
The Ring Box Thread - Post Your Engagement Ring Boxes!!!


Dec 8, 2014
Hey Guys!

I don't have any pictures to begin sharing - so I apologize for that! I once saw a thread with a gentleman who had a custom wooden box made for his beautiful engagement ring. I believe it was his fiancee who had posted and was showing off the details of the woodworking that went into the box. She also had described the beautiful smell of the wood!

Ladies and gents, post what box you used for your proposal! If possible, chime in and say how the box made it extra special to see your beautiful forever e-ring for the first time!

Sorry if this is the wrong forum for posting this! There is no SMTRB forum :D

Thanks guys!
This is where I keep my OEC ER and bands when I am not wearing them. MY dh made this ring box for me years ago since woodworking is a hobby and passion of his. Please excuse the kitty hair. 8)

I look forward to seeing everyone's ring boxes. I know a few PSers have the Mrs Box ring box and they come in so many pretty velvet colors.




missy|1429538365|3864809 said:
This is where I keep my OEC ER and bands when I am not wearing them. MY dh made this ring box for me years ago since woodworking is a hobby and passion of his. Please excuse the kitty hair. 8)

I look forward to seeing everyone's ring boxes. I know a few PSers have the Mrs Box ring box and they come in so many pretty velvet colors.

Hello Missy!

Your ring box is beautiful and the craftsmanship is wonderful!

I was not sure if a similar thread had existed before but am excited to see what others post. I feel that the ring box plays a large role in the presentation of the ring!

I have seen the Mrs Boxes in many velvety colors and they definitely are very nice! I believe I will select more of a wood finish for the chosen one when the time comes!

To all, If you do not have a ring box, please feel free to posts ones that you have seen that you love! :)

How special to have dh make a handcrafted box just for you. It is beautiful and he is so talented. :appl:

What type of wood is it?
Thank you wizardman. He proposed with a different ring box as he was not yet into woodworking when he proposed to me. About 11 years ago or so (not sure of the exact time frame as time flies) he started teaching himself woodworking and this ring box is the first project he made. He has gone on to create many lovely things which I enjoy and as soon as we can get his woodworking shop back up and running (moved to a house without a garage so need to start on getting that garage built for his workshop ASAP) he can start enjoying this hobby again.

Cheryl, thank you. It is made of mahogany.
Hope your recovery is coming along well. I think of you often and am sending more healing vibes your way!
My father-in-law was a wood working hobbyist and my wife has many wonderful things from him, including our bar, a grandfather's clock, bowls, a cradle for newborns, and a few lamps, but nary a ring box. I wish I had thought of that while he was still with us.

Missy, I love the way your DH used the light and dark woods with great design purpose. It is a box that must be both admired and treasured for the sentiment involved involved in its creation.

What a treasure your ring box is Missy! Such a thoughtful and beautifully crafted gift from your husband and a special way to showcase and protect your gorgeous rings. Thanks for sharing it with us.
Ill get the thread rolling with some pictures of some items that I like! Etsy is wonderful for this kind of stuff!


I like this one because it has a rustic feel!


And this one with a bamboo bow!

Post what you have been proposed with or love off the internet for the best ring presentation box!
He gave me the ring in the box it arrived in. It was a little vintage look style oval shaped box. Like this the box was later taken during a break in. It was sweet that DH was so excited to give me the ring that he went with what the seller sent it in.

His engagement ring came in a velvet pouch and I tied it to the back of a photo album. No box necessary!
This is a picture of the box from the proposal. He loaded a bunch of pennies in the bottom so the brown box was heavy and then when I unwrapped it the "?" was on the top. Inside he had purchased a Tiffany porcelain box and the ring (not a Tiffany) was inside.

I married a prince..

Mayk|1429639944|3865394 said:
This is a picture of the box from the proposal. He loaded a bunch of pennies in the bottom so the brown box was heavy and then when I unwrapped it the "?" was on the top. Inside he had purchased a Tiffany porcelain box and the ring (not a Tiffany) was inside.

I married a prince..

How clever Mayk! Any close up pictures of the Tiffany porcelain box!? I am sure it is beautiful!

Rhea, that vintage box is very nice as well! Very unique! How sweet of DH to give it to you in that box :clap:
Jimmianne|1429793457|3866368 said:

THUD! (Me hitting the floor!) gorgeous. I love purple and of course your OEC!
LuckyKelleyK|1429797373|3866401 said:
Jimmianne|1429793457|3866368 said:

THUD! (Me hitting the floor!) gorgeous. I love purple and of course your OEC!

thanks LuckyKelleyK : )
Jimmianne|1429793457|3866368 said:

I need one so bad but I can't decide. I told my hubby to get me one for my birthday. I suspect he'll get chartreuse
Jimmianne|1429793457|3866368 said:

Is that the Starling color? If so, I may need one of those...

Thank you!
Fun thread!!

I looked at a lot of boxes....still look....i came across this little baby and ordered it on amazon, but it is just a little too small unfortunately. I love it anyway. It is very sparkly and pretty. I had a beautiful Cinderella style proposal, so I was looking for something Cinderella-like :love:



Cinderella |1429819713|3866683 said:
Fun thread!!

I looked at a lot of boxes....still look....i came across this little baby and ordered it on amazon, but it is just a little too small unfortunately. I love it anyway. It is very sparkly and pretty. I had a beautiful Cinderella style proposal, so I was looking for something Cinderella-like :love:

That is the cutest thing!!!

I just ordered a Walnut box from etsy. Awaiting its arrival now and will post pictures when its here!
thanks :clap:

post stock pick while we are waiting :appl:

i am sure if i searched,i would find many boxes :whistle:
MayK that is very romantic and it shows he put a lot of thought into the details. i am an old romantic at heart and love reading that stuff.

Missy your husband is very talented with his hobby and very good wood choice!
Cinderella |1429826836|3866747 said:
thanks :clap:

post stock pick while we are waiting :appl:

i am sure if i searched,i would find many boxes :whistle:

Here is the stock photo with the engraving on the top. Mine will have beveled edges on the top as well. :angel:

Here is my box! I cant show the top in case the future Mrs. is on here nosing around!

I love the walnut and the ribbon is a nice touch. I also had a piece of velvet/foam made for the hole so that the ring will sit nice and upright. It was shipped today and I cant wait to receive it! Just got my ring last week :appl:
Your ring box is gorgeous wizardman. :love: So rich and beautiful. LOVE it!
missy|1429881486|3867078 said:
Your ring box is gorgeous wizardman. :love: So rich and beautiful. LOVE it!

Thanks Missy! The standard box is a swivel lid which i did not like as much! I wanted the traditional hinged box for the grand opening - so I paid a little extra for that feature.

The box came from JCW Engraved Creations. Ethel was very responsive to my questions and a pleasure to work with. Here is a link to her shop:

Can't wait to see others! 8-)
Very pretty!!! :love:
Cinderella |1429819713|3866683 said:
Fun thread!!

I looked at a lot of boxes....still look....i came across this little baby and ordered it on amazon, but it is just a little too small unfortunately. I love it anyway. It is very sparkly and pretty. I had a beautiful Cinderella style proposal, so I was looking for something Cinderella-like :love:

I want this. My house is already really full of "stuff" but I don't care, I want this. It's just too adorable to resist.
Same here, junebug!! I have lots of "things", but i couldn't resist amd/or wait for my birthday! LOL
missy|1429538365|3864809 said:
This is where I keep my OEC ER and bands when I am not wearing them. MY dh made this ring box for me years ago since woodworking is a hobby and passion of his. Please excuse the kitty hair. 8)

I look forward to seeing everyone's ring boxes. I know a few PSers have the Mrs Box ring box and they come in so many pretty velvet colors.

Missy, that is so cool because he made it for you!

As a cat lover, kitty hair is mandatory! Lol :appl:
I also have a Mrs. Box. Love it!

I own three! The Huegenot, The Essex and the Emperor I think. If they put out darker colors in fall which I assume they will I will likely get those since I prefer those shades. The purple ended up being my favorite!