
Should I feel bad (response to Blackberry email)

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Feb 27, 2008
Hi everyone,

Just a quick post to ask everyone''s opinion on something. I had been reading through the thread about Crackberry addictions and it got me to thinking about an email I received this morning... here''s the story....

Yesterday afternoon (Sunday) I received an email on by Blackberry (work related) asking a question about where to send some documentation that our office requires. She wanted to know if she could drop it by my office (I manage a regional field office) or if she needed to send it to our main office. I have a Blackberry because I AM the field office (all other employees are in our main office which is over 5 hours away) so when I am out of the office for meetings and that sort of thing I need to be reachable. My rule is that I do not respond to emails received after 5 during the weekdays or on the weekends. I respond to them first thing the next morning. I work hard during the time I''m at work and I refuse to work 24 hours a day. My bosses have no problem with this and if something seems to be a special request (or an emergency) I do respond if I need to (but those occasions are rare).

This morning I emailed the person back and explained that the documentation should be mailed directly to our main office. I emailed her at 8:15 this morning. Shortly after I received a response saying something along the lines of "since you did not respond promptly to my email I have already mailed the information".

I haven''t responded back to her. Should I apologize to her? Do I need to rethink my "no response till the next day" policy?

BTW... there were instructions with the information she needed to send in that told her where to send it.


Dec 29, 2006
I don''t think you need to apologize. You could write back and just explain that you were unable to respond before you did. I would think she''d understand -- I''m sure everyone sets their own rules for when to leave work at work. She''d have to respect that, I would think.


Jan 6, 2008
Assuming this is a relatively ''typical'' 9-5 industry, I don''t think you did anything wrong -- and in fact, I would''ve done the same thing. (The only exceptions I can think of are people like realtors, who are often expected to be ''on call'' most of the time).

I mean, really. A line has to be drawn somewhere. You wouldn''t expect to show up at an office downtown on a Saturday afternoon and have it be open. Just because Blackberries have been invented doesn''t mean you aren''t entitled to some personal time away from the job.I think some people''s perceptions of work/life balance are TOTALLY out of whack nowadays.


Nov 4, 2007
Hi Applequeen.

I am in a similar situation. All of my staff know that I do not respond over weekends unless the building is on fire....

I interpret your post in 2 different ways:

1. You *did* see her e-mail on Sunday afternoon. So perhaps even though it would have broken your rule of no communication off-hours, you can''t really undo the fact that you did see it, and it was an opportunity to stop the parcel from being sent incorrectly.

I think what I would have done on Sunday was to respond to her to make sure she check your initial directions for sending the documentation.

2. IF, however, I have misunderstood you to mean that she sent the e-mail on Sunday but you only saw it at 8:15 this a.m, that is a whole other story!



Jun 20, 2006
Did she really mail it out at 7 am this morning? I can''t imagine expecting a response from someone on a Sunday, it''s just rude. Don''t worry about it.


May 14, 2006
I wouldn''t apologize at all. You''re entitled to a life outside of work at the weekends.


Apr 13, 2008
No apology necessary. Your personal time is just that- Yours. Maybe you could just let her know that you were following your work policy of not responding out of work hours. Or say nothing at all since you owe her no explanation.


Apr 4, 2008
I would be mildly annoyed, but I don't think she was rude. Some people don't have well oiled social skills. That you didn't promptly respond is merely a fact explaining why she sent it anyway. It's just very robotic is all. I would respond with something along the lines of, "Thanks, I'm glad you had no problems sending it over. Let me know if I can be of further help. I'm usually off on weekends except for emergencies, so my apologies if you needed an answer sooner. Cheers."

I wouldn't feel badly at all! Some people may not understand and feel entitled to your time off-hours. There is a woman in my office who lives, eats and breathes work. She works her little heart and hands to the bone and has no friends or outside her own admission. She is there on the weekends, late and early. Sweet sweet woman. So I understand her angst when I leave for the weekend telling her I will not be reachable for questions unless it's an emergency.

Some people can't fathom life outside work in extreme cases. But in my opinion, it makes you a better worker and more focused, happier and more creative as a whole to have a full life OUTSIDE of work. Not everyone can understand that, unfortunately. It's a glorious world out there!!!!


Feb 27, 2008
Thanks everyone,

To clarify... I DID see her email yesterday afternoon while my husband and I were at Home Depot. It did not appear to be something that could not wait so I thought that responding this morning would be OK. I work in state gov and 8:30 to 5 Mon-Fri I feel that I go (our entire staff actually) go above and beyond to help out the organizations we serve. We have a great reputation of being the agency that is the easiest to work with... that could be part of the problem (I''m too available during the week). I love my job. I don''t mind working nights and weekends when I need to and I often take work home.

My husband and I work opposite schedules and often see each other very little during the week (morning before work and just before bed at night) so weekends are very important to us.

What was unusual was that I even had my blackberry with me yesterday... I usually take it out of my purse during the weekend. I don''t use it for personal calls so I don''t really need it.

Her email did not seem to be something that needed an immediate response and since she couldn''t mail anything on Sunday I saw no reason not to wait.

