 99% can give their OPinion.

But I don't see a plethora of PHD's with GG add on's strolling this site.

If they are here, please point them out, maybe they can answer some what should be simple questions about common carbon.

When you're sick the cliche says only listen to the DOCTOR.

I and many of the lovely people on this forum have multiple degrees that they do not advertise or talk about and none of them are attention seeking arseholes or trolls the last time I checked. Have your bogus photos given way to self seeking platitudes this time Dr? I thought you were banned.... or do you just have a twin persona called DrD
This speaks to the pitfall's of online information.......... a person can be 'anyone they want to be' online. It is up to the reader to be aware that all information online comes with that caveat......verify information, verify across other resources, sit with it, and then verify it again --and that process should be across numerous people with a known history of providing accurate information, rather than "air time"............
+1 to LD for posting this issue as a is SO relevant. :clap:
drruby|1441722499|3924943 said:
Asking questions about the nuances of GIA's grading policy on carbon and how identical 4C graded stones have huge variances in prices by the same dealer are probably questions less than 1% of this forum can answer, check that, less than .1%.

Now I'm sure 99% can give their OPinion.

But I don't see a plethora of PHD's with GG add on's strolling this site.

If they are here, please point them out, maybe they can answer some what should be simple questions about common carbon.

When you're sick the cliche says only listen to the DOCTOR.


Unlike some, we don't advertise our qualifications. We don't feel the desperate need to be important. There's no need anyway as this is a consumer forum.

Oh and btw it's very easy to buy any qualification you want online - doesn't mean you're qualified to give advice! My Uncle became a Minister online and he didn't know one end of the Bible to another!

I suggest you check with your online supplier as clearly they forgot to tell you that you need a semblance of knowledge, gained over a period of time rather than Wikipedia, to give advice.

You obviously haven't noticed but the part of PS you're in at the moment deals with COLORED GEMSTONES not diamonds so when you're banging on about the GIA and diamonds and blah blah blah blah blah most of us have switched off using the "disinterested" switch.

Newbies are well advised to ignore any/all of your posts if seeking genuine, informed help.
Thanks Chrono re: RT.

I ignored the so-called expert ages ago, just hope the newbies will do the same and take no notice.

DK :devil:
dk168|1441725539|3924974 said:
Thanks Chrono re: RT.

I ignored the so-called expert ages ago, just hope the newbies will do the same and take no notice.

DK :devil:

I'm sure they will - I just thought it might be prudent to make it a thread as it's very current at the moment.
Kind of a clown/troll/igit/whatever, slated diamonds as just carbons and not worthy compared to CS especially ruby, and when not getting any attention in CS, switched to RT to dish out wisdom, on diamonds, WTF???

DK :roll:
Steve76 or just bad deja vu on my part?
Ima just gonna post this whenever he posts:

Take all advice from drruby with a grain of salt, this is a quote from drruby,

I met an alien once he said he used huge synthetic gemstones to stabilize his FTL drive, it seems aliens prize 5 foot wide synthetic gems for their technology, since the natural inclusions in gems usually mean a WARP drive goes crazy.


Thought you’d like to consider ALL the facts before taking his advice.
iLander|1441726418|3924985 said:
Ima just gonna post this whenever he posts:

Take all advice from drruby with a grain of salt, this is a quote from drruby,

I met an alien once he said he used huge synthetic gemstones to stabilize his FTL drive, it seems aliens prize 5 foot wide synthetic gems for their technology, since the natural inclusions in gems usually mean a WARP drive goes crazy.


Thought you’d like to consider ALL the facts before taking his advice.

+100. Please do this--it would be helpful in case some poor person comes upon one of his posts looking for actual information (via google or other search engine). That way they can immediately realize should be ignored.
iLander|1441726418|3924985 said:
Ima just gonna post this whenever he posts:

Take all advice from drruby with a grain of salt, this is a quote from drruby,

I met an alien once he said he used huge synthetic gemstones to stabilize his FTL drive, it seems aliens prize 5 foot wide synthetic gems for their technology, since the natural inclusions in gems usually mean a WARP drive goes crazy.


Thought you’d like to consider ALL the facts before taking his advice.

Now why this forum mod doesn't BAN you for saying how you will SPAM this site with the same drivel shows they just don't care I guess.

