
The Official TTC for 6 Months or More Thread

Pave, wow, that's so interesting that the b vitamins made you o so much sooner. I suppose clomid could have a similar effect too. Good thing you'll have an u/s soon to check on things. Hoping this this just what you need to get your bfp!

Afm, it's been a rough day & pretty painful. I guess my body just took longer than most to respond to the meds, but it's definitely responding now. Hoping this process finishes up soon. :eek:
Bright I'm sorry to hear you are in pain. I've never experienced the natural way only a d&c. I hope it's over soon at least. Do they prescribe any pain med? I don't even know if a warm or cold pack is appropriate? Is your dh with you? Hugs again.
Hi Ladies,

I'm sorry in advance for the me-centric post. I just feel...numb.

I'm 10DPO and yes, it's early but my temp is already dropping (I started temping at 7DPO so I'll have an idea of when AF will arrive. Second guessing that a bit now, but oh well. Anyhow, this morning I went ahead and tested, BFN. I tested b/c I knew I had an OB/GYN this morning to find out about my painful periods and not conceiving yet. Unfortunately, I didn't realize until it was too late that I was booked into the teaching hospital OB/GYN, not the regular clinic that I am used to. In a word, it was a disaster. :blackeye: The short version is I ended up having four (yes, FOUR) people in the room for my pelvic exam. The resident, her understudy, the attending physician and the nurse. I'm a modest person, I don't like this. She proceeds to insert the speculum, had to do it again b/c she had the wrong size. Then for the manual exam she pressed so hard on my ovaries and uterus that I cried out in pain and told her to stop.

After telling my situation to both the resident and the attending, having the exam from hell, etc. and still half naked with the same entourage around her, I was told by the attending that even though I'm over 35, I have to wait another 4 months to come back for a follow up if I'm not pregnant by then. Apparently, she thinks that the only issue is that I'm older now so my ovaries aren't working as well and it's normal to take longer. I just sat there staring at the wall, I didn't know what to say and at that point I think it was a waste anyhow.

I realize that she MIGHT be right, but there was just zero compassion and she TOTALLY blew off everything I said. When I asked why my uterus was enlarged, she dismissed it as likely to just be technician error in measuring. When I told her that my maternal grandma had her uterus removed in her 30's because of endo and that my mom was treated for it as well, she dismissed that because I had two kids previously and I should have developed endo earlier if that was an issue.

Anyhow, I'm sorry for the rant. I just feel so awful. I'm not pregnant, again. I've tried monitoring, I've tried relaxing. I've tried every stupid effing thing I could research for myself, all of my "at home" options are exhausted. The only thing left for me is help from doctors, and they've turned me away for another four months. That might not sound like a lot to some people, but for me and for my current state of mind, that's an eternity. :(sad
Oh Tammy, I still think it is too early to count yourself completely out this cycle, although you know your body and its patterns best. I'm so sorry your appointment was such a failure today :blackeye: It sounds like they were all completely insensitive to your situation, and that is just so frustrating. I don't even know what to tell you because, sure, the doctor might be right that it is just taking longer because you're a little older this time around, but then again, you've been trying 6 months, and you have some concrete concerns (endometrisis), so it sounds to me like the doctor was just being dismissive.

It is SO frustrating to be in your position, and it makes you feel helpless when it feels like nobody is on your side or listening to you. I was 30 at the time I first went to see my OB/GYN and mentioned we were having trouble conceiving. It had been 8 or 9 cycles at that point (so less than a year). At first, my doctor took the approach that I hadn't been trying long enough and I just needed to not stress about it and it would happen. At that point, I got a bit defensive and teary-eyed and insisted that I knew something wasn't quite right, and she finally agreed to run tests. Because the blood tests came back normal, I had to keep pestering and pushing each step of the way before I was told I could make an appointment with the NP who specializes in infertility. And she was a great advocate for me and agreed that something wasn't happening quite right if I wasn't pregnant yet.

If you feel like you don't want to wait another 4 months, I would seriously think about making an appointment with a different doctor in a different clinic. Even if you do wait 4 months, I would still make the next appointment with somebody else. There are so many doctors out there, and there has got to be somebody out there who would be more compassionate and understanding of your concerns.

