
The best way to part with your beloved pet if you are leaving him with with a pet sitter?

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Feb 25, 2006
How do you part with your beloved furry friend if you have to leave him with the sitter? as you go away for a week , two or more?Is there an easy or proper way? for both of you?
Just curious?
Especially if its for the first time.? I suppose if one has done it in the past it would be slightly easier on the pet and the owner too or am I wrong? Thanks
I''ve had the same cat sitter for a number of years. When I first found her and prior to taking a long trip, I paid her to come to the house a few days a week to play with the cats so they''d get used her being around. When we go away for a few days, she comes to the house and spends a few hours feeding and playing with them. When we go away on longer trips, she stays at the house either the entire time or a few nights a week. I have a form on file at the vet''s office with directions on what to do if a cat becomes injured/ill and I leave her a blank check to cover unanticipated expenses.

Leaving them isn''t easy. One of my cats is 15 years old and as she ages, it increases the chances that she may die while I''m out of the country. That idea breaks my heart because I feel compelled to be with my animals when they make that trip to the Rainbow Bridge. However, because I have such an extraordinary sitter, I feel as confident as possible when I leave them in her good care.
I leave my furries with my parents, who are avid animal lovers and have always had pets so I''ve no problems there. I have pet sitted myself before and usually when I''m meeting a new family, they invite me over and chat with me, obviously making sure that I''m comfortable around their pets. I also give references, one from the vets and also from other households where I''ve minded pets.
whoops double post-sorry!
I've only ever left our dog with my parents or my bf's parents--she is very comfortable with both families. From what I'm told, when we first leave, she looks around for us everywhere and will sleep wherever we sleep. Then after a day or two, she gets over it.

But I personally think that's because she receives so many treats (spoiled doggy that she is) she completely forgets we left her!

To answer your question: The best way I can think of is to leave things that smell of you wherever he/she likes to sleep or nap. I have also gone as far as calling and asking to be put on speaker phone so I can "talk" to my dog (no laughing!
) but I don't think that really does anything but confuse the heck out of her, so I have since stopped LOL.

ETA: I also agree that if you're leaving your pet with someone you don't know, it is important to check more than one reference (like childcare, word-of-mouth, by people you know and trust, is the best reference). I haven't had to do this yet but If I ever do, I will be very careful--you just never know.
I''d say that the more information you can give the sitter about your furbabies routines, the better. Both dogs and cats really thrive on routine.

Usually our cat sitter is my mom, and she is really good about keeping up our kitties'' routines, and they do really well when she stays with them, as a result.
When we went to Mexico for a week, we took our two kitties to my MIL''s - her house is kitty heaven. The cats can climb through the window out into a kitty enclosure. Apparently, Morty was pretty freaked out for the first 3 days, but was happy by the end.

However, two winters ago, my MIL got a dog, and her cats figured out how to lure the dog to his doggie door so they could run outside. Since our kitties are indoor only and absolutely hate the dog when he comes to visit us, we decided it was best that during our honeymoon, we pay our neighbor to stop in every other day to check on food and litter. Elmo, who is always friendly, hissed at our neighbor like crazy.

So...we''ve solved this problem by not leaving for prolonged periods of time. I think in the future, we''ll probably just ask our neighbors to check in. I don''t really like the idea of boarding (both of our furbabies are rescue kitties and I''d prefer that they never see the inside of a cage again), but friends of ours were showing us their doggie daycare when they came to stay with us - we logged into a website and were able to watch their bulldog walk around in a cage-free area. That seemed nice. If we could find something like that, I''d definitely consider it.
I leave my kitties in a kitty hotel -- I call it their summer camp. They've been there many times and the owner is familiar with and caters to their likes and dislikes. She and her assistant are there most of the day and let a few cats at a time out to play on the toys and interact with each other. Maya yowls when the owner arrives in the morning, is allowed out for a little while, and is then content to stay in her cage for the rest of the day --- pretty much the same routine she follows at home. Squeaky prefers to be out of his cage, and likes to sit in the screened back porch and look outside, also much like his routine at home.

I figure they like it because the never give me the cold shoulder, or try to exact any sort of revenge, when pick them up and take them home!

As for the good-bye routine, Maya tends to get hysterical when she's traveling in her carrier, so we're all ready for a little peace and quiet by the time we arrive at "summer camp". I used to bring a favorite cushion for each cat, but I've long since decided that they don't really need that anymore. So whisper my goodbyes to each cat, make sure I provide the "camp" owner with their special food and emergency contact info, and leave them. And then... truth be told... I enjoy myself a little break from the kitties! (shhhh, don't tell them!)

BTW back when I had two cats that actually liked each other, I usually had someone care for them in my house when I went away for more than a day or two. The two I have now don't like each other much, which is why I board them. It's a nice break in routine for them, and I don't have to worry about any damage they might do trying to prove which is king or queen of the house while I'm away.
We have had the same pet sitter for the past 10 years?? I tell them ahead of time that I am going bye bye and that Pat will be coming to take care of them. Once they see me bring out the suitcase they know I am leaving. One thing I can say, is that they have no concept of time. You could be gone 7 days or 14, to them it's the same. I make sure Pat puts on the pet channel, yes my dogs love TV. I have extra treats for them while I am away. She plays with them, and they love her. Give the sitter all the info you can, what the pet likes, what it doesn't like. What soothes them. If she or he, can come prior to you leaving and spend time with your pet that would be most helpful. Then when you leave the pet has already been introduced to this person...

I am leaving for a week this Sunday, it will be hard on them as I don't leave them very often. They live and breath me. It's a love fest every day. But am taking advantage of a lull in my caregiving roll, and need time away with my hubby.

I think your pet will be fine, make sure to give a list of contact numbers, and you can always call to be reassured that all is well. I know, leaving for the first time is daunting.
We bring our 2 cats to a kennel when we go away for more than one night. I hate leaving them, but I know they''re in good hands. I always ask that be kept in the same condo so they have each other close by. I also bring a few toys (velvet mice, etc.) from home so they have something familiar to play with. When we first looked for a place to board the cats, we called around and visited a few kennels. We asked lots of questions and got a good sense of how our kitties would be taken care of in our absence.

I just realized that you had asked for advice about pet sitters (I''m assuming one that comes into your home). We haven''t done that before -- sorry I can''t be more helpful in that area.
Many thanks to each and everyone of you who so kindly replied.I know no one wants to leave a pet behind , but it is sometimes necessary.
Having said that I still wonder :
how does one actually say good buy to them when they leave them at their own house or at the sitter house.Do you just leave and say nothing or ???
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