
The Official TTC Thread!

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Mousey, my advice would be to go to your doctor and request bloodwork rather than trying unproven home remedies. They typically would test you on CD3 for FSH (which is an indicator of your ovarian reserve) and also estrogen. I would also request them to test AMH, another indicator of ovarian reserve that can be drawn at any time. The other test you should consider requesting is to have your progesterone level tested at 7dpo to see if you had normal ovulation and an adequate progesterone level. I think they want it to be at least 10 and preferably over 15 on that date. Sometimes the solution to a short luteal phase is to take clomid or femara to try to ensure you have higher quality ovulation. Best wishes to you!

And best wishes to all of you TTCing!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi MP! :wavey:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Thanks MP. This is super helpful. It will be good to go to the doctor already armed with what I need to do. She is lovely, but a little laissez faire, if you know what I mean.

Its so good to have this thread. As with all things - PSers know best!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Anyone got any updates? CD33 over here.... :confused:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hey ladies I just got back! The cruise was fantastic, if we could get in the BD normally that we did on vaca I might actually be knocked up by now, lol! On CD2 now so I did ovulate on CD18. Thanks for all of your input and here's to a new cycle!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

CD34, BFN.... :rolleyes:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

My commiserations on the BFN RT. Isn't a holiday just the best thing for BDing Asscher?!

CD24. Hoping AF will not arrive on Tues. For one thing I want to be preggo. But really just want my leutal phases to be more than 8 days. I can feel it coming though..... Grrrr. Am looking forward to a cool glass of white on Friday eve though.

I am taking to drinking until the OPK says I am due to ovulate in the nxt 24 hours. I don t ever have more than two glasses anyway but maybe I should only do the AF week? What do you guys do?
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

mousey|1428860948|3860879 said:
My commiserations on the BFN RT. Isn't a holiday just the best thing for BDing Asscher?!

CD24. Hoping AF will not arrive on Tues. For one thing I want to be preggo. But really just want my leutal phases to be more than 8 days. I can feel it coming though..... Grrrr. Am looking forward to a cool glass of white on Friday eve though.

I am taking to drinking until the OPK says I am due to ovulate in the nxt 24 hours. I don t ever have more than two glasses anyway but maybe I should only do the AF week? What do you guys do?

Personally I'm in the "drink till it's pink" club. I know a lot won't do that and don't drink at all so it's really down to you to decide. I have cut back though, well as of today anyway, vacation was an unlimited drink package blur :lickout: When I do drink though I "try" to keep it from BFN to the end of AF.
Asscherhalo_lover said:
Personally I'm in the "drink till it's pink" club. I know a lot won't do that and don't drink at all so it's really down to you to decide. I have cut back though, well as of today anyway, vacation was an unlimited drink package blur :lickout: When I do drink though I "try" to keep it from BFN to the end of AF.

Me too. In fact, I make it a point to have a glass of wine or something the night before testing. There is no blood supply shared until 6 weeks or so.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

I was always drink til its pink. I've been scaling it back though just because I've been trying to lose weight. Anyone know of a 0 calorie wine?? Lol
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

random_thought|1428898925|3861105 said:
I was always drink til its pink. I've been scaling it back though just because I've been trying to lose weight. Anyone know of a 0 calorie wine?? Lol

Lol wouldn't that be something! I'll do a grey goose/club soda w a splash of cranberry :lickout:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

random_thought|1428898925|3861105 said:
I was always drink til its pink. I've been scaling it back though just because I've been trying to lose weight. Anyone know of a 0 calorie wine?? Lol

Yes, it's called a glass of water and a vivid imagination. Haha.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

I've been cautious and have kept alcohol limited to AF and maybe a day or two after. In part because I, too, wouldn't mind losing a few pounds, and I'm trying to avoid anything that might, on some level, affect our chances. Alcohol certainly isn't a contraceptive...many a pregnancy are even blamed on it :lol: ...but ya never know. We don't drink very regularly anyway, so it's nice having it as a BFN treat.

