
So I''m sure to jinx it just by typing this, but...

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Mar 23, 2008
I have to say something before I drive myself batty.

OK, so... BF and I are taking off this Saturday for a week in San Francisco ... sort of a family visit (he''s originally from the Bay Area) but mostly just summertime fun (I am sooo in need of a vacation). ANYHOO-- we''ve been making all sorts of plans for the trip, and he''s mentioned going to Napa about a zillion times (I <3 Napa, definitely one of my favorite places on the planet). So, naturally I have no problem with this-- can''t wait to hit all of our wine country spots.

A couple of days ago, I was painting my nails and very slowly the thought started creeping in... "omg, how perfect would it be if he proposed in Napa?!" It just makes so much sense (so I guess that means it won''t happen, lol). Since then I''ve been extra careful not to mention any proposal business. Don''t want to steal his thunder, just in case he is planning something.

A proposal was the furthest thing from my mind when we planned the trip-- but now I can''t help but think the possibility exists!

Just to stay as realistic as I possibly can, I''m closing in on about 95% sure it won''t happen, so it''s not like I''m counting on it-- and I definitely won''t be sad if it doesn''t happen-- either way, we''re going to have an awesome time!

(but I think I might want a little dust anyway

I feel like such a jinxer right now
Dust truck headed your way lady!

If I say he will do it does that jinx your jinx, which would cancel the original jinxing?! LOL!
Dust, dust and more dust for you!

Either way, have fun in Napa and drink some good vino for me!
Tons of dust for you!!!!!!!

Hopefully you''ll have nice weather while in the city... I live in SF and we''ve been very foggy for the last few days, but today is beautiful! I hope it stays nice and clear for you while you take in all the sights!
Sending dust your way and fingers crossed!

What girl wouldn''t wonder if it could happen!!!!!! Good thing you did your nails

Your lucky enough to stay realistic about the situation though. My mind would be going mad thinking it could happen! hehe! Either way, have a wonderfully fun trip!!!!!!
Every bit I have headed your way ----> `.`.`.`.`.`.`dust`.`.`.`.`.`.`.`

Good luck sweetie! Have a great trip!
*sending the dust your way*
I''ll send you dust for a VERY safe journey, and maybe? some wonderful surprises! Have fun!
Sending dust you way :)

Have an awesome time :D:D:D:D:D
THANKS for the **dust** and trip wishes, ladies! I can feel it working-- maybe I should consider making an engagement chicken before we leave, for good measure

T minus 2 days.

Sunnyd-- I''m gonna go with unjinxing the jinx... I like the way you think!

Iowa Lizzy-- I''ll definitely have a glass of some tasty vino for you... annnnnd probably enough for the all the LIWs

lindsaylove-- I hopppe it stays nice for us... but yeah, SF in July is a bit of a crap shoot. I think Beard Papa''s will just have to be my sunshine if it''s all foggy :) And speaking of yummy food-- can you recommend any places? We usually stick around Pier 39 when we''re there... but I know there''s loads of great restaurants.

Dreamgirl-- I think the closer we get to trip time, the more my mind starts racing. At this point, I''m gonna be a wreck on the plane

Thanks again, everyone!!

I love love looooove this forum. You ladies are all so sweet-- and make me feel way less silly about all the "will he or won''t he" musings running through my brain right now.

I hope you''re all having a fabulous day
So exciting!!!!

Have a wonderful trip!!!!


And maybe a wonderful surprise!
Have an awesome trip!

*Engagement Dust*
Hi Edot!

I could recommend a ton of restaurants for you guys to check out! The pier is cool but usually pretty crowded because it''s a bit of a tourist trap - not that there''s anything wrong with being a tourist though!

Totally depending on what you like and which areas you''ll be near, I would say check out North Beach for good Italian food and the Marina for a variety of different kinds. There is a great sushi / japanese fusion restaurant in the Marina called Umami if you like that sort of thing. They have a ton of yummy sushi rolls and lots of cool fusion plates to share. There''s also a really good Mexican restaurant called Mamacitas in the Marina ... really good Sangria and Margaritas and def try their guacamole. Marina places can be a bit pricey and also crowded though...

If you have any specific questions let me know I''d love to help!
Those places sound delicious! I''m looking up the addresses right now, thank you!

I think A will be pretttty impressed if I take him to a spot off the beaten path. He''s from San Jose and I''m from the DC area, so I definitely play the tourist game when we''re in SF.

So now that I have my very own SF guru...

Do you know of any particularly tasty seafood restaurants? Oh, and before I forget... I have to ask-- can you recommend any burger or pizza places?? Yes, I know-- I have such a refined palate. lol

Thanks again for these suggestions-- I reeeally appreciate it!
Ok... I''m glad you mentioned pizza because I just went to this place for the first time after hearing people rave about it for years - and it totally lived up to the hype! It''s called Tommaso''s and it''s on Kearney St. It''s a tiny italian restaurant but they are famous for their delicous thin crust pizza! They''ve been around since like the 1920s so it''s a cool historic SF spot and sooooo yummy! Parking is kind of tough though...

For burgers... there are a lot of restaurants with good burgers but if you''d like a casual diner type environment maybe try Mel''s drive in? There''s one on Lombard and if you''re not familiar with Mel''s it''s your typical ''50''s reminiscent diner but I personally love their food - burgers, milkshakes, sandwiches and stuff like that.

And for seafood: there''s a cute little place called Hyde St Seafood House that is good... (they also have "raw" food there but I haven''t tried it) if you get a window seat you can watch the cable cars go by!

Have fun!! SF is a great *date* city.
Sooo... the dust worked! Just not for me (wommp, wommmp)

One of my very best friends called me while I was in the airport en route to SF on Saturday night. And that''s when I knew it wouldn''t happen... but the trip was fantastic!!

Had a great time... and ate some amazing food. Many thanks for your suggestions, lindsaylove! We went to Mamacita (1.5 hour wait on a Wednesday night, but completely worth it). We also found this kabob place called Azkew in the Marina (yum). We didn''t make it to any of the other places, but I''m sure we will on our next trip out.

And not to worry-- I had more than enough delicious vino for all the LIWs
I looove vacations.

Sooo-- the countdown continues... although I don''t want to the be the "LIW who cried *dust* me" so I''ll wait until my spidey senses are little stronger before I put out the request again. Thanks, ladies!
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