Big hugs Tammy. I so wish there was something I could say to make it better.
Tammy, I would make another appointment with a different OB or an RE. You should read some reviews online. That's what I do to find good doctors - try or even sometimes And, if I were you, I would write a review on the experience you had while you are at it. Good luck to you. I think you are perfectly justified in wanting to do something now rather than wait 4 months.
Thanks, ladies. I'm sorry for the pity party. :| I think I'm going to focus on losing weight and continuing to try for another cycle. If this coming June cycle fails, I'm going to push forward. I absolutely refuse to go back to that office, regardless of who sees me. :nono: I also refuse to just sit and wait for a full 4 months before even getting a follow up. Now that the shock and sadness have worn off, I'm just MAD. :angryfire:

We have a big trip at the beginning of August that will make monitoring difficult but being 5 wks pregnant wouldn't be so bad, so I might push to get a monitored clomid cycle in July. I don't know, my head is just spinning.
Too late to edit, so just adding...I went ahead and called up the lab to get a quote for an HSG. If they won't order it as "medically necessary" yet and it's not ridiculously expensive, I'll just pester until I can get it done and pay whatever it costs. I sincerely think that my route is going to be HSG > clomid w/monitoring > IUI (if necessary, but want to try just clomid and timed BD first cycle). If they won't help me make a plan, I'll make one myself. :devil:
Tammy, way to go. I really do think you have to speak up for yourself and be your own advocate with these things. I really do think that with just a little tweaking, you will get that much-longed for baby. It just sucks that it doesn't always happen on our timelines!

Bright, thinking of you. I'm sorry you're uncomfortable, but I'm glad to hear that your body did what it was supposed to do this time around. Hopefully, your body will get back to normal again soon. You've already been through so much in 2012, but I'm really hoping that third time is the charm, whichever course you choose. Hope you ended up having a little fun on your birthday. If not, I think you should have a redo next weekend!
Tammy, big hugs to you! I'm sorry your appointment was so awful & your doc was dismissive of your concerns. Once you're 35+ I thought the protocol was to try for 6 months, then seek assistance. I think it's definitely best to switch doctors & am very glad to hear you have a plan to move forward. Also so sorry about the bfn. It's still early, but I know how hard it is to hold out hope after a bfn. 

Mp, thanks for thinking of me. I'm still not feeling great but have granted myself permission to take it easy as much as I can.  Hopefully this will be better than other d&c. Dh & I are definitely planning a do-over celebration. Maybe salsa dancing. And I really hope the 3rd time is the charm. It's a bit terrifying to think about going through this again. 
Hope you're doing well, friend.

Pave, thanks for the hugs. I got a little heat pad, which has helped. I'm also taking Rx strength (550mg) naproxen sodium. Fortunately dh was with me all weekend. 
How are you doing?

Hi to everyone else. 

Afm, just trying to take it easy as much as possible until this is over. Hoping it's soon. 
Hi Bright,

I'm so sorry that it's been really painful physically on top of the emotional aspect. :(( I'm SO glad to hear that your DH was with you this weekend, that makes such a difference to not be alone. I hope that everything happens naturally and is less difficult to endure in terms of duration vs intensity of pain. You have no idea how much I'm pulling for you and praying that the third time is indeed the charm. *big hugs*
Hi Tammy Im so sorry you had to have that experience yesterday :(. It's awful to feel dismissed when you have concerns and then the extra students just make it worse. I'm glad you have come up with a plan. I echo everyone else that says indeed find a new doctor. It's important that you trust your provider and they can understand where you are coming from.

Bright Hope things are starting to improve for you. It's hard to have the courage to try again, I know. I guess you will know when it's the right time and what you can handle. Good to hear the heating pad is helping.

Hi to everyone else on the thread- I'm sorry if I missed anyone? I think many of you guys are stopping in to support everyone which is so nice. It feels good to not be alone although it's a bummer we are all here if you know what I mean?

As for me, I finished my clomid on Sunday. Started having some fertile cm (or so I thought) on Sunday and Monday. My doctor did my u/s early just in case. I have four follicles on each ovary. I guess this sounds good? One was 1 mm and one was 1.1. I guess the other 6 are not as big? It sounds like I would still be many days away from O. I think I will get to talk to my dr. tomorrow and see when the next u/s would be. Anyone else who was monitored care to chime in on what response you had to clomid? Just curious. Thanks in advance.
Pave, I guess it'll be a while before my body resets. Hopefully by then I'll be ready to try again.  
Sounds like you're having a good response so far. Probably not all of the follies will mature by ovulation time but you might end up with a few, which would be great! On my first clomid cycle, there were 3 follies at my first monitoring session but only one matured to ovulate. I was on a pretty low dose though (50mg).