Sometimes I think people send work stuff at weird times just so others will know they were working on the weekend when other people weren''t

Thanks again.


Jun 3, 2008

Please DO NOT apologize to this unreasonable person! Who in the world expects a reply to a business-related e-mail on a SUNDAY?!?! It's absolutely ridiculous that she's trying to guilt-trip you with the "since you did not reply promptly" comment. Don't let her get under your skin . . . everyone is entitled to their personal time and she was way out of line.

I'm a paralegal at a small law firm. I once had a client call me AT HOME on a SATURDAY at 8:00 AM! He knew full well that our office is only open from 8:00 a.m. through 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. And no, I hadn't given him my home number. He knew my last name, so he found me in the phone book. He didn't have an emergency . . . in fact, he didn't even have a question. He just wanted to report something that his soon-to-be-ex-wife had done. (This was a pretty acrimonious divorce case.) Basically, there was ABSOLUTELY NO REASON this couldn't have waited until Monday. Granted, this particular client had a history of being obnoxious, but this really took the cake. I was appalled, and so was my boss! Unfortunately, I didn't handle it the way I should have. I was very polite and accommodating on the phone with this guy (possibly because he woke me up, and because I was just in SHOCK that he called me). If I had it to do over again, I would have told him in no uncertain terms that he is NEVER welcome to call me at home, and then I would have hung up on him.

The real kicker is, the guy never did pay off the balance he owes to our firm and to this day he still owes us several hundred dollars.

Anyway, the point of all this is, we ALL need to draw boundaries between work and home, and clients/employers need to respect those boundaries. If you apologize to this person, you're just reinforcing that it's OK for her to e-mail you outside of regular business hours and expect a "prompt reply." You don't owe her an apology at all . . . if anything, SHE owes YOU one!


Nov 4, 2007
Date: 8/11/2008 2:19:38 PM
Author: applequeen
Thanks everyone,

To clarify... I DID see her email yesterday afternoon while my husband and I were at Home Depot. It did not appear to be something that could not wait so I thought that responding this morning would be OK. I work in state gov and 8:30 to 5 Mon-Fri I feel that I go (our entire staff actually) go above and beyond to help out the organizations we serve. We have a great reputation of being the agency that is the easiest to work with... that could be part of the problem (I''m too available during the week). I love my job. I don''t mind working nights and weekends when I need to and I often take work home.

My husband and I work opposite schedules and often see each other very little during the week (morning before work and just before bed at night) so weekends are very important to us.

What was unusual was that I even had my blackberry with me yesterday... I usually take it out of my purse during the weekend. I don''t use it for personal calls so I don''t really need it.

Her email did not seem to be something that needed an immediate response and since she couldn''t mail anything on Sunday I saw no reason not to wait.

Sometimes I think people send work stuff at weird times just so others will know they were working on the weekend when other people weren''t

Thanks again.

Gotcha! Thanks for clearing that up.

In that case, no need for a response. However, hers from 8:15 a.m. seems a bit snippy.



Jul 8, 2006
Date: 8/11/2008 1:58:24 PM
Author: Bliss
I would be mildly annoyed, but I don''t think she was rude. Some people don''t have well oiled social skills. That you didn''t promptly respond is merely a fact explaining why she sent it anyway. It''s just very robotic is all. I would respond with something along the lines of, ''Thanks, I''m glad you had no problems sending it over. Let me know if I can be of further help. I''m usually off on weekends except for emergencies, so my apologies if you needed an answer sooner. Cheers.''

I wouldn''t feel badly at all! Some people may not understand and feel entitled to your time off-hours. There is a woman in my office who lives, eats and breathes work. She works her little heart and hands to the bone and has no friends or outside her own admission. She is there on the weekends, late and early. Sweet sweet woman. So I understand her angst when I leave for the weekend telling her I will not be reachable for questions unless it''s an emergency.

Some people can''t fathom life outside work in extreme cases. But in my opinion, it makes you a better worker and more focused, happier and more creative as a whole to have a full life OUTSIDE of work. Not everyone can understand that, unfortunately. It''s a glorious world out there!!!!
Bliss, you are a woman after my own heart. Im my mind I would reply - "get a life you misserable troll, it was a Sunday, you asked an idiot question and it is not my problem if you do not know where to send your documents, perhaps if you had done your job properly you would have asked this question on Friday and not visited others with your incompetence". But what would actually get sent is what you said - highlighted above!


Apr 4, 2008
Date: 8/11/2008 2:31:48 PM
Author: Steel

Date: 8/11/2008 1:58:24 PM
Author: Bliss
I would be mildly annoyed, but I don''t think she was rude. Some people don''t have well oiled social skills. That you didn''t promptly respond is merely a fact explaining why she sent it anyway. It''s just very robotic is all. I would respond with something along the lines of, ''Thanks, I''m glad you had no problems sending it over. Let me know if I can be of further help. I''m usually off on weekends except for emergencies, so my apologies if you needed an answer sooner. Cheers.''

