
Strmdr: I know you like guns... do you know rifles?

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May 25, 2006

I know I''ve seen you post a few times about going to a range to shoot - out of curiosity, do you like or know rifles as well??

I''m trying to find an engagement gift for my soon-to-be-fiance... and he adores rifles.

I know he''s mentioned a few -- the Springfield M1A - and another that I can''t remember right now... So if you know anything about rifles... care to tell me what a boy would like to receive? Important things to look for, or avoid? Any personal favorites?

Maybe this is a shot in the dark (oh GOD that was terrible)
Anyhow, figured it couldn''t hurt to try!

Aussiegirl : p
Hi Aussiegirl ~

I''m not Storm ... But I think it''s
very nice of you
to find something that your soon to be fiance adores and give him as an engagement gift!

Do you think that he would want a rifle to "use" ... or ... to "collect"?

My hubby is a user & a collector of guns/rifles. I don''t quite understand the desire or need ... but it is something that he is into. He''s even bought me a few ... but I finally had to tell him that I prefer Jewelry instead!

One thing I did learn, He is just as picky about his "Big-boy toys" (That''s what I call them) as I am about picky about my jewelry.

I know Storm will chime in here soon ...

Have a wonderful day!
Thanks for your input Mrs. Darlin Joy!

I mostly put Storm''s name in the thread title because I''ve yet to read of anyone else on PriceScope mention guns... we''re mostly all more interested in more peaceful, quiet things... like diamonds!

But my boyfriend has NO interest in jewelery, so a watch, or something like that would be like giving a cat a swimming pool - they just don''t mix!

This rifle would be for collecting - he has some more basic, un-special guns that he uses - this would be pretty on a shelf, and be passed on to future rugrats.

The other name I couldn''t think of was some sort of rifle that was used in WWII by our soldiers (American)... I can''t remember the company or model... I''m trying to find the history page about them again.

I don''t understand the desire or need either... just trying to put a giant smile on my sweetie''s face!

Thanks again!
Aussiegirl : p
Aussieland has some wierd gun laws with most semi-autos being banned so Im not sure of whats legal down there.

The primary rifles the US used in WW2 are the M1 Garand and the 1903 Springfield some 1917 enfields thrown in.

edit to correct a brain fart:

The Springfield M1a is a current production copy of the military M14 in semi-auto only which was based on the Garand and chambered in .762nato aka .308 Winchester.

Garand info

Springfield M1a
I think the "Aussie" part of her name is because of her dogs... I''m pretty sure she''s in Boston.
Hi Aussiegirl ~

I knew this could be dangerous ... but I asked hubby about this subject, and I got an earful. Like I suspected ... it gets complicated!

So ... hubby said:

What are his tastes? Is he into WW2 era, Vietnam era, Cival war era, modern or antiques???

Is he into fully automatic rifles, or semi automatic rifles.

Are you wanting this collectable as in a "unique keepsake", or collectable as in "will it increase in monetary value"?

Let me know, and I am sure he will talk your ear off!

Have a great day!
Date: 8/11/2006 11:16:23 PM
Author: sumbride
I think the ''Aussie'' part of her name is because of her dogs... I''m pretty sure she''s in Boston.
Thats worse as far as gun laws go.........
Storm & Mrs Darlin Joy: THANK YOU!

I am actually in Boston currently - though temporarily. Sounds a bit whacky, but I''m just here for the summer. My boyfriend and I have a house and live in Ft. Leonard Wood Missouri most of the time. But, he''s in Washington state for a few months on a temporary assignment, and the opportunity came up for me to basically get free school for a few months while he''s away... I couldn''t say no. So the Australian Shepherds (i.e. my nickname) and I are in Boston... for now.

Storm - you made me realize I had this a bit confused -- he mentioned that he liked the M1 Garand (the authentic gun actually from that era) as opposed to the Springfield M1A -- I think he showed me this current replica to give me a mental picture.

I think we''re more interested in a unique keepsake - not a collectible to eventually gain money off of. He''s interested in a cool piece of history, not selling the thing, or being impressive about having an expensive piece.