Tammy,  thanks for your sweet post. I've been having some weird sharp pains today which is odd but hoping just a sign of things progressing. I've been fortunate to have dh around, which helps. 
 Really hoping the next time is it too. 
How are you feeling today? I think you've got a great plan. I think it'll work & quickly. 

Hi to everyone else. 
Pave, I have the info on my last 2 Clomid cycles. On my 2nd cycle, I got monitored on CD 13, and was told to trigger the next day on CD 14. On CD 13, my left side had 3 follicles: 15mm, 16mm, and 17mm. My right side had 1 at 17mm. On my 3rd cycle (the one that worked), I triggered on CD 11 the same day that I was monitored with left follicles of 20 mm, 22mm, and 23mm. I think I took Clomid earlier in cycle the last cycle - maybe started on CD 2. I also typically O'ed on CD 14-16 without Clomid, and I took 100MG daily for 5 days on all 3 cycles. Good luck to you.

Bright, glad to hear things are progressing. Still hoping and praying for a great year for you and success on your next try.
Hi Ladies. Sorry I am not good about posting. I feel like if I were to go on at work I wouldn't get anything else done.

Bright- I am so, so sorry. I got really upset and vented to my husband about your and fishers mc and he had to remind me that life is just not fair. It is just so frustrating to see people who would be great parents not able to. I hope you take care of yourself and I think 3rd time will be the charm.

Tammy- Ugh, what a frustrating experience! I am sure having all the people in the room did not help with the relaxation needed to not hurt during the pelvic! I was surprised my doctor wanted me to go 6 months on metformin before anything else is done, given that will put us well over the 1 year mark. I hope you are able to get answers soon. Are there ways to definitively test for endo?

pave- glad to hear that you are responding to the clomid. Would you be ok with twins? I would love twins but everyone thinks I am crazy for saying it. Thank you for your suggestion for different positions to try. I don't think there is such a thing as TMI for people ttc! Luckily DH's arm didn't cause any issues.

Curly- Sounds like a good plan to focus on being healthy. I have lost a little weight with the metformin but I have been slacking off a little lately. Getting sick always throws me off for way longer than it should!

AFM- FF says I am 7 dpo but I think I am 8 or 9 dpo. My chart is messed up because of high temps for most of my follicular phase because I was sick. I also missed a morning temp during O time too... oops. I am not feeling super positive. Today I had just the slightest pink tinge when I wiped. It was barely there but it makes me feel like AF is right around the corner. I just don't understand why it would happen this early because I have been on B6 to lengthen my luteal phase! I am not even going to let myself consider implantation spotting because I have 0 symptoms. Not even sore bbs like I usually have :(( . My anniversary is Friday and we both took it off so at least I have a nice 4 day weekend to look forward too! Anyone have any good Memorial weekend plans?
Hi Girls,

The weekend can NOT get here soon enough! :errrr: It's nice to "see" you, indecisive. I'm sorry you're feeling down about this cycle, but you never know. :wink2: I've heard that NOT having XYZ symptom can be a symptom. That said, I think ANYTHING can be a symptom when you're TTC. :lol:

I'm feeling very contemplative this morning about a lot of things. I FINALLY told MIL that we're TTC and man was that a load off of my mind. She's one of only two true "anchors" in my life (the other is DH). Not being able to tell her was pretty hard on me. I thought she might not be supportive of us TTC because she's pretty cautious regarding more kids (her DD has three boys under the age of five and she's seen how hard that is on a family, so it's not completely illogical of her). Anyhow, she was super supportive. She's a devout Catholic so a lot of her advice was regarding God's plan and that if it's meant to be, it'll be in His time. I know she means well, and I know she very well may be right, but at 12 DPO and BFN crunch time it's of little comfort. Overall, it was a great talk though.

I've also been feeling...adrift and lonely a lot lately. DH has to work from 9 am to 9 pm and if I'm honest, TTC (or the failing at it at least) is taking it's toll on us. :(sad I know we'll be fine and it's just a normal part of the process, just feeling down today. I wish we had a private forum for these kinds of things.

Eventually I'll get back to thinking of what I can do to get around having unresponsive, crappy doctors. I just don't have the energy to tackle it today. I'm sorry for the self centered pity party, bleh.
Jgator, thank you. I'm hoping for the best next time but sometimes it's hard to stay positive. 

Indecisive, thank you for your sweet post. It is so frustrating that this process is so easy for some (most?) & so difficult for others. I appreciate your positive thoughts (& annoyance on my behalf!)
Happy anniversary! I hope you're feeling better & have a great weekend to celebrate. I have to say, I was thinking implantation bleeding too. Fingers crossed!

Tammy, oh, sweetie, I hear ya. I'm glad you were able to talk to your mil. I think my conversation with my gran was similar (in God's time if it's meant to be). I found it both comforting & frustrating at the same time. It's so hard to put so much emotional energy into something, especially something you want so much, and have it not work out or take so much longer than you'd planned. 
I've been feeling pretty adrift & lonely too. It's hard to have something that's such a focus in your life & not be able to talk to friends & family about it. I feel like I'm putting on a brave face most of the time & it becomes exhausting & isolating. Big hugs to you. At least we have each other & the other lovely ps ladies for support. But sometimes you just want someone IRL for a (non cyber) hug. Hope you can have a great weekend & relax a bit. I haven't done much research for what's next either. Don't really have the heart to do it yet. 

Pave, curly, ltl, fisher & everyone else-hope you're doing well. 

I hope everyone had a nice long weekend ahead. 

Afm, I've been finally feeling a bit better physically (& on & off emotionally) lately, which is good since it's been a rough couple of weeks. Not sure what we're doing this weekend-maybe visiting the nieces if I have the energy. 
I've also been considering telling 
my mom we're ttc. I've been reluctant to do this as I'm a very private person & she's an over share. I'm not confident she will keep a secret if asked. Also she tends to make things about herself that aren't & use things I tell her against me so I've been really hesitant to share. That said, there are some family things going on that I may not be able to be present for due to the schedule of fertility treatments & her knowing what's going on would make things easier so I don't have to make excuses/bear her wrath for not showing up. But I hate to share this info under duress so I have some decisions to make. This is definitely adding to my stress level. 
Hello Ladies,

Don't you just love feeling like everything is going to be okay and optimistic, then having it slapped in your face that it's so easy for some but impossible for you on the same day that your temp plummets? Ugh, awful. Then I feel awful for thinking/feeling that way. :| Anyhow, yeah.

Bright, I'm so glad to hear that things are finally looking to be winding down with you so you can move forward with your path, whatever it may be. Responding WAY late to your question about the "this too shall pass" comment and your gran, no I didn't know that she said that to you too. :)) She sounds like a wonderful lady. Regarding your mom, can you just tell her that you're having some "female problems" that require visits to the dr at specific times due to tight schedules? She doesn't need to know that you're TTC if you think that she won't be helpful. That's what I did w/MIL until I was ready to share. So that's a thought, maybe. I'm sorry that you can't talk to her about it though, and I can relate.

AFM: I give up on the stupid notion that the way I approach a cycle has ANYTHING to do with the outcome. If I'm optimistic, it's BFN. If I'm pessimistic, it's BFN. If I'm relaxed, it's BFN. If I'm super involved with temping/timing/etc. it's BFN. I get it, really. That said, since my OB/GYN office is ignoring me (seriously, scream feeling), the only thing I can do is try to self diagnose with the meager info that I have. I know that I ovulate regularly, I know that my basic blood tests are good. I know that my LP is long enough, and that DH's SA was fine. So now I'm looking at my lifestyle. I drink probably 3-4 glasses of wine throughout the week. Not all in one night, just one regular glass 3ish nights a week. So I'm going to cut that out since studies are conflicted and with my previous pregnancies I didn't drink at all. I love my wine, but I'm desperate. I'll try anything. Next is my eating habits. Too much sugar, too many refined carbs and not enough good stuff. This is going to be tough, but I can and will do it. Then comes the matter of exercise. Oof, gotta love putting your worst habits under a microscope. Yeah, 2 x a week isn't cutting it and I need to stop pretending it is. So if nothing else, I'll be more healthy but still sub/infertile. I also just picked up a bunch of stuff on amazon - EPO, Vitex, Royal Jelly and Raspberry leaf. I'll have to figure out what CD's to take them and dosage, and they probably won't help at all but again, I'm desperate! :loopy:

