
Show Me Your Lavender/Periwinkles!!!!!


Dec 14, 2007
Inspired by Pregcurious!

Doesn't matter what type of stone, if it's a light purple-light blue, anywhere in between and even on the outskirts of those two, lets see 'em! Set or unset! All sizes! All shapes!

Ok, GO!!!!!!!!!!!
..... Silence from me. Frekechild!
Recently I saw a nice lavender jadeite cab that I almost bought. Forgot whose site it was on. Went to have another look yesterday & could not find that sucker anywhere. Frustrating! Not much help for your request, Freke.

--- Laurie
This is so wrong; 2 responses yet not a single picture. :nono: :bigsmile: Come on CSers, let's show what we've got. Don't be shy. I'll start the spam fest with my spinel.

My pink sapphire, looks a little lavenderish to me.

Yeah, Freke, start a thread on periwinkle and not include your own. Because, after all, why would we want to see your butt ugly stones? :nono: :nono: :nono:

Note for those who might misconstrue: Freke has the single best collection of lavender/periwinkle stones this side of heaven.

And, so I don't incur the wrath of either Chrono or Freke (hahaha, what a thought - two of the nicest people I know), here are some random lavender periwinkle eye candy. In no particular order, a small BB spinel I had once and sold; some small unheated sapphires I have lying around and one of these days must sell; and a Thai-based vendor whose name I've forgotten but Freke turned me onto. :))




I don't have any. :(sad

The ones pictured here though had already gotten me thinking a lavender spinel might be one of my next additions.
These are Namibian blue Chalcedony cabs that were made by Ryan Quanz (stonebender here).

The oval (4ct, 14x10) is being set in a pendant for my sister, and the two 6mm rounds were set as earrings for my Mom...both Christmas presents! They have really cool silver adularescence....or pillowy silver sheen.

The faceted stone is a Spinel. It is almost colorless during the day, but it shifts to a very pale lavender at night. Its one of my favorite stones, about 2ct and was a recut by Dan Stair. Please note this is a stone in my personal collection, not anything associated with anything that I am selling or will be selling. :-)


What excellent timing!! My light purple unheated spinel arrived today!!!

My first gem!

Sadly I will not have photos until this weekend. But I will be straight on here when I do!

My 2CT lavender, it is slightly bluer than photo

Ok ok. Sorry, I even knew I'd get yelled at. But I started the thread and then my husband suggested playing Grand Theft Auto (He doesn't like to drive long distances, so I do that) and next thing I knew it was 1am.

None of these are with me anymore, sadly, but they all went to good homes!

Barry round that's almost identical to my ering stone, which is why I let it go, even though I could kick myself now....

Dan oval that's kind of a smokey purple...

Dan radiant-y shaped that got set in a Sally setting from HoW. Perfect periwinkle color.

Dan light blue, hint of violet, and the same Barry from above.




More that are no longer in my hands.

Some ovals from Dana that were in earring drops. Lavender-y blue.

I miss this roval from GemCal something fierce!

Silky spinel that someone got for a bargain when I sold it! From my old local store.

Larger silky lavender, hint of pink from Arcadian and then sold because I didn't wear it enough.




More that are no longer in my collection.

The Barry I affectionately called the Thunderstorm spinel because of the awesome color shifts. And the big sparks that would fly off could TOTALLY be lighting!

A batch of smaller gems - the two larger ovals came from ebay, there is a Barry pink-lavender round in there, and the rest are from my local shop. Note the lavender Blackberry.

Hands down the best color lavender spinel I've ever had in my mitts, just couldn't decide how to set it. Peter Bobcat oval. Sold to a good friend of mine.

Larger pink-lavender (this is it's pinkest, but also my favorite picture of it, typically a much more purple hue) from Gene.




Playing with the configurations of some of the above stones.

The thunderstorm spinel, but set. This is it's lavender look.

And this is it's blue look.

Terrible picture of a Dan radiant, medium purple.




More that are no longer in my hands...

Unheated Umba sapphire that was a light blue-light lavender color shifter.

Lightest lavender pear. Originally from Tan, recut by Jerry Newman and sold to me by a PSer.

A Luc Yen spinel from Brad at The Gem Trader.

Gene, unheated lavender sapphire.




I think it's becoming apparent that I have a problem.

Still stones that I no longer own.

Dan square radiant. More blue.

More lavender.

Pair of Barry cushion spinels. I miss these two! One is a periwinkle, one is more purple.




Group shot with sapphire, spinels, and tanzanite.

Group shot, Barry spinels and sapphire.

Group shot, Dan spinel round, Barry spinel round, Barry spinel supernova oval, Peter spinel asscher.

Group shot, Barry spinels in the earrings and ring, Gene spinel in the necklace. More pink, but they do look lavender-y sometimes.




One last stone that I had almost forgotten about that I sold! Marquis, lavender-pink, bought from my old local shop.

And then something I don't post about, wear or photograph very often, but my ering. A 1.2ct color shifting blue-purple spinel from Barry.

Also, my periwinkle blue sapphire and diamond band.




Pretzel|1382379398|3541760 said:
What excellent timing!! My light purple unheated spinel arrived today!!!

My first gem!

Sadly I will not have photos until this weekend. But I will be straight on here when I do!

