
Unhappy LAD/Chloe customer


Jul 19, 2011
I have waited over three months to post my experience with LAD/CVB and it seems my ordeal s finally over.

I was looking for a 8.75mm OEC and contacted several vendors. LAD had a smaller stone I liked and decided to have a Chloe setting made for that stone. I wired a deposit but changed my mind before the stone was even shipped. Adam at OWD found one I liked better and Erica agreed to refund my money and send it directly to Adam minus the amount required for the setting. Erica until that point was more than courteous and helpful. The deadline for the ring was end of October which was agreed to be met by Erica.

September 10 - deposit wired to LAD.
September 21 - LAD refunded and wired balance to OWD
September 23 - GIA cert for the diamond from OWD sent to Erica so the setting could be started.
September 26 - received email saying "we started on cads!"
September 29 - CADs received
Oct 3 - diamond from OWD received by LAD
Oct 5 - email saying "setting is being cast, but need a few weeks for finishing"
Oct 20 - email saying "yes, it has been cast. The jeweler knows that this is a rush"
Oct 28 - email saying "the ring is with the setter". Later email claims she meant it was in queue at the setter.
Oct 30 - deadline missed claims my deadline was Nov 4.
Nov 6 - pics of ring emailed. By then my friend who was supposed to carry the ring has left the country so asked LAD to hold on to ring until further notice and asked her to fix the prongs.
Nov 7 - received email saying agrees prongs are "splayed" and will have them redone
Nov 24 - I email asking to ship ring first week of Dec.
Dec 7 - Ring finally received splayed prongs and all. GIA certificate for the diamond not shipped...still waiting for it to be shipped.

I have worked with GoG on a custom setting and two stones, Adam at OWD for the stone and with Victor Canera for another setting and all were a dream to work with. All of them shipped everything well within deadline even before 3 weeks for Victor and all with invoices, work orders and certificates. None of them called my numerous emails "tiresome" and tone of their emails was always courteous and friendly. Erica accused me of being "suspicious" and "threatening" but after her constant failure to meet deadlines after her repeated reassurances and excuses I have to admit I became both. I am saddened but feel it necessary to share my experience. I was warned by other PSers about working with CVB and in all fairness my experience was entirely with LAD but their work shows a lack of consistency as well. The recent Chloe's on PS look amazing but I am unhappy with my prongs. I will wait to see the actual ring before I post any comments on the work. I'm posting whatever pics I have and leave the judgement to the discerning PSers.




To the OP:

You left out a few critical bits of info. :)

- You approved CADs on September 29th and my commitment was that the ring would be ready in approximately 5 weeks, which is a rush order as our typical production time is 6-8 weeks. As you well know, there was a fair bit of confusion about the requested ship date - at the last minute you requested an earlier delivery (because you had a relative traveling to your country, and you had the wrong departure date for her) which I apologetically was not able to meet.

- From the day you approved the CAD's, you emailed me almost daily "is the ring ready yet?" I repeated, broken record style, that it would take 5 weeks. This made you unhappy despite being exactly what I have told from from day 1. I did my best to provide you with status updates as I knew them from the jeweler - at any given time we have a dozen or more settings in production and I try very hard not to disrupt my team with constant requests, which I explained to you. To date we have exchanged 197 emails since September, the bulk of which is you asking if the ring is ready early and me telling you that no, I cannot possibly finish it any faster than what I have committed to.

- The ring was completed on November 4th. I sent you photos and you were thrilled but asked me to tweak the prongs, which I agreed to do, and you asked me to hold the ring for you indefinitely until another relative would be visiting you. Then you emailed to let me know that another relative would be leaving on December 12th. Then you said the 10th. Then you said the 7th. So we finished and shipped the ring for Saturday delivery, December 5th. I SHIPPED THE GIA REPORT, RING BOX AND RECEIPT FOR DELIVERY TO YOUR NIECE TODAY. PLEASE ASK HER AS THE PACKAGE SHOULD HAVE ALREADY ARRIVED. Since your ring had to ship straight from the jeweler, I was unable to package it all together but I did ship it in a separate box.

- During this past week you have emailed me, again daily, asking if the ring will ship early. I have assured you that it would be in her hands before December 7th, and it is. However that didn't stop you from threatening to post a negative review on PS and to "bring legal action" for who knows what reason. Back when we were still far away from the 5 week production mark, you accused my jeweler of being dishonest. Your tone has been combative, accusatory and rude for almost the entire duration of your project.

EVERY STEP OF THE WAY I have honored my commitments to you. I completed and delivered your ring exactly when I told you I would, both times. I'm sorry to hear that you're still not happy with the prongs - they do match the CAD renderings, and the jeweler straightened them out as best he could. There are limits to what can be done with this design given the curves of your basket and crown height and angle of your OEC. Since you haven't seen the ring in person yet, I would encourage you to take a look when it arrives and if you opt to have the prongs further worked by a local jeweler, I will reimburse you for the cost. Taking it back to my jeweler is not an option due to the travel restrictions you've imposed.

I have done everything possible to make you happy. The only thing I wasn't able to do was materialize your ring weeks earlier than I committed to simply because you lacked the patience to let us do our jobs. Your constant threats and non-stop emails did nothing to speed up the process, and I believe this is the main reason you're so angry over your beautiful ring.

You have a beautiful ring on its way to you and I hope that you will be able to enjoy it.
OP - to my reading, this thread more properly belongs in RockyTalky rather than Show Me The Bling (SMTB) which customarily is for threads showing off new pieces. Perhaps ask the Mods to move it over there, or even Hangout?
So sorry to hear about your experience OP.
I have no experience with LAD, but I did work with the jeweller. She is a very nice person who does an excellent job, but who is not organized at all. New reasons for new delays came popping up which in the end felt like excuses for not being organized and not being able to plan...

Your diamond and setting look great and I hope you love it when you see it. Don't let this bad experience get to you.
It's hard to judge the quality of the prongs as the photo's are so enlarged and it might look great to your eyes when you have it in your own hands.
Acinom|1449528555|3958744 said:
So sorry to hear about your experience OP.
I have no experience with LAD, but I did work with the jeweller. She is a very nice person who does an excellent job, but who is not organized at all. New reasons for new delays came popping up which in the end felt like excuses for not being organized and not being able to plan...

Your diamond and setting look great and I hope you love it when you see it. Don't let this bad experience get to you.
It's hard to judge the quality of the prongs as the photo's are so enlarged and it might look great to your eyes when you have it in your own hands.

I can't speak to your experiences in the past, however the OP experienced zero delays. Her ring was scheduled to be completed in 5 weeks, which was communicated to her dozens of times, and it was completed in 5 weeks. She asked me to hold it, so I did. Then she asked me to deliver the ring to her relative on or before December 7th, which I did.

I am truly baffled.
Oh shoot, this is a tough one. Everyone's unhappy :/ But you know what I thought when I scrolled down to the pictures? That's a bomb ring! Gorgeous stone, gorgeous setting. See what you feel when you get it in hand, hopefully it will be love at first sight. It really is a beauty!
The prongs differences weirded me out so I went back and looked at the CADs you shared. The CADs then were more "splayed" than the photo on the right (sample Chloe), where it is not splayed at all. However, your real ring looks more "splayed" than the CAD.

Was that an edit/alteration you requested? I understand you don't like how splayed it is, but did you want it to be that way a tiny bit like the CADs showed?

Either way, I'm sorry you're upset. I've had a ring snafu before with another vendor, and I remember being completely broken over it. See it in person, since it sounds like it's already been delivered. If it's acceptable to you in person, yay! If not, I would suggest continue speaking to the vendor off of the forum. It seems like emotions are flaring for both parties, and I hope you reach an amicable solution.

I'm emotionally attached to jewels, so sometimes you just have to have it "mind clean". The good thing is, really and truly, that setting is beautiful. If you aren't "mind clean" over it, I'm sure you can find a buyer quickly :). It <IS> gorgeous though. I promise. But I understand being super picky over minute details. We are PS'ers after all.
Erica: can you guys take this convo off of PS? I'm concerned over your emotional response, all caps (which appears like yelling in text), and it being around permanently on the interwebz :)
madelise|1449538902|3958807 said:
Erica: can you guys take this convo off of PS? I'm concerned over your emotional response, all caps (which appears like yelling in text), and it being around permanently on the interwebz :)

My selective use of caps was for emphasis, not yelling. She and I have been emailing extensively, even earlier today, even after her thread post.

I'm not emotional - the OP has been threatening me since October with a bad review on PS, despite at the time being only 3-4 weeks into production. Prior to that (so less than 3 weeks after approving CADs) she accused my jeweler of lying and has told me repeatedly that a few PSers have been advising her since the start of her project to write a negative review on PS. I'm happy to have delivered her ring in accordance with her various and changing requests, and that it will soon be on her finger and the unpleasantness behind us.

