
The "Divorce Celebration" business is red hot


Apr 30, 2005

People are spending thousands of bucks to celebrate their divorces.

Las Vegas offers a package that includes time at a gun range to shoot up your wedding dress. :sun:

I was never happier than when I ended a 13-year relationship that went south.
I didn't have a big party but I can totally understand them.
Along the same theme, I've seen advertisements for "divorce ring", a ring to celebrate the divorce.
This could just be me, but there seems to be something weirdly self-hating about riddling your own former wedding dress with a hail of bullets.
I agree, Circe. Although I know there are many good reasons for a divorce, it still seems a bit sad. Not sure a celebration can fix that.
luv2sparkle|1415913820|3782849 said:
I agree, Circe. Although I know there are many good reasons for a divorce, it still seems a bit sad. Not sure a celebration can fix that.

I also agree. Every loss should be grieved.
As someone who's been through divorce, I didn't really look at the process as something to celebrate and I certainly didn't feel the need to shoot up my wedding dress (it's doing just fine sitting in my attic ;) ). I chose to look at my divorce as a learning/growing experience and even though my relationship failed, it was still a meaningful part of my life for that period of time.
It would seem to me that if you are celebrating your divorce in this manner, then there's probably a fair amount of scorn/anger involved for whatever reason and I suppose if shooting up your wedding dress makes you feel better, then rock on.
My wedding dress is a lovely lace creation that was lovingly altered by incredibly talented seamstresses. I'm not shooting it. However, once I'm done trouncing the racist, sexist violent psychopathic religious fanatic in court, I will indeed celebrate! Cue 50 Cent's "In Da Club". :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

And once I have invested the vast majority of the property settlement, I'm going to spend some quality time with Jon at GOG. There's an AVC in my future.

So yes, I appreciate what would impel one to celebrate divorce. It may be a loss, but in many cases it's a liberation and a rebirth.

But what did the poor dress do to be shot full of holes?? That's just wrong.
I have a problem with the exploitation of it all. Weddings have already been made into a three ring circus where it's about the wedding not about the marriage. Now this. If you WANT to celebrate you should. If you want to mourn you should. I dislike the commercialism of it all, the exploitation.

And yes, it is self hating to shoot the wedding gown.
I agree with Gypsy. In addition, what kind of message are you sending your kids?
lioness, I thought of you when I first read the title of this thread. If anyone has reason to celebrate a divorce, especially with diamonds, it's you!
luv2sparkle|1415929573|3783063 said:
lioness, I thought of you when I first read the title of this thread. If anyone has reason to celebrate a divorce, especially with diamonds, it's you!

Some would consider you an enabler. I think you are an eminently reasonable person who appreciates the restorative, curative properties of beautiful stones
luv2sparkle|1415913820|3782849 said:
I agree, Circe. Although I know there are many good reasons for a divorce, it still seems a bit sad. Not sure a celebration can fix that.

Where I live, divorces can take 2-5 years to complete, because the couple can't agree on property settlement, or child custody, or the wife doesn't work and she collects alimony for the maximum time awarded, or whatever. I can imagine that if one or both of the couple has been dating and has found a new partner or spouse-to-be, then any sadness over the divorce is probably long gone and has been replaced by impatience to get free and move on with the new relationship. So then, a celebration rather than mourning would probably seem fitting. Free! Free at last! lol