
The Official TTC for 6 Months or More Thread

Dearest Steal, I saw your post about the SA results. I just wanted to send you a hug.{{{}}} So sorry, but I'm still optimistic to see your BFP post here eventually and I really hope you don't give up hope!

THinking about you.

:appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl:
:love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love:
:appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl:


Omg omg omg omg omg!!!!!! Baking a wee pumpkin in there???? HOW WONDERFUL!!!!!!!!!!!

DC, keep baking your little ninja turtle! Bebe in a half shell. Turtle power!!! :love:
Hey ladies,

Just popping in quickly, lots to do before I head off for the holiday tomorrow afternoon.

RC - Thanks so much for the happy thoughts. I saw the pics of your little peanut on the BP thread, so sweet :love: . I will poke my head in there probably after tomorrow...

LTP - Thank you for the well wishes. Hopefully you won't be too far behind us ;)

Steal - Thanks for congrats. I am definitely stubborn, and a pretty good writer, (since it's part of my job) if nothing else. :geek: Plus, with mucho cash about to be laid out for a little one, it should definitely help!

Miss Jaxon - I am super sorry about AF showing up. What a b*tch! :evil: Enjoy the latte though, as I am about to quit cold turkey :o

DD -Thanks for your expert analysis :ugeek: Since you are such a wise chart reader, I am going to agree with you ;) I will let you know about the beta tomorrow, but I am feeling good about it.

Bliss - Thanks again for your turtle power song. I did share that with my DH last night, and he loved it.

Thanks again for all the well wishes. Nothing too new to report, although my OCD has reached new heights. I figured you ladies would appreciate this one. For all us who are constantly searching for the most sensitive test, I went out to find a less-sensitive pregnancy test to try to see if I could make it light up, lol :cheeky: . I got a CVS-brand one, since its 25 sensitivity level, versus the 15/20 on the Wondofo's. Good news is I made it light up relatively quickly. While it wasn't super bright, its getting there. And that was on 4 hour pee hold, mid-morning, so I am starting to feel better. Oh, and to feed our POAS **** addicition, here you go...

dcgator|1290538200|2776910 said:
Oh, and to feed our POAS **** addicition, here you go...

:appl: :cry: :appl:
And with the second pink line posted on PS you are officially PREGNANT. :o
I am looking forward to your results tomorrow. Will you get to post them before your holly-days?
DGC no doubt you are pregnant. Have you not tried a Frer or anything? Might get a nicer darker line ;))
Dreamer_D|1290538712|2776923 said:
DGC no doubt you are pregnant. Have you not tried a Frer or anything? Might get a nicer darker line ;))

Yeah, break out the big girl pee sticks.

enablerenablerenablerenablerenablerenablerenablerenablerenablerenablerenablerenablerenablerenablerenablerenabler :devil:
DCG!!!!! :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: It's official, the pink line is on ps, you are KTFU :bigsmile:

Lili-Lady you got some 'splainin to do ;)) I am getting a cramp in my pointer finger refreshing this page! ;))
Lili-Lady you got some 'splainin to do ;)) I am getting a cramp in my pointer finger refreshing this page! ;)) [/color][/quote]

LOL...ok, ok.'s pretty long.
I'll have to come back and response to you lovely ladies later on.
Oh don't worry ladies, I got plenty of crazy. I took a SUPER DUPER fun FRER digital Gold. I got a very pretty "YES" result. I also found a CVS brand test (not pictured b/c I just took it earlier today) and it made a pretty + mark. Hence, the starting to feel very good. :bigsmile: I might go fishing for a FRER regular later though...hehehehehe (see, crazy :cheeky: )
Lili - Bring on the long story, I love 'em! We will all sit cross legged, listening to your lovely BFP story! YEAH for your BFP! :appl:
Hmm....didn't work.
Apparently it is too long.
Will need to cut it up in multiple pages.

Short version:
Primary infertility was due to endometriosis.
After 3.5 yrs, a hsg and a lap, we conceived our little girl -- who is now 2.5yrs.
Secondary infertility fell into the "unexplained" category since both my bloodwork and pipes were fine.

