
Trayvon Martin. Why are we not talking about this?

Imdanny|1335249603|3179219 said:
There's going to be a rally for Zimmerman.

"Controversial Gainesville pastor Terry Jones plans to hold a rally in Sanford on Saturday in support of George Zimmerman, the man charged in the death of Trayvon Martin.

The rally is planned by Jones's "Stand Up America!" organization, which announced the event on its website under the heading "JUSTICE FOR ZIMMERMAN vs RACIST LYNCH MOB."

Zimmerman referred to his "supporters" on his website. I guess it's about time his supporters held a rally.

And yet, no outrage when the New Black Panthers rallied and placed a bounty on GZ's head, vowing "boot up and suit up" and to take him "dead or alive" ?
I see....
I'm really surprised that Jose Baez isn't on the defense team yet. Or maybe he is, but I haven't been reading much on this case because the mob mentality is so disheartening and it's much more fun to hang out with PS'ers who help you completely avoid the media. :saint:
beebrisk|1335242102|3179169 said:
And while I'm not acting as defense lawyer for GZ, I'm also not going to convict him based on a few Daily Kos blog posts, garbled phone recordings, hearsay from "a girl on a cellphone" recounted by a guy representing the victim's family and certainly not because the "mob" tells me I should.

beebrisk, this is what you said and what I was responding to.

This is false. We have heard from this witness directly.
beebrisk|1335272876|3179304 said:
Imdanny|1335249603|3179219 said:
There's going to be a rally for Zimmerman.

"Controversial Gainesville pastor Terry Jones plans to hold a rally in Sanford on Saturday in support of George Zimmerman, the man charged in the death of Trayvon Martin.

The rally is planned by Jones's "Stand Up America!" organization, which announced the event on its website under the heading "JUSTICE FOR ZIMMERMAN vs RACIST LYNCH MOB."

Zimmerman referred to his "supporters" on his website. I guess it's about time his supporters held a rally.

And yet, no outrage when the New Black Panthers rallied and placed a bounty on GZ's head, vowing "boot up and suit up" and to take him "dead or alive" ?
I see....

You seem to be arguing that Zimmerman is the victim of a racist lynch mob. I never said anything should happen other than that he should be arrested by law enforcement.

BTW, you've read me wrong. I'm not outraged. I'm amused.

I can't believe a child murderer has "supporters" and if they want to be fools and have a rally then I say let them.
Duplicate post.
Imdanny|1335316464|3179895 said:
beebrisk|1335242102|3179169 said:
And while I'm not acting as defense lawyer for GZ, I'm also not going to convict him based on a few Daily Kos blog posts, garbled phone recordings, hearsay from "a girl on a cellphone" recounted by a guy representing the victim's family and certainly not because the "mob" tells me I should.

beebrisk, this is what you said and what I was responding to.

This is false. We have heard from this witness directly.

Sorry, wrong again.

This is not an "interview" with CBS...this is a recording of a girl, who may or may not be the girl who was on the cellphone with Trayvon and may or may not be telling the truth and speaking (presumably) with the Martin attorney. Not even close to an "interview". And even if it was an interview, it has NOT been established that the voice on the phone, talking to the lawyer is "the witness". You don't know who that voice belongs to or what her motivations are (and I am not suggesting they are nefarious). Until she's called to the witness stand and presents testimony under oath it is, indeed, hearsay.

Many people say many different things to many lawyers outside a court of law. It doesn't make it evidence, it doesn't make it true. It's just a statement.

As someone who spent several weeks as a juror on a well-known child abuse case in NYC, I can tell you with certitude that people change their statements, their "eyewitness accounts" and in fact, their entire "story" once they are sworn in as a witness.

That said, I'm not interested in convicting or exonerating anyone. I'm just pointing out that what you hear and read often has no bearing on the truth and nothing we have heard so far "proves" anything.
Imdanny|1335317147|3179902 said:
beebrisk|1335272876|3179304 said:
Imdanny|1335249603|3179219 said:
There's going to be a rally for Zimmerman.