It's a rough day. I worry that you all are going to get sick of hearing me moan and groan every month, say the same things over and over, etc. :knockout:
Tammy, I took Vitex and Royal Jelly and Robitussin. I think they say not to take the Royal Jelly post O as your baby could be allergic to bee products. So, I took it for the first half of my cycle every month. I can't remember what I did with the Vitex. But, I know I was told by someone on here to stop it when I started Clomid as they counteract each other. Also, look into COQ-10. I know the famous fertility center in CO has it as part of their protocol for people under their care. Good luck to you. Sounds like you have a good plan to focus on what you can control.

Bright, hope you have a nice weekend, and I wish we could all hang out in real life! I think you should come clean with your mom. She will hopefully have some understanding and compassion for you, and the more real life people who can do that for you, the better. Hugs!
Thanks, JGator! I'll look into COQ-10 too. I'm looking forward to feeling better if nothing else. I started looking up the info because my follicle was a little small (17mm) the day of ovulation. So I suspect that even though I'm ovulating, it's not a strong/healthy ovulation, maybe. I don't know, grasping at straws.
JGator Thanks as usual for being so available to share your info. It looks like you had a really nice response to the clomid. How are you feeling? I check in on the pregnancy boards but I kind of lost track of where you are at? hope you are doing well.

BrightI hope you continue on your way to healing and hopefully you will be able to get out and enjoy a little bit this weekend. I tend to like to stay home and just veg but then that ends up backfiring and I start to feel worse. Hope you find the right amount of activity and relaxing to get to a good place. oh I forgot to say your mom sounds so much like my mom. I also haven't shared too much with mine for the same reasons. I hope you find a way to get some support without regretting telling her. Maybe she would surprise you?

indecisivethanks for your good wishes about clomid. Hope everything continues to stay on track for you in the ttc realm. It's really hard not to let it take over. I'm going to work on trying to find some balance. How long have you been trying or are you just getting started? Sorry you are having a wonky cycle. Hope you enjoy your anniversary and have a nice long weekend!

tammyI'm so hoping you are feeling better. Even though I'm not in your shoes exactly, I do know how it feels in the sense of this loneliness, frustration and isolation that can kind of take over. Hopefully you can strike a balance too and be good to yourself!!! You really helped me this week because I was feeling so awful and at least I know I was not alone and that you ladies can really understand.

AFM (is that right, lol) I'm cd 12. I think my response to clomid was so-so but probably not surprising for my age. I'm having a terrible time being positive right now and really wish I could snap the heck out of it. I really think you need to be an optomist and be in a good headspace and since I'm not it's making me feel like this month's cycle is not going to work, kwim? I had my third u/s today. It looks like I basically have one dominant follicle on each ovary (and a bunch of smaller ones) one is 16mm and one is only 14. The doctor wants to do an u/s on day 14. We decided to add in a trigger and IUI. I'm kind of scared, being overseas and not 100 percent comfortable with the healthcare system here, but I figured it can't hurt. So that being said, since I'm having a hard time doing it for myself, please send me some positive vibes over here. thanks so much you guys for listening and always having something positive to say!
Pavelover, positive vibes to you. I think you are in great shape this cycle. You only need 1 follicle/egg and I'm sure you will be in even better shape with follicle count/size at 14 DPO. I also had a trigger shot, but we did not end up getting to IUI as the 3rd cycle of Clomid plus Trigger worked. I am almost 17 weeks now. Still posting in JBP, but I am planning to move over to the big girl pregnancy thread when I get back from vacation in 10 days. Hoping for some good news from all of you soon!
Hi Everyone. Hope you are enjoying the memorial day weekend. Since I'm ahead of you its my monday morning already and the holiday is not celebrated here :(.

