
The Official TTC Thread!

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Jerkstore is from waaaay back in the thread, I forget which page and don't have time to hunt. If I remember correctly, one of the posters got pregnant her first month of trying and said she felt like a "jerkstore" about it since other women had been trying for a long time. It was a funny phrase, so it stuck and from that point on, any poster who got pregnant the first month of trying was deemed a "jerkstore".
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Lizzy, congrats!!!!!!!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

OMG, Lizzy! Congrats to you!!!! :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Lizzy, many congrats!!! :appl:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Thanks for all of the congrats Skippy, Lauren, NE, Octavia, LC, and Laura! I am still in shock!!! I need to buy more tests so that I can get more positive results before I will truly believe it. After the negative yesterday, I had figured it wasn't going to be my month, but it was too early I guess.

I already called my Dr's office and let them know I will be coming in tomorrow to confirm it and let them know that I need a prescription for progesterone suppositories and an order for a beta HCG. My Dr. and I already had that plan ready once I got pregnant. For me the first 8 weeks bring a lot of excitement and anxiety due to previous issues but I am praying and hoping for the best here!

I need to run to the grocery store. Thanks for all your kindness ladies. Oh and NE, I guess I am a jerkstore! haha :lol: I think that's a Seinfeld quote!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

princessplease|1295888248|2831468 said:
Lizzy, congrats!!!!!!!

Princess, sorry I missed thanking you as well!!!! I am so excited! Thanks for stopping in!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

YAY LIZZIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so excited for you! you're so prepared...i love it.
i had a feeling yesterday may have been a little bit too early to test- glad today came back positive!!! :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Lizzy: Congrats, that is fantastic news! Wishing you a healthy pregnancy!

Ok, so AF was due last Thursday and I still haven't started this evening. I took a pregnancy test on Friday and got a negative. DH is dying because he is sure that I am pregnant. I don't know, I took the test late in the afternoon on Friday, but that shouldn't matter if it is after the expected start of AF. Also, I have been feeling all the regular stuff that comes along with AF. It's driving me nuts!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Lizzy, congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Super excited for you!!!! How wonderful to not be wondering and waiting anymore! Fingers crossed for a very sticky bean!!

LC, any news on your MIL? I hope she's doing okay and getting stronger.

Blackberry - FINGERS CROSSED!!!!!!! I hope this is it for you!

Ladies who are new to this like me - HI! I hope to get to know you all better over the next several months!! This is such an exciting time!

And to you ladies who have become familiar but are pausing TTC - don't go anywhere! I know I don't post much, but it's so easy to feel camaraderie over these things more quickly than I would in other forums. I've gotten used to having you around =)

As for me... AF is here, but should be packing her bags shortly, which means it's official... I AM TTC!!!!!!

We leave for vacay Saturday morning and will be in the beautiful DR until the 5th of Feb!! I'm not temping/charting (for a few months, at least) but I expect to O on about the 4th, so hopefully a decent amount of romantic beach vacation BDing will be just what the doctor ordered! :naughty:

This is my first "real" relaxing vacation at a resort (we usually play it by ear and run around seeing the sights and stuff, consulting locals on the best places to eat) so I'm looking forward to it for way more than just the TTC =) We're also going with another couple, two of our best friends. I cannot wait! The next four days at work are going to drag!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Congrats LizzyAnn! Sending you a ton of sticky dust.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Do you girls find that while you go through the process of TTC that you are hypersensitive to your body? You notice things you would never notice before? I never used to understand how women could convince themselves that they were pregnant, but now I totally get it and do so almost every month.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Blackberry - YES. And I wasn't even TTC! But since I was dangling my feet in the pool, and definitely DIDN'T want to get pregnant before this unlimited-everything vacation, I almost had myself convinced I was pregnant even though I didn't want to be and probably couldn't be! "Do I feel crampy?" "I am sooooo tired all the time!" "Do I feel nauseous... AGAIN?!"

Hahaha. The one thing I am not excited for is how incredibly neurotic I will definitely be until I am actually pregnant :bigsmile:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Blackberry, that sounds hopeful. Did you have a late O? Maybe you can POAS tomorrow AM, no harm in peeing right? I know what you mean about convincing yourself you're pregnant. I had that in my last two cycles, but I knew rationally I wasn't. I still peed on sticks just in case, but I kept rationally saying to myself, "I'm not because of X, Y, Z reason."

Katy, have fun on your vacation! What a lovely way to kick off the TTC effort. :) Sounds amazing, and I hope the weather stays gorgeous for you.