"Controversial Gainesville pastor Terry Jones plans to hold a rally in Sanford on Saturday in support of George Zimmerman, the man charged in the death of Trayvon Martin.

The rally is planned by Jones's "Stand Up America!" organization, which announced the event on its website under the heading "JUSTICE FOR ZIMMERMAN vs RACIST LYNCH MOB."

Zimmerman referred to his "supporters" on his website. I guess it's about time his supporters held a rally.

And yet, no outrage when the New Black Panthers rallied and placed a bounty on GZ's head, vowing "boot up and suit up" and to take him "dead or alive" ?
I see....

You seem to be arguing that Zimmerman is the victim of a racist lynch mob. I never said anything should happen other than that he should be arrested by law enforcement.

BTW, you've read me wrong. I'm not outraged. I'm amused.

I can't believe a child murderer has "supporters" and if they want to be fools and have a rally then I say let them.

No. Not the "victim of a lynch mob"...the subject of vitriol spewed by a racist lynch mob. Big difference. I'm not certain of the actual laws involved, but I do know that a serious threat against someone's life is a crime here in the US.

You find it amusing that a man you believe to be a "child murderer" has supporters? Amusing? I would find it beyond despicable, horrific, immoral and unspeakable. I also find it outrageous, immoral, despicable and unspeakable that a group placed a bounty on the head of a man, presumed to be innocent and promised to capture him "dead or alive". I think any civilized person would agree.

I'm just not convinced that the person this rally for is a "child murderer". After all, the jury's still out (um, hasn't yet been seated) on that one.
Imdanny|1335249603|3179219 said:
There's going to be a rally for Zimmerman.

"Controversial Gainesville pastor Terry Jones plans to hold a rally in Sanford on Saturday in support of George Zimmerman, the man charged in the death of Trayvon Martin.

The rally is planned by Jones's "Stand Up America!" organization, which announced the event on its website under the heading "JUSTICE FOR ZIMMERMAN vs RACIST LYNCH MOB."

Zimmerman referred to his "supporters" on his website. I guess it's about time his supporters held a rally.

Danny I read somewhere that hardly anyone turned up.
GlamMosher|1335319159|3179926 said:
Imdanny|1335249603|3179219 said:
There's going to be a rally for Zimmerman.

"Controversial Gainesville pastor Terry Jones plans to hold a rally in Sanford on Saturday in support of George Zimmerman, the man charged in the death of Trayvon Martin.

The rally is planned by Jones's "Stand Up America!" organization, which announced the event on its website under the heading "JUSTICE FOR ZIMMERMAN vs RACIST LYNCH MOB."

Zimmerman referred to his "supporters" on his website. I guess it's about time his supporters held a rally.

Danny I read somewhere that hardly anyone turned up.

Why would people show up? Level heads are waiting to hear the real story vs what the media hath wrought.
beebrisk|1335318590|3179919 said:
Imdanny|1335316464|3179895 said:
beebrisk|1335242102|3179169 said:
And while I'm not acting as defense lawyer for GZ, I'm also not going to convict him based on a few Daily Kos blog posts, garbled phone recordings, hearsay from "a girl on a cellphone" recounted by a guy representing the victim's family and certainly not because the "mob" tells me I should.

beebrisk, this is what you said and what I was responding to.

This is false. We have heard from this witness directly.

Sorry, wrong again.

This is not an "interview" with CBS...this is a recording of a girl, who may or may not be the girl who was on the cellphone with Trayvon and may or may not be telling the truth and speaking (presumably) with the Martin attorney. Not even close to an "interview". And even if it was an interview, it has NOT been established that the voice on the phone, talking to the lawyer is "the witness". You don't know who that voice belongs to or what her motivations are (and I am not suggesting they are nefarious). Until she's called to the witness stand and presents testimony under oath it is, indeed, hearsay.

Many people say many different things to many lawyers outside a court of law. It doesn't make it evidence, it doesn't make it true. It's just a statement.

