
The Cupcake Thread!

wow that peanut butter chocolate cake looks great!! i am totally craving now hehe.

great looking cakes!!

mrs mitchell i will try to look for the tip online and post it if i find it. i just know it''s uber giant!!!

i havent baked ANYTHING but boxed ghiradelli brownies since the baby''s SO SAD! plus i just went back to work so now i really have no time...BOO!!

but that pb cake. yum.
awww, i miss this thread!

YUM that peanut butter cake looks sooo yummy and the cake pops--cute, cute, cute!

I am with Mara, toddler + 9 mos preggo + building/moving into a new house leaves no time for baking. I miss it !

Just saw this and couldn''t help think of the cuppie chefs here. The sgetty and meatball is SO my sil. That is all she wants to eat on her BDAY. For nearly 38 years that is all she has.

Think this year we will surprise her with cuppies in the same theme!
Better get to work to hon my technique. But who will be willing to taste test them? Egads that first bite would be really odd.

OH, love the peanut butter cake. Brilliant idea and presentation Amanda!
AWW CasaBlanca, they are too cute!! They sound absolutely perfect for your sister, and they look YUM!! Have fun making them, don't forget to post pics!!
Hi! I love this thread and wanted to post what I made today for Father''s Day.

I made Oreo Kisses (From the website)

another picture.

It''s crushed up oreo with a chocolate shell around it.

They turned out so nice!

I''ve just been buying cupcakes lately. Lots and lots and lots of cupcakes. I''m lucky (or cursed?) to live in an area with tons of fab cupcake shops around.
taovandel, how thoughtful, and PRETTY!!
Were they hard to make? I bet they were super duper yummy!!
Tao those look great..!! Fab job. I bet they were tasty too.

Andi.. look at your CUTE PUP...adorable!! And I am glad this thread was revived because I have been thinking about cupcakes lately, potentially about starting my biz back up again and going hard core so that I can quit and stay home with my babe. I am updating my blog order page area and figure we''ll see how things go at first to gauge.

For FD I made the Chocolate Peanut Butter cake from Smitten Kitchen which is actually from the Sky High Cakes cookbook... it was really good!! The chocolate cake tasted a bit too much like oil for me though so I might add a bit more vanilla or some butter next time...but it was amazing with the PB frosting. I actually did the inside layers with the PB Cream cheese but the outer layer with some chocolate mixed in so it was choco PB. YUM. and I made cupcakes to take into my team at work.

anyway anyone else got some new additions??!
no new cuppies, too busy to bake right now
but mara I just had a quick question, at what point do you have to start using a commercial kitchen and complying with all kinds of food safety laws? I''ve been pushing around the idea of starting a small baking business (just big enough to afford me staying home once we have kids and I am done with my MBA). I do some one-off baking now (nothing as big as you:-)!) but I am kind of fuzzy on the whole food prep/legal side of you have any knowledge in that dept?
bella i dont really know, but i think it also depends on your state as well. my friend who does baking from her home kitchen has a little side biz, there are commercial kitchens you can rent time/space here as well so i would prob try to go that route if i went at it. i know some states don''t care where you bake --aka home or commercial etc. from the home it''s hard to do any crazy type of quantity unless you have double ovens, which i would LOVE. right now we just have one.
thanks! yeah, it would figure that NYC would have killer rules in that department:-) Off to do some research...:-)

I just love this thread. Along with you being one of the first posters I followed quite closely.

Everyone is very creative and talented!

I have been cooking up quite a storm lately but not baking the sweet stuff. I purchased some cupcakes last week that people travel miles for. I was disappointed. The icing was too sweet, cake bland and just had a couple of marshmellows on top! Led me to think I should start making my own. Cooking is one thing, but baking takes skill!

The children''s school also has a NO NUT policy so will have to figure out how to get around it!

I will have to find the time to start this thread all over again to write down all the fabulous recipes and tips. Humidity is also a worrying factor here in Singapore....

Look forward to reading more from you talented ladies!
I''ve had a brainstorm.... now to figure out how to do it.

Thoughts welcomed.

Bananas Foster Cupcakes
Dragonfly411- no advice here, but that sounds delish!!
I hope someone can post a recipe of that.
Date: 6/22/2010 5:45:31 PM
Author: dragonfly411
I''ve had a brainstorm.... now to figure out how to do it.

