
The Official TTC for 6 Months or More Thread

Jgator, Wondfos take awhile too darken up. Too bad you don't have FRERs because they show progression much better. Friday will be here soon though! Grow, baby, grow!
MP, thanks for reassurance of darkening of wondfos.

Here is today's wondfo progression photo - last one bottom is this AM - 13 DPO.

JGator said:
MP, thanks for reassurance of darkening of wondfos. Here is today's wondfo progression photo - last one bottom is this AM - 13 DPO.

I think that's a nice progression. Those tests take forever to get really dark. I don't think I got a dark line until I was at least like 21dpo or so.
Yup, I agree with amc. With this pregnancy, my FRERs were as dark as the control by about 15dpo, but wondfos took several days to catch up, and I was dealing with higher than average betas. With Ev, I don't even think my wondfos were showing a line at all at 14dpo. I trust FRERs much more than wondfos for progression, although I know it's not a good idea to trust the FRER either. Crossing everything for you!
Thanks, AMC and MP. Knock me on the head and tell me a Line is a Line already!
jgator, good luck tomorrow. Sending sticky dust your way.

mp and avia, thanks for your reassurance. I think the part about anything else wrong being fixable is a very good perspective and one I will try to hang on to. My RE did agree to do tests for clotting and immune factors, so hopefully we're on the right path.
SB, I totally agree with MP and Avia. You should be able to fix whatever is wrong and you have 6 beautiful embies waiting. Do you live anywhere near Braverman (Long Island) or Kwak Kim (Chicago)? I think those are 2 of the RI specialists I hear about a lot on Resolve. That's great that your RE is on board to do testing for clotting and immune conditions. Also, I think Braverman will do some things remotely working with your RE. I hope your test results turn up fine though. Good luck. I am rooting for you, and I know it's only a matter of time for you.

AFM, had my bloodwork this AM. First time I actually went in for a beta since I usually get AF before the 14 DPO mark. They said they will call with the results between 1 and 5pm. So, fingers crossed that step 1 is okay. Then, we'll go from there.
JGator, I'll be checking back in with you later. Wishing you all the best. Any darker lines on your Wondfos yet to give you some more reassurance? I must say you are mch more patient than I am, with both of my recent BFPs, I was ordering FRERs every other day on Amazaon for a week or two. So ridiculous :)
MP, thanks for checking in. I'm trying to use up by wondfos first, and then will move on to the FRERs. I use about 6/day so should be out soon enough! I usually only use the OPKs. I don't know why I tested this early this time! Here is the latest wondfo snapshot.

:appl: :appl: :appl: JGator, I just saw this!!!!! A line is a line!!!! So excited for you :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl:
JGator!!!! I hadn't checked on you ladies in a few days & am over the moon to see those beautiful lines!! :appl:
The progression looks great & you got a very early bfp (10dpo?) & not even a squinter at that. I'm so thrilled for you & sending a truckload
of healthy sticky dust your way. Can't wait to hear your beta! Such wonderful news.

Also thanks for your note to me on the other thread. I will try to respond soon but your internet intuition was correct.

SB, that's great that your 6 embies tested normal. I hear you on being concerned about what else might be wrong, but I agree with the others that if your embies are healthy, other issues can be overcome. I'm glad you're being tested for clotting & immunological issues.
Cheering you on like crazy!

Bella, hoping you don't need to break out the clomid, but it's good to have as a backup.

Ksmom, I'm so very sorry for your losses.

Avia, I hope you find a doc who can help with your immunology concerns too.

Cheering the rest of you on!
Hi, Bright and Bella :wavey: . Great to see you both!

AFM, I got the call just now and my first beta is 148. So, I think that's pretty good. I'm still going to worry, and my next beta appts will be Monday and then Wednesday. The nurse asked me if I cheated and tested early - I said "of course". She said, "I know you so well" Yeah, right! :rolleyes: Have a great weekend all. I will try to stay warm - it's cold out here and hopefully the time will fly by until the next beta!
Yeah, I came back to check in just in time. JGator, that's an awesome first beta! Sending you all sorts of good thoughts, prayers and sticky dust! I'm so excited for you!!!
Great beta, Jgator!! Have a wonderful weekend, stay warm & grow, baby, grow! :appl:
Congrats JGator! Thinking doubling thoughts for you!!
MP, Bright, and LV - :wavey: thanks for checking in! It is nice to have my own cheerleading squad!