As someone who spent several weeks as a juror on a well-known child abuse case in NYC, I can tell you with certitude that people change their statements, their "eyewitness accounts" and in fact, their entire "story" once they are sworn in as a witness.

That said, I'm not interested in convicting or exonerating anyone. I'm just pointing out that what you hear and read often has no bearing on the truth and nothing we have heard so far "proves" anything.

You're grasping at straws. Yes, this is the witness. Yes, she gave one media interview, with attorneys present. Your whole mindset of "we can't know anything" because we are not in a court room seems very strange to me.

We've covered this many times. We are not in a court room. We are not going to be called as witnesses. We can think and SAY whatever we want about George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin.

You don't think what we are doing in this thread is appropriate? Other than the obvious answer, which is that if you don't want to be engaged in it, you don't have to be, this is what the COURTS said:

"It is the goal of the Eighteenth Judicial Circuit to ensure that the media and public are accommodated to the best of the Court's abilities during special interest/high profile proceedings. Below you will find media advisories and public record documents pertaining to State v. Zimmerman (2012-CF-001083-A). Please continue to check this website for updates. Documents will be posted as they are made available for public distribution."
GlamMosher|1335319159|3179926 said:
Danny I read somewhere that hardly anyone turned up.

GlamMosher, thanks. I haven't had a chance to look at all of the news today. That doesn't surprise me. This guy's reputation proceeds him. He's a total nutjob. But the truth is a lot of people in the US ARE Zimmerman "supporters". The entire right wing in the US has rallied to Zimmerman's defense. Of course, this involves turning Martin into the racist caricature of Zimmerman's imagination. It has been/ it is very ugly here.
Imdanny|1335319881|3179938 said:
beebrisk|1335318590|3179919 said:
Imdanny|1335316464|3179895 said:
beebrisk|1335242102|3179169 said:
And while I'm not acting as defense lawyer for GZ, I'm also not going to convict him based on a few Daily Kos blog posts, garbled phone recordings, hearsay from "a girl on a cellphone" recounted by a guy representing the victim's family and certainly not because the "mob" tells me I should.

beebrisk, this is what you said and what I was responding to.

This is false. We have heard from this witness directly.

Sorry, wrong again.

This is not an "interview" with CBS...this is a recording of a girl, who may or may not be the girl who was on the cellphone with Trayvon and may or may not be telling the truth and speaking (presumably) with the Martin attorney. Not even close to an "interview". And even if it was an interview, it has NOT been established that the voice on the phone, talking to the lawyer is "the witness". You don't know who that voice belongs to or what her motivations are (and I am not suggesting they are nefarious). Until she's called to the witness stand and presents testimony under oath it is, indeed, hearsay.

Many people say many different things to many lawyers outside a court of law. It doesn't make it evidence, it doesn't make it true. It's just a statement.

As someone who spent several weeks as a juror on a well-known child abuse case in NYC, I can tell you with certitude that people change their statements, their "eyewitness accounts" and in fact, their entire "story" once they are sworn in as a witness.

That said, I'm not interested in convicting or exonerating anyone. I'm just pointing out that what you hear and read often has no bearing on the truth and nothing we have heard so far "proves" anything.

You're grasping at straws. Yes, this is the witness. Yes, she gave one media interview, with attorneys present. Your whole mindset of "we can't know anything" because we are not in a court room seems very strange to me.

We've covered this many times. We are not in a court room. We are not going to be called as witnesses. We can think and SAY whatever we want about George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin.

You don't think what we are doing in this thread is appropriate? Other than the obvious answer, which is that if you don't want to be engaged in it, you don't have to be, this is what the COURTS said:

"It is the goal of the Eighteenth Judicial Circuit to ensure that the media and public are accommodated to the best of the Court's abilities during special interest/high profile proceedings. Below you will find media advisories and public record documents pertaining to State v. Zimmerman (2012-CF-001083-A). Please continue to check this website for updates. Documents will be posted as they are made available for public distribution."

Never said it was "inappropriate". Of course you can "say" and "think" whatever you want about the subject. You are entitled to your OPINION. But you must know that your opinion, at this point in time is not based on FACT. Again, we don't know many FACTS at all.

Media advisories are also not evidence. The case is not currently being tried. You and I have no idea that the girl talking to the lawyer on tape witnessed anything. Until it's proven to me that she did, I'll continue to "think" and "say" that I will reserve judgement on the entire incident.

Honestly, what happened was tragic. Tragic things happen every day. Young people kill old, helpless people. Older people kill young innocents. I'm no more "drawn" to THIS case than I am to the others except for questioning the mass hysteria and hypocrisy I've seen exhibited by the public who profess "concern" because somehow THIS case is different than all others. All others.

My last word on the subject. Frankly, it's no more important to me than any other crime I see reported on a daily basis. I just would hope to see justice done in all of them.
Today I read a Reuters article that was a total fluff piece painting a picture of George Zimmerman as an alter boy who has a black ancestor, who loves and helps everyone on earth, and all about how, just naturally/s, a bunch of logical events, one after another, led to Zimmerman shooting Trayvon Martin.

It ended by saying that there were "a few" accounted for minutes (a lie) during which what happened is a "mystery" (a lie).

So if for no other reason to let off some steam, I've decided to post a local (at least I think he's local) blogger's timeline (please notice the crime scene map, you should keep it in mind when considering Zimmerman's five different stories, etc.).

The fact of the matter is that there are no missing "few minutes".

Here's the timeline:

" 7:12 PM: Trayvon’s girlfriend called him back.

7:13 PM: Zimmerman said his truck was parked at a cut-through. 15 seconds later, he lost sight of Trayvon.

It’s very important to note that Zimmerman was in his vehicle until he got out and chased after Trayvon. The dispatcher warned him against doing so upon hearing wind resistance from the cell phone.

7:13:41 PM: Zimmerman ended his call to the dispatcher.

Meanwhile, Trayvon was still on the phone with his girlfriend.

7:15 - 7:16 PM: Trayvon told his girlfriend he thinks he lost the guy. She then heard voices:

Trayvon: Why are you following me?

Zimmerman: What are you doing here?”

Trayvon’s phone cut out at 7:16 (approximate.) His girlfriend said it sounded like the phone was dropped. Who hit who first is a big issue, but it does seem Trayvon got the upper hand.

7:16:11 PM: First of seven 9-1-1 calls came in. A high-pitched male voice is heard screaming for help, and then…


These details need to be verified by official sources, but:

7:16 (approx.) Travyvon's phone cuts out
7:16:11 First 911 call
7:16:56 Gunshot

There you go. Do you remember when the Sanford police said that there was a missing minute during which they did not know what happened? A lie.

I don't count any "missing" minutes.

This does, however, leave 41 seconds during which Trayvon Martin yelled help before the gunshot, and silence.

I've read many post in this thread saying that "the media" has painted this story one way: against Zimmerman.

I'd like to note that this is not the case.

Reuters, the Orlando Sentinel, MSNBC, and ABC, that I know of, have had, and continue to have, blatantly biased pieces, both supporting George Zimmerman, and defaming the memory of Trayvon Martin.

The media is actually messed up enough to be biased six ways to Sunday because they are corrupt insofar as journalistic standards, if they ever did, no longer exist.

It's been said in this thread that I rely on media. I don't. I dislike the media. On this note, I'd rather not link to the Reuters piece of trash.

My recommendation for anyone who wants to understand this story is, as I was taught to do in college, to go to the source, the original documents, tapes, interviews, etc.

Of course the media cannot be trusted to tell us what happened.
"The Miami Herald reported that Zimmerman had a Myspace social media account in 2005 in which he wrote insulting remarks about Mexicans. He referred to an ex-girlfriend as a "hoe," talked about beating a felony rap and complained that every Mexican he ran into pulled a knife on him. One line suggested that friends went to jail rather than snitch on him.

"Workin 96 hours to get a decent pay check, gettin knifes pulled on you by every mexican you run into!" Zimmerman wrote.",0,7805301.story

I don't remember marauding Mexicans pulling knives. WTF? :lol:
My bad. He was talking about Virginia. :?

I came across the circling his SUV story. I'd heard about this.

"George Zimmerman told investigators that while he was on the phone with a Sanford police dispatcher reporting Trayvon Martin as suspicious, the teenager was circling his vehicle on foot, a source familiar with the investigation told the Orlando Sentinel.

The source said Zimmerman's account of events hasn't changed in his several statements to police — in which he said he was so unnerved by the teen's behavior that he rolled up his window to avoid a confrontation. However, he never mentioned any of that while talking to the dispatcher."

"However, he never mentioned any of that while talking to the dispatcher." :lol:
From an Australian TV show, Dateline:

If the "watch" doesn't work, there is a transcript.

There is not much on TM/GZ but it delves into a couple of other cases which maybe even worse and have never been prosecuted.

Honestly, if i lived in Florida, I would hope to God I never had a really bad day and maybe appeared aggressive, and then came across a nervy person... boom! In fact, you would hope to never come across a nervy person!

If nothing else comes from TM/GZ, let's hope it is a catalyst to change this law to make it safer for everyone.

(edited to correct the name of the show)
I read an article today about Zimmerman's father saying that he (Zimmerman's father, his wife, and MIL) are on the run, living in hotel rooms. My heart bleeds for them. He said he pays cash so nobody knows their identity. When was the last time you checked into a hotel and didn't have to show ID? The article also talked about Zimmerman's father's open letter to the Orlando Sentinel. He said in that letter that Zimmerman was looking for a street sign, and walking back to his truck, when Trayvon jumped him. The only problem with that is that the place where Trayvon supposedly knocked him to the ground and started beating on him was behind the townhouses. There aren't any street signs behind the townhouses. What a farce. Now there's a "family physician's" medical report stating that Zimmerman's nose was broken, but it didn't break the skin, and what do you know, apparently this medical report contains no x-ray. Oops. Then there's the Photoshopped picture of the blood running down the back of his head. I believe this picture was "taken" by Zimmerman's friend "John." It just goes on and on. These people are full of BS.
This is the best map I've seen of the crime scene, albeit it's not a map; it's an aerial photograph. Take a look:

Trayvon was killed between the first set of buildings, at the top of the picture. He (and Zimmerman) were on the street where you the see the truck parked (BTW, as you can plainly see- there are is no "street sign" that Zimmerman could have been trying to find).

There are two paths Trayvon and Zimmerman could have followed- either simply around the corner of that building (and I do believe that's what happened) or, theoretically, one or both could have gone through the pass through between the first and second set of buildings (again, there is no reason to believe that's what Trayvon did, if anyone did that I believe it would have been Zimmerman- there's a small chance that Zimmerman went through one of the condominiums- the one belonging to the "witness" known as "John").

It's helpful to remember when thinking about Zimmerman's and Zimmerman's family members' various and contradictory stories, that this all took place simply around the corner of one building where Zimmerman's truck could have been parked.

This article is about "police missteps". I believe it went well beyond "missteps" but I just wanted to post this because I've been looking for a map of the crime scene to post and I haven't seen this picture before- it makes it very easy to see where this crime occurred.
Now we have the EMT report. I don't have a link to the document yet but I have it on pretty good authority that this is what it says.

"When an EMT checked Zimmerman in the patrol vehicle at 7:41 pm his pulse, blood pressure, and all of his vital signs were normal. Here is his report:

Assessment 1941 [7:41 pm]

Patient Conscious
Breathing Quality Adult Normal 12-20 [which is normal, not panting or out of breath]

No External Hemorrhage noted; Mucuous Membrane Normal

Central Body Color Normal

Extremities Normal

Within Normal Limits (Airway, Breathing Quality, Accessory Muscle Use, Chest Rise, Radial Pulse, Skin Temp, Skin Moisture [not sweating], Skin Turgor [not showing signs of dehydration], Cap Refill [blood circulation is normal], Pupil Size and Reaction.

Cause of Injury [to Zimmerman]: Struck by blunt/thrown object. (9640) [Emphasis supplied]

Mechanism of Injury: Blunt

Patient says he was assaulted and his head was struck on the pavement.

Pt’s GCS = 15 [Glascow Coma Scale, which is a level of consciousness scale and 15 is normal] and he is warm and dry with normal skin color. Pt has abrasions to his forehead + bleeding/tenderness to his nose and a small laceration to the back of his head. All injuries have minor bleeding. Pt also denies LOC [loss of consciousness], neck/back pain, and he has + PMS [pulse motor sensory function] X 4 [in all extremeties] with – paresthesia [no tingling]

[That means his pulse, motor, and sensory functions were all okay and functioning normally]"

Oops. Yet another Zimmerman lie. His whole story is a lie. I could rip every piece of it apart if I had the time (I don't) and the inclination (I do).
I can't wait for this.

"Some of the case's most important evidence has yet to be made public, including Zimmerman's three interviews with police, and his cell phone records. CBS News learned that includes texts Zimmerman sent after the shooting. Some of them disparage leaders of "Justice for Trayvon" rallies with language described as offensive."

I just can't imagine what those texts might say. /s
Imdanny|1337589671|3200127 said:
Cause of Injury [to Zimmerman]: Struck by blunt/thrown object. (9640) [Emphasis supplied]

Mechanism of Injury: Blunt

Patient says he was assaulted and his head was struck on the pavement.
That is a treatment code the EMT entered in the system and is consistent with the injuries noted.
Just like Doctors/ER EMTs now use treatment codes and select the one that best matches the injury and he did have blunt trauma injuries so that is the one the EMT picked as best matching the type of injury he observed.
Karl_K|1337705804|3200949 said:
Imdanny|1337589671|3200127 said:
Cause of Injury [to Zimmerman]: Struck by blunt/thrown object. (9640) [Emphasis supplied]

Mechanism of Injury: Blunt

Patient says he was assaulted and his head was struck on the pavement.
That is a treatment code the EMT entered in the system and is consistent with the injuries noted.
Just like Doctors/ER EMTs now use treatment codes and select the one that best matches the injury and he did have blunt trauma injuries so that is the one the EMT picked as best matching the type of injury he observed.

Yep, and it clearly says he was "struck" by an "object". Those are the injuries the EMTs observed. The problem for Zimmerman is that those are not the injuries that would be consistent with his story. We all remember his story is that his head was being bashed on concrete for over a minute by a person who was in control of the fight and had murderous intent along with being pummeled in the face. The truth basically is that he got a couple of scratches. My guess is that I'm going to compare this information with the prosecutors' transcript of the interview with the girl who was on the phone with him and come to the conclusion that Trayvon hit Zimmerman with his cellphone in self defense.
Imdanny|1337761216|3201512 said:
Karl_K|1337705804|3200949 said:
Imdanny|1337589671|3200127 said:
Cause of Injury [to Zimmerman]: Struck by blunt/thrown object. (9640) [Emphasis supplied]

Mechanism of Injury: Blunt

Patient says he was assaulted and his head was struck on the pavement.
That is a treatment code the EMT entered in the system and is consistent with the injuries noted.
Just like Doctors/ER EMTs now use treatment codes and select the one that best matches the injury and he did have blunt trauma injuries so that is the one the EMT picked as best matching the type of injury he observed.

Yep, and it clearly says he was "struck" by an "object". Those are the injuries the EMTs observed. The problem for Zimmerman is that those are not the injuries that would be consistent with his story. We all remember his story is that his head was being bashed on concrete for over a minute by a person who was in control of the fight and had murderous intent along with being pummeled in the face. The truth basically is that he got a couple of scratches. My guess is that I'm going to compare this information with the prosecutors' transcript of the interview with the girl who was on the phone with him and come to the conclusion that Trayvon hit Zimmerman with his cellphone in self defense.

I think the operative word here is "guess" because really, that's all any of us can do at this point in a case that has yet to be tried.

Interestingly, Alan Dershowtiz suggests that not only did the prosecution "over charge" Zimmerman with second degree murder, but that Angela Corey “was aware when she submitted an affidavit that it did not contain the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. She deliberately withheld evidence that supported Zimmerman’s claim of self-defense.” By the way, it might be of interest to note that Dershowitz is a staunch liberal.

Meantime, I'm still reserving judgement. But I have to say, if I had any interest in armchair lawyering I'd probably put my money on the conclusions reached by a Harvard Law Professor with five decades of experience...Unless of course he's a racist too!
Imdanny|1337761216|3201512 said:
Yep, and it clearly says he was "struck" by an "object". Those are the injuries the EMTs observed.
Head bashed on concrete likely didn't have a treatment code so the closest one was picked.
Technically his head was struck by the concrete if his story holds true.
Face it he was in a fight and his head and nose was hurt that looks like a fact.
The case is going to hinge on what happened before that point I think.
Karl_K|1337786610|3201644 said:
Imdanny|1337761216|3201512 said:
Yep, and it clearly says he was "struck" by an "object". Those are the injuries the EMTs observed.
Head bashed on concrete likely didn't have a treatment code so the closest one was picked.
Technically his head was struck by the concrete if his story holds true.
Face it he was in a fight and his head and nose was hurt that looks like a fact.
The case is going to hinge on what happened before that point I think.

Yes, he had boo-boos! The EMT didn't have to give him so much as a bandaid from what I've read though.

His nose? That's real interesting. Apparently you can't definitely diagnose a broken bone without an x-ray. Who knew?!

And Zimmerman's "family doctor" didn't take one. Oops.

Think of this. You have a bone smashed and broken in your face but you don't go to the local hospital and get an MRI.

Yes, because broken bones in the face isn't all that serious! :lol:

Not to mention the fact they both had injuries says nothing about who started the fight and nothing about whether the use of force on Zimmerman's part meets the legal standard for what a "reasonable" person would believe is necessary.

Plus the fight didn't happen on the concrete! All witnesses and the body's location say it happened on the grass. There is not one single piece of evidence that the fight was on the concrete sidewalk. There is nothing except the killer's word.

BTW, if the EMTs felt he had head trauma, he would have gone to the hospital, and he wouldn't have had a choice.

I said I guessed that I would compare the EMT report and the prosecutors' interview with the phone witness and come to the conclusion that Trayvon hit Zimmerman with his cellphone.

Let me rephrase that. I am going to compare the EMT report and the prosecutors' interview of the phone witness, and I'm going to put another piece of the puzzle together.

This isn't a "hard case" to figure out. It really doesn't take an Einstein to figure out that Zimmerman was the aggressor, that his story is a self serving lie, and that he murdered Trayvon Martin in cold blood.

This isn't a "hard case" to figure out. It really doesn't take an Einstein to figure out that Zimmerman was the aggressor, that his story is a self serving lie, and that he murdered Trayvon Martin in cold blood.[/quote]

Danny...i don't think Zimmerman's lawyer is going to pick you as one of the juror.. :bigsmile:

btw; i am surprised by you "a liberal" ...wanted to execute Zimmerman w/o a fair trial?... :confused:

While Derschowitz is a Harvard Constitutional law professor(I think) he is a defense attorney and so brings that mind set to the situation. He did nt convince me because the state seems to have so many witnesses they plan to use. One witness who arrived on the scene first says Zimmerman just asked him to notify his wife that he had shot a man and would be going to the police station. Police arrived almost immediately. Zimmerman was very calm. I got the sense he thought he was entirely justified.

Another witness said that Travon was on top and Zimmerman was yelling for help. So much for eye witnesses. Agroup of us are still interested, so will keep reading about it as it turns up.

Danny, Danny Danny. You keep us informed and of course give us your guesses. I liked the mobile phone guess.
