
The Official TTC Thread!

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Thanks AMC. This thread is so helpful.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi all! Sorry this was the b2b baby shower weekend and I'm finally home! At 6dpo I had all day long on and off sharp pinchy cramps on my left side near to where I felt O pains but so far BFN (just today 8dpo). I know it's still very early and could potentially be good news so I'm just going to keep using the internet tests until AF shows (or doesn't :Up_to_something:)

It's funny the 2 showers I went to couldn't have been more different. The first was about 75 people jammed into a tiny community center and was choas with no booze. Disappointing torture for me. The second was about 15-20 mostly just friends and we actually held it at a brewery! That one was a blast, lol. No more showers on the horizon though, phew.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Holy cow, I don't think I even know 75 people I would invite to a shower, let alone have 75 show up. I can believe the brewery shower was way more fun, but as a lover of good beer I think that might be torture for me as a prego!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

It was certainly torture for our beloved preggo but she was very gracious and wanting us to have a great time, the location was her suggestion lol! We are lucky enough to be in NY and the Brooklyn Brewery is a great spot for a shower in case anyone else might ever want too! They don't charge anything, just get there early and claim tables.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Haha, yes, I could only assume she was gracious about it, since you had such a good time, but I also secretly hoped the location was her idea. That would have been quite the oblivious/cruel choice for a host to spring on her!

Lots of time for things to possibly change, but right now I really don't know if we'll end up having a shower. We haven't lived very close to family for years, but after moving in November for my new position we are 7 hours away from our nearest family and know hardly anyone here outside of my work. Meeting, let alone making, new friends in a new city is tough.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Aww that really stinks LadyC. Both of the showers I went to this weekend were for coworkers so maybe you'll still get to have a little something when the time comes :)
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

So I've been taking fertilecm for few days. Can't say I see much of a difference but the bottle says it might take some time. My O seems to shifted one day later though. I just got a positive opk on CD14 when it's usually positive on CD13. Will see if the cycle will extend as well, otherwise it's not good news for luteal phase.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Baby Monster, I doubt a one day shift in your ov date will shorten your LP. More likely your cycle will just be a day longer overall. Ov date tends to be much more variable than LP length, and total cycle length is almost always = that cycle's time to ov + your usual LP. I don't know much about the FertileCM to offer an opinion on how fast it should work. I forget - have you tried taking expectorant at all? Like anything in your sinuses/chest, it helps thin your CM and get it flowing. It's also pretty immediate in its effects.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Haven't tried expectorant yet. I'll wait for temps to guide me, maybe LH surge was shorter this cycle and O happens on CD14. I took another opk in the evening and it's already negative.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Baby M I took it from CD1 and did notice a difference but I would think in your case it hasn't been enough time. Hopefully there won't be a next month but if there is I would use it from CD1. I also took the Mucinex for my 4 peak days, I've ovulated on CD15 for 4/5 cycles so I just take it starting CD 12, 3 400mg per day with a full glass of water for each one (plus more water throughout the day).

AFM I'm pretty sure I'm out, CD10 and not even a shadow of a squinter (so much for those pinchy cramps :confused: ) so I plan on using the same regimen for cycle 6 :cry: I'm finding myself really feeling down at times over this whole thing. Lots of wondering why it isn't happening and whatnot. Once I run out of pregnancy tests (strips and FRERs) I'm not buying anymore. Once I run out unless I'm actually late one cycle I'm not going to test. I think it's adding too much anxiety to the process for me. CD1 expected for Friday, womp womp.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

AH, I think the gals lucky enough to get early positives skew our perceptions about when to expect a BFP. There are plenty, if not the majority, who don't get a positive until after a missed AF. I know sometimes it is easier to give up hope and wait to be pleasantly wrong than to try and stay positive all the time. But please don't despair more days than necessary!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Thanks LadyC, I've been more emotional than usual the last several days, I think the vitex did more than just give me acne (which since I stopped it at 5dpo has subsided thank goodness) it seems to have made all luteal phase symptoms worse. I've been extremely tired this whole time and the boo hoo feelings started about 4 days ago which I usually don't get at all. I have warned DH that it's not me it's the vitex LOL.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Asscherhalo_lover said:
Baby M I took it from CD1 and did notice a difference but I would think in your case it hasn't been enough time. Hopefully there won't be a next month but if there is I would use it from CD1. I also took the Mucinex for my 4 peak days, I've ovulated on CD15 for 4/5 cycles so I just take it starting CD 12, 3 400mg per day with a full glass of water for each one (plus more water throughout the day).

AFM I'm pretty sure I'm out, CD10 and not even a shadow of a squinter (so much for those pinchy cramps :confused: ) so I plan on using the same regimen for cycle 6 :cry: I'm finding myself really feeling down at times over this whole thing. Lots of wondering why it isn't happening and whatnot. Once I run out of pregnancy tests (strips and FRERs) I'm not buying anymore. Once I run out unless I'm actually late one cycle I'm not going to test. I think it's adding too much anxiety to the process for me. CD1 expected for Friday, womp womp.

You're not out yet on 10DPO! I spent so much time driving myself nuts looking at websites trying to figure out what if I don't have a positive at 9DPO, 10DPO, 11DPO, etc... so many people don't have even a shadow of a line until 12-13-14DPO (sometimes even later!), so don't count yourself out just yet... 10DPO is still very very early.. keeping my fingers crossed for you!!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

AHL, I got a BFP with my 2 year old at 12 DPO. I would not give up just yet. I got a BFP at 10 DPO this time, but it was twins. So, I think you're definitely still in the running.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Asscher, I'm with you on overtesting. It's depressing to be disappointed for few days straight. Last cycle, I just decided to wait it out and when my temps dropped, I knew there was no point in testing. But please don't think there's something wrong with you. According to FF, there's only a 25% chance of getting pg every cycle but 95% get pg in a year. People buy lottery tickets with much smaller odds!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

AHL, if this cycle doesn't work, you might also look into Royal Jelly. I took it prior to my pregnancy with my daughter, and again with the current pregnancy. You are supposed to stop after O in case the baby has some allergy to bee products, but I think it works. And, it is supposed to increase energy. I think you and DH could take it. My DH took it when we were trying for our first. This is the one I took - I also took this sometimes which has some other ingredients too that are suppposed to be good for overall health.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Thanks for the support ladies. I know I'm just being wacky and I know the vitex made it worse this cycle. Thanks Jgator, I've heard of royal jelly before, I'll look into it! BabyM I'm following your advice from now on, no testing unless I'm late, I have a 12 day LP normally so if I go beyond that I'll test. Thanks again ladies!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

So, I am 6dpo and symptom spotting, and there is one that is definitely not in my head. I have a Fitbit charge HR that I wear 24/7, and every day it reports your resting heart rate. It bounces around a bit, usually a couple beats up or down, but overall pretty steady around the mean. This week, starting on ov day, it has steadily risen day by day, and is now 7 beats above average and higher than it has ever been. I am trying not to freak out, but this is quantitative data showing something is up.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Ladyciel, hope the increased heart rate means something :dance: .

How do you like the chargeHR? I have flex and have been thinking about upgrading.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Thanks, BabyM. I do like the charge HR. Before this I had the One, which was super accurate but easy to forget/not wear. Like any wrist monitor it is not always 100% accurate, depending on how active you are with your hands, but it gives a fair enough estimate that I don't have any issues with it. The HR isn't perfect, though. I find it has trouble keeping track of my pulse during some of my workouts, so it tends to really underestimate my HR/calorie burn compared to my chest strap monitor. But, the reaosn I wanted it was more to keep track of the overall picture of my HR, since at the least it DOES go up and down w/ activity, so it's clear when I've been super lazy vs had a more active day. The estimated resting HR does tend to run high, 5-10 beats higher than the lowest HR I see if I haven't moved in quite a while. So, before this spike over the last week, it was saying my resting HR was somewhere between 73 and 77, usually 75 or 76. In reality, I was regularly seeing HRs of 62-67 after sitting still for a while. Others have made the some complaint, and I think the issue is it weights your HR just when you wake up pretty strongly in its algorithm, and it detects that you are awake from your movement. I am a chronic alarm snoozer, so I suspect maybe it just has a hard time identifying exactly when I wake up (since it's not immediately followed by lots of steps). However, it's consistent in its over-estimate, so while slightly annoying that it is estimating high, I can forgive it.