Jgator thanks again for the support (I sound like a broken record, lol). I am feeling much better these past two days- have made sure to get some exercise in which is really helping my brain. I just got back from the drs. office. Had my u/s - you were right I think I am in o.k. shape. One follicle is 22mm and the other is 19- they are the biggest. So the doctor was happy with that and said the extra day should help a little more growth. I got my trigger shot and now I'm just patiently waiting for tomorrow!! It feels nice to be hopeful. I found a thread on baby center with many success stories from IUI. I'm just going to concentrate on the positives and try to relax. Oh , Im going to get accupunture today too. I edited to come back and say 17 weeks! Awesome! I loved being pregnant (at least that's how I remember it ;) . I know it's hard not to be nervous- hope it gets easier. I had access to a doppler at work that I used a lot and then also bought that microphone/speaker thingie and I listened to the baby a lot, lol. I was also lucky to feel movement early too which was so awesome. hope times flies until your anatomy scan!

Brightjust wanted to say I hope you are feeling ok. Hopefully you are out enjoying the weekend?
Hi Ladies. I hope you guys had a good weekend, although no holiday for Pave!

Tammy- I really feel for you on your conflicting schedules. I had 2 jobs where I did't get a lot of time with DH, although not as bad as your DH's schedule, and I was miserable. It is so hard to know you are missing out on so much time with the person you love. I actually did cut out all sugar for 2 months and now I eat fruit not no processed sugar at all, even though it is in everything! I think it really helped me but I also had an irregular cycle and you don't. What CD are you now?

Pave- I think your response to clomid sounds good. If they both mature that would be great to have 2 targets so to speak. To answer your question I am 27, almost 28 and DH and I have been trying about a year. I hope this cycle goes well for you! Are you doing iui or times intercourse with the trigger?

AFM- I had a wonderful anniversary despite the fact that I tested that morning and saw a BFN. DH and I went "hiking" on some pretty gentle trails and saw waterfalls and just had a great time. The day I posted my last post I cried a lot and then made an appt for DH to get a sperm analysis and I was going to ask the doctor to start me on clomid a month early.

By last night I had been spotting for 6 days and I decided to take a test on a whim because I was confused my my period hadn't started full force. I took the test and finished getting ready for bed and went back and saw something. All my plans for telling DH in a cute way went out the window and I asked him how good his eye's were and asked him to come in. He was so confused but he saw a line too. It is faint and I don't think he really believes a line is a line. I took another test with FMU (couldn't temp because I barely slept at all) and it is another faint second line. I am pretty cautious right now because I would think it should be darker by now. FF says I am 14 dpo, although I had kind of thought I might have ovulated a day or two earlier.

I don't know how to post pics on PS 2.0 but I wish I could. I did not spot today at all but previously it has been all light and brown/pink except for Friday where it was a hair more red. I still have pretty much no symptoms. My breasts started hurting a day or two today and I had just thought it was pre-af. I am so nervous but so excited that at least I can get pregnant. I am going to buy some "real" tests today because all I have is internet cheapies. Does anyone know if lines are darker on real tests than the wondofs? If I can get some dust I would appreciate it!

Let's see if this works. Top is Friday BFN and then last night then this morning. What do you think?
Indecisive, that is definately a line and you are preggo.Congrats. Try a digital. I got a positive on a digital last week with a line lighter than that. That little word makes it seem all the more real. My lines are getting darker each day and yours seem to be too. Good luck. We need anogther newbie in the JBP thread!
Wow Indecisive! That's so exciting! Congrats! I was actually hopeful for you the other day when you were talking about the pink tinged on 9 dpo- I see the lines for sure. Really happy for you!

I did end up getting IUI - I just had it done today. I'm hopeful but nervous. We also have to bd tonight and tomorrow...just found out dh has to leave super early for work tomorrow so that knocks out one chance, but hopefully the IUI worked today :) I agree you should try a digi! Take care.
Indecisive, congrats! My Wondfo didn't get very dark at first, and I don't think it even showed up as positive until 14dpo.Will you be going to the doctor for any beta testing? If you do, I would suggest getting your progesterone level checked. With the spotting you've been having, it might not hurt to get on progesterone just in case . . . Wishing you a healthy pregnancy and congrats again!
Hello Ladies!

It's SO hard to be back at work today, but at least we have a 4 day work week!

Big congrats, Indecisive! That's definitely a nice progression BFP that you have!! I hope your pregnancy is smooth sailing! :)) I LOVE that we're on a roll here!

Bright, how's it going there sweetie? Feeling better/done with the unpleasant stuff yet? I really hope so!! *hugs*

How was everyone's weekend? Did anyone do fun/exciting/new things? DH and I did a fused glass class together on Sunday, it was a lot of fun and very different from our usual weekend routine! Creating things is intimidating for me, but it was really exciting and fun seeing the finished product!

I don't have a ton of time so will just do a quick little update. I'm CD 5 today. I ordered red raspberry leaf, EPO, Royal Jelly and picked up some COQ-10 at JGator's suggestion. I have been taking all of them except for the Royal Jelly (still in transit) since Saturday. I have to say that I do think the raspberry actually is helping my AF symptoms, as crazy as it sounds.

So I'm taking 300 mg of COQ-10 and 1500 mg of EPO. Does that sound good? I thought about upping the COQ10 to 600mg but I don't know if that's too much. I think I took 1800mg of the EPO this morning. I know that some of them need to be stopped after I ovulate, so sometime in the next few days I'll really sort everything out for CD's etc. I hope this all helps sooner rather than later, even though I know that for egg quality it seems like the general consensus is that it'll take the full 3 months to see real results (if I do at all, argh).

From the traditional medicine standpoint, I finally got my OB/GYN referral for a more qualified physician. He must be good, because his first available was August 1st and he's a full time MD. He specializes in laparoscopy and is affiliated with the robotic surgery program at UCDMC (I'm in Northern California). All of his reviews say that he's very thorough and caring as well, hurray for that! So while I'm really bummed about having to wait a full 2 months for an appointment, at least I have one now. In the meantime, I'm going to continue to work on my weight, drink water (I'm AWFUL about it), continue to take the supplements, etc. so once I get there I can make the most of the appointment. So at most, I have two more AF's to wait for some possible answers.
tammy77|1338310502|3205558 said:
Hello Ladies!

It's SO hard to be back at work today, but at least we have a 4 day work week!

Big congrats, Indecisive! That's definitely a nice progression BFP that you have!! I hope your pregnancy is smooth sailing! :)) I LOVE that we're on a roll here!

Bright, how's it going there sweetie? Feeling better/done with the unpleasant stuff yet? I really hope so!! *hugs*

How was everyone's weekend? Did anyone do fun/exciting/new things? DH and I did a fused glass class together on Sunday, it was a lot of fun and very different from our usual weekend routine! Creating things is intimidating for me, but it was really exciting and fun seeing the finished product!

I don't have a ton of time so will just do a quick little update. I'm CD 5 today. I ordered red raspberry leaf, EPO, Royal Jelly and picked up some COQ-10 at JGator's suggestion. I have been taking all of them except for the Royal Jelly (still in transit) since Saturday. I have to say that I do think the raspberry actually is helping my AF symptoms, as crazy as it sounds.

So I'm taking 300 mg of COQ-10 and 1500 mg of EPO. Does that sound good? I thought about upping the COQ10 to 600mg but I don't know if that's too much. I think I took 1800mg of the EPO this morning. I know that some of them need to be stopped after I ovulate, so sometime in the next few days I'll really sort everything out for CD's etc. I hope this all helps sooner rather than later, even though I know that for egg quality it seems like the general consensus is that it'll take the full 3 months to see real results (if I do at all, argh).

From the traditional medicine standpoint, I finally got my OB/GYN referral for a more qualified physician. He must be good, because his first available was August 1st and he's a full time MD. He specializes in laparoscopy and is affiliated with the robotic surgery program at UCDMC (I'm in Northern California). All of his reviews say that he's very thorough and caring as well, hurray for that! So while I'm really bummed about having to wait a full 2 months for an appointment, at least I have one now. In the meantime, I'm going to continue to work on my weight, drink water (I'm AWFUL about it), continue to take the supplements, etc. so once I get there I can make the most of the appointment. So at most, I have two more AF's to wait for some possible answers.

Just delurking to say that I took EPO this cycle (1500 from AF to O) and it gave me a lot more ewcm, but it also delayed my O by a good 5-6 days. I've read that it can do that. Just in case you weren't aware... All the best this cycle! :))
Hey Sha! Feel free to delurk anytime! :bigsmile: I knew I'd read that about one of them, but was hoping it wouldn't happen to me. If it does, it won't be the end of the world (actually, I encourage it in terms of making my appt timing better). I definitely am nervous about messing with my body though, this is the first time in my life that I've taken any supplements other than the folic acid/B complex/Prenatal. :errrr: