
Spinel heated and diffused

Thank you!!!

I hate this - as a collector of Co-Spinel sad but valuable news!! :angryfire: :(sad :(sad
Marlow said:
Thank you!!!

I hate this - as a collector of Co-Spinel sad but valuable news!! :angryfire: :(sad :(sad

I know how you feel. Heating, oiling and now diffusion...
UGH!!!! :errrr: man I tell you they sure do know how to mess up a good thing!
Arcadian said:
UGH!!!! :errrr: man I tell you they sure do know how to mess up a good thing!

+1 :nono:
Good to be aware. Thanks for sharing.
Dioptase|1432639576|3881178 said:
Marlow said:
Thank you!!!

I hate this - as a collector of Co-Spinel sad but valuable news!! :angryfire: :(sad :(sad

I know how you feel. Heating, oiling and now diffusion...

I bought enough - so only a top quality ( vivid blue ) from Sri Lanka is missing and I buy only from vendors I can trust without a lab report
( Dr. Hyrsl, D. Gravier).
Oh well, so much for buying anymore blue spinel. :((
Ewww :nono:
Thanks for sharing
This is why we can't have nice things.......
Marlow|1432643144|3881196 said:
I bought enough - so only a top quality ( vivid blue ) from Sri Lanka is missing and I buy only from vendors I can trust without a lab report
( Dr. Hyrsl, D. Gravier).

Not easy to find!
I was so upset to read this!
This is sad news, indeed ;( ;( ;(

@marlow Depending ur preference of blue hue, pala does have two great ceylon blue spinel. Inv no. 21745 and 20467
you might also want to consider 16650. it's a luc yen, Vietnam, blue spinel, but this is the quality that I have not seen for a while. Although, I have to admit, the price tag come along with these stone is outrageous
Dioptase|1432685489|3881497 said:
Marlow|1432643144|3881196 said:
I bought enough - so only a top quality ( vivid blue ) from Sri Lanka is missing and I buy only from vendors I can trust without a lab report
( Dr. Hyrsl, D. Gravier).

Not easy to find!

Otherwise collecting is no fun.... :D
@Marlow: Can't argue against that ;)
A sign of more undisclosed troubling treatment methods coming to us all soon. This spinel is overly dark so I think they are testing it at the moment, hoping to end up with a brighter blue. In any case, just the thought and knowledge of this is unsettling. At the rate the gem quality, pricing and treatment are headed, I think I'd better keep my learner stones instead of sell them!
Thank you for sharing. That's sad...........