
Starbucks got you in a tissy?

It's funny since we are in a non GOT part of the year hubs and I are casting about for another tv show to jointly watch (I'm not into zombies and Mexican drug lords thank you) and he suggested modern family. May need to check it out.
Ellen DeGeneres weighed in on the controversy. I will not be posting a link because her monologue touches (albeit lightly) on religion. (It is sort of hard to discuss Christmas and to avoid religion totally.) If anyone wants a great laugh (without any blasphemy) he can look up her act on the Internet. It is not, yet, on YouTube, however. As always, she uses a light touch and is is not out to hurt anyone. She has some practical suggestions for how people can bring Christmas into their lives given how Starbucks has let them down. I'll let her tell you. ;))

Nope. Don't care. Don't drink coffee and definitely don't frequent Starbucks. This is just one more thing on the long list of stupid things people are being offended by this year. It's ridiculous.
if I get a Starbucks latte, my cup ends up in the trash soon thereafter so I don't really care what color it is... I also don't think my thoughts are any more religious drinking out of a "Christmas" cup as opposed to a plain red cup or their regular paper cup - I just focus on not burning my tongue. :lol:
I am a christian and I couldn't care less about the starbucks cup. Red or green or purple or striped makes not a whit of difference in how I celebrate christmas. Nor does anything else. Because I like trees, doesn't mean everyone else has to like trees. Dumb. I also won't be going in and telling them my name is Merry Christmas either. I don't get why a controversy has to be made about a dumb cup. I agree with Matata, lets focus on the people who have no food or shelter at christmas, not cups or even gifts for ourselves. That would be the real spirit and meaning of christmas.
monarch64|1447131028|3947602 said:
All I could think when I saw that headline (Starbucks hates Jesus) was "are you kidding me?"

Sometimes I seriously want to move to a different country. Or planet. People just take it too far when it's totally unnecessary.

Starbucks chai lattes are delicious.

OMG I have never heard of anything more ridiculous or yes I am going to say it judgmental as it may sound STUPID. I didn't even hear about this till now when I just read this thread. I guess we don't get out much lol.

I'm right with you Monnie. There is something wrong with some people. Talk about going overboard and making a mountain out of a non existent molehill. LUDICROUS.

Haha I wonder if they start putting Jewish stars on their cups what some of these people would do. :cheeky:
missy|1447240991|3948131 said:
OMG I have never heard of anything more ridiculous or yes I am going to say it judgmental as it may sound STUPID. I didn't even hear about this till now when I just read this thread. I guess we don't get out much lol.

I'm right with you Monnie. There is something wrong with some people. Talk about going overboard and making a mountain out of a non existent molehill. LUDICROUS.

Haha I wonder if they start putting Jewish stars on their cups what some of these people would do. :cheeky:

All they'd have to do is blue cups with a snowflake. WON'T THAT BE CONFUSING.
I love the Internet.



AGBF|1447188798|3947929 said:
kenny|1447187415|3947921 said:
Elliot86|1447169642|3947767 said:

... but would you think too much about the cream in those cups? :lol:

When you said "cream" I thought of the famous cream puff scene in "Modern Family". Stay tuned for about three minutes and it comes up in this trailer. I think it may be my favorite moment from that show and I love so many moments from it!

Cream Puff Scene...

I freaking love Modern Family. It's amazing to me how much it's changed since it started--Phil and Claires HOUSE?! That's not the same house exterior!!
JaneSmith|1447222385|3948101 said:
Starbucks chai lattes are delicious.
kenny|1447274269|3948338 said:
I love the Internet.

Both of those had me literally laughing out loud at my desk.
I couldn't believe all the fuss about a cup. Some people really need to get a life.
Maria D|1447125880|3947575 said:
momhappy|1447121791|3947561 said:
I honestly can't imagine getting worked up over a SB coffee cup. All I have to say is that some people must have waaaaaaaaayyyyyyyy too much time on their hands if they're complaining about a paper cup :rolleyes:


Let's be fair.
I think 0.0000001% of religious people care about Starbuck's cup.