AFM, I coudn't sleep Saturday night - woke up at 345am to pee. I couldn't fall asleep again so ended up watching tv till 6am, and then going back to sleep. I was able to sleep better last night. But, I felt anxious yesterday as the lines weren't that dark on the wondfos. Today, they darkened up though. Just hoping the beta doubles appropriately. It was 148 on Friday - so am I looking for about 450 today since it will be 72 hours? Wish me luck - should hear about 2pm EST if my nurse is feeling like calling on time today!

Sorry you had trouble sleeping, JGator. That's a nice progression. Hope you receive a very positive call from your nurse soon!!!
Beta is 598!!!! TSH 2.17. Both good for now. Huge relief. I was so nervous when the nurse called. Next Beta is Wednesday. Thanks for all the well wishes. I am cautiously optimistic!! One milestone at a time.
Awesome!! Wow!! This is such great news, JGator!! I am so happy for you!! :dance:
That's so great, JGator! I saw your progression earlier and was going to say that I thought it looked like your numbers were going up like they should based on how dark the line is getting, but I wanted to wait until you got the official word. Yay! I know it's still early, but at least all the news you've gotten is good so far. Feeling optimistic for you!!!
Congrats Jcgator!! :appl: :appl: :appl: :D
Congratulations JGator!! So so happy for you!!! :appl:
Thinking of you, JGator, and hoping for great numbers again today!
Just got the call - more good news! Beta is 1,312 now at 19 DP IUI. 48 hours prior it was 598. The next step is an ultrasound on 3/10....that's 13 days from now! How will I survive till then?? The beta doubling rate was 35.7 and now it's 42.3, but I think they say it should slow down so hopefully that's okay. I was a nervous wreck starting at 2pm today in anticipation of this call. I can breathe a sigh of relief now. Thanks for all your support. I feel like I am a thread hog. Is anyone else out there with updates??? LC, Avia, SB, RT??

And, thanks and hi :wavey: to LV, MP, Sha, and Dandi for checking in and cheering me on!
JGator, wonderful! I agree that I think it's pretty normal for doubling times to slow down a bit the higher it goes, and you're still well under the 48 hours. I'm pretty sure if you look at doubling times on betabase, it shows that exact same phenomenon. I hope the next couple of weeks pass quickly for you because I know what an anxious time it is. Sending good thoughts and prayers!

Thoughts and prayers for the rest of you ladies as well!
Such wonderful news Jgator!! That's a great progression & really strong numbers.
I hope you're sleeping better & are a bit more relaxed as you await your u/s. (I know how that goes, though!) Continued sticky dust coming your way.
Great beta, JGator!! So happy for you! Do you think it could be twins? You had 3 or 4 follies, right? :eek: 8)
MP, thanks for talking me off the ledge with the betabase information on doubling times.

Bright, I am sleeping better except for my DH's snoring. I did sleep in our spare room once this week to avoid the snoring. Hope you are getting some sleep - it is a valuable commodity. Thanks for the dust, I can use it.

Laila, you know the thought did cross my mind. There were 5 follies which is the most I have ever had. I think my numbers are a little below average on betabase for twins, though. And, a bit above average for singletons, too, though. So, I guess we'll see on 3/10!!! 13 days away......I need a vacation/distraction BIG TIME!!!

AFM, now I'm worried about my TSH/thyroid. I can't get an endocrinologist appt for at least a month, and my RE won't prescribe thyryoid meds. My TSH was 2.17 on Monday, and I think some docs like to keep it under 2 or 2.5 in pregnancy. I'm just worried it's going up, and and no one is monitoring it. Always something. I need to start my yoga/breathing again. Anxious day, but I am thrilled to have a good result on the beta so far.
Excellent news, J! So happy for you!

And thanks for checking in; I have an appointment I am pretty excited for in a week. Hopefully I will have some progress to report at that point!
No updates from me, just enjoying my stress free lack of ttc ;)

I still read this thread from time to time though and how exciting! Congrats Jgator!!! :wavey: