
So curious...

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Dec 16, 2007
Today I was on our AT&T account and decided to look up our "upgrade availability" .... Not that I wanted one, or needed one...I was just curious to know what our status was.

Surprisingly, my DH is eligible 4 months before me! We both bought out phones on the same day...we''re both under the same account...we have never been late or missed a payment...and yet, we''re totally out of sync with upgrades! So bazar! I cannot for the life of me understand this.

Maybe I''m stupid...but does anyone else understand this? I guess I could call customer service, but that''s always annoying...
With verizon, it goes back to the original contract date. When I first signed up with Verizon, I was on the plan myself. I had a (as an example) September start date and a 2 year contract. I upgraded when I''m eligible in let''s say October/November and added my mom and got a phone the same day. Her contract ends October/November but mine still ends in September. So I''ll be eligible for an upgrade in September and she would be eligible in October/November.

Also, the primary account holder (there''s always one) will sometimes get eligibility for an upgrade before all of the other lines. My upgrade comes in 6 months before I''m actually eligible per the contract.
Hi There,
Same thing happened when my husband and I went to the Apple store to upgrade our iPhones a couple of months ago. My husband was allowed to upgrade but I wasn''t eligible until March 2010. The reason I was told after we got off the phone with AT&T is that my husband''s number is the primary so his account gets all the credit for the price of the plan while my number is an add on and only gets credit for the additional phone line money. It''s would think they just split the total average amongst the two phones. It''s the monthly average that determines when you can upgrade. They must have changed it cause we''ve been with them for years and have always had the same upgrade date until this year.
Hope this info helps.
we have a family shared plan but got it at the same time, but I am eligible for an upgrade in December, and I think DH is in May - but one of the reason, if I happened to change or upgrade his phone early (partial upgrade) then it starts all over again. I wanted to give DH a father's day gift so I upgrade his phone early and paid a partial fee instead of the cost of the new phone another thing is if I happened to change a plan on my phone number or line (even though its a family shared plan- not sure how they work it) but it affects my "line" and not his on the contract date even though we share the plan. I have Tmobile and have gone through different renewal or upgrade phone dates often in the last six years.
Italia, my SO and I have the same setup. It''s dumb.
Date: 11/2/2009 2:59:26 PM
Today I was on our AT&T account and decided to look up our ''upgrade availability'' .... Not that I wanted one, or needed one...I was just curious to know what our status was.

Surprisingly, my DH is eligible 4 months before me! We both bought out phones on the same day...we''re both under the same account...we have never been late or missed a payment...and yet, we''re totally out of sync with upgrades! So bizarre! I cannot for the life of me understand this.

Maybe I''m stupid...but does anyone else understand this? I guess I could call customer service, but that''s always annoying...

Mine''s the same way - I''m eligible MUCH earlier than I thought I would be. Just give them a call. Are they different phones? Maybe initial cost difference is what''s causing it.
If you are on a family plan, the "primary" number always gets first dibs.
Yes, my husband is the primary. We are on a family plan. I guess this all makes sense. It''s not like one of us would upgrade before the other...we''ll just do it when I''m ready for it to make life easier. However, this was my first experience with this. We were with Sprint forever, and whenever we bought phones on the same day we''d both get an upgrade on the same day...the stagger screwed with my mind.
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