Long Windy (and I mean novel) Version partI:
DH and I got married in 2003 and basically just went w/ the flow the first year. I didn't think that I would have issue conceiving since none of the females in my family had. My mother had 6 kids and both my sisters had 2 w/o any problems. However, I had a feeling that it might not be as easy for me since I was much older than they were. After 1 yr of not preventing not trying and no baby, we got down to business esp since both DH and I are not getting any younger (he 37 and I 32.5). I armed myself with knowledge about my body and fertility signs. Learned about the fertile window and importance of EWCM. I did temp initially and found that my temperature shift correlates to my CM, so I ditched the thermometer after a few cycles. We weren't much of BD marathoners like some of couples here ;), but we did hit ~3 days in the fertile window. First AF was "aww". Second AF was "hmm". Third AF was ":( maybe we are one of those who'll take 6 months or longer". 3 months became 6 months. 6 months went to a year. Then 2 years. Then 3 years and still no baby.

After one too many disappointed visit from AF (and some finger pointings btw DH and me), I finally got my butt to the dr. The dr ordered a bloodwork for me after I told her that we've been TTCing for 3 yrs w/ no luck. She (bear in mind that she's not an OB/GYN) reviewed the results and told me that my thyroid was on the low side (hypothyroid) and chastised me for taking prenatal vitamins when I'm not pregnant. Ordered me to stop the vitamins and retake the blood test in a month, which came back a little better but was still marginal. She did give me a referral to an encrinologist and told me to see an OB. Met with the OB who basically told me to forget about "window" and just get down to business every other day for 2 weeks the second week after AF, and come back to see her in 3 months. She also wasn't responsive to my questions about what type and costs of fertility tests that I might need. I needed to know these info since my insurance didn't cover fertility issues, so it would have been out of pocket cost to me. At this time, I also went to a RE for my thyroid. The RE said that my thyroid looks ok and shouldn't be an issue, but he gave me some medication anyway to take for a month. I finished the prescription but never made it back for a check-up because I had planned on switching to another insurance with better infertility coverage.

As the new year rolled around, we dillydallied for a couple of months due to vacations and DH's hesitation about giving his sample. Finally at the end of March, we went in for our initial infertility consultation. Got my CD3 and other bloodwork checked. DH deposited his sample. Got an appt w/ the RE specialist in April to review our charts, tests and sample -- everything looked good. No question about my ovulation (or thyroid either) and his swimmers were more than adequate. I did the HSG test in May and found that one of my tube was completely blocked and the other was really swollen. The RE suspected that it could be endometriosis with the tube blockage and coupled w/ the fact I had heavier flow with clotting in my earlier years. His schedule was pretty packed because he was the only RE for that branch, so I was scheduled for a laparoscopy in November. Fortunately there was a cancellation at the last minute and I was able to be squeezed in the lap at the end of June. Did the laparoscopy and he was able to diagnose that I had endometriosis, remove all the scar tissues around my tubes, and verify that both tubes were free-flowing. At my follow-up appt in July, he suggested we start IUI based on the fact that we've been trying 3 yrs and my advanced maternal age. But DH and I wanted to try a couple of cycles ourselves and consult with him in a couple of months.

I never did make it back to see him in Sept, but did make it to my first u/s confirming that I was 9 weeks along. We got pregnant the cycle following the lap! My pregnancy was pretty much textbook and I carried DD up to 39wk5d.
Long Windy (and I mean novel) Version PartII:

Fast forward to 12 months after DD was born. We had always wanted 2 kids and for them to be about 2 years apart. We had this crazy idea that we wanted them to share the same birthday month, so we waited until around June and July to get back on the TTC train. I didn't think (or was more hoping) that the second one wouldn't take as long as the first. I know scar tissues from my endo will recur, but figured there wouldn't be any blockage since I only had 6 AF cycles after DD. No such luck. First couple of months, we attributed that maybe my body was not entirely regulated because I had just finished BFing even though my cycle was spot on. We told ourselves that we'll give it 3 months before going back to the RE. Our 3 months got pushed to 6 months, so we finally went in to see the dr around the end of 2009. Got the basic work-up bloodwork done again. Dr ordered a SA for DH per protocol. Dr ordered the HSG for me to make sure my tubes are open and recommended proceeding w/ IUI after the HSG. We wanted to try one cycle on our own again since we were lucky the last time and I also felt that the HSG did flush out some debris in my tubes. The sensation I felt during this second HSG was different. I felt alot of pressure and the room turned black when they injected the dye. Then I felt a pop and the light return to my vision. We missed the Dec cycle because the HSG was done too close to my window, so we tried in Jan. DH wanted to see if we were successful this cycle before doing his SA. Yup, second time around and he was still hesitant. We were going on vacation in the following weeks, so we waited until the latest possible day I can to test. Tested BFN on 14DPO and 15DPO. So DH did his SA. Tested BFN the day after, so I scheduled an appt in 2 weeks w/ the RN who handles the IUI procedures. On the day we caught our flight to HI, I tested BFP.

We kept the appt w/ the IUI RN for an early u/s. I was thrilled to see a gestational sac in the uterus, but the RN said the embryo was measuring 5wk3days. According to my calculation, it should have been 6wk2days (sometimes knowing too much is not good). So my excitement turned into worried at that point, but I didn't tell DH about my concern. I was hoping that perhaps I had ovulated later than I've thought or the u/s was off. Had a follow-up u/s and saw that the embryo grew only 3 days in 1.5wks and there was no heartbeat. They even used one of the high-tech machine that detects blood flow in the embryo. The RN notified my RE and to schedule me in for an abortion. I wanted to let my body do its thing naturally and there was a small glimmer of hope for a miracle that the baby was a late-bloomer. I waited another week or so -- didn't have any crampings or bleeding. It looked like a missed miscarriage. I asked the Dr during my pre-op to confirm that the pregnancy was not viable. So I had the D&C at 9 wks at the beginning of March. Baby was supposed to be due around 10/10/10, so last month was a bit hard for me. I did recover fairly fast physically and emotionally. My cycle pretty much went back to normal after the D&C. But the RE recommendeded one cycle off after the D&C, so asked us to start IUI in May. We thought that we may be lucky w/ the enhanced fertility phenomemon after a m/c and tried on our own for 2-3 cycles. Right around this time, I also seeked the help of a fertility acupuncturist. I booked a few sessions w/ her. I don't know if it helped or not, but I figured it couldn't hurt and I've heard and seen great results from family and friends. I don't know if it enhanced my fertility or not, but she did help me w/ the clotting in my AF and alleviate the sporadic headaches I get before my period. Anyway, she recommended that I give her a month (4 sessions) to let her help me nourish my uterus and eggs before doing IUI. So we postponed our first IUI until July.

The RE had ordered 3 rounds of IUI with clomid for me. I was to take 100 mg of clomid for 5 days from CD3-7 since my cycles are on the shorter side. Use the clearblue smiley OPKs and test for the surge starting CD10. And BD every other day starting CD10 until I get a smiley then call in to schedule for an insemination 2 days after my surge. I wasn't too confident about the first IUI because the nurse was not able to get past my internal OS, so the specimen was deposited in the cervix canal instead of deep within the uterus as they normally do. The RN prescribed a drug to soften the cervix (forgot the name of it) and 100 mg clomid for IUI#2. This time she was able to get pass the internal os and inject the sperm in the uterus, but I still wasn't too hopeful. The reason being that I noticed my CM was egg-whity and plentiful the day of or at the latest after my smiley. By the time of the insemination, the mucuous was already thick and sticky if any. I asked the RN if we can do a back-to-back insemination when I went in for IUI#3 since I thought I may have ovulated on the early side after the surge. She calculated and confirmed that I may have since most people's LP is 14 days and I was getting my period 13 days after the insemination. So round 3, we did one insemination the day following the smiley and another one on a consecutive day. My hope was up this last cycle, but I didn't allow myself to be too hopeful. Then I was one day late and I was ready to test, but I've told myself not too until one calendar month. I didn't have to wait long because AF showed late that night on the 9th. Last IUI was unsuccessful and the following day was the EDD of my m/c. So I was ready to throw in the towel and just wanted to get myself out of the TTC pool. DH and I had agreed from the get-go that we won't proceed any further than IUI in terms of medical intervention. Since both of us are not young and we didn't want the age gap between kids to be more than 3.5yrs, we had set our TTC cutoff to the end of the year -- so only 3 more cycles left.

After AF ended, I did eventually call my RE to see if he would approve of another HSG and my argument would have been that we did get pregnant the last time (or 2 if you count the first one w/ DD) after the HSG. We would pay for it ourselves if hospital protocol dictates that only a certain number of HSG can be done on a patient. If not, maybe possibly we'll push for 1 or 2 more rounds of IUI but w/o the clomid. I didn't think the drug was helping and it was drying up my already scanty CM. I went in to see him and before I opened my mouth to ask about the HSG, he asked if I was open to do another HSG:) It is nice to have a dr on the same wavelength and looks after you. Anyway, so he put an order in for another HSG. He told us to try one cycle on our own after the HSG and we can talk about IVF, which he gave me a success rate of 45% for my case. I was actually pretty surprised at the price of the IVF. I had thought that it was around 20k or something, so the 9-12k number did make it sound tempting, but DH and I were pretty set on stopping at that point. HSG tests can only be done on CD7-12 and I was past that window when the radiology department called me to schedule an appt, so I had to wait to schedule next month when AF starts.
lili|1290539363|2776941 said:
Lili-Lady you got some 'splainin to do ;)) I am getting a cramp in my pointer finger refreshing this page! ;)) [/color]

LOL...ok, ok.'s pretty long.
I'll have to come back and response to you lovely ladies later on.[/quote]

I hope it is good news Lili. Otherwise I better take my foot out of my mouth.
Long Windy (and I mean novel) Version PartIII:
The part that you ladies are waiting for ^.^

I had typed the above parts back at end of Oct and just never did post it. So to continue, since I missed the window for the HSG, this meant a nice break for us from clomid, monitoring, blooddraw and timed BD marathon. I asked DH if he wanted to just skip this cycle and continue after the HSG, but he wouldn't hear of it. So our plan was to hit CD10-12 (based on ewcm in my normal cycles). Figured no point to do outside since I have little CM outside those days. I normally O'd on CD11/12 on my own, but w/ clomid I O'ed on CD14/15. Since I had some leftover OPKs, I decided I might as well use them up. Started testing on CD9. No smiley. No smiley on CD10, but BD as planned. No smiley on CD11. No smiley on CD12. I thought that maybe I've missed the surge since those tests are so fickle, but we BDed anyway since I notice some EWCM. Then I got a smiley on CD13. I guess residual effect from the clomid? Anyway DH injured his back that day, so we were pretty much done for that cycle. I didn't bother to test out the surge after that. Told DH to take it easy and we'll aim for next cycle. I expected AF to show on the 5th at the latest. The 3rd came and I was feeling some tickling sensation down there that I get prior to AF (sorry TMI). Kept doing the infamous toilet paper check whenever I go to the bathroom. 4th came and went, nothing. 5th, nothing. By the 7th, DH asked if my thing came. I had told him a later date just because he has a tendency to be too optimistic whenever I get to 12DPO and always say that I'm pregnant. I told him no, but maybe in a day or two since I was feeling chills and more tickling sensation down there (which were signs of AF for me). Thought that AF is just around the corner and I had O'ed much later after that smiley. Anyway, 9th came and no AF so I did tinkle first thing in the morning on those cheapie wondflo hpt ^.^ Showed DH the strip as he was brushing his teeth and he did a victory pump. Knowing what we know, we are cautiously happy until we see the u/s. We won't be telling family until we get confirmation -- which is in about a week. I could request for an earlier u/s, but decided to just go w/ the flow.
Lili, I am so glad you could post your story and am so sorry for your heartbreak. :cry: I pray this little bean can hang on and that you can feel reassured at your ultrasound. A very cautious and optimistic congratulations to you and your husband.
***ding dong*** better get the door Lili, it is your dumper truck of ready-mix cement.
Steal - LMAO @ "big girl pee sticks"!! hehehe!

Lili - I totally didn't catch the white print the first time around! I saw the initial "not cooking but definitely doing some baking" comment, but of course totally missed the point, LOL!!! I am sooooo thrilled for you and your DH - how exciting, and especially after your long journey!! I love to hear the stories about folks who end up doing assistive stuff and then bam, get preggo on an "off" cycle. hehe!! LOVE IT!! Congratulations, and I will continue sending all kinds of sticky dust your way!! :appl: :appl: :appl:
Wow lili, what a long journey you have been on! I'm so sorry for your difficulty and loss but how wonderful that you're pregnant again now. :appl: I pray your little bean sticks!! Sending you tons of sticky vibrations! thanks for sharing!

Lili - CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!! :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :bigsmile:

I'm curious. Were you still going to the acupuncturist?
Lili!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so happy for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl:

Thank you so much for sharing your story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know that you were so discouraged a few months ago and especially in October, how amazing that you are pregnant now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I hope that you have a happy and healthy 9 months and your little bean is super sticky and strong :bigsmile:

it's great to hear the long-winded novel versions of getting pregnant and awesome to know that even if it doesn't work out for a long time that it really does just take one swimmer and one eggie in one cycle!

I am just so happy for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You and DC and Ryan, and a few more ladies too, the past few weeks have been hopping!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Congrats again :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl:
How wonderful, Lili!! I'm SOOOO thrilled for you. Sending you TONS of sticky dust for the little bebe! I don't understand why so many of us have to go through so much to get pregnant but it makes it that much sweeter when it does happen. :appl:
Wow two big BFPs in the past few days!!!

Many many many congrats Lili!!!


DC - can't stop grinning for ya!

So much to be thankful for this week (for those in the US celebrating Turkey Day).

I hope you guys brought this thread the good luck it has needed to see!!!!!!

:appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl:
This thead is bursting with great news! Tons and tons of sticky dust to lili and DC. :appl: :appl: :appl: Could not be happier for you ladies.
Lili: your story is amazing to read, and I'm so glad you decided to share it. The struggles you have been through will serve as an inspiration for future TTC ladies. Happy endings are the best. Sprinkling super sticky dust your way :)

I am so SUPER excited for you!! J is going to be such a rockin' great big sister!!!! Congrats, and keep up the happy thoughts, friend!! (Good job keeping it quiet, by the way. Impressive.... I don't have those skills!!)

:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:


Whhooo Hoooo, girl!!! I'm so happy that all your positive thoughts led to this!! Grow Ninja baby, grow!!! Congratulations!!

Enjoy every moment. Every moment!!!

:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

How wonderful, ladies. Very excited for this upcoming summer!!!

Yay for some "veterans" graduating! This ROCKS!!!

Whoooo Hoooooo!!!!! :bigsmile:
Lili: A wholehearted congratulations to you! :appl: :appl: :appl: With everything you have been through, sending lots of sticky dust that you will get the complete family you deserve!
Congratulations lili! What a journey you have braved, this is great news. :appl:

DC - still so happy for you! That last test you posted was DEFINITELY darker!!! What a great holiday gift! :appl:
Congratulations Lili and DCG!!! Lots and LOTS of sticky dust for you both!!!
DC and Lili, I'm so thrilled for you both!!! It's so exciting when a couple of our veterans finally get their bfps! 1921765gi8123j4c.gif

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:appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl:

Hooray, Lili! I am so excited for both you and DCG! It's really inspiring to read about your determination and patience in the TTC process; I'm so excited your wish has come true. Congratulations!
I'm speechless w/ the outpour of love and support from all you lovely ladies.
I want to thank you all from the bottom of my heart.
Will address more later...

but just want to give lots of doubling beta dust to DC!!