This brouhaha says WAY more about the stupidity of American media, and media consumers, than it says about religious people.

The one moron who posted his rant about these cups got $$$$$ from all his youtube hits. ( uhm ... follow the money, anyone?)
The media got $$$$$$$ from all the hits for their story.
They're rich and happy.

... but we are their stupid suckers.
kenny|1447370929|3948968 said:
Let's be fair.
I think 0.0000001% of religious people care about Starbuck's cup.

This brouhaha says WAY more about the stupidity of American media, and media consumers, than it says about religious people.

The one moron who posted his rant about these cups got $$$$$ from all his youtube hits. ( uhm ... follow the money, anyone?)
The media got $$$$$$$ from all the hits for their story.
They're rich and happy.

... but we are their stupid suckers.

It's not so much a follow the money situation as it is, he's an antagonistic youtube poster who trolls pop culter looking for someone to latch on to his faux outrage. Hook, line and sinker.
Niel|1447372630|3948984 said:
kenny|1447370929|3948968 said:
Let's be fair.
I think 0.0000001% of religious people care about Starbuck's cup.

This brouhaha says WAY more about the stupidity of American media, and media consumers, than it says about religious people.

The one moron who posted his rant about these cups got $$$$$ from all his youtube hits. ( uhm ... follow the money, anyone?)
The media got $$$$$$$ from all the hits for their story.
They're rich and happy.

... but we are their stupid suckers.

It's not so much a follow the money situation as it is, he's an antagonistic youtube poster who trolls pop culter looking for someone to latch on to his faux outrage. Hook, line and sinker.

True ... which makes him lots of money.
Dunkin Donuts wasted no time getting in on the action. Check out their "festive" cup :lol:

Niel|1447118849|3947531 said:
Are you upset about the excular Starbucks holiday cup?

Anyone who would even wonder about the Starbucks cup, give it a thought, ponder for even a second as to the color or logo . . . does not have a life. They need to get off their couch, put away their iPad, and go do something that makes them worthy of the oxygen they breathe.

I am, however, cynical enough to think this is just a genius marketing ploy by Starbucks to get attention and move product. I could be wrong. But . . .
HollyS|1447438011|3949311 said:
Niel|1447118849|3947531 said:
Are you upset about the excular Starbucks holiday cup?
I am, however, cynical enough to think this is just a genius marketing ploy by Starbucks to get attention and move product. I could be wrong. But . . .

Haha. My mind went there, too. Whether it is or isn't, it sure has been great publicity for Starbucks, hasn't it?

Anyone actually outraged by this must be just LOOKING for something to find offensive. Doncha think?
When I saw it on the trending thing on the side of my screen on FB I thought um huh? what? Nobody could possibly be that sensitive as to have their knickers in a twist over that could they? And then I clicked it and read thru some of the posts..haha yeah. We are a butt hurt nation. Are we at all surprised tho? Really? It didn't even cross my mind that it could/would be a marketing ploy b/c I get a great sense of indignation from pretty much everywhere I look from the masses of offended people and their real or imagined slights.

I'm a heathen. There's very little that offends me.
KaeKae|1447440034|3949322 said:
HollyS|1447438011|3949311 said:
Niel|1447118849|3947531 said:
Are you upset about the excular Starbucks holiday cup?
I am, however, cynical enough to think this is just a genius marketing ploy by Starbucks to get attention and move product. I could be wrong. But . . .

Haha. My mind went there, too. Whether it is or isn't, it sure has been great publicity for Starbucks, hasn't it?

Anyone actually outraged by this must be just LOOKING for something to find offensive. Doncha think?

I don't think Starbucks did it deliberately. I was immediately reminded of when Coca Cola changed their formula. Many people thought it might have been a clever marketing ploy. (For those of you who did not live through that ridiculous drama, you can read a fabulous account of it on I will post a link.) I remember what the CEO of Coca Cola said about the fiasco. The quotation below comes from the snopes website).

"As for the debacle's being a deliberate marketing ploy, Donald Keough said: 'Some critics will say Coca-Cola made a marketing mistake. Some cynics will say that we planned the whole thing. The truth is we are not that dumb, and we are not that smart.' "

PS-Is "excular" a word?


Link to snopes...
This whole cup controversy is a perfect example of the way the media controls the minds of the sheeple of this country. I have heard not one single Christian person make any comment about a Starbucks cup. Not one. It is a total non-issue for every conservative &/or Christian person I know and I know many as I am a conservative Catholic Christian, myself. I live my Catholic faith everyday, attend Mass regularly and my children attend Catholic school and they are alter servers. I would know if someone in our Catholic community was upset about this cup. It simply isn't the case. What I have seen is countless posts on various message boards and on FB by those itching for a chance to bash conservative Christians because the media has created the opportunity for mindless followers to do so. Yes, one fool created a YouTube video to garner much discussion and controversy. Just as with any group, one outlier does not the group make. People are all too eager to jump all over any group with which they disagree. Apparently, even over complete non-issues.
purplesparklies|1447450078|3949383 said:
This whole cup controversy is a perfect example of the way the media controls the minds of the sheeple of this country. I have heard not one single Christian person make any comment about a Starbucks cup. Not one. It is a total non-issue for every conservative &/or Christian person I know and I know many as I am a conservative Catholic Christian, myself. I live my Catholic faith everyday, attend Mass regularly and my children attend Catholic school and they are alter servers. I would know if someone in our Catholic community was upset about this cup. It simply isn't the case. What I have seen is countless posts on various message boards and on FB by those itching for a chance to bash conservative Christians because the media has created the opportunity for mindless followers to do so. Yes, one fool created a YouTube video to garner much discussion and controversy. Just as with any group, one outlier does not the group make. People are all too eager to jump all over any group with which they disagree. Apparently, even over complete non-issues.

I have heard more than one Christian individual make comments regarding it.
SB "controversy"? Puleeezee. Things just got real in Paris.
LLJsmom|1447508986|3949585 said:
SB "controversy"? Puleeezee. Things just got real in Paris.

Actually, I think the two issues are related. Both the massacre in Paris and the tempest in a teapot over the Starbucks Christmas cups sans winter or Christmas themed decorations have their roots in religious intolerance. As I used to say here ad nauseum, prior to my father's recent hospitalization I taught a course for immigrants who wanted to take the test they needed to pass to become US citizens. One of the questions on the test was (and is):

10. What is freedom of religion?
The correct answer is:
You can practice any religion, or not practice a religion.

In the Starbucks controversy the issue in dispute is whether Starbucks is "not practicing" the Christian religion by leaving winter and Christmas decorations off its red, white, and green holiday cups.

In Paris the issue is whether the Christian religion is being practiced. (At least according to the statement that the soccer match was chosen because it was between two Christian teams.)

I have heard more than one Christian individual make comments regarding it.[/quote]

I should clarify that I have heard/seen comments but only in response to the supposed controversy. None have commented that they feel any negative feelings about the fact that SB chose a simple red cup rather than including some symbol of the holiday.

Out of curiosity, the number of comments from Christians upset about the cup? How does that number compare to the number of people commenting against those Christians? I don't doubt that there are outliers. I can just say confidently that anyone who feels that the absence of a Christmas tree on a coffee cup is an attack on Christianity is indeed an outlier. I won't be spending my $ at Starbucks but I never have. I don't drink coffee. At all. And I prefer my occasional Chai tea treat from my locally owned drive-thru shop.
Elliot86|1447169642|3947767 said:

I know people who would throw a fit over those cups because they would see that as the "gay flag"and say Starbucks was pushing that agenda.

I must live under a rock because I had no idea that was a kerfuffle {tm Judge Judy} over cups. Some people just LIVE to be offended.