By all means READ that thread and you can see how someone said they are the only person in the Universe that understands sunlight is not sunlight.


So my comical retort to him was really, write a paper on your theory since you know aliens use syn rubies in their tech now and real CG are worthless to aliens, etc.



My background is simple LAW, I collect CG as investments and I am now dumping it all.

The reason is I got most of it before you had to send a CG to some lab to DESTROY it for 'testing'.

I cannot see how any lover of CG will allow their treasures to have craters drilled into them by 'labs' to say 100% authentic.

So the industry has been destroyed and I will not drill my gems to prove they are real.

But I may be bankrolling a guy I know that is hustling in carbon but it's low end carbon and I can't grade it properly so I am properly seeking 'expert' carbon opinions before I bankroll a guy that is doing minor league stuff in carbon that just needs the bankroll to do carbon on a huge level.

In fact I may start looking at carbon all over, since I trust my own eye on IF to VS level carbon and I have a color scale kit from ages ago, so I can say dead on D or E or F.

Now I can't look at carbon and say NO ENHANCEMENT and I can usually do that in ruby.

So as long as a dealer will stand behind their carbon with NO ENHANCEMENTS I may in fact bankroll a major carbon buying operation to just clean up all the larger carbon with no certs to do one thing, cert them with of all labs GIA.

That 105 buck cert can turn 10K or 20K wholesale rocks into huge value increases all day.

Right now the guy I know is doing it on low end grades and I want to give him the roll so he can clean out local exchanges to cert stuff dealers will sell him cheap, but there's no real clear cut info on how GIA draws the line on SI and I goods.

That's his specialty, SI and I stuff beating dealers up over colors and he doesn't even have a color scale kit.


Now that I'm seeing how much value is put into that GIA cert, yes, I may start to put some minor dough into larger carbon pieces just to cert them.

So if you see a guy with a huge bag of cash at your exchange say HI DR RUBY, it should be me.

drruby|1441730370|3925019 said:
iLander|1441726418|3924985 said:
Ima just gonna post this whenever he posts:

Take all advice from drruby with a grain of salt, this is a quote from drruby,

I met an alien once he said he used huge synthetic gemstones to stabilize his FTL drive, it seems aliens prize 5 foot wide synthetic gems for their technology, since the natural inclusions in gems usually mean a WARP drive goes crazy.


Thought you’d like to consider ALL the facts before taking his advice.

Now why this forum mod doesn't BAN you for saying how you will SPAM this site with the same drivel shows they just don't care I guess.

By all means READ that thread and you can see how someone said they are the only person in the Universe that understands sunlight is not sunlight.


So my comical retort to him was really, write a paper on your theory since you know aliens use syn rubies in their tech now and real CG are worthless to aliens, etc.



My background is simple LAW, I collect CG as investments and I am now dumping it all.

The reason is I got most of it before you had to send a CG to some lab to DESTROY it for 'testing'.

I cannot see how any lover of CG will allow their treasures to have craters drilled into them by 'labs' to say 100% authentic.

So the industry has been destroyed and I will not drill my gems to prove they are real.

But I may be bankrolling a guy I know that is hustling in carbon but it's low end carbon and I can't grade it properly so I am properly seeking 'expert' carbon opinions before I bankroll a guy that is doing minor league stuff in carbon that just needs the bankroll to do carbon on a huge level.

In fact I may start looking at carbon all over, since I trust my own eye on IF to VS level carbon and I have a color scale kit from ages ago, so I can say dead on D or E or F.

Now I can't look at carbon and say NO ENHANCEMENT and I can usually do that in ruby.

So as long as a dealer will stand behind their carbon with NO ENHANCEMENTS I may in fact bankroll a major carbon buying operation to just clean up all the larger carbon with no certs to do one thing, cert them with of all labs GIA.

That 105 buck cert can turn 10K or 20K wholesale rocks into huge value increases all day.

Right now the guy I know is doing it on low end grades and I want to give him the roll so he can clean out local exchanges to cert stuff dealers will sell him cheap, but there's no real clear cut info on how GIA draws the line on SI and I goods.

That's his specialty, SI and I stuff beating dealers up over colors and he doesn't even have a color scale kit.