I wouldn''t feel badly at all! Some people may not understand and feel entitled to your time off-hours. There is a woman in my office who lives, eats and breathes work. She works her little heart and hands to the bone and has no friends or outside her own admission. She is there on the weekends, late and early. Sweet sweet woman. So I understand her angst when I leave for the weekend telling her I will not be reachable for questions unless it''s an emergency.

Some people can''t fathom life outside work in extreme cases. But in my opinion, it makes you a better worker and more focused, happier and more creative as a whole to have a full life OUTSIDE of work. Not everyone can understand that, unfortunately. It''s a glorious world out there!!!!
Bliss, you are a woman after my own heart. Im my mind I would reply - ''get a life you misserable troll, it was a Sunday, you asked an idiot question and it is not my problem if you do not know where to send your documents, perhaps if you had done your job properly you would have asked this question on Friday and not visited others with your incompetence''. But what would actually get sent is what you said - highlighted above!
Steel, that is too funny! Me, too!!!! My mental e-mail would have been something along the lines of, "I hope you get VPL today!" Hehehehehehehe. Nah, some of my bestest friends and most trusted colleagues were those who were irritating at first. You just never know which unlikely person is going to save your butt one day or come to your aid. So I always err on the path of peace because so many people have surprised me with great kindness when I wasn''t expecting it. LOL.

VPL!!!!!! LOL. A woman''s worst nightmare.


Mar 31, 2008
You opened the email and saw it was a request that would have only involved typing one sentence "send it to the office" and hitting send, so I don''t get it? You wanted to be "right" and "left alone" more than you wanted to answer her question?

I can see drawing the line if you feel it''s being abused, but I''m not sure what you got out of putting off a simple answer to a simple question?

I must be one of those "don''t have a life" people. If I check my email, I answer questions. If I don''t feel like dealing with it, I don''t check it until Monday. Just seems rude and unnecessarily rigid to check it and ignore it.


Apr 4, 2008
Date: 8/11/2008 2:49:00 PM
Author: purrfectpear
You opened the email and saw it was a request that would have only involved typing one sentence 'send it to the office' and hitting send, so I don't get it? You wanted to be 'right' and 'left alone' more than you wanted to answer her question?

I can see drawing the line if you feel it's being abused, but I'm not sure what you got out of putting off a simple answer to a simple question?

I must be one of those 'don't have a life' people. If I check my email, I answer questions. If I don't feel like dealing with it, I don't check it until Monday. Just seems rude and unnecessarily rigid to check it and ignore it.
Purrfectpear, I am also guilty of responding to e-mails on my days off.
But sometimes, it bites me back! I send a reply and get another e-mail. It turns into a phone call and even having to come in on my day off to put out fires. Ooof!

LOL. Also, OP wrote that the sender e-mailed on Sunday so there wasn't any way she could have acted on her request anyhow answer or not.

I vote for 3 day weekends!!!!

I vote that you hurry up and set that huge EC so we can ogle it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I vote for Blackberry free days!


Feb 27, 2008
Date: 8/11/2008 2:49:00 PM
Author: purrfectpear
You opened the email and saw it was a request that would have only involved typing one sentence ''send it to the office'' and hitting send, so I don''t get it? You wanted to be ''right'' and ''left alone'' more than you wanted to answer her question?

I can see drawing the line if you feel it''s being abused, but I''m not sure what you got out of putting off a simple answer to a simple question?

I must be one of those ''don''t have a life'' people. If I check my email, I answer questions. If I don''t feel like dealing with it, I don''t check it until Monday. Just seems rude and unnecessarily rigid to check it and ignore it.
I got a wonderful afternoon with my husband... and YES that was much more important to me than her email. I only looked at it because the blackberry was buzzing (as I said I normally don''t even have it with me on the weekends). Seriously... it was Sunday afternoon. The way I see it... God rested on Sunday and so do I.

I responded at 8:15 this morning which is why I didn''t understand her being so put out that I didn''t respond yesterday. Considering that our office hours are 8:30-5:00 Mon-Fri she shouldn''t have expected me to. Had she emailed on say a Tuesday afternoon at the same time and I had been out of the office for whatever reason I would have responded immediatly.


Jun 3, 2008
Date: 8/11/2008 2:53:47 PM
Author: Bliss

Date: 8/11/2008 2:49:00 PM
Author: purrfectpear
You opened the email and saw it was a request that would have only involved typing one sentence ''send it to the office'' and hitting send, so I don''t get it? You wanted to be ''right'' and ''left alone'' more than you wanted to answer her question?

I can see drawing the line if you feel it''s being abused, but I''m not sure what you got out of putting off a simple answer to a simple question?

I must be one of those ''don''t have a life'' people. If I check my email, I answer questions. If I don''t feel like dealing with it, I don''t check it until Monday. Just seems rude and unnecessarily rigid to check it and ignore it.
Purrfectpear, I am also guilty of responding to e-mails on my days off.
But sometimes, it bites me back! I send a reply and get another e-mail. It turns into a phone call and even having to come in on my day off to put out fires. Ooof!

LOL. Also, OP wