
Ugh. Bloated. Suggestions, Please!

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May 2, 2008
I have always been thin with pretty flat abs (had a six-pack going for a long time from gymnastics--not so much these days). Lately, I get this awful lower abdomen bloat. I start out looking relatively normal in the morning, but as soon as I eat anything or even drink a glass or two of water, I start inflating. By the end of the day, I look just-barely-pregnant and feel icky and too full. It is very uncomfortable, and it makes me self-conscious.

I have talked with doctors about it, and no one seems to be able to help me or really care about the issue. My gynecologist had me have an ultrasound to rule out ovarian cancer (don''t have it, thank goodness!). My GI specialist tested me for celiac disease, found that I didn''t have it, and gave me some bacteria packets to try to get my intestines on track, but it hasn''t done anything for me.

With my wedding coming up in just over two months, I want to be as bloat-free as possible, even if I don''t find a long-term solution. I would love to hear your input on what could maybe help--please share any experience you''ve had with this issue. Your help and suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
Hi Kittybean! I feel your pain. My first suggestion would be to eliminate as much salt from your diet as possible, as salt retains water.

I had the same problems, woke up feeling fine, and then after meals...bloated. I cut dairy out of my diet and, just like that, no more bloating. I guess I have a slight dairy intolerance, but really can not handle ice cream
, and that''s what made me think about cutting dairy out all together.

Hope this helps
I''ve just come to the realization that I might be seriously lactose intolerant. I''ve got celiac disease, but I know this isn''t related to that. The other night I had a glass of milk with dinner and some tapioca pudding for desert and was SO uncomfortable all night. So as soon as I get up the nerve, I''m cutting dairy out of my diet. It sucks because I''ve already had to cut out wheat and gluten-bearing products. Now my cheese is gone too?? BOOO!!!
Date: 4/15/2009 11:32:32 AM
Author: Hudson_Hawk
I''ve just come to the realization that I might be seriously lactose intolerant. I''ve got celiac disease, but I know this isn''t related to that. The other night I had a glass of milk with dinner and some tapioca pudding for desert and was SO uncomfortable all night. So as soon as I get up the nerve, I''m cutting dairy out of my diet. It sucks because I''ve already had to cut out wheat and gluten-bearing products. Now my cheese is gone too?? BOOO!!!

Hudson- I can''t wait until you feel the difference by cutting out dairy! I feel 100 times better. Dairy and wheat, my condolences to you
but cheese is my

Question. do you just cut out dairy in it''s "pure" forms (i.e., cheese, milk, cream, ice cream) or do you stay away from things with dairy in it (like butter in cookies)?
Date: 4/15/2009 2:21:12 PM
Author: Hudson_Hawk
but cheese is my

Question. do you just cut out dairy in it''s ''pure'' forms (i.e., cheese, milk, cream, ice cream) or do you stay away from things with dairy in it (like butter in cookies)?

I LOVE cheese, and hate to see it go. This is a new thing to me, so I''m seeing what discomfort I can live with. A couple days ago, I made a pizza and put minimal cheese on it. It went OK. I did buy margarine and use that when I use butter for bread, etc. (which isn''t often). I''m trying to stay away from enriched flours too, which include cookies, but it''s impossible ALL the time. Dairy in that form doesn''t seem to bother me too much. I did have a piece of rich chocolate cake with icing the other day, and that was awful
. I''ve learned my lesson and now only eat things like that in moderation (very small bites).

So, to sum all my babbling up, I eat foods which contain any form of dairy in moderation.
also consider a wheat intolerance or allergy. any kind of allergy to something like wheat or dairy etc can cause horrible indigestion and gas. i am finding as i get older that certain things i could always eat previously give me horrible bloating...aka strawberries!! i bought a big thing of them 2 weeks ago and was eating them daily and FINALLY realized they were making me feel so nasty and horrible afterwards. i stopped eating them and felt better. apparently people can have fruit allergies too.

i carry GasX with me''s heaven sent in times like this!
Don''t forget to cut out sodas and diet sodas because they have high sodium levels and make you bloat.
BF has celiac and sticks to a strict gluten-free diet. He doesn''t work out and is skinny as a rail! There''s definitely something about gluten-free diets. Wish I can give up my carbs but I love cake waaaayyyy too much!!
Hey Kittybean - give acidophilus supplements a try...

My FI came upon serious stomach issues for no apparent reason about two years ago. He is allergic to just about anything so you can imagine how hard it was to sort this out. He had similar symptoms you described - constant bloating, gas, etc. Cutting out fiber cereals and grains, while adding an acidophilus supplement 2 times daily - he is stomach problem free. He has a dairy allergy, so he chose the dairy-free acidophilus from Whole Foods and can tell by lunch time if he has missed a dose.

Stomach issues can be so many different things. With your wedding so close, is there any chance it''s just stress?

Good luck figuring it out!
Date: 4/15/2009 9:33:10 PM
Author: chiapet
Don''t forget to cut out sodas and diet sodas because they have high sodium levels and make you bloat.

BF has celiac and sticks to a strict gluten-free diet. He doesn''t work out and is skinny as a rail! There''s definitely something about gluten-free diets. Wish I can give up my carbs but I love cake waaaayyyy too much!!

Not everyone with celiacs is rail thin. I''ve been a size 12 for most of my life. It''s what threw doctors off the scent when I was being tested. I''ve since come down to a six, but I have to work on maintaining that just like everyone else.
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