Not much going on here. CD8. Just hanging out. Last cycle I O'd around CD 31. I'm hoping it won't be so late this time around. DH is out of town next weekend visiting his folks.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi ladies,

Congratulations to all the BFP I had missed in the past weeks :appl: :appl: . And tons of dust to the girls that are in the 2 weeks waiting period. ;)

I'm supposed to be on a break, but I think I'm back :lol: . I just could not wait any longer :oops:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

blackberry16|1295927551|2832197 said:
Do you girls find that while you go through the process of TTC that you are hypersensitive to your body? You notice things you would never notice before? I never used to understand how women could convince themselves that they were pregnant, but now I totally get it and do so almost every month.

OMG YES. I was convinced I was pregnant last month because I felt like I was going to the bathroom all the time. Turns out, I just go to the bathroom all the time. Oops.

Fingers crossed for you!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Thanks everyone for the congrats and the well wishes!

Good luck to all of you TTC! Sticky dust for you!!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

lliang_chi|1295961686|2832478 said:
Blackberry, that sounds hopeful. Did you have a late O? Maybe you can POAS tomorrow AM, no harm in peeing right? I know what you mean about convincing yourself you're pregnant. I had that in my last two cycles, but I knew rationally I wasn't. I still peed on sticks just in case, but I kept rationally saying to myself, "I'm not because of X, Y, Z reason."

Katy, have fun on your vacation! What a lovely way to kick off the TTC effort. :) Sounds amazing, and I hope the weather stays gorgeous for you.

Not much going on here. CD8. Just hanging out. Last cycle I O'd around CD 31. I'm hoping it won't be so late this time around. DH is out of town next weekend visiting his folks.

My O was around day 16 or 17 (it is always a tad later than the dr. would like). I broke down and took a test this afternoon (thinking that by 5 days passed a missed P I could take it any time). It was negative, no surprise there.

Can I just say that I think that pregnancy test should be more polite? Like, instead of flashing "not pregnant" across the screen maybe they could say "no luck this month, but keep your chin up"? Any way, I think I will test again Friday morning if nothing happens between now and then.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Congratulations Lizzy!

I'm on CD 15 - just focusing on trying to get as much BD in as possible in the next 10 days. :)

Good luck everyone!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

I haven't read this whole thread yet, is there a page explaining all of the abbreviations everyone uses?
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Blackberry, page 4 has most of them listed.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

LauraLoo|1296006384|2833088 said:
Blackberry, page 4 has most of them listed.

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Blackberry Are you charting or did you use OPKs to identify O day? I am wondering if you charted, if you post it, maybe we can see if you ovulated later than you thought? How long is your usualy LP?
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Pumpkin, a few of the ladies here had some pretty good results going the BD marathon route. Enjoy yourself :)

Gaby, hello! Glad you're back. Hope your break helped.

My friend had her baby 5.5 weeks early. She just shared pictures and her birth story with us girls. I'm so happy for her. :)

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

PumpkinPie|1296004490|2833062 said:
Congratulations Lizzy!

I'm on CD 15 - just focusing on trying to get as much BD in as possible in the next 10 days. :)

Good luck everyone!

DH and I BD'd from CD9-17, only missing 1 day. I ttypicallyO on CD15. Good luck and have fun!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

lliang_chi said:
My friend had her baby 5.5 weeks early. She just shared pictures and her birth story with us girls. I'm so happy for her. :)


Wanted to add the the baby was totally healthy just a little jaundice, but no incubator or anything. What a healthy boy! Methinks the due date should've been pushed up a bit. Anyway, really happy for my friend.

Charbie, how are you feeling friend? I poke in the JBP and Preggo thread every now and then. Not that I'm pregnant but I like "checking in" on you ladies.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Im doing well, LC! Excited for more of the ladies I bonded with over here to fall into the TTC pool and get KU! ;)
Re: The Official TTC Thread!


Hope everyone is doing well! I'm still waiting on AF at CD 42, though since we're not "actively" TTC, I'm not worrying about it too much.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

charbie|1296011538|2833177 said:
PumpkinPie|1296004490|2833062 said:
Congratulations Lizzy!

I'm on CD 15 - just focusing on trying to get as much BD in as possible in the next 10 days. :)

Good luck everyone!

DH and I BD'd from CD9-17, only missing 1 day. I ttypicallyO on CD15. Good luck and have fun!

I think our plan is every second day from CD11-25 or so. I have no idea if or when I ovulate.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Dreamer_D|1296008483|2833123 said:
Blackberry Are you charting or did you use OPKs to identify O day? I am wondering if you charted, if you post it, maybe we can see if you ovulated later than you thought? How long is your usualy LP?

By charting do you mean BBT? If so then yes. I have been faithfully doing so for the past seven months. However, my temperature never increases enough to tell anything. My MD says that some women just don't have enough of a temp change to track. He says that doesn't mean anything bad, just that we can't use that as a tool.

I have found OPKs fairly reliable and so that is what I use. My LP is usually between 12-13 days. According to the OPK I ovulated between CD15 and 16 this past month.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Lizzy- CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lots of sticky bean dust your way :love: