
Trying to lose weight with PCOS

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Oct 11, 2008
I have recently been "officially" diagnosed with PCOS and NEED to lose weight. I was wondering if any ladies out there are in the same situation or have some experience or advice with this . I am getting married on October 10, 2010 and need to start losing some serious weight so I can start dress shopping and I really need to find a diet that will help me. I have currently been going to the gym 5 days a week doing cardio for an hour a day and weights everyday (alternating muscle groups of course
) on top of that I have been eating really well and have only managed to lose 4 lbs and sadly enough, gained them back
. I am incredibly frustrated
this is how I gained all this weight. Every month I manage to get a 2lb bloat or so and then can never lose it
If anybody can relate or help I would be so happy so hear from you.
missjaxon, I can''t relate to PCOS but I know that the WWT is great support!

You shouldn''t be discouraged about your weight loss. You can actually gain weight or have your weight stay the same when you start gaining muscle, which you must be with your weights routine. It''s best to go based on how feel and on how clothing fit and body measurements.

Do you have an idea of how many calories you''re eating a day? It may be that you have cleaned up what you eat, which is *so* important for your health so keep it up, but that maybe you are still eating around the same number of calories. Have you tried smaller, more frequent meals or more purposeful snacking?

I revamped my eating after reading Eat, Drink, and Be Healthy and Eat, Drink, and Lose Weight. I make a lot of recipes from Their food tends to be very filling and low calorie.

Hang in there! Sustainable weight loss will be slow, but if you make your changes permanent then you should notice that you feel and look better.
Date: 2/20/2009 4:10:36 PM
I have recently been ''officially'' diagnosed with PCOS and NEED to lose weight. I was wondering if any ladies out there are in the same situation or have some experience or advice with this . I am getting married on October 10, 2010 and need to start losing some serious weight so I can start dress shopping and I really need to find a diet that will help me. I have currently been going to the gym 5 days a week doing cardio for an hour a day and weights everyday (alternating muscle groups of course
) on top of that I have been eating really well and have only managed to lose 4 lbs and sadly enough, gained them back
. I am incredibly frustrated
this is how I gained all this weight. Every month I manage to get a 2lb bloat or so and then can never lose it
If anybody can relate or help I would be so happy so hear from you.
Hi, there! I am in the same boat. I was diagnosed with PCOS a few years ago. I was put on Metformin to control my insulin levels. I worked out/ate well and when I started taking that, I lost all the extra weight. I have since gone off of it because since I lost all the weight, my insulin levels are in check. But now, it is VERY difficult to lose weight. I will lose 6 or 7 pounds, then gain back 5, and so on. It is a really slow process for us, but it will work. I would ask your doc about Metformin though.
Hi! My friend runs this support website for PCOS and has successfully maintained her weight and kept it off. She doesn''t sell anything. I think it''s just to help others and trade information. I hope it helps you!
wait...i was diagnosed with PCOS too, what does it have to do with weight? my dr. didn''t mention anything to me.
Hi MissJaxon!

I can completely relate. I was just officially diagnosed with PCOS 2 months ago but have suspected that I had it for over a year now. I''ve been working out with a trainer twice a week and trying to do cardio on my own a couple times a week but the weight just won''t budge. I''ve only lost about 5 pounds in 2 months but I did lose a pants size.

I totally feel your pain! It''s so frustrating to know that you HAVE to lose weight for your body to get back to normal but then at the same time your body is fighting your losing weight. ugh!

I think I''m going to talk to my doctor about Metformin...I know it''s not an easy fix but maybe it will make it a little less difficult.
missjaxon, I can relate and the doctor recently called me a "success story"!
so I''ll tell you as much as I can. I figured out I had pcos last summer, and went to the doctor- took a while to find someone who KNEW about it, but I was referred to a fertility clinic and he specializes in pcos. He officially diagnosed me last month.

NOW. When I figured out I had it, I knew change needed to happen, and it finally put an end to the unanswered questions.
From June until September (3 months) I was able to lose 45 pounds. I''ll say that NEVER was I ever ever ever able to lose ANY weight... my "secret"? I stopped eating ANYTHING processed. ANYTHING. In terms of excersice...I walked my dog almost every day for about 30 minutes-1 hour.
That''s it.