Now that I'm seeing how much value is put into that GIA cert, yes, I may start to put some minor dough into larger carbon pieces just to cert them.

So if you see a guy with a huge bag of cash at your exchange say HI DR RUBY, it should be me.


Boring! Blah blah blah blah blah. Same post just re-worded everywhere making absolutely no sense and just spouting rubbish all the time!

Anybody else not reading these ridiculous posts and just skipping them?

Let's play "can anybody spot a Dr Ruby thread where he doesn't mention the GIA or carbon or his so called qualification in law"!
Let's see, you have now opined in this forum almost 10K times

Let's say you spend 30 seconds pontificating on what YOU THINK.

300K seconds of you life spewing what in this forum?

Is that why you think you are an 'expert' in cg?


300K seconds
5K minutes

Imagine you wasted almost 100 hours of your life just writing your OPINION here


Get a job
LisaRN|1441726298|3924982 said:
Steve76 or just bad deja vu on my part?

lol That was my first thought too! He could never see that he had a whole collection of utter rubbish and tried to convince us that they were top quality! He had "followers" if you remember? Or so he told us! I'm assuming that he's left to set up a cult. *sniggers*
LD |1441730617|3925021 said:
Anybody else not reading these ridiculous posts and just skipping them?

Yes, I would venture to say that a lot of us are ignoring everything he posts. Each time that no one responds to him, he literally begins replying to himself. (It's actually pretty sad). Then, when no one continues to respond, he will go away for a little while, and we get some peace.

Frankly, I'm shocked that the mods keep allowing this to go on. His posts are disruptive, rude, and full of incorrect information. It devalues the entire PS experience to have to wade through this.
katharath|1441731557|3925034 said:
LD |1441730617|3925021 said:
Anybody else not reading these ridiculous posts and just skipping them?

Yes, I would venture to say that a lot of us are ignoring everything he posts. Each time that no one responds to him, he literally begins replying to himself. (It's actually pretty sad). Then, when no one continues to respond, he will go away for a little while, and we get some peace.

Frankly, I'm shocked that the mods keep allowing this to go on. His posts are disruptive, rude, and full of incorrect information. It devalues the entire PS experience to have to wade through this.

Couldn't agree with you more! This is a clear case of trolling and I'm not sure why the Mods haven't banned him. As you say, he/she must lead an incredibly sad and lonely life and have some mental issues if this is how they pass their day!
Actually the mods should read this thread and ban everyone but me.

The thread was created to attack and harass a newer member.

So that's the FACTS with this thread, I have never attacked anyone and I have posted rather funny retorts to what are statements that defy all laws of physics.


It travels in a constant unless you are near an event horizon around a BLACK HOLE.

Granted a lot of things can 'effect' light, but LIGHT IS LIGHT if it came from the fusion of a star.

Now IF you want to imply that all light is not created equal, well that contradicts the basic laws of physics.

Now since I'm a maven in mathematics I did spend a lot of my youth dealing with complex equations in physics but I decided to be a MONEY HO and go into TAX LAW for major corporations and thus when I save a major corporations mega millions I EARNED A FORTUNE.

Serious tax mavens in law are the high dollar money makers in law for any major firm.

Later in life I did teach niche areas of law to kids.


But this thread is an insult to this forum and the OP should be BANNED and anyone calling me names should be BANNED.

But I doubt the forum will do that.

Maybe they will, we'll see.
LD |1441731902|3925040 said:
katharath|1441731557|3925034 said:
LD |1441730617|3925021 said:
Anybody else not reading these ridiculous posts and just skipping them?

Yes, I would venture to say that a lot of us are ignoring everything he posts. Each time that no one responds to him, he literally begins replying to himself. (It's actually pretty sad). Then, when no one continues to respond, he will go away for a little while, and we get some peace.

Frankly, I'm shocked that the mods keep allowing this to go on. His posts are disruptive, rude, and full of incorrect information. It devalues the entire PS experience to have to wade through this.

Couldn't agree with you more! This is a clear case of trolling and I'm not sure why the Mods haven't banned him. As you say, he/she must lead an incredibly sad and lonely life and have some mental issues if this is how they pass their day!

Let's see who started the thread to attack and harass another member?