Thoughts welcomed.

Bananas Foster Cupcakes
Google it!

I typed it in and found a handful of blogs who did it... I love looking at stuff like that then trying to figure out how to make it BETTER. hehee.

Sparkles..I hate when you buy a cupcake and it''s not very good! Boo. And yup humidity would make baking challenging. We are really dry where we are so I guess it''s lucky.
Mara - Thanks for the advice! I''ll do that tonight!
I made the bananas foster cupcakes!!!!!!!!!

How''d they come out??
lol is that the world''s biggest tease or what?!?! pics and/or description! how did you do it, what would you change??
Pics will have to be tonight. I made it according to a blogged recipe I found. You start by making the bananas foster syrup with bananas. That was the coolest part b/c I got to play with alcohol.... and fire. I do think I want to add a smidge more rum to that though. Then you set it aside and make the dough. I was a bit confused by the dough part. The description didn''t clarify well whether you only mix SOME ingredients in a medium bowl, or a whole second half. I did the whole second half, then alternated adding the sour cream and the second half into the sugar/butter mix. This seemed to work well. I do think it needs a bit more flour though, as they didn''t rise QUITE as much as I had hoped. I think they need more to counter the bananas. Anyways, they baked for 25 mins and voila Cupcakes!

The icing I am working on. I ended up having to improv b/c I didn''t have enough cream cheese for what it called for. It is now chilling in the refrigerator to solidify a bit. I want to play with it some... and try to add some more cinnamon to it for a spicy edge. That being said I taste tested with half runny icing last night and they are REALLY tasty.
Hehe thank Mara, she is pretty cute! But don''t let the exterior fool ya, she''s a devil!!

dragonfly they sound aaaaaaawesome!!! I love cinnamon cream cheese icing, yummo! Can''t wait for PICS!

I haven''t done cuppies for ages, or so it seems. It''s my grandfather''s 85th on Sunday and we''re having a party with all the family from far and wide, so I thought that would be a perfect opportunity to make cupcakes! I''m actually looking forward to a whole day tomorrow inside in my warm kitchen, it''s raining and COLD outside all weekend!
I have some sad news.
I couldn''t get pictures of the cupcakes. Apparently I have work to do on the frosting recipe. It melted... it melts if it''s out of the fridge for even a few minutes. UGH. Anyone have any recipe advice?
Awww man! Bummer! I was drooling waiting for some pics!!!
I think I''m going to try a second batch this weekend. SO likes them and is jealous that I left him only two and took the rest to work. I am going to try to solidify the icing more this time so maybe by Monday!!!
dragonfly can you post the icing recipe you were using? if its cream cheese, butter and conf sugar then usually just adding more conf sugar will solidify it.

i am sure they were tasty! even when stuff doesn''t look the best or it doesn''t come out exactly how i pictured, your taste buds don''t have eyes. hehee.

dandi..can''t wait to see the 85th bday cuppies!
mara - The recipe called for 1.5 cups softened cream cheese, 3/4 cup softened butter, 3 cups confectioner''s sugar and 1 tsp cinnamon. It just melted away.... perhaps I need more sugar due to the humidity and heat here?
i'd put more conf sugar. or cut back the amt of butter/cream cheese if you don't want to add more conf sugar.

on the pb choco cake recipe i did this last wkd, i used 12oz of cream cheese, 1 stick of butter (4oz i think) and 5c of conf sugar. but even just using 4c, the frosting was pretty thick at that point.

also when you soften the cream cheese and butter, you just let it go to room temp right...and not in a too hot room? if it was any warmer, it might have some negative effect--so yeah the heat/humidity could have def had an effect.
Mara - Thanks for the advice I''ll have to try that.

As to heat. I let it get to room temperature... but also had to transport it afterwards. That being said, we refrigerated it at my grandparents'' house and then took it out and I put it on the room temp cupcakes and it just melted away. Refrigerated again... brought to work... melted.

I''ll be toying with this this weekend.
Nothing too new here, just some choc mud/vanilla and white mud/strawberry cuppies I did for my grandfather's birthday today. He's a real sweet tooth!