AFM..I didn't end up driving up to DH last week. I was debating my choices last I posted, and then a few hours later I noticed my EWCM had disappeared. That almost always happens the day of or before my temp spike, so I decided it wasn't worth the trip. Then, of temp didn't spike until 2 days later. I was feeling pretty bummed, but then I found a really interesting resesarch study where they tracked ovulation in ~100 women for multiple cycles by ultrasound, BBT, LH and other hormones, and peak fertile CM. It seems pretty safe to assume that ultrasound detection is by far the most accurate, and that's what they compared everything else to. What surprised me was that temp rises lagged by 2-4 days in most women, not the 1 day that charters usually assume. Peak CM, however, was a better match to US, with it landing the day before, on ov day, or one day after for ~75% of the cycles. The start of the LH rise was usually before US detected ov, but not always, and often the peak of LH was actually after US detected ovulation. It gave me pause, thinking about how much weight we put on BBT, when it may actually be quite a bit off, and even OPKs have a chance of steering you wrong. It also gave me hope that our timing this month might be pretty good. Since I don't know whether to trust BBT, EWCM or what, I'm guessing that today I'm somewhere in the ballpark of 5-7DPO.

Here are links to the study:
PDF download

I'm a scientist and used to writing/reading these sorts of jargon filled reports, so if anybody is curious but needs help understanding something, I'm happy to interpret!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

ladyciel|1428950851|3861356 said:
I've been cautious and have kept alcohol limited to AF and maybe a day or two after. In part because I, too, wouldn't mind losing a few pounds, and I'm trying to avoid anything that might, on some level, affect our chances. Alcohol certainly isn't a contraceptive...many a pregnancy are even blamed on it :lol: ...but ya never know. We don't drink very regularly anyway, so it's nice having it as a BFN treat.

AFM..I didn't end up driving up to DH last week. I was debating my choices last I posted, and then a few hours later I noticed my EWCM had disappeared. That almost always happens the day of or before my temp spike, so I decided it wasn't worth the trip. Then, of temp didn't spike until 2 days later. I was feeling pretty bummed, but then I found a really interesting resesarch study where they tracked ovulation in ~100 women for multiple cycles by ultrasound, BBT, LH and other hormones, and peak fertile CM. It seems pretty safe to assume that ultrasound detection is by far the most accurate, and that's what they compared everything else to. What surprised me was that temp rises lagged by 2-4 days in most women, not the 1 day that charters usually assume. Peak CM, however, was a better match to US, with it landing the day before, on ov day, or one day after for ~75% of the cycles. The start of the LH rise was usually before US detected ov, but not always, and often the peak of LH was actually after US detected ovulation. It gave me pause, thinking about how much weight we put on BBT, when it may actually be quite a bit off, and even OPKs have a chance of steering you wrong. It also gave me hope that our timing this month might be pretty good. Since I don't know whether to trust BBT, EWCM or what, I'm guessing that today I'm somewhere in the ballpark of 5-7DPO.

Here are links to the study:
PDF download

I'm a scientist and used to writing/reading these sorts of jargon filled reports, so if anybody is curious but needs help understanding something, I'm happy to interpret!

Very interesting. I know FF did a study that found O-2 to be the best day as far as chance of conception...which would make sense if it's because we are actually ovulating earlier than indicated on our BBT charts.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

So I am holding my breath. If my cycle had stayed at 25 days, then I was due af on Tuesday. I was delighted when it stayed away on Tuesday, and decided to test. I saw a very faint line- so faint I doubted myself and thought it was an evap line like last month (plus wishful thinking). So I tested on weds morning, and the line was darker. Then this morning it was twice as dark. So positive!!!!! I know it's early days.... I am consciously trying to hold it in.

I really think that cbf monitor helped. It had me ovulating two days after the opks I was using.

Fingers crossed for you ladies. Hope the bfp comes soon!!!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Congratulations, Mousey!!!! :appl: :dance:

I'm ~9dpo. Crossing all my fingers and toes, but no signs to suggest anything one way or the other. BFN this morning, but it's early. Your super faint line even after AF was late is a timely reminder for me not to get my hopes up for early tests to show anything or to let them crush me when they don't. If only it was enough to stop me from TAKING them.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

mousey, congrats on your BFP!

ladyciel, interesting read but they ostensibly selected very healthy candidates. Can the observations be applicable to general population? Heck, they even excluded runners. :confused: Hope it's your cycle even without the long drive.

AFM, CD26. 11 or 12DPO. My temp went down this morning so just waiting around for CD1. Will be putting more effort into next cycle with non-Dec due date.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Wow Mousey congrats! Looks like the short LP wasn't an issue, continued sticky dust to you! :appl:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Thanks all. Still don t really believe it. I am still not counting chickens, but every day I feel a little (tiny) bit more confident about it.