And?!! C'mon, woman, don't leave us hanging - is it a keeper? Do you love it? Is it as pictured?! Can't wait to hear more - love first time stone purchases! :cheeky:
A handshot of the band.

And now, my most recently set, a periwinkle Barry supernova 1.55ct set in a custom BGD. And a lavender 1.63ct Peter asscher.

Ah, and my Gene Tanzanite, wrapped in foil. :naughty:

That's all from me folks! Please, keep them coming!!!!!!!!




Oh, Freke, I don't even know where to start! We're good friends and all, and friends tell friends when they think they have a problem, right? But the fact is, if I told you that I thought you needed to go to Periwinkle Spinels Anonymous, you would just suggest I got to Gemaholics Anonymous, wouldn't you? So I'll dispense with all that and get on to the good stuff!

Unbelievable! :appl: I appreciate the walk down memory lane because I think honestly I had not seen all of those. Amazing! :appl: I'm embarrassed that I even posted anything! I love so many of your stones. But the one I want to know more about is "Hands down the best color lavender spinel I've ever had in my mitts, just couldn't decide how to set it. Peter Bobcat oval." I wasn't sure which one it was and I'd love to hear/see more. Because I know that if it was the most beautiful you have seen, then we all would probably swoon over it too. :))
minousbijoux|1382393186|3541897 said:
Unbelievable! :appl: I appreciate the walk down memory lane because I think honestly I had not seen all of those. Amazing! :appl: I'm embarrassed that I even posted anything! I love so many of your stones. But the one I want to know more about is "Hands down the best color lavender spinel I've ever had in my mitts, just couldn't decide how to set it. Peter Bobcat oval." I wasn't sure which one it was and I'd love to hear/see more. Because I know that if it was the most beautiful you have seen, then we all would probably swoon over it too. :))
Oh hush. I hope everyone posts what they have AND what they've had in the past. I love this color family (DUH!) and I would love to see even more. The more the merrier.

As for the Bobcat oval...

Violet Spinel (Tanzania) 0.92ct., 5.03x6.12x4.13mm. (Spin269) An understated stone with a lot of pop & flash.

And since it's also a violet Peter stone, here are the specs on my asscher

Violet Spinel 1.63ct., 6.22x6.23x5.01mm.

With vendor pics for comparison.


And some of my pictures.

Minou, I think my photographs of it are lacking. I am sure I have more somewhere, but I have thousands and thousands of pictures on my computer, so I don't know where they'd be. So, it's got the least amount of gray in a stone close to this hue of any I've seen. It is also just over the purple border of a titch more blue than pink, but it still has the shift in different light scenarios.

The only one that comes close to it, I totally undersold (the slightly silky one in the antique ring on the black granite background) and it's lighter in tone, but faces up bigger. Plus I sold it a long time ago, and I'd like to think that my photography skills have gotten much better since then. If I can, the next time I see said friend, I'll try to get a few more pictures of it.




I love that Peter Asscher.

Great thread! :appl:
Gorgeous! I've drooled over everything in this thread so far at one time or another.

I've got an absolutely terrible picture of a lavender chalcedony (Blue Holly Agate) cabachon I got from Allyce Kosnar. My plan is to have it set in a sterling silver scalloped/ fancy bezel setting, maybe east west, for a pendant-- something like this: It's much prettier in real life (the darker colored areas are translucent, it really glows), but I have a cat on my lap and don't feel inclined to try and get a better picture now.

Oh, and then I guess there's my engagement ring! :naughty: Periwinkle blue, Jua round, sapphire, 1.15 carat. :love: Still love it! Another iPhone picture (one that's new to the forum, though!), but I've got a thread with some better pictures, too. My avatar is a picture of it showing off it's sunlight color, but most of the time it's either a silvery purple, or a periwinkle blue.

I've warmed up a lot to yellow gold since I was engaged (hence the non-matching wedding band-- hubs has an 18k yellow gold band), but I think changing to a yellow gold setting would emphasize the blue instead of the periwinkle, so I'll probably leave it in palladium. Unless I change my mind.

And indoor color, I didn't realize I had a decent one of the indoor color.



minousbijoux|1382392609|3541889 said:
Pretzel|1382379398|3541760 said:
What excellent timing!! My light purple unheated spinel arrived today!!!

And?!! C'mon, woman, don't leave us hanging - is it a keeper? Do you love it? Is it as pictured?! Can't wait to hear more - love first time stone purchases! :cheeky:

I will update my thread tonight as I want to see it in daylight. :-) loving all the photos in this thread! I have been scheming how to set it and this helps me see what works.
I am loving the fact that there are cabochons here too, especially chalcedony which are underrated by most consumers. They look so other-worldy to me.

These is one of my 3 lavender spinels. It is a strong colour shifter / changer and the quad picture shows the changes under different types of lighting. It goes from a full lavender blue to a full pink.

The last of my lavender blue spinels. The shift isn't as strong as the other two but it is still very bright and the shift is noticeable. Lavender blue to purple colouration.

Freke: your "new" asscher is stunning as well. Chrono: as you know, we all love your lavender spinels - great combination of light tone, good saturation and great dispersion. Pretzel: next stop, your thread to see what you have to say. :))