
Steven Kirsch Halo diamond choice - 1.33 vs 1.54 AGS ideal c


Apr 13, 2011
I am deciding between two stones to go in a Kirsch halo (modeled after Frankie's :) ).

They are both ideal cut stones; the two major differences I see are larger arrows on the 1.54 and obviously size. The price difference is ~3k between the two. I was trying to make the ring as similar to the pictures I had seen here (1.6C center stone I believe), and I am wondering if by choosing the 1.3 the overall look will be quite a bit smaller. If the overall look will be very close when all is said and done I would prefer to go with the 1.3. The cost is not a huge factor, really trying to get the best value and the 1.5+ stones seem to have a premium on them.

Re: Steven Kirsch Halo diamond choice - 1.33 vs 1.54 AGS ide

Are you set on WF as your vendor? And are you set on VS1 calrity for any reason? You pay a pretty penny for VS1 and could perhaps get both 1.5ct and pay less if you went with a vendor who had something in the G VS2 range available.

Otherwise I would opt for the smaller stone of those two. Once set in a halo, the difference will not be noticable in my opinion.
Re: Steven Kirsch Halo diamond choice - 1.33 vs 1.54 AGS ide

Oh, wow! Do I love both of those stones! G VS1 is my sweet spot, so I'd love to have either one! I think the price on the 1.5 is outstanding for an ideal cut G VS1. I love those fat arrows! I would encourage you to take that while you can get it if you have the desire for a larger stone. For me personally, a 1.5 with halo would be too much, but I'd love to have it as a solitaire! But if you think you would ever wish you had gotten the larger stone, then get it now before you spend thousands on a setting.

I'm not sure what ring you were referring to at 1.6 cts. because Frankie's ring is over 2 cts. So even this 1.5 with the halo will be smaller than hers, so I am encouraging you to go for the larger stone if your lifestyle and peer group work with that size ring.

(Gosh, I just looked and a 1.5 ct. G VS1 expert selection stone is $19,600!!!!!!! An ACA with those specs is $20,333! I think I'd buy that stone if you didn't!)
Re: Steven Kirsch Halo diamond choice - 1.33 vs 1.54 AGS ide

I was mixing frankies with another I saw pictures of. The ring is for a small finger so I think I'm leaning toasted the smaller of the two but I am as impressed by the price of that 1.54 as you are. I'm still mulling it over, never thought this would be such a tough decision!

I am set on the halo (very thin one), do you really think the 1.5 would be too big? Our social circle is not flashy and she is not one who is set on a certain size, but I think the proportions of the halo look really good with that size...
Re: Steven Kirsch Halo diamond choice - 1.33 vs 1.54 AGS ide

Mbhc13|1303853375|2905632 said:
I was mixing frankies with another I saw pictures of. The ring is for a small finger so I think I'm leaning toasted the smaller of the two but I am as impressed by the price of that 1.54 as you are. I'm still mulling it over, never thought this would be such a tough decision!

I am set on the halo (very thin one), do you really think the 1.5 would be too big? Our social circle is not flashy and she is not one who is set on a certain size, but I think the proportions of the halo look really good with that size...

Some girls (like me :roll: :$$): ) want as big as they can get while not giving up a certain cut/color/clarity/pricepoint. I'd be worried that if she has a small finger size and isn't a "as big as I possibly can get it" kind of girl, a 1.5 stone with a halo might be alot of ring for her to deal with. The 1.3 stone (that I like better personally) is large enough that the vendor should be able proportion the halo/band the way you like it.
Re: Steven Kirsch Halo diamond choice - 1.33 vs 1.54 AGS ide

Mbhc13|1303853375|2905632 said:
I was mixing frankies with another I saw pictures of. The ring is for a small finger so I think I'm leaning toasted the smaller of the two but I am as impressed by the price of that 1.54 as you are. I'm still mulling it over, never thought this would be such a tough decision!

I am set on the halo (very thin one), do you really think the 1.5 would be too big? Our social circle is not flashy and she is not one who is set on a certain size, but I think the proportions of the halo look really good with that size...

In terms of finger presence, a 1.5ct haloed will look like a 9.5mm stone, or close to 3ct ;)) Haloes really do add oomph. When I was at Tiffany and tried on haloes, a .75ct in a halo had the same hand presence for me as my 1.67ct solitaire! :o But I think the hand presence difference between a 1.3ct and a 1.5ct will be really negligible.

Had you gf said she liked big blingy rings?
Re: Steven Kirsch Halo diamond choice - 1.33 vs 1.54 AGS ide

Okay, to tag onto Dreamers question, has she asked specifically for a halo ring at all? If not, I'd simply buy the 1.5 stone, put it in a beautiful solitaire like the Legato Sleekline (or even an inexpensive tiffany style setting) and propose with it as it is. She may adore the 1.5 stone as a solitaire. Or, she could still choose to have SK make a halo for it.

But if she HAS expressed a desire for a halo, then my questions are: what is her ring size? and what size diamonds do her best friends or sisters have?
Re: Steven Kirsch Halo diamond choice - 1.33 vs 1.54 AGS ide

She likes the surprise involved with us not picking the ring out rather her dropping hints. I know halo is one of her favorites, ring size between 4 and 4.5, friends rings 1c ish.
Thanks for the responses!
Re: Steven Kirsch Halo diamond choice - 1.33 vs 1.54 AGS ide

Mbhc13|1303854934|2905654 said:
She likes the surprise involved with us not picking the ring out rather her dropping hints. I know halo is one of her favorites, ring size between 4 and 4.5, friends rings 1c ish.
Thanks for the responses!

OK, she wants a surprise, but the temporary setting that DS mentioned is a really good option. Then she gets the surprise AND gets to decide if she likes the solitaire or the halo.