Yes, AL. I know. I had started taking b vits and raspberry leaf tea. Not sure if that worked or if my ov was just slightly later last month for some reason (could be the difference between the monitor and the strips).

LC - I agree about the testing. my first line was super feint. I will try to take a pic later if you like. Also didn't have any symptoms until yesterday. I now feel really weird, like I have stomach infection - sicky and a little pain, but in my stomach rather than lower down. Odd!

Good luck y'all.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Congratulations Mousey! sending dust your way that all goes well for you :)

AF arrived for me and I'm now CD5. I always said I'd hate my child to have an xmas/NYE birthday so maybe that cycle was never going to work anyway!

My parents have accepted a job overseas so are moving to Qatar for a few years. Dad suggested i wait 12 months before TTC (I had mentioned we were but then life got too chaotic) and mum threatened to come home straight away if it happened. I haven't said anything to them about TTC right now because i don't want to screw up this opportunity for them esp since theres no guarantee i will get pregnant in the near future. i figure if it does happen i will sadly encourage them to carry on with their lives and we'll still be here when they get back.

anyway next O should be right on the end of the month or start of next
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

mousey|1429251391|3863379 said:
I will try to take a pic later if you like.

Sharing your BFP pic is an unwritten rule of this thread :)
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Ok ladies, let's see if I remember how to do this!

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Nice series ya got there! Sending lots of sticky dust!!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hey ladies how's it going? CD 12 here and gearing up for O (hopefully). Got a "high" on the advanced OPK yesterday so now I'm just waiting for a "peak", should be today or tomorrow. Then the usual two week torture lol. I hope you all are doing well!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

FX for you, AH!

Well, for me... CD2. Yesterday, on CD1 of all days, I got the news that SIL is 8 weeks with baby #2. Their first just turned 1 last month. Now instead of my mom going on and on about her grandson, it will be grandson and SIL's pregnancy. It's getting harder and harder not to tell her that we're trying. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy for them, but I don't think there's anything harder than constantly hearing about the things you want so badly but haven't had any luck getting. And, on CD1, it's salt on a fresh wound.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

ladyciel, why won't you tell your mom? Even if it hasn't happened for you right away, I'm sure your mom will be understanding and may offer some comfort or insight.

CD6 for me and just chugging along. Taking my fertilecm and CoQ10.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Baby M, we decided we most likely don't want to tell our parents we're pregnant until 8-12 weeks, at least not until we've heard a heart beat, because we'd rather grieve an early MC or CP privately before sharing that news sometime later after we've had time to process it ourselves. Having to call my mom to tell her I've MC right when it happens (or have to tell her in response to "how's the baby?") is something I'd like to avoid. Same for DH with his parents. If we tell them we're trying, then once we do get a BFP we basically have to avoid the topic, lie for those 4-8 weeks, or give up and tell them early. Avoidance wouldn't work very well...every phone call or txt with my mom would be a fishing expedition for updates on whether we'd been successful or not. I know my mom can empathize with a MC...she had one between me and my brother... but I'd like to have the option to not discuss it right away. She can't empathize with TTC dragging on, though...she got preg with all 3 of us almost immediately after deciding to try. With the last, they were trying to decide whether or not they wanted a third, went on vacation, and left it to chance. She came home preggo.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Just ordered some OPK strips off amazon. We'll still try to hit at least every other day as long as I see fertile CM, but I'm curious where they'll put OV compared to my CM and temps.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

MC is something a lot of couples go through. It's tough but I wish it wasn't treated as such a big secret. If you have a daughter, wouldn't you, as a mother, want her to share this with you so you can comfort her? I share quite a lot with my mom. She can give me a different perspective just because she's lived a lot longer and seen so much more.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

I don't think a MC should be a secret, but I think it can be something a couple wants to process themselves before sharing the news. I very well might share news of a MC with my mom immediately, but I'm not sure I'd want to. Everybody's relationship with their mom is different, and everbody handles grief a bit differently. With our relationship, and half a continent between us, there is a good chance that speaking with her on the phone about it immediately would be more painful than comforting. My husband isn't sure he would want to upset his parents by having to tell them. Without having been in the situation (hoping we never are), keeping TTC under wraps gives us options about how to handle things as they come. It's a choice that feels like a better fit for us, even if it means somewhat painful conversations in the meantime as I deal with the roller coaster of TTC without mom knowing.