Sound too simple? Maybe...but what I realized is people look for results too quickly, and if within the first few days they don''t see it...they binge. Don''t do it, and soon you''ll get results- every pound counts, and it''ll come much quicker then you ever imagined.
I used the scale (despite what people said about it) and it kept me motivated, I knew each pound was one that would never return!
It was all done naturally- and I found ways to get my favorite foods (pizza, etc) without the extra calories (granted I didn''t calorie count).

OH, also. I learned to STOP eating when I was full!

When I told my fertility doctor that I lost 45 pounds (from when I had my first series of blood test to meeting him) he was amazed because pcos DOES make it more difficult to lose weight.

You mentioned that you gained back the 4 pounds...but I bet it was from being disappointed and probably binging or letting go of what you wanted...anyways- I''m here if you need it!
phoenixgirl - Thank you for the support! I have not only cleaned up what I am eating, but also have become very conscious of food labels and have been counting my calories. I seem to be doing everything right and still cannot seem to see any real results. I am hoping that will change soon.

steph72276 Thank you for the advice. I have made another appointment with my specialist and will most definitely be discussing Metformin. I have heard about it a a lot. I at first wanted to see if I worked REALLY hard if I could do it on my own, but have gotten to the point where I feel I need some help. Hopefully Metformin is something that can help me.

Bliss I really appreciate the link! I have visited the site and have become a member. It is a great wealth of information and I really appreciate having a community where I can read others stories and educate myself.

frenchblue Sometimes with PCOS there is a symptom of weight gain and inability to lose weight. It has something to do with insulin resistance. I am not fully educated at this point, perhaps some of the other ladies out there might be able to help. Definitely Google it. It is something to look into if you are struggling with PCOS and have noticed weight gain.

lucyandroger I know EXACTLY how you are feeling! The trials and tribulations of being a woman! If you haven''t already been you should check out the link that Bliss posted above. It is a great forum with many many other women who are going thru exactly what we are. I have found it very helpful. I feel the same way with you about Metformin. I go to my specialist on March 12 and so we will see what happens then. Make sure to come back and let me know how you make out as well!

sparkly_stars You are a TRUE inspiration! I will keep your advice in mind. I am willing to try almost anything at this point. Thank you so much for sharing your story with me. It has made me hopeful. The only thing is unfortunately I didn''t gain the weight by being disappointed and binging. I find that each cycle no matter how long and drawn out it may be or short it may be I bloat up and it just goes against me because I am already having trouble losing the weight. Over the last 2 years I have managed to gain 20lbs this way.
I am definitely ready for a change and some results!
Hiya missjaxon. You''ve gotten some wonderful advice here, and much of it has helped me out as well (fellow PCOS girl over here). I don''t have much to add, just to let you know that you''re not alone! The folks on this board are amazing! ((HUGS))

Steph - metformin - did you/would a girl have to go off it when trying to conceive? I''d thought about metformin, but we''re planning to try for kids next year, and I don''t want to have it work, and then go off it and balloon like mad.

sparkly stars - you may be my new hero!
Gecko, I would ask your doctor about it, but I think you can still take Metformin while TTC, but would have to go off of it when you do actually become pregnant. It actually helps with doctor said be sure you REALLY want to get pregnant right away because it makes you very fertile. Good luck!
Interesting... thanks Steph!
Date: 3/4/2009 10:16:42 PM
Author: geckodani
Hiya missjaxon. You''ve gotten some wonderful advice here, and much of it has helped me out as well (fellow PCOS girl over here). I don''t have much to add, just to let you know that you''re not alone! The folks on this board are amazing! ((HUGS))

Steph - metformin - did you/would a girl have to go off it when trying to conceive? I''d thought about metformin, but we''re planning to try for kids next year, and I don''t want to have it work, and then go off it and balloon like mad.

sparkly stars - you may be my new hero!

Thanks geckodani!! It is great to know I am not alone and I agree they are amazing. This is such a great place to come to for support. (((((((BIG HUGS))))))))) back atchya!
missjaxon: would you say you never eat anything bad ever? See, I don''t know- when I tried to lose weight initially I had a food journal EVERYTHING and I ate SO healthy- it was crazy, after 3 months I''m sure I never lost any weight..
I think mind set might have a lot to do with it (such a stupid theory ,but I can''t explain it otherwise) because this last time, all I did was walk my dog, eat well,...and off it went!
I haven''t gained any of it back since the summer and I haven''t exactly been great about things lol! (winter and all)

I''ve heard a lot about metformin...but it took a long time before it got officially diagnosed and i lost the weight before then.

I guess for me what worked was cutting processed ANYTHING out COMPLETELY...if it wasn''t natural, I didn''t eat it. water, milk and occasionally orange juice!
if you have any Q''s I''ll answer whatever I can!

Gecko: lol! your comment made me laugh out loud for sure! haha.
Date: 3/6/2009 12:30:24 AM
Author: sparkly_stars
missjaxon: would you say you never eat anything bad ever? See, I don''t know- when I tried to lose weight initially I had a food journal EVERYTHING and I ate SO healthy- it was crazy, after 3 months I''m sure I never lost any weight..

I think mind set might have a lot to do with it (such a stupid theory ,but I can''t explain it otherwise) because this last time, all I did was walk my dog, eat well,...and off it went!

I haven''t gained any of it back since the summer and I haven''t exactly been great about things lol! (winter and all)

I''ve heard a lot about metformin...but it took a long time before it got officially diagnosed and i lost the weight before then.

I guess for me what worked was cutting processed ANYTHING out COMPLETELY...if it wasn''t natural, I didn''t eat it. water, milk and occasionally orange juice!

if you have any Q''s I''ll answer whatever I can!

Gecko: lol! your comment made me laugh out loud for sure! haha.

Right now I have been food journalling as well and really don''t eat anything bad! I am starting to think I need to just listen to my body''s needs. Is there such a thing as restricting yourself too much? Perhaps it is countering what I am really trying to achieve. I am still going to talk to my specialist about Metformin, but I really appreciate your advice and thank you for being so helpful and willing to answer any questions I might have. You really are such an inspiration!
Just a little update for anybody who is struggling with the same issue as me, I went to the book store and picked up
the g.i diet by Rick Gallop
and so far so good. It is a really good plan for life in general and doesn''t feel so much like a diet. I definitely recommend it thus far!
My brother told me that his wife was recently diagnosed with PCOS. Her doctor put her on Metformin and told her to limit her starchy foods intake to 4 portions a day maximum. She lost 15 pounds in 2 months. Good luck!
I was diagnosed with PCOS in 2005 but my doc wouldn''t put me on metformin until I was ready to try to have a baby. After doing a lot of reading I found doc that would give it to me and in just a few months I have lost 15lbs on it. Granted I''m still quite overweight but I haven''t changed anything. I don''t work out...I should, I still eat whatever the difference is that I no longer feel like a sugar freak and I''m satisfied with 1/4 of what I used to eat. I know if I added in working out I could really start losing more weight. Good luck and ask your doc about it.
Question for the ladies who have been on Metformin: Did you experience any side effects? My Dr. said that it was a "hard" medicine to take because it causes GI issues. Without giving too much personal info, can you just let me know if you had any issues?

Date: 4/8/2009 2:16:41 PM
Author: lucyandroger
Question for the ladies who have been on Metformin: Did you experience any side effects? My Dr. said that it was a ''hard'' medicine to take because it causes GI issues. Without giving too much personal info, can you just let me know if you had any issues?

I can let you know in a few weeks, LOL! I''ll be starting the Metformin soon. Cross your fingers for me!
Date: 4/8/2009 2:42:24 PM
Author: geckodani

Date: 4/8/2009 2:16:41 PM
Author: lucyandroger
Question for the ladies who have been on Metformin: Did you experience any side effects? My Dr. said that it was a ''hard'' medicine to take because it causes GI issues. Without giving too much personal info, can you just let me know if you had any issues?