With fingers that small and friends with diamonds in the 1ct range, a haloed 1.5ct will really stand out. She may like it or may not like the attention. Do you have a feel from her personality? Does she shy from attention and does she like to fit in? Or does she like to stand out?
Re: Steven Kirsch Halo diamond choice - 1.33 vs 1.54 AGS ide

She is not big on being the center of attention, I think I'm going with my first instinct and getting the smaller stone. Thanks for the solitaire idea, I'll update this with some pics of what I decide and some ring designs as well.
Re: Steven Kirsch Halo diamond choice - 1.33 vs 1.54 AGS ide

I think that is a good option!
Re: Steven Kirsch Halo diamond choice - 1.33 vs 1.54 AGS ide

Sounds good! I can really relate to this because my original stone was 1 ct. and same with sisters and friends, and when I got my 1.6 ct. diamond, I really felt a little weird about it because I didn't really want to call attention to myself, either. However, I think a larger solitaire is less flashy than a smaller halo ring. Because the 1.3 with halo is going to be larger than the 1.5 without a halo. But it is all about what will make her happy, and these are two great stones! Wish I did have the spare cash to grab that'll be gone fast!
Re: Steven Kirsch Halo diamond choice - 1.33 vs 1.54 AGS ide

My take ... get the 1.5 and put it in a SK halo .. then you are set and done. I still believe most women would rather receive a ready made ring rather than going through the process later and having to live without a ring early on in their engagement. You know she likes halos so go for it.

The strangeness factor in a larger diamond disappears quickly. I have a 1.5 cushion in a halo on a under size 3 finger ... it is a bit flashy for me but I got used to it. My friends still think is massive and joke about my finger getting arthirtis from it. I still tend to like my solitaire more because it is lower on my finger, has a bigger and higher color stone, and the setting is more my style.
Re: Steven Kirsch Halo diamond choice - 1.33 vs 1.54 AGS ide

I'd probably say to go ahead and get the 1.5 now if you can afford it. It really is a wonderful size and may cure a possible desire to upgrade down the road. Diamonds prices are going up and there is no evidence that they will come down again at this point. If she really truly loves halo's then I'd say for the SK halo, his work is so delicate that I don't think it would be as flashy or cocktail ring(is) like some halo's are. She's be blown away, that's for sure..

I do agree that more than likely she will get used to it, even if it seems big at first.
Re: Steven Kirsch Halo diamond choice - 1.33 vs 1.54 AGS ide

Wow am I glad I bought when I did!

I paid $8500 for a 1.33 I VS1 (H&A, 1.4 on the HCA) like two weeks ago. At the time I thought it was a great I feel like I was the last one on the bus as it pulled away from the station (yes, two color grades different....but $5k difference for that?)

Anyway, here's my advice. Go with the 1.33. Look at the difference in the spread between the two diamonds...the smaller is 7.05mm in diameter, the larger is 7.41mm in diameter. Do you realize how small 1/3rd of a millimeter is?

I promise you that if the jeweler showed you one of the stones and asked you which one it was, the 1.33 or 1.54, you would not be able to decide. It's so easy to get caught up in the "stats" that you lose track of the severely diminishing rate of return with stones on either side of the magic half carat borders.
Re: Steven Kirsch Halo diamond choice - 1.33 vs 1.54 AGS ide

cardinal74|1303922392|2906267 said:
Anyway, here's my advice. Go with the 1.33. Look at the difference in the spread between the two diamonds...the smaller is 7.05mm in diameter, the larger is 7.41mm in diameter. Do you realize how small 1/3rd of a millimeter is?

I promise you that if the jeweler showed you one of the stones and asked you which one it was, the 1.33 or 1.54, you would not be able to decide. It's so easy to get caught up in the "stats" that you lose track of the severely diminishing rate of return with stones on either side of the magic half carat borders.

Just to add to this, .35mm would be just noticable to one's eyes if they looked at both stones loose on their hand. I have made a similar comparison in person. But set, especially in a halo, not noticable at all IMO. For me, truly noticable difference between loose only became so at that ct. range when you get close to a .6mm difference in size.

The size difference you are looking at is about 5% increase in diameter. Here is a comparison of two diamonds that differ by 5.4% in diameter (courtesy of BGD back when I was upgrading a year ago). So a comparable photo imagining that the smaller is the 1.3ct and the larger the 1.5ct. Not very noticable in my opinion.


Re: Steven Kirsch Halo diamond choice - 1.33 vs 1.54 AGS ide

I pulled the trigger on the 1.33, I am very excited about it! I think it will fit her personality and taste, I don't think she was even expecting a stone over 1c so I think she will be surprised. Time to get the ring details nailed down...

This means there is still a 1.54 G VS1 AGS 000 at WF for <$17k if anyone is in the market.
I love the people at WF, they think like me (picky deal hunting detail oriented etc), and they are very helpful/knowledgeable. I would recommended them highly and will definitely buy from them again.
Re: Steven Kirsch Halo diamond choice - 1.33 vs 1.54 AGS ide

Mbhc13|1303927099|2906336 said:
I pulled the trigger on the 1.33, I am very excited about it! I think it will fit her personality and taste, I don't think she was even expecting a stone over 1c so I think she will be surprised. Time to get the ring details nailed down...

This means there is still a 1.54 G VS1 AGS 000 at WF for <$17k if anyone is in the market.
I love the people at WF, they think like me (picky deal hunting detail oriented etc), and they are very helpful/knowledgeable. I would recommended them highly and will definitely buy from them again.

congrats! can't wait to see the picture of the ring. be sure to post it! :bigsmile:
Re: Steven Kirsch Halo diamond choice - 1.33 vs 1.54 AGS ide

Congratulations. I'm sure she will be one happy woman.