
Spin-off: What are things you LOVE that other's DISLIKE?


Mar 13, 2004
Doing Laundry
Smell of Nail Polish
Brussel sprouts
Brussel sprouts are my fav! Really veggies in general. I love veggies and feel deprived if I don't eat a large serving every day (like when I'm on vacation and eating out a lot). I really only like cooked veggies though (even lightly cooked) - raw ones don't do it for me as much.

Flying. Ok, so I don't like the lines at the airport, or being cramped in the little seats, but I still get a little thrill when the plane takes off and I love looking out the window. Even when I flew twice a month for work I would sit by the window and look out every time. My favorite was flying right up the middle of Manhattan on the approach to White Plains.

Seafood. (not that everyone hates it, but I know many that do)

Small dogs :)
Bluntness (speaking your mind)
Texas Heat
fund raising
True Blood
Horror Movies and Books
Campbell's Soups
Comfortable furniture (sometimes it's definitely not in style!)
Chihuahuas :love:
Ok this one is really weird, and I'm not sure how many people actually "dislike" it, but I'm watching the Pillars of the Earth miniseries and I actually really love Gregorian chant. Seriously.

And Lyra, here's one of my mom's two Chihuahua puppies - the girl, Kola :)

Small dogs are the best!!!! :bigsmile:
Walking my dog in the rain. He has a raincoat.
Snow! I can never get enough.
Spiders. Especially the black and yellow one at the center of their web after a rain.
Public transportation.
Thunderstorms and walking in them.
Untangling strings.
Cartilages. Stripping off everything - and I mean everything - off a bone.
Being old
Doing as many things myself as possible as opposed to paying others to do it
Real wood pencils and an old fashioned sharpener
Washing dishes by hand
Practicing piano alone for hours
Vacuuming and Ironing
Getting on my hands and knees to pull weeds out of my yard by hand instead of spraying poison - I like taking the hard way out
My old outdated, worn out kitchen - it works fine and it's more green to keep it
Driving in a way that uses minimum gas
Cutting my own hair
Tension settings
Tofu, brown rice, plain microwaved veges
Dishes and silverware that does not match
Home furnishing that don't "go together" - nothing in our house "goes" with anything else
Using cash, and giving correct change to the penny
Salad with no dressing
No credit card debt
My can opener that I have to crank instead of using electricity
walking/hiking long distances
pate, liverwurst, foie gras
grocery shopping at mutiple places
eating in
Grilled cheese sandwiches made with American cheese on white bread
American cheese in general
Chain restaurants that serve giant portions
The suburbs
Country music
Clutter. If a room is "too clean" I feel like it's sterile. I can't think. DH thinks I'm crazy because, if I'm really trying to concentrate on something, I'll make a mess first because it helps me.

Sushi. I could literally eat sushi every day.

Greasy greasy Mexican food.

Mindless tedious tasks that drive most people crazy. I love untangling knots, peeling price tag stickers off purchases, weird stuff like that.



Insanely long road trips.

Dogs that are large enough to be taller than me.

Old lady blankets. I challenge you to find anyone in their 20s who owns as many knitted afghans as I do!

The smell of permanent markers, nail polish, gasoline, and bleach. I blame this for why I regularly have those "hey, how'd my shoe get in the refrigerator?!" moments--it's the odd fragrance brain damage.

Cigarettes. So un-PC, but I love the taste, the smell, everything.

My Nana. Not that it's odd for one to love their own grandmother; I'm specifically referring to mine. She's evil (I've seen her deliberately ram a woman's shopping cart WITH THE WOMAN'S TODDLER IN THE SEAT because she "didn't want her to get the turkey she wanted"), but she's never ever boring, and she makes for some entertaining stories. This isn't just an old age kind of crotchety, either. She's always been evil, and I probably am, too, for thinking she's so funny.

Freezer-burned ice cream.

Airplane food. I get a kick out of anything that comes in single serving sizes, actually, but I find those airline cheese block things delightful.

Being super-pale. Pretty sure some of my friends are going to look like Gucci bags when they're 50. I'll still be radiant, bwahaha!