I can let you know in a few weeks, LOL! I''ll be starting the Metformin soon. Cross your fingers for me!
***Fingers Crossed***

Keep me updated! LOL...I actually think it may be worth a few GI issues anyway as long at it''s nothing tooooo terrible.
It is a very difficult med if you are on the immediate release form. I wasn''t able to take it because the side effects were so bad, but then I got on the extended release version and the only problem I have now is diarrhea if I eat too many carbs or something really sugary. Fruit juice has completly left my diet as one glass will have me in the bathroom all night.
Date: 4/8/2009 10:53:11 PM
Author: stepcutgirl
It is a very difficult med if you are on the immediate release form. I wasn''t able to take it because the side effects were so bad, but then I got on the extended release version and the only problem I have now is diarrhea if I eat too many carbs or something really sugary. Fruit juice has completly left my diet as one glass will have me in the bathroom all night.
Thanks, stepcutgirl.

I''ll have to make sure to tell the Dr. I want to be on the extended release version. I guess this could be a much needed deterrent for carbs and sugar (my favorite!)

It''s good to know that it didn''t make you want to stop taking it completely.
Well I was unable to take the immediate release form despite trying over and over to take it. I work in health care and I would be mid conversation with a patient and would have to run to the bathroom. I stress run because there was literally no time to even excuse myself. I do not have this problem at all on the extended release. It made me feel a little funny in the beginning, hyper one day lethargic the next. I have a friend on this med and she had the same response to it in the beginning. I''d say after the first month I didn''t notice it anymore.

Yes, this med will semi deter you from carbs and sugar but my only horrific incidence was after fruit juice. I''m apparently a little slow because the first time it happened I thought I had a stomach bug and didn''t out two and two together that it was the juice. The next time I drank juice I sure did figure it out! No juice for me!
Popping in late to this thread. I was diagnosed in 2006. At first they suggested Metformin for me if I wanted to take it, but since I don''t want children, getting me to start ovulating again wasn''t a big deal. However, last year I noticed that no matter how well I ate, cutting out everything bad, I can''t get under 180lbs. Yeasterday I had my physical and it seems my thyroid is a bit slow. She recommended Levoxyl to help rev up my thyroid and therefore upping my metabolism. I wish I had asked more about it instead of just going to the pharmacy and paying $25 for a 3 month supply. I read the warnings and side effects and now I''m scared to take it. Just in case any of you get the same diagnosis of hypothyroidism, read up on Levoxyl if it is suggested to you.
Date: 4/10/2009 2:52:14 PM
Author: nytemist
Popping in late to this thread. I was diagnosed in 2006. At first they suggested Metformin for me if I wanted to take it, but since I don''t want children, getting me to start ovulating again wasn''t a big deal. However, last year I noticed that no matter how well I ate, cutting out everything bad, I can''t get under 180lbs. Yeasterday I had my physical and it seems my thyroid is a bit slow. She recommended Levoxyl to help rev up my thyroid and therefore upping my metabolism. I wish I had asked more about it instead of just going to the pharmacy and paying $25 for a 3 month supply. I read the warnings and side effects and now I''m scared to take it. Just in case any of you get the same diagnosis of hypothyroidism, read up on Levoxyl if it is suggested to you.
I have Hashimoto''s Thyroiditis, so I have been taking Levoxyl or it''s equivalent for 20 years. Definitely take it. When I did not take it, I would gain weight & get very depressed.

I actually also found out yesterday that I probably have PCOS - I am going in for an ultrasound & blood tests next week, but I have not had my period in 5 months even though we are TTC (& I''m not pregnant). So I may end up having both hypothyroid & PCOS - I am going to see several specialists over the next couple of weeks, and am hoping that I can get something that''s going to help me ...
Date: 4/8/2009 2:16:41 PM
Author: lucyandroger
Question for the ladies who have been on Metformin: Did you experience any side effects? My Dr. said that it was a ''hard'' medicine to take because it causes GI issues. Without giving too much personal info, can you just let me know if you had any issues?

Yes! I had really bad issues with it for the first few months and I was on the extend release pill. I am just thankful that I stay at home because I don''t think I could have made it at work on this medicine. But after about 2 months, the symptoms let up, but still do not overdo it on carbs or it will be a nightmare!
Well, I took my first Metforming (500mg) last night with dinner. No gastro problems... but holy cow I was dizzy for a while there! Maybe my blood sugar was equalizing?
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