As I mentioned before, should she decide to have the prongs adjusted further by a local jeweler, I'm happy to cover the cost, since she's still unhappy with her prongs. Since I don't have the opportunity to adjust them to her liking, this is the best I can do. I do think that she will realize that the macro pics exaggerate things which are barely visible because in person the prongs are tiny and all you see is her big beautiful OEC.
I'm not seeing what the OP's issue is ... it sounds like everything she wanted done was done, and in the time frames promised, and she is just unhappy and freaking out over something she hasn't even seen. It sounds like the vendor did her utmost to expedite the setting and met the deadlines ... she was justifiably unable to speed it up any more than she already did. The vendor is even offering to reimburse for prong work (not that I'm sure I would risk letting someone else touch those delicate prongs ... I bet they are gorgeous in person). Just because other vendors have delivered items ahead of time doesn't mean another vendor can or will. Big vendors and small vendors are not the same, and in this case the jeweler herself is in hot demand because of her gorgeous work. It seems to me if the OP is unhappy, it is her own doing for creating expectations in her mind that she had been told couldn't be met.
IE_Princess said:
I'm not seeing what the OP's issue is ... it sounds like everything she wanted done was done, and in the time frames promised, and she is just unhappy and freaking out over something she hasn't even seen. It sounds like the vendor did her utmost to expedite the setting and met the deadlines ... she was justifiably unable to speed it up any more than she already did. The vendor is even offering to reimburse for prong work (not that I'm sure I would risk letting someone else touch those delicate prongs ... I bet they are gorgeous in person). Just because other vendors have delivered items ahead of time doesn't mean another vendor can or will. Big vendors and small vendors are not the same, and in this case the jeweler herself is in hot demand because of her gorgeous work. It seems to me if the OP is unhappy, it is her own doing for creating expectations in her mind that she had been told couldn't be met.

I hope you are right. I love almost everything about the ring besides the splayed prongs and I will wait till I have the ring in hand before commenting. I agree Erica might have done all she can to expedite the process but she should not have promised it in a couple weeks if it means more like five weeks.
Diamondz1 said:
Oh shoot, this is a tough one. Everyone's unhappy :/ But you know what I thought when I scrolled down to the pictures? That's a bomb ring! Gorgeous stone, gorgeous setting. See what you feel when you get it in hand, hopefully it will be love at first sight. It really is a beauty!
Thank you for your comments! It makes me feel better about this whole process because I so badly want to love this ring.

ericad said:
To the OP:

True I left out critical info like how I asked you to ship just the stone if setting would not be ready and you assured me it would be ready and that's how I didn't get my stone in November. I also left out the bit that shipping notice for Dec7 was sent out right after I sent an email threatening legal action if the stone was not shipped to reach my niece by Dec 7. At that point I was willing to cut my losses and have just the stone minus the setting. I was alarmed when the GIA certificate was not shipped out with the ring and again shipping notice was sent after I emailed you asking for it. Maybe you did send it earlier but I did not receive any email informing me so. It is true I threatened with a review on PS because that was the only way I could get you to honor your words. I did give you the chance to explain and solve things by email but found a myriad of excuses like jeweler couldn't confirm number inscription on girdle, prongs splayed because of crown height, jeweler's father had cancer ( which I am truly sorry to hear about), GIA cert not shipped with ring got duty purposes etc. I have tried to keep my review as neutral as possible and I do appreciate you offering to pay for prongs being fixed (I might take you up on that). I also agree I love everything about the ring besides the prongs (yet to receive it from my niece).

Thank you for your efforts and like I said earlier for a life lesson!
madelise said:
The prongs differences weirded me out so I went back and looked at the CADs you shared. The CADs then were more "splayed" than the photo on the right (sample Chloe), where it is not splayed at all. However, your real ring looks more "splayed" than the CAD.

Was that an edit/alteration you requested? I understand you don't like how splayed it is, but did you want it to be that way a tiny bit like the CADs showed?

Either way, I'm sorry you're upset. I've had a ring snafu before with another vendor, and I remember being completely broken over it. See it in person, since it sounds like it's already been delivered. If it's acceptable to you in person, yay! If not, I would suggest continue speaking to the vendor off of the forum. It seems like emotions are flaring for both parties, and I hope you reach an amicable solution.

