
To answer a few of your Qs...

Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004
Not terrified? You are not white. Do you realize that? Do you think that only Latinos and Muslims will be affected by the now permissible racism? Do you think your daughters are never going to have gay children? Do you think the KKK accepts you? Do you think that when you travel to a red state, the majority of Trump supporters (according to the polls) who are white, non educated men struggling to make a living, will not resent you for your Octavia? You think they will applaud your success and welcome you, knowing that your ring cost more than what they make all year?
I seriously would like to know.

Sadly there will always be racial discrimination in this country. However, I have been living here in Ca. for the past 50 yrs, and not once had I felt I was being discriminated against. I have never been to the southern states so I can't give you my opinions on how whites treat Asians there.
DF - this white southerner would welcome you with open arms if you ever come to NC. :wavey:
I didn't vote, however my wife did voted for Trump. Had he acted more presidential like the past 3 days I too would had voted for him.
CC...Yes, My older daughter did vote and I am 99% sure she voted for Trump.

HC...I saw one HC sign around my neighborhood and 0 Trump sign.
VR...Yea I should have voted on the propositions, but I was too lazy to read about the positives and negatives.
I love all the PSers here whether they are a conservative or a Liberal. No hard feeling towards either side.

Anna...I too am a Rubio supporter b/c his life history as an immigrant resemble mine.
DF, you are one of a handful of PS regulars that I like, as you always come across as level headed, non-judgemental, and non-preachy.

DK :))
Thank you DF! If you read my post, I was very earnest and sincere about my question. I know you are a straight shooter who would never feel attacked. Too bad some PSers have to be nanny nets and can't distinguish tone! Thh, I think everyone is hyper sensitive right now. I appreciate your perspective. I visited Nashville, Memphis, Charleston and savannah this summer. I didn't once feel discriminated. But I just don't know if I would feel welcome anymore.
nala|1478915676|4097297 said:
Thank you DF! If you read my post, I was very earnest and sincere about my question. I know you are a straight shooter who would never feel attacked. Too bad some PSers have to be nanny nets and can't distinguish tone! Thh, I think everyone is hyper sensitive right now. I appreciate your perspective. I visited Nashville, Memphis, Charleston and savannah this summer. I didn't once feel discriminated. But I just don't know if I would feel welcome anymore.
Nahh...I have thick skins... :praise: :lol:
nala|1478915676|4097297 said:
Thank you DF! If you read my post, I was very earnest and sincere about my question. I know you are a straight shooter who would never feel attacked. Too bad some PSers have to be nanny nets and can't distinguish tone! Thh, I think everyone is hyper sensitive right now. I appreciate your perspective. I visited Nashville, Memphis, Charleston and savannah this summer. I didn't once feel discriminated. But I just don't know if I would feel welcome anymore.
What is your racial background?
I'm a Latina. My hubby is a gun toting White Republican. My daughter is mixed. She voted Liberal.
JoCoJenn|1478911547|4097273 said:
DF - this white southerner would welcome you with open arms if you ever come to NC. :wavey:
Thanks Jo. :wavey: We can GTG and talk politics... :wink2:
nala|1478919281|4097309 said:
I'm a Latina. My hubby is a gun toting White Republican. My daughter is mixed. She voted Liberal.
I am not surprised b/c most college professors across the country is very liberal.
Dancing Fire|1478937174|4097368 said:
nala|1478919281|4097309 said:
I'm a Latina. My hubby is a gun toting White Republican. My daughter is mixed. She voted Liberal.
Professors taught liberalism in class.
Dancing Fire|1478941134|4097373 said:
Dancing Fire|1478937174|4097368 said:
nala|1478919281|4097309 said:
I'm a Latina. My hubby is a gun toting White Republican. My daughter is mixed. She voted Liberal.
Professors taught liberalism in class.

Proud to say I'm an AP literature teacher and guess what? I have the privilege of selecting my course novels. You should see all of the liberal ideas and themes that high school students across the nation are exposed to daily! I love my job!