So you need to be banned.

I said my peace about CG and now I'm asking for a few technical answers to questions I have in RT

I'm defending myself with couth in this forum unlike you.
LD |1441731902|3925040 said:
katharath|1441731557|3925034 said:
LD |1441730617|3925021 said:
Anybody else not reading these ridiculous posts and just skipping them?

Yes, I would venture to say that a lot of us are ignoring everything he posts. Each time that no one responds to him, he literally begins replying to himself. (It's actually pretty sad). Then, when no one continues to respond, he will go away for a little while, and we get some peace.

Frankly, I'm shocked that the mods keep allowing this to go on. His posts are disruptive, rude, and full of incorrect information. It devalues the entire PS experience to have to wade through this.

Couldn't agree with you more! This is a clear case of trolling and I'm not sure why the Mods haven't banned him. As you say, he/she must lead an incredibly sad and lonely life and have some mental issues if this is how they pass their day!

Yep, we're on the same page. I don't respond to him, and while I never actually make it through a single post of his, I am now scanning them enough to recognize if they're reportable or not. Many of them are; if for nothing else, they're off topic. I'm now reporting every off topic post I see along with this message:

"This poster is repeatedly off topic in virtually every single thread that he posts in. He is veering threads off topic literally over and over again, as well being disruptive, insulting, and spouting mis-information."

Everyone, please feel free to join me in this venture. You may copy and paste my above reply to the mods if you like!
drruby|1441730370|3925019 said:
So as long as a dealer will stand behind their carbon with NO ENHANCEMENTS I may in fact bankroll a major carbon buying operation to just clean up all the larger carbon with no certs to do one thing, cert them with of all labs GIA.

That 105 buck cert can turn 10K or 20K wholesale rocks into huge value increases all day.

Honey, do you really think the entire diamond industry is this dumb?
katharath|1441731557|3925034 said:
LD |1441730617|3925021 said:
Anybody else not reading these ridiculous posts and just skipping them?

Yes, I would venture to say that a lot of us are ignoring everything he posts. Each time that no one responds to him, he literally begins replying to himself. (It's actually pretty sad). Then, when no one continues to respond, he will go away for a little while, and we get some peace.

Frankly, I'm shocked that the mods keep allowing this to go on. His posts are disruptive, rude, and full of incorrect information. It devalues the entire PS experience to have to wade through this.

Agree 100%! I've tried reporting him multiple times, but to no avail :( I'm sure that at this point multiple PS rules have been violated by him, so I'm a little sad he isn't gone by now.
lovedogs|1441734120|3925075 said:
katharath|1441731557|3925034 said:
LD |1441730617|3925021 said:
Anybody else not reading these ridiculous posts and just skipping them?

Yes, I would venture to say that a lot of us are ignoring everything he posts. Each time that no one responds to him, he literally begins replying to himself. (It's actually pretty sad). Then, when no one continues to respond, he will go away for a little while, and we get some peace.

Frankly, I'm shocked that the mods keep allowing this to go on. His posts are disruptive, rude, and full of incorrect information. It devalues the entire PS experience to have to wade through this.

Agree 100%! I've tried reporting him multiple times, but to no avail :( I'm sure that at this point multiple PS rules have been violated by him, so I'm a little sad he isn't gone by now.

I've reported his posts as well. All we can do is try.
Poodles4me|1441736273|3925104 said:
lovedogs|1441734120|3925075 said:
katharath|1441731557|3925034 said:
LD |1441730617|3925021 said:
Anybody else not reading these ridiculous posts and just skipping them?

Yes, I would venture to say that a lot of us are ignoring everything he posts. Each time that no one responds to him, he literally begins replying to himself. (It's actually pretty sad). Then, when no one continues to respond, he will go away for a little while, and we get some peace.

Frankly, I'm shocked that the mods keep allowing this to go on. His posts are disruptive, rude, and full of incorrect information. It devalues the entire PS experience to have to wade through this.

Agree 100%! I've tried reporting him multiple times, but to no avail :( I'm sure that at this point multiple PS rules have been violated by him, so I'm a little sad he isn't gone by now.

I've reported his posts as well. All we can do is try.

I know we are all doing it because now when I go to click on some of them, they're already reported, lol.