
Suggestions/Must Have Baby items for 2nd time Moms?


Sep 21, 2006
Just looking for suggestions from BTDT second time moms on what products you recommend for those about to have #2.I am having another girl, so assume I have almost everything, but there might be new must haves since 3 years ago - or products you replaced (or eliminated) having learned from the first time around.

Things on my mind now:
*baby carrier - went with Baby Bjorn first time around with no success. I might hold off on this since it can come down to each baby's preference.
*baby swing - didn't do this last time around b/c of space limitations, but re-considering, since anything that gives me free hands is a plus!
*swaddle - I think we did BRU version last time - was rejected! I'd love to hear of others' favorites.
*mobile - skipping it this time, more annoying than helpful. Might go with FP Ocean.
*BPA bottles - stocked up on these but now hearing these aren't so great either so people are going back to glass (urgh).

And then there are the new products: Puj Tub - what is this thing?
Video monitors - we have the old fashioned sound one right now!
Hi janinegirly- I'm glad you posted this because I'm due with my 2nd in two months and I'm wondering the same thing! We're having a girl this time (DS #1) so some of the stuff is a given. I just picked up some Aden + Anais swaddling blankets because they're so much bigger and that was a big annoyance with our first since he was so long. I also got new nipples for our drop-in's because it seemed like we needed to replace the old ones. I also picked up an Ergo carrier and I'm hoping for the best! If she doesn't like to face inwards then I guess we'll have to wait until we can carry her on our back. I'm also thinking of picking up a sound machine for white noise, but not sure which one to get.

I'm curious with those that have 2- right after you had #2 did you get something for #1 for a gift? How did you balance being home with both when they both needed you? I read something that said to always tend to the toddler first and let baby fuss a little until the toddler was taken care of. Of course, unless it's something urgent. I'm really trying to think about ways to make sure my 2 1/2 year old doesn't feel left out or get jealous. I know some of it will be normal but he's such a laid back kid I'm afraid he'll act out. I hope you don't mind me piggy-backing this to your post janinegirly- Thanks!
Things I did not have the first time that I am considering getting for #2:

A video monitor
Miracle blanket (swaddling is the best but we needed something stronger for Hunter)
FP ocean mobile -- we have one, but I thought another cannot hurt, and the FP one has a remote which is a great
White noise machine -- any recommendation??
A sling or soft carrier for newborn -- had one last time but it was not the most functional, so once baby comes I am going to find one I like.

Carriers saved me with HUnter janine, and with a second I think it might be even more important to be able to be a little mobile! I totally recommend trying different ones until you find one that will work for you and baby.
Pack n play. You probably had one the first time around and you'll definitely need it for #2. It's a great place to keep baby safe from #1!!.

I didn't do any fancy monitors or swaddlers. We tried the carriers but they only worked for a couple weeks. So, we pretty much used the same things for baby #2.

I've used FP ocean wonders with both kids and give it often as a baby gift. Just a great thing to have.
We LOVE the video monitor. Our house isn't large and we can pretty much hear the baby from anywhere but taking a look on the monitor gives us a much better idea of whether or not we need to fetch him.

The one big thing that's been an absolute necessity for us is a comfy rocking chair. It gets more use than any other thing we've purchased.
white noise machines- I got one for each kid's room. I have 3 kids now and each has their own white noise machine. Essential for blocking each other out at night, naps, etc. We just have the cheap $20 homedics ones and they work fine (amazon or walmart has them). Plus if something happens they are cheap to replace and they run on batteries for travel or plug in. Love them!!

This tub seat-
enabled me to give both my kids (less than 2 years apart) baths together starting about 6 weeks old. Saved me so much time! Though the puj looks cool this was just best for me with 2 kids.

-a plastic tub of "special" toys that I let my older one play with while endlessly nursing the youngest on the couch. Kept her busy and happy. Only taken out when nursing.

-a nursing cover, I was on the go so much more with 2 kids, couldn't stay home all the time like with #1.

-double stroller. We loved the phil and ted's sport!
We have the simple glass Evenflo bottles and love them... just thought I'd mention it in case you do plan to replace yours with glass, Janine.

I have a ring sling and a mei tai carrier but I'm thinking I might get something with buckles this time. It will be a lot faster to put on and every second counts since my two will only be 16 months apart!

We use cloth diapers and while we have enough to last us a day or two with both kids, the sizes don't match up that well so I just ordered a bunch of one-size Sunbabies diapers. They'll be really handy especially in the diaper bag since I can use the same thing for either kid.

Diaper bag- I have been wanting a new one anyway... I'm constantly on the lookout for the ultimate bag lol. I ordered a JuJuBe BFF bag because of the backpack straps. I'm not a huge fan of their prints but the functionality is great and so far I'm loving it. It should be big enough for 2 in diapers.
Thanks everyone.

I like the white noise machine suggestion - that is going on my must have list! If anyone has a favorite, please post the link.

Oobiecoo - Evenflo glass bottles sound good - do they fit in bottle warmer machines do you know? That was my big problem last time, the big glass bottles were cumborsome and tough to heat up. Has anyone else read up on BPA and are most avoiding them this time around? It's so frustrating.

With carriers - it seems like a question of preference when it comes to brands. I still have the Bjorn, but may get one of those Ergo style ones to see if it's easier to get a baby in and out.

Puj tub - I'm still fascinated with this thing! Not sure why..I have 2 infant tubs from last time which could probably work just fine.

Think FP Ocean mobile is going on must have list too. We had one of those traditional hanging mobiles last time and it was annoying b/c it was tough to fit on wide cribs and once she got older she wanted to do it herself which wasn't so great either! I didn't know there were remotes btw DD, that's awesome!

How about strollers - is there a point where a double stroller stops making sense? My DD will be 3 when the newborn is here and not sure if she would rather go on a board of if she'll be jealous and want her own seat. This might be a wait and see for me.

LV: that's interesting on going to the toddler first! I had assumed the other way around, but that might work best. I think buying a gift for the #1 is a good idea too - it's going to be an interesting transition. I've explained things to DD but I don't think she understands this will be a permanent thing! I also heard her tell her toy bunny if it eats a lot it will get a baby in the belly! LOL.
A night nanny.
Hudson_Hawk|1308580093|2950127 said:
A night nanny.

:lol: I'm such an idiot. I totally just googled night nanny thinking it was some fancy baby product. Pardon my idiocy, I haven't been getting much sleep. :naughty:
We went pretty minimal for Jaron.

We got new:
Video monitor - love it, except I wish it has an sound activation option.
A+A swaddling blankets - love how bad they are. We didn't used them for swaddling for very long, but I love them for car rides, stroller, nap and bedtimes in the warm months.
Miracle blanket - I am actually not a big fan. Maybe I wasn't using it correctly, but J could free himself from it.

Reused/hand me downs:
Mobile - we reused the FP Rain Forest one that was a gift for Meena.
Swing - we didn't get one for M. SIL brought over nephew's full size swing for J. J didn't want to stay in there for too long, but M climbed on and swang. I wouldn't buy one because it really didn't help that much. I would try to borrow one or get one for cheap on CL or something, in case baby #2 doesn't like it.
Bottles - we reused M's BornFree ones with new nipples and gas vents.
Bathtub - we reused the Primo Euro tub. I love the size of this tub. I had both M and J in there a few times, because M wanted to be in it too.
We reused a lot of M's stuffs, and didn't need to buy much. I mentioned about these because you mentioned them in your original post.
Chiming in to agree with others and say definitely a carrier. I loved, loved, loved the Ergo; DS would sack out completely in it, leaving my hands free to deal with my 22 month old. Also, if you plan on breastfeeding or pumping, I highly recommend a hands-free bra and the Medela Freestyle for its portability.
Oh I was going to buy M a gift when J was born, but didn't end up getting one. I tried to spend time with M, and let DH and MIL take care of J when he was newborn. I didn't want her to feel like she is replaced. I also tended to her needs first unless J is hungry, then I just fed him in her room when she is playing. Basically I just stayed around, and be available. As J got older, like 7 or 8 months on, it got harder because he is more aware and they both want me. A lot of it really depends on the personalities of the two kids. I got good at carrying two kids at the same time, but my kids are needy at times.
puppmom|1308580449|2950131 said:
Hudson_Hawk|1308580093|2950127 said:
A night nanny.

:lol: I'm such an idiot. I totally just googled night nanny thinking it was some fancy baby product. Pardon my idiocy, I haven't been getting much sleep. :naughty:

No kidding. I'm getting both you AND I night nannies if we have more!
Janine] I cannot express how much better the ergo is than the bjorn, which seems to have the kid haning off your neck instead of off your hips. But try them out and see what you think, after baby is born.