Snark. I'm a smart @$$, and I love anyone else who is, too. If you don't have anything nice to say, come sit by me. :devil:

Bats, lizards, and spiders. I think they're fascinating.

Thunderstorms, particularly napping through one. Trying to break that habit after managing to sleep through a tornado and not waking up until a tree fell through part of the house.

Pickle sandwiches. Its toasted bread with pickles and mayo on it---thats it. I'm in love :love:

The smell of gasoline.


When it rains at night while I'm trying to fall asleep in my bed.

Waking up really late (between 12 PM-2 PM).

Hookah. Its relaxing.


What doodle said about sushi!!!!! I can eat it every day no problem.

I keep editing because I keep thinking of more and more
iwannaprettyone said:
Bluntness (speaking your mind)
Texas Heat

If you like bluntness we should hang out :) I watch what I say here but NOT in real life :D
Autumnovember, how funny! I like the smell of gazoline and also the smell in the chemicals section of Home Depot. Also, the smell of detergent and cleaning aisles. Where do you live? I mean, if you are close to me, then instead of hiking or trekking we could stroll at a car dealership or walk around a gas station... And I am also a late riser... :lol:

I like overcast, cloudy weather. People in my state always complain of the rain. It is so nice not to be depressed in bad weather!

I like my sense of humor, but, as I suspect, most people simply do not understand it and the ones who do, instantaneously dislike. And no amount of smiling faces can correct the situation. Dear PS-ers, do not take offence - if something that I say sounds off or insulting -most time, I am joking. :D :D :D

I am not sure that everyone likes Indian food, but I love it.
-Really hot, humid days in the summer when the ONLY thing you can do is sit by the pool.
-Loud, scary thunderstorms and tornados (like the ones after a really, hot humid day)
-Brussels sprouts, spinach, asparagus, etc etc. All those veggies. nom nom nom.
-Raman noodles. Just had some the other night. Most people I know can't eat them after college.
-Kraft Mac & Cheese
-Burnt scrambled eggs with sour cream
-Paying bills (not the money leaving my account, but the process or writing the checks, putting stamps on, etc)
-The smell of bleach or chlorine
-Raccoons and squirrels

Ooh, and TAXIDERMY'D ANIMALS!!! I have a room in our basement devoted to them! I have a big owl, some doves, a pheasant, a red tailed hawk and a JACKALOPE!!!! DH is a hunter but none of our dead things are his. All mine, baby! (but I'd never allow them in the regular living spaces of our house)
Your post made me laugh out loud. I am sitting here picturing some old pale woman (because you said your pale) with a snarl on her face gathering up all her strength to ram her cart into some ladies with a kid in it! Bwhahahahah! Well your entire post made me smile, esp making mess. My bf doesn't understand how I can find anything ever. I will fold his clothes and put them like he likes (well close) in his drawers and mine will still be unfolded in my own, shoved in there. How can that be if I'm doing both at the same time? I'm actually not sure yet!

I love...
Backpack camping. I mean gear and all in the woods for a week. I know many people like it, but you find a lot more who like to pull up and camp in a cabin, or something of the sort.

Cottage cheese

The fatty part of a steak
Chicken skin

Really steaming hot showers.
Hot weather
Full bodied, oaky complex heavy red wines.
I know lots of people love wine, but I run into more that prefer Merlot over a full bodied Cab. and I'll drink it with anything too, lol. I want to learn which wines go with what foods, etc. but at the end of the day, give me a bottle of 2004 vintage full bodied oaky wine and I'll take that over a Merlot or a white wine any day.

I'm sure there are more...but it's hard to say if theres strange things that I like. I don't find them to strange, but perhaps to others they would be! :mrgreen:

ETA: the smell of burnt matches. Right after you light them and then blow them out....ohhhhh I love that smell!
doodle said:
Cigarettes. So un-PC, but I love the taste, the smell, everything.


Doodle- My BFF loves the way her fingers smell after she smokes cigarettes. I was speechless after she told me this. haha.
crasru said:
Autumnovember, how funny! I like the smell of gazoline and also the smell in the chemicals section of Home Depot. Also, the smell of detergent and cleaning aisles. Where do you live? I mean, if you are close to me, then instead of hiking or trekking we could stroll at a car dealership or walk around a gas station... And I am also a late riser... :lol:

I like overcast, cloudy weather. People in my state always complain of the rain. It is so nice not to be depressed in bad weather!