Storm - thanks for the link to the Fulton Armory... This is looking promising, but I''m wondering about the price of something like this (an authentic Garand, with all it''s original bits (no modern replacements))... You said it would be ''getting up there...'' how bad are we talking? I''ll probably give them a call next week, but it''d be nice having a little background info and an idea of what I''m talking about here too...

Mrs Darling Joy - I think it''s hilarious that you got an earful from your husband on the subject... see what I''ve started? I''m guessing he doesn''t usually take interest in PriceScope, or is he that special sort of guy who enjoys diamonds?

Again, wow! You guys are being quite helpful!!!! Thanks : )
Aussiegirl : p
A M1 Garand with a known history of use in a major battle can bring $20k

For an idea on pricing go here and do a search..

figure at least $3500+ depending on condition.

Thanks for this 2nd link - very helpful. Yowsers, this is becoming just as big of a project as an engagment ring. And more expensive! Silly me, I thought it would be simpler. Well, he's certainly going to have to be involved - I just don't want to make the 'wrong' decision and get something he won't think is absolutely perfect... I'm starting to feel his initial pain about the ring before he broke down and asked me to help!

Out of curiosity, what state are you in? And yes, I'm sure Missouri is much more lenient about guns than Boston!!

Aussiegirl : p

ETA: by "mix and match" you mean some original parts and some replacement parts, right?

2nd ETA: I just realized I've asked Storm to help me... and you're the most thorough, insanely detailed person in the world... I don't want to drive you nuts with this... so really, keep it simple - you've given me tons of good info... I don't want this to become something that's a pain in the a** for you : ) And again, THANKS!
Date: 8/12/2006 1:27:34 AM
Author: aussiegirl23

Thanks for this 2nd link - very helpful. Yowsers, this is becoming just as big of a project as an engagment ring. And more expensive! Silly me, I thought it would be simpler. Well, he''s certainly going to have to be involved - I just don''t want to make the ''wrong'' decision and get something he won''t think is absolutely perfect... I''m starting to feel his initial pain about the ring before he broke down and asked me to help!

Out of curiosity, what state are you in? And yes, I''m sure Missouri is much more lenient about guns than Boston!!

Aussiegirl : p

ETA: by ''mix and match'' you mean some original parts and some replacement parts, right?

Its more complicated than replacement parts.
A lot of these guns are rebuilt from a tub of old parts then re-issued this can happen 20-30 times before they are offered for sale as surplus.
Then you have people who buy crates of surplus parts and build rifles out if them.
One with all original parts is very rare while the mix and match guns are pretty common.

The all originals are like D/IF diamonds and the mix and match are like h/si1 as far as relative availability goes but there are more diamonds sold in a day than garands still around in shootable condition.
Okay, you''re relating it to diamonds and already it''s making more sense! Somehow it doesn''t seem so bad if it''s a combination of other, older parts (a rebuild) as opposed to sticking some random part manufactured in 2005 in China into the older gun...

Off to bed for me - my boyfriend will be glad to know that he again will be allowed to search endlessly about his lovely Garand... he will have to give his input as to how important it is that the gun actually be in shooting condition, or about mix and match parts. I just don''t know how these aspects will strike him....

Thanks, Aussiegirl : p
Date: 8/12/2006 12:56:11 AM
Author: aussiegirl23
Storm & Mrs Darlin Joy: THANK YOU!

I am actually in Boston currently - though temporarily. Sounds a bit whacky, but I''m just here for the summer. My boyfriend and I have a house and live in Ft. Leonard Wood Missouri most of the time. But, he''s in Washington state for a few months on a temporary assignment, and the opportunity came up for me to basically get free school for a few months while he''s away... I couldn''t say no. So the Australian Shepherds (i.e. my nickname) and I are in Boston... for now.

Hey ... your bf is right next door! Were in Oregon.

Storm - you made me realize I had this a bit confused -- he mentioned that he liked the M1 Garand (the authentic gun actually from that era) as opposed to the Springfield M1A -- I think he showed me this current replica to give me a mental picture.

I think we''re more interested in a unique keepsake - not a collectible to eventually gain money off of. He''s interested in a cool piece of history, not selling the thing, or being impressive about having an expensive piece.

Storm - thanks for the link to the Fulton Armory... This is looking promising, but I''m wondering about the price of something like this (an authentic Garand, with all it''s original bits (no modern replacements))... You said it would be ''getting up there...'' how bad are we talking? I''ll probably give them a call next week, but it''d be nice having a little background info and an idea of what I''m talking about here too...

Mrs Darling Joy - I think it''s hilarious that you got an earful from your husband on the subject... see what I''ve started? I''m guessing he doesn''t usually take interest in PriceScope, or is he that special sort of guy who enjoys diamonds?

Oh yes ... earful & then some.
My hubby loves history/guns/many other things ... and would love nothing else than to talk someone''s ear off, or just go down to the barrons den and shoot the breeze with the guys! I made a deal with him, if he schedules an appt w/dr. re: his migraines, I will go target shooting with him in the morning. I have a Sig Sauer P239 9mm single stack with rubber contour grips ... it fits my small hand and the rubber isn''t so brutal on my hands/fingers! Yes, I am a wuss! It is supposed to be for protection. I am just thankful I don''t have to shoot the big''uns! No, hubby isn''t into jewelry for himself ... he does like to get it for me though ... he say''s that way he can enjoy looking at me wearing it.

Again, wow! You guys are being quite helpful!!!! Thanks : )
Aussiegirl : p
kewl a sig im impressed :} nice pistol.
Enjoy the range trip.
Date: 8/12/2006 1:42:50 AM
Author: Mrs Darlin Joy

Date: 8/12/2006 12:56:11 AM
Author: aussiegirl23
Storm & Mrs Darlin Joy: THANK YOU!

I am actually in Boston currently - though temporarily. Sounds a bit whacky, but I'm just here for the summer. My boyfriend and I have a house and live in Ft. Leonard Wood Missouri most of the time. But, he's in Washington state for a few months on a temporary assignment, and the opportunity came up for me to basically get free school for a few months while he's away... I couldn't say no. So the Australian Shepherds (i.e. my nickname) and I are in Boston... for now.

Hey ... your bf is right next door! Were in Oregon.

Storm - you made me realize I had this a bit confused -- he mentioned that he liked the M1 Garand (the authentic gun actually from that era) as opposed to the Springfield M1A -- I think he showed me this current replica to give me a mental picture.

I think we're more interested in a unique keepsake - not a collectible to eventually gain money off of. He's interested in a cool piece of history, not selling the thing, or being impressive about having an expensive piece.

Storm - thanks for the link to the Fulton Armory... This is looking promising, but I'm wondering about the price of something like this (an authentic Garand, with all it's original bits (no modern replacements))... You said it would be 'getting up there...' how bad are we talking? I'll probably give them a call next week, but it'd be nice having a little background info and an idea of what I'm talking about here too...

Mrs Darling Joy - I think it's hilarious that you got an earful from your husband on the subject... see what I've started? I'm guessing he doesn't usually take interest in PriceScope, or is he that special sort of guy who enjoys diamonds?

Oh yes ... earful & then some.
My hubby loves history/guns/many other things ... and would love nothing else than to talk someone's ear off, or just go down to the barrons den and shoot the breeze with the guys! I made a deal with him, if he schedules an appt w/dr. re: his migraines, I will go target shooting with him in the morning. I have a Sig Sauer P239 9mm single stack with rubber contour grips ... it fits my small hand and the rubber isn't so brutal on my hands/fingers! Yes, I am a wuss! It is supposed to be for protection. I am just thankful I don't have to shoot the big'uns! No, hubby isn't into jewelry for himself ... he does like to get it for me though ... he say's that way he can enjoy looking at me wearing it.

Again, wow! You guys are being quite helpful!!!! Thanks : )
Aussiegirl : p
Mrs dalling joy. my Dh too!!never stop talking Gun's

same time I am talking Diamond

he dose M1 grand rifle conpetition, so there is maybe more than 40 M1 & M14 .M16in the gun case.(also many Aug and H&H,
keep up grading the gun case .
I upgrade my E-ring only couple time.

btw my DH is from Oregon!
Date: 8/12/2006 1:22:16 AM
Author: strmrdr
A M1 Garand with a known history of use in a major battle can bring $20k

For an idea on pricing go here and do a search..

figure at least $3500+ depending on condition.
it''s so funny! my PC most time open pricescope or whiteflash

DH''s PC gunsamerica or timezone!
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