I don't think we will be getting a double stroller until we start running again (double BOB). Hunter never goes in his stroller these days. Maybe once a month or less? He prefers to walk or sometimes get carried. I did just find out that my single stroller, the Baby Jogger City Mini, has a caboose attachment (you know where the kid stands on it and rides behind) so I will likely get that instead. Then a double BOB later on for running or, I suppose, if we go on very very long walks with both kids. We will sell our single BOB at that point.
threadjacking for a moment:-)

Just wanted to say congrats Oobie I didn't know #2 was on the way!

I have some Sunbabys to try on B when he's home, I read a lot of great reviews and you can't beat the price!

janine-I have friends who love the tummy tub (sort of like the puj tub) and it makes a great step stool/storage bucket when the baby is older.

We got the boba carrier since B is 2 1/2, we also have a sleepy wrap (like a Moby) for future little ones or quick trips with B. I love my friend's Ergo, but the back is kind of low and her wiggleworm toddler almost falls out when he leans back, so we like the higher back of the Boba. I'll let you know how it works in about a week :appl:
Janine - Also not a second time mom, but a few comments nevertheless!

Puj Tub - It does look neat, but I wonder how long you could use it for. Where do you plan to bathe? Does it just fit in a bathroom sized sink? I remembering looking at it and considering it, but I'm glad I didn't get it because I don't think my kid ever would have fit into the thing!! I know you said you already have two infant tubs, so you probably won't be interested in this, but because this was easily one of my best purchases, I feel compelled to share anyway: I think this was just the best thing ever because it keeps her head up and it's so soft and cushy. I can't say that I've used anything other than this (so can't compare), but I just love it.

White Noise - We just use a fan, which also reduces sids risk.

BPA - Virtually all bottles are BPA-free these days, or rather, are labeled as such. Here's to hoping they actually are!

Mobile - I have this over the changing table: Love it, and my baby girl does too!

Carriers - I'm rather enjoying the Ergo. We use it for walks, around the house and on a few little shopping trips too. Never tried a bjorn. I also like the moby at home in the early days.

Tiffany - Those Lovey Duds are so cute! ::)
tiffany: thanks for the links, love the Baby Einstein mobile.

LV: thanks for the suggestions! Re: BPA, actually what I've heard from other boards is even BPA is not safe so people are reverting to glass. Who knows where the pendulum will swing next - and this is what is frustrating. I also don't understand how one is supposed to avoid plastic in general when almost all drink products come in it!
janinegirly|1308666972|2950989 said:
LV: thanks for the suggestions! Re: BPA, actually what I've heard from other boards is even BPA is not safe so people are reverting to glass. Who knows where the pendulum will swing next - and this is what is frustrating. I also don't understand how one is supposed to avoid plastic in general when almost all drink products come in it!

Oh, do you mean because of other chemicals in the plastic? I did get the Born Free glass bottles, due to a general sense that glass must be better than plastic; however, we only used them a few times because I had BF'g troubles and the LCs advised that we use the playtex inserts with their slow flow nipple (encourages a wide latch because the nipple has a wide base). We have just recently bumped up to the medium flow playtex. Because she is used to those (slower flow), we have not been able to transition back to the Born Free, but maybe we should try again. Recently, when I tried, the Born Free nipple was collapsing because she was sucking so hard (obviously, she's been conditioned to do so from the playtex nipples.) Gosh, it's NEVER easy is it! I just looked at the Born Free site, and it doesn't look like they have a bottle warmer. We've never warmed our bottles, so no experience there. ETA: I'm sure many babies do fine with the born free glass bottles. Our troubles are only due to the fact that we switched to the other bottles early on.

Re: your comment re: avoiding plastics - so true! Also, most all cans are lined with a very thin layer of plastic, containing guess what? BPA! There are only a FEW companies that can their products without it (I think it's some eden foods and possibly muir glen, not sure on the last one.) BPA is also in most cash register receipts (the smooth slightly glossy ones we see at the grocery store, etc.), which incidentally, the CT legislature has recently voted to ban the use of. (Off topic, I know, sorry, but I have given this quite a bit of thought and am glad that we may be banning it!!)
Congrats janine! I didn't know you were preggo!
janinegirly|1308666972|2950989 said:
tiffany: thanks for the links, love the Baby Einstein mobile.

LV: thanks for the suggestions! Re: BPA, actually what I've heard from other boards is even BPA is not safe so people are reverting to glass. Who knows where the pendulum will swing next - and this is what is frustrating. I also don't understand how one is supposed to avoid plastic in general when almost all drink products come in it!

Thanks Sha..hoping you can join us officially soon :)..keep us posted!

LV: I realized I keep saying "BPA" when I mean BPA free...duh!!!
Anyway, thanks for the info.. I'll probably start another thread on this topic--it's interesting and frustrating and there probably is a lot of knowledge/thoughts to be shared on topic amongst ourselves.
I think I'm the only mom who doesn't like her Ergo. Anderson HATES facing backwards. I guess I should figure out how to put it on my back.
janinegirly|1308750907|2951902 said:
janinegirly|1308666972|2950989 said:
tiffany: thanks for the links, love the Baby Einstein mobile.

LV: thanks for the suggestions! Re: BPA, actually what I've heard from other boards is even BPA is not safe so people are reverting to glass. Who knows where the pendulum will swing next - and this is what is frustrating. I also don't understand how one is supposed to avoid plastic in general when almost all drink products come in it!

Thanks Sha..hoping you can join us officially soon :)..keep us posted!

LV: I realized I keep saying "BPA" when I mean BPA free...duh!!!
Anyway, thanks for the info.. I'll probably start another thread on this topic--it's interesting and frustrating and there probably is a lot of knowledge/thoughts to be shared on topic amongst ourselves.

Haha. I knew what you meant. :)) You should start a new topic! I am not very knowledgeable on the topic. I just have some vague ideas about what to avoid and why and whenever I tell people about it, they think I'm crazy! :loopy:
Great thread Janine! My second wont be here for another 5 weeks but I wanted to chime in in case my perspective is helpful at all.

carrier: we have the ergo and love it. didn't get in until DD was older so haven't used it with a newborn but I'm hoping it's good. We had a Moby Wrap that I used when DD was really small but I didn't love it and now I have no idea where it is.

swing: we had one that DD spent a LOT of time in when she was young. Took naps in it until she was about 6 mos old! I understand that not all kids like them though so if I were you, I'd just borrow one from a friend to see if your youngest likes it when she gets here.

swaddle: we used regular swaddle blankets from the hospital as well as the miracle blanket last time. I got some A&As to try this time.

mobile: last time around we used one that was a hand-me-down from a friend which I'll probably use again though like you, I didn't really feel like this was an essential item last time.

bottles: we used dr browns and the medela ones last time. I'll probably just use them again this time since I'm home now and DS will likely exclusively nurse. sorry I can't offer more insight re: BPA free

double stroller, I plan to get the joovy caboose ultralight. DD doesn't sit in a stroller now AT ALL but I think (hope!) she'll be glad to stand and ride. We'll see.

L2L, like you, I am worried about making sure my daughter (who will be 28 months when #2 is born) can deal with the transition as well as possible. I plan to give her a gift from her brother when she meets him for the first time. And I read that the new baby should NOT be in your arms for that first meeting - better for him/her to be in the bassinet. I've spoken with a lot of people about this subject and one friend said something interesting about a friend of hers wishing she hadn't been so concerned about her toddler since it meant she didn't "baby" the baby so much and she regretted that later. To get my daughter involved, I've been talking to her about things she will be able to do to help since she's such a big girl and her brother will only be a baby. She now talks about helping to change his diaper, giving him a bottle, and reading to him when he is being nursed. She seems excited about it but I guess we'll see wht happens!

DD,re: white noise machine - we have the Marsona Travel white noise machine (®-TSC-...DIEE/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1308799617&sr=8-3 and we LOVE it. It has no bells and whistles but it's reliable and great for travel. I got mine on ebay for much cheaper but I've been wanting another and can't seem to find it for much less than what they're asking on amazon. Now that we've been using it for so long though - every night and every day for naps - I think it may be worth the price.
Just wanted to resurrect this thread in case any one has any additions since my second will be here on Wednesday.

A couple of things I've purchased recently that I hope may be helpful this time are

1) a nasal aspirator that is NOT a bulb syringe. I got this one ( but have heard good things about Nosefreida too.

2) a wabbanub pacifier holder thingy that helps keep the paci in the babies mouth. I remember my daughter always spitting it out and then crying because she wanted to back so this may help with that if this baby does indeed take to a paci. I'd love to know if any of you have tried this product.

Now that I am BTDT for all of a month, I wanted to add the most important thing you will need in the early weeks: HELP!! Someone else needs to wrangle the toddler.

I did not end up buying any of those things on my list and so far we are fine and have not needed them. I will buy on an as needed basis.