
Too Late: P-SCOPED!

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Sep 23, 2009
Yes, I went to Barry''s site and wanted to buy that delicious spessie. After being on PS for a good bit of time now, I knew it was "the one."


P-SCOPED: Sold! Not to You! Fugeddaboudit! DE-NIED! Harriet bought it and its already a JOOL on her hand!

While others dither and hesitate and wring their unbejeweled little hands, we Pricescopers are DEAL CLOSERS! We CAN commit!

We must be a buying force when I see how much inventory we are buying from Gene, Gary, Cynthia and Dan, and Barry.

Pricescope: Recession? What stinking recession!!!
HAHA you snooze you loose with PS! LOL
I confess, I nailed 3 from Barry just today ;)
yay~~~~yay yay~~~
I keep telling my spousal unit I need a Blackberry 24/7 or I''m always P-SCOPED!
Babydoll, whadja get?

You can tell us! You stole ''em right out from under us, the least you could do!
Date: 2/1/2010 8:43:00 PM
Author: StonieGrl
I keep telling my spousal unit I need a Blackberry 24/7 or I''m always P-SCOPED!
Agreed, not to mention that I''m in China and I even need to deal with time lags
I desperately need something blue

and something reminds me of yellow diamond

and this one seems to have a lot of dispersion

Nice scoop babydoll!
Date: 2/1/2010 8:25:33 PM

P-SCOPED: Sold! Not to You! Fugeddaboudit! DE-NIED! Harriet bought it and its already a JOOL on her hand!
Pricescope: Recession? What stinking recession!!!

is that gemstone on his inventory for a while now?
i am not sure if he updates his website often.
the pink sapphire i bought 3 months ago is still listed as for sale ??!
as oppose to SOLD
Geez Babydoll! Those colors are fab! I had class all afternoon and then night class, I missed the update
It's probably for the best, I need to focus on my upcoming projects. I'm always so tempted to buy everything when BB updates his site!
Babydoll, excellent score!
You ladies are so funny.
Babydoll, you purchased some nice stones. I love the way VBarry cuts his rounds.
yay~ i got a bit crazy because I''m currently visiting US and is heading back to China this weekend.
During my stay, I also get this baby from Gene

Date: 2/1/2010 9:53:13 PM
Author: babydoll_mini
yay~ i got a bit crazy because I''m currently visiting US and is heading back to China this weekend.
During my stay, I also get this baby from Gene
Tell us more! Very nice colour and cutting.
and also this tiny spinel, which is more red than pink and look much better in real life

84ct 536mm.png
Nice stones, babydoll.

All right, folks, I had to go look after reading this thread, and ended up scooping up the rubellite pear.

StonieGirl - Whenever I''m P-Scoped, I think of all the money I just saved.

It wasn''t me! I''ve never "P-scoped" anyone.
Babydoll, that green is just beautiful!

Fly Girl, that''s a very nice rubelite you got!
Date: 2/1/2010 9:53:13 PM
Author: babydoll_mini
yay~ i got a bit crazy because I''m currently visiting US and is heading back to China this weekend.
During my stay, I also get this baby from Gene
Yummy! Great color! More pics please?
They''re all very pretty babydoll. You really racked up! I''m a new fan of Gene''s and I think you''re going to love his cutting. Just fabulous.
Wonderful gems Babydoll. What are your plans for the new gems?
Thank you MTG, Burberrygirl, StonieGrl, Chrono, Fly Girl, ma re, kribbie, gemgirl, Sal from Cal for all your kind words!

And sorry StonieGrl for showing off in your thread

I''m afraid I don''t have extra pics of them at the moment and don''t have any plan on my mind what to do with them. The barry''s haven''t even come to me yet! Can''t wait

I''m going to post separate threads after I''m back to China. Please give me generous advices on the setting ideas~
Thank you all~
Well, I hope we get lots of nice pictures when you get back to China then! That tsav from gene is just drool worthy!
Congrats on your (many!) new stones, babydoll. Photos?!
Great stones, babydoll! I had a hankerin'' for that spinel, myself. Glad someone who got it will give us pics (and didn''t have to spend my own money!)!
GREAT stones Babydoll. I like Barry''s cutting and I think that blue Spinel is going to be FAB!!

NICE pear too!

I look forward to photos from both of you!
I stil haven''t figured out who P-scoped whom, sounds like a screenplay for "Mystery!" but you ended up with beautiful stones! Good luck setting them!
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