I like my sense of humor, but, as I suspect, most people simply do not understand it and the ones who do, instantaneously dislike. And no amount of smiling faces can correct the situation. Dear PS-ers, do not take offence - if something that I say sounds off or insulting -most time, I am joking. :D :D :D

I am not sure that everyone likes Indian food, but I love it.

So our day would go something like this:

Wake up at 1 PM, go to home depot to sniff the chemicals, go to the gas stations to smell the gas, hopefully get caught in the rain while we are at it, and then go to eat some indian food (I like it too!). I live in Philly :)
-spicy fried chicken skin on top of chili cheese fries. people always go "eww"
-shopping for a bikini, because it means i'm going on vacation!!
-not showering while camping
-smell of burnt sugar
meresal said:
doodle said:
Cigarettes. So un-PC, but I love the taste, the smell, everything.

Doodle- My BFF loves the way her fingers smell after she smokes cigarettes. I was speechless after she told me this. haha.

So does my best friend! She swears it makes her hands smell like raisins. For some reason, that grossed me out enough that I completely gave up raisins. Still smoke though. :bigsmile:

redrose229 said:
Your post made me laugh out loud. I am sitting here picturing some old pale woman (because you said your pale) with a snarl on her face gathering up all her strength to ram her cart into some ladies with a kid in it! Bwhahahahah! Well your entire post made me smile, esp making mess. My bf doesn't understand how I can find anything ever. I will fold his clothes and put them like he likes (well close) in his drawers and mine will still be unfolded in my own, shoved in there. How can that be if I'm doing both at the same time? I'm actually not sure yet! Oh yeah, it's all fun and games until you go to apologize to the woman and the Nana pinches you "for being impertinent." I seriously need to write a book about her one day...but I'd never have the nerve to do it while she's still alive to beat me for it!

Full bodied, oaky complex heavy red wines.
I know lots of people love wine, but I run into more that prefer Merlot over a full bodied Cab. and I'll drink it with anything too, lol. I want to learn which wines go with what foods, etc. but at the end of the day, give me a bottle of 2004 vintage full bodied oaky wine and I'll take that over a Merlot or a white wine any day. I can DESTROY a bottle of Cab...but you bring Chianti into the mix, and I'll turn into the Nana and ram someone with a buggy! Swoon!
I'm sure there others out there who love this too:

PATRON GOLD!!!!!!!!!!! :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :lickout: :lickout: :lickout: :lickout: :lickout:
Sunshine. Really. I hate the heat, feeling blinded, squinting, sunburn. Give me gray, moody, overcast days ANY day of the week.

Perhaps I shouldn't have moved from Cleveland to Colorado, eh?

(Okay- sometimes I do like blue skies and sun, but today it was SO bright on my way to work that no sunglasses could stop the glare. It was literally a safety risk to drive eastward!)

MALTA (ppl uses to call it black beer) yum :lickout:
smell of gasoline being pumped into my car
RUDY (the movie)..I love tear jerkers
any movie based on a true story (I'm a sucker for these)
Pasteles (puerto rican dish that's out of this world)
Doing Laundry (but I hate dishes)

my mind's a blank now..I will add later
doodle said:
meresal said:
doodle said:
Cigarettes. So un-PC, but I love the taste, the smell, everything.
Doodle- My BFF loves the way her fingers smell after she smokes cigarettes. I was speechless after she told me this. haha.

So does my best friend! She swears it makes her hands smell like raisins. For some reason, that grossed me out enough that I completely gave up raisins. Still smoke though. :bigsmile:

When I was a smoker, I ALWAYS thought a newly opened pack of cigarettes smelled like raisins! Everyone thought I was crazy! I'm just so excited to hear that someone else thought that!

Threadjack over.
I actually enjoy shoveling snow. It's a great workout. I know it's terrible maintenance wise, but I enjoy intentionally hitting big puddles with my car after it rains. I only do this when I'm alone in the car as I realize it's weird.