Also, if it turns out my resting HR is up because of a bean, then it's the most sensitive pregnancy test one could imagine. :wacko: Out of curiosity, I tried plotting my temps and resting HR since getting the Charge the beginning of Feb. This is bonkers, isn't it? I wanted to rule out any patterns in my RHR with my cycle, and it's clear as day there isn't anythig happening there during my last LP...

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

That sure would be an early test! When are you going to be testing LadyC?

AFM, temp drop today, did not test, expecting AF tomorrow. My next cycle could be somewhat exciting. I'll be on a cruise during the end of my LP/possibly pregnant. I guess I'll have to bring an FRER JIC, but only 1!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

I'm sorry to hear about the temp drop, AH. Jealous of your cruise, though!

I don't think the HR could REALLY be a preggo sign, since it started going up exactly at Ov. I don't know of any signals being sent by the egg before implantation that could have that effect. I'm wondering if it's more likely that, along with a faster BBT spike, higher progesterone from the Vit Bs could affect RHR. If that's the case, then I am further impressed by the effects a few vitamins can have.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Interesting overlay of the charts. Do you think the change has to do with the time adjustment to daylight savings? This past week has been really difficult for me in terms of getting enough sleep.

I think I'll hold off on upgrading. Lot of my workouts are interval training so the data inconsistencies would just annoy me.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

I don't think it's daylight savings...I overslept Saturday night (9.5 hours or something), slightly less than normal Sunday night, and somehow woke up bright eyed and bushy tailed for work Monday morning (which is NOT my norm...I hate morning). Other than it being much brigher out when I leave work, I haven't really noticed the time change since then.

AH, I forgot to answer your Q about testing. I broke out a test this morning after seeing my RHR still rising - BFN (which I expected, since 7dpo, but hey, who knows). I'll probably keep testing daily with the Wondfos until BFP or AF. I don't find testing and getting negatives depressing - just my personality, I guess. I think I process it as a negative today doesn't mean a negative tomorrow, and if there might be a BFP then I am excited at the possibility of finding out ASAP. AF showing is depressing, but I don't seem to link the liklihood of her showing with how many early negatives I see. Then again, this is only my 2nd TWW, so it's still novel and my heart isn't too battle-worn.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

For real LadyC, as this process continues it can get more and more :( we only have one more chance at a 2015 baby. But honestly for me the vitex has made all of my symptoms worse. I haven't had any irritability at all since coming off BC except for this month with the vitex, that along with the acne makes me realize that it's most likely from that and hopefully I'll be able to keep myself in check next cycle if it doesn't work. And even if I'm feeling blue I can't be to blue in the Caribbean, lol.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hugs, Asscher. Feeling completely out of control of your reactions is understandably stressful on top of not feeling any control over achieving what you want so much. The vitex is tricky... Everyone says your body can take a while to settle down, and yet taking it doesn't help everybody. Makes it hard to push through the crap months to ever find out if better ones are coming. It sounds like great timing for a vacation!

Still BFN this morning, unless the momentary flashes of "wait, is there something there?" were rooted in the faintest of squinters. :cheeky: My temp spiked up to 98.8 today. I can't help but wonder if it is the start of a triphasic pattern. One other weird symptom to report - all day yesterday I kept getting the distinct feeling of my hands being hot. They are normally cold, so this felt really bizarre. They actually were quite warm, confirmed by my husband who tends to run hot. Not noticing it this morning (yet). I am really letting my hopes get up this round, no matter how hard I try not to.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Thanks LadyC! I hope you have more luck than me!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

So, I know I shouldn't be getting my hopes up...

I am 7 dpo. Yesterday morning (first pee) I did a test. I looked at it after about 5 minutes, saw nothing and promptly forgot about it. Then, about 20 minutes later, I though ' I should really throw it away', looked at it and saw the faintest of faint lines. So I tested again, and there was nothing. So onto this morning. Tested again (first pee) and there is another line (after 20 mins), little less faint than yesterdays.

What do you girls think? Am I kidding myself? Evaporation line?

Only other symptoms are an ache in my lower back and tiredness. But then again, I had a hard week at work last week, so that could be the reason behind those.

O, how I wish I could just relax and take it as it comes.... But I am itching to be pregnant.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Only way to know is to keep testing! What kind of test are you using? If you're using the internet strips get an FRER for tomorrow morning!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

I know everyone says first morning pee is best, but for me I actually always got stronger lines at night (with a 4 hour hold or so), so maybe pick up a FRER and try testing tonight!