
Transportation question

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Aug 5, 2004
Hi girls!

Ok I am really clueless about weddings. At first we were thinking we werent going to get any transportation like a limo or anything and everyone drives themselves. My mom said no you have to hve transportation for your bridal party etc.

I''m getting married in a church at 2, the reception is at 6 about 20 minutes away, and in between we are taking pictures at another location. SO, my dense question is, if I rent a limo, what do I use it for?

Would my bridal party find their way to the church, and have the limo pick all of us up after the mass to take us to pictures, then drop us off back at the church to pick up everyone''s car to then go to the reception hall? Or does the limo just cart us all around town the whole day and then take us to the reception? if everyone drives to the church, and then gets droppped off at the reception, they;d be stuck there since their cars would be at the church, so that wouldnt work!

Is it rude to expect my bridal party to drive themselves to our location for pictures and to the reception? Do people just get a rental car or limo just for the bride and groom after the mass?

i have no idea. What do people typically do?

For my friends wedding.. (and I think most weddings).. it went like this
ceremony was at 1:30, reception at 5, photos in between

Limo picked up groomsmen from grooms parents house around noon.. got them to the church around 12:30ish.. then the lim o came and got us girls from the brides house a little before 1.. got us to the church by 1:15..

Waited at the church for the ceremony to end, It ended around 2:45

then the entire bridal party plus bride and groom got into the limo and went to pictures. Pictures didn''t take that long.. we were done by 4 o clock.. so the limo just drove us around for an hour until it was time to go to the reception.. then he left..

and we all found our own ways home. some people dropped off cars at the reception site in the morning, my fiance was not in the wedding party, so he drove me home.

I plan on a similar situation for my wedding.. the only thing i''m not sure about is if I want to get separate limos for guys/girls.. or for us/the wedding party. For my sisters wedding, they had like three separate limos. one for our parents, one for the girls and one for the guys. but I don''t want to ride separate from FI after the wedding!
Transportation at a wedding should include transportation for the wedding party. It''s sort of a two-fold issue--that you want to keep everyone together to keep things on schedule, etc. and that being in a wedding is usually not all that convenient and it''s a courtesy that you want to extend your wedding party to make it easier. If your bridesmaids and groomsmen are very familiar with the area of your wedding, this is not such an imposition, but if they are out of towners--I would think that having a limo for them would be much appreciated.

Every wedding that I have been to has also provided transportation for all the guests as well, but that has been partially because they are (nearly) entirely out of town affairs and the bride/groom were concerned about drunk driving. It doesn''t seem like that is the norm outside of the weddings I have been to, though.

For my wedding, the reception is about a two minute walk from the church, but we''re getting limos anyway (in case of rain). We also are housing out of town guests in the inn where the reception is being held and two other local hotels. The guests in the two other local hotels will be shuttled in and out because parking is scarce and we don''t want any potential drunk drivers.
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