I'm emotionally attached to jewels, so sometimes you just have to have it "mind clean". The good thing is, really and truly, that setting is beautiful. If you aren't "mind clean" over it, I'm sure you can find a buyer quickly :). It <IS> gorgeous though. I promise. But I understand being super picky over minute details. We are PS'ers after all.
Thank you for your kind words! I did not notice the prongs on the CADs, it's not how I wanted and I should have paid closer attention to it and I'm ok if the ring looks like that but it seems more splayed than the CADs. Anyway I'll reserve judgement for when I see the ring.
I know it's frustrating. I've missed things on CADs too. I've missed details that have made me cringe. But when it's done, it's done. I realized I can either live with it or if it bugs me enough, I'll sell it to fund a re-make.

I hope you can wear it in happiness!
badabling|1449519987|3958656 said:
I have waited over three months to post my experience with LAD/CVB and it seems my ordeal s finally over.

I have worked with GoG on a custom setting and two stones, Adam at OWD for the stone and with Victor Canera for another setting and all were a dream to work with. All of them shipped everything well within deadline even before 3 weeks for Victor and all with invoices, work orders and certificates. None of them called my numerous emails "tiresome" and tone of their emails was always courteous and friendly. Erica accused me of being "suspicious" and "threatening" but after her constant failure to meet deadlines after her repeated reassurances and excuses I have to admit I became both. I am saddened but feel it necessary to share my experience. I was warned by other PSers about working with CVB and in all fairness my experience was entirely with LAD but their work shows a lack of consistency as well. The recent Chloe's on PS look amazing but I am unhappy with my prongs. I will wait to see the actual ring before I post any comments on the work. I'm posting whatever pics I have and leave the judgement to the discerning PSers.

??? If your ring was ready on Nov 4, that is only 4 weeks and 6 days elapsed time, not "over 3 months" of "ordeal." Sorry, but the standard timeframe for a custom ring is probably closer to 8 weeks, and that has been true on Pricescope for years. Yet, every Christmas, there's at least one guy who comes on Pricescope with a similar story about how he demanded that something custom-made be completed within an unreasonable timeframe, at perhaps a jeweler's busiest time of the year, and then is disappointed when that item doesn't turn out perfectly perfect.

The part that I bolded: By your own admission, this isn't your first rodeo and you've had custom jewelry made before. What time of the year did you get this wonderful short-lead-time service from Victor and the others? Was it at Christmas, or at peak time of the wedding season? If you do go around habitually making these demands on jewelers for creating perfect custom-designed projects for you with impossibly short lead times, at peak demand times of the year when jewelers have multitudes of projects already in progress and still more customers clamoring to get something made, I feel that information should also be made part of this thread. Then the vendors of PS will know what kind of customer experience you potentially are to them, and can make a suitably informed decision on whether or not they want to accept you as a customer.

I've been buying myself fine jewelry for over 20 years. And one thing I learned on the very first project I had done, was for best results and least amount of stress, either buy something off the rack or avoid trying to get custom-made items made during peak times of the year when jewelers are already swamped. Erica has been on these boards for at least a decade, and so have I.

btw, I like those splayed raptor feet prongs. I think it gives the ring a more Victorian touch. If you look at USA Victorian-era furniture much, there are elements like elephant feet, raptor claws, fish, etc. in some of those massive pieces of carved furniture.
Leaving the drama out, I prefer the splayed prongs over the together prongs. It just seems to fit the rest of the ring better.
Your ring looks gorgeous.
The prongs look good like that and are in keeping with the shape of the stone and basket as Erica said. One of the jewellers can probably assure you about that?

Why email everyday though, things do not change that fast? I would see myself emailing once in 3 weeks maybe and even then I would hold off a day or two. Unless I had an item to discuss following a text/email from the vendor, like asking where a petal would show on the shoulder of a ring or something related I would have nothing to add and would give them peace to get on with their work. I would also check dates before I gave them out, not to say maybe a one time mistake wouldn't happen but no more than that and I would also know it was my fault for the date being wrong and accept it, that onus is on you.
Pyramid|1449598100|3959018 said:
The prongs look good like that and are in keeping with the shape of the stone and basket as Erica said. One of the jewellers can probably assure you about that?

Why email everyday though, things do not change that fast? I would see myself emailing once in 3 weeks maybe and even then I would hold off a day or two. Unless I had an item to discuss following a text/email from the vendor, like asking where a petal would show on the shoulder of a ring or something related I would have nothing to add and would give them peace to get on with their work. I would also check dates before I gave them out, not to say maybe a one time mistake wouldn't happen but no more than that and I would also know it was my fault for the date being wrong and accept it, that onus is on you.

1+ busiest time of year hello
badabling - your ring looks just luscious! I see your concern about the prongs, but I also know that things like that look very different in real life as opposed to a close-up photograph. I hope you'll fall in love with the ring once you actually get to see and wear it. And if the prongs still bother you, I trust it will be an easy fix.
Sphene|1449601323|3959042 said:
Pyramid|1449598100|3959018 said:
... Why email everyday though, things do not change that fast? ...

1+ busiest time of year hello

Emailing every day?
OMG, I would have returned her money and told her to take a long walk down a short pier.
I hope as a professional I never have to deal with anyone like the OP. :nono:
What a nightmare customer.
In my business I DO fire customers.

badabling|1449552263|3958880 said:
... I did not notice the prongs on the CADs ...

Then you should not have started this thread.
It may harm LAD ... unfairly!

May I advise you to ask admin to delete it?
You could probably set that stone in some twine and it would still look gorgeous, I love it! That being said, I too don't *love* the prongs, but I think the rest looks good. I also think what Erica has offered (reimbursement of prong fixing at a jeweler of YOUR choice) is incredibly generous and fair. If when you get the ring you don't love the prongs, then have them adjusted. Just know that if they mess them up, you will have no recourse. They will likely NOT be able to replicate the ring, so you'll not be in a great position.

My advice, live with the ring for a few weeks. If it still bothers you that much, then find a jeweler to adjust the prongs. But tbh, I'm sure it will be lovely.
I would agree the prongs look wonky to me. I would not be overjoyed with that result.

I'm at a loss as to why the OP is getting hammered. She ordered her ring in Sept is that peak? Doesn't she have a right to post her experience? Or is she singled out and not able to share because her expectations were not met? JA just sold someone's diamond after they bought it and there was a post in RT. It's not like there are vendors on here that don't get dinged from time to time. Heck I've seen DBL take a licking and LM is regular to the lashings.

I've worked with ERD, VC, WF, JBG & DBL. all items completed on time no issuers except sapphire DBTY from ERD I ordered close to Valentine's Day and he told me up front it would take longer during the time period I ordered. If I had a bad experience I would want to share it.
^Yes but there is a difference between realistic expectations and unrealistic ones. Buying a stone that was sold to someone else is a black and white error, rather than asking for the impossible as stated from the beginning by the sounds of it, with 197 emails shared, I am almost certain this would have been reiterated several times.

The two situations are entirely not comparable.
gm89uk|1449615889|3959136 said:
^Yes but there is a difference between realistic expectations and unrealistic ones. Buying a stone that was sold to someone else is a black and white error, rather than asking for the impossible as stated from the beginning by the sounds of it, with 197 emails shared, I am almost certain this would have been reiterated several times.

The two situations are entirely not comparable.

I stand by the OP being able to post she's not happy. If you want to make custom jewelry you deal with the personalities. I'm sure she's not the first customer to drop a lot of money on a diamond and setting and find themselves anxious about the results and over communicating. I exchanged a ridiculous number of emails with VC. He called me later and said just to be sure we are both in the same page this is what you want. Then I got a work order invoice with all the details. I wore that poor man out.
kenny|1449610450|3959110 said:
Sphene|1449601323|3959042 said:
Pyramid|1449598100|3959018 said:
... Why email everyday though, things do not change that fast? ...

1+ busiest time of year hello

Emailing every day?
OMG, I would have returned her money and told her to take a long walk down a short pier.
I hope as a professional I never have to deal with anyone like the OP. :nono:
What a nightmare customer.
In my business I DO fire customers.

badabling|1449552263|3958880 said:
... I did not notice the prongs on the CADs ...

Then you should not have started this thread.
It may harm LAD ... unfairly!

May I advise you to ask admin to delete it?

Kenny, you can advise someone to do something, but by your own words, People vary. Giving your opinion is one thing, advising someone to retract an entire thread is something is quite another and is unreasonable of you. This thread will not harm LAD, LAD is well established and PS is but a portion of the business that LAD does.

These kinds of reactions are the reason I have never disclosed two horrifying experiences I have had over the years with PS favored jewelers. One of them, the jeweler held my ring project hostage while asking me to loan them several thousand dollars to pay off a very unhappy PS project that went toes up over in Colored Stones. The other is a current jeweler who posts frequently and simply hugely overcharged me and treated me rudely and with contempt to boot after blowing every self-imposed deadline and self-aggrandizing claims about themselves professionally and personally.

All this blame the consumer stuff, "Its a busy time of the year." Boo hoo to that, any businessperson can refuse a project they cannot finish no matter whether it is close to Christmas/Hanukkah, Valentine's Day, 4th of July, whatever.

The bottom line is that this is btw the OP and the vendor.
Yes, people vary, all the way from Hitler to Gandhi.

So, both are equally okay?
I never said that.
This situation is btw LAD and the OP. Hitler and Gandhi not applicable :lol:
azstonie|1449618179|3959153 said:
This situation is btw LAD and the OP.

It was before the OP started this thread ...

Now Hitler are Gandhi are invoked. ;))

Shirley, God and Satan are next.
badabling|1449519987|3958656 said:
I have waited over three months to post my experience with LAD/CVB and it seems my ordeal s finally over.

I was looking for a 8.75mm OEC and contacted several vendors. LAD had a smaller stone I liked and decided to have a Chloe setting made for that stone. I wired a deposit but changed my mind before the stone was even shipped. Adam at OWD found one I liked better and Erica agreed to refund my money and send it directly to Adam minus the amount required for the setting. Erica until that point was more than courteous and helpful. The deadline for the ring was end of October which was agreed to be met by Erica.

September 10 - deposit wired to LAD.
September 21 - LAD refunded and wired balance to OWD
September 23 - GIA cert for the diamond from OWD sent to Erica so the setting could be started.
September 26 - received email saying "we started on cads!"
September 29 - CADs received
Oct 3 - diamond from OWD received by LAD
Oct 5 - email saying "setting is being cast, but need a few weeks for finishing"
Oct 20 - email saying "yes, it has been cast. The jeweler knows that this is a rush"
Oct 28 - email saying "the ring is with the setter". Later email claims she meant it was in queue at the setter.
Oct 30 - deadline missed claims my deadline was Nov 4.
Nov 6 - pics of ring emailed. By then my friend who was supposed to carry the ring has left the country so asked LAD to hold on to ring until further notice and asked her to fix the prongs.
Nov 7 - received email saying agrees prongs are "splayed" and will have them redone
Nov 24 - I email asking to ship ring first week of Dec.
Dec 7 - Ring finally received splayed prongs and all. GIA certificate for the diamond not shipped...still waiting for it to be shipped.

I have worked with GoG on a custom setting and two stones, Adam at OWD for the stone and with Victor Canera for another setting and all were a dream to work with. All of them shipped everything well within deadline even before 3 weeks for Victor and all with invoices, work orders and certificates. None of them called my numerous emails "tiresome" and tone of their emails was always courteous and friendly. Erica accused me of being "suspicious" and "threatening" but after her constant failure to meet deadlines after her repeated reassurances and excuses I have to admit I became both. I am saddened but feel it necessary to share my experience. I was warned by other PSers about working with CVB and in all fairness my experience was entirely with LAD but their work shows a lack of consistency as well. The recent Chloe's on PS look amazing but I am unhappy with my prongs. I will wait to see the actual ring before I post any comments on the work. I'm posting whatever pics I have and leave the judgement to the discerning PSers.

OP - I find it hard to accept your initial statement that you waited more than 3 months to post this review. Customarily, people don't post reviews until a transaction is complete. In this case, you posted your review before you even received the final product. And ( notwithstanding your 9/10 purchase and subsequent return of a LAD stone), based on your own timeline, the CADs were approved 9/29 and the finished ring was ready to ship on 11/4 - that is 5 weeks by my calendaring. Wanting/hoping/requesting it be done sooner than the initial quoted 5-week period is understandable, but being upset because it took the quoted 5 weeks is just contrary to good sense.

It well may be you have a legitimate complaint about the prongs - but having seen the CADs in your other post which feature prongs more split than your comparison ring featured in this thread, coupled with the fact that, at least according to your posts in this thread, you still haven't seen the ring (which was first held by your request and then shipped for receipt on the date you requested)... well, why not wait to hold forth on that topic until you have the ring in your hand and can inspect it from every angle? As a seasoned PSer, surely you know magnified photos often show things virtually unnoticeable to the eye without very close inspection.

Of course you have every right to post a review of the LAD transaction, but I just wonder at the ill timing of yours.
i think its important NOT to be aggressive towards the OP. It does not encourage people to be forthcoming with their experiences with the vendors, ISNT THAT AN IMPORTANT PART OF PRICESCOPE. You may disagree with someone..but please show respect.
azstonie|1449616445|3959139 said:
These kinds of reactions are the reason I have never disclosed two horrifying experiences I have had over the years with PS favored jewelers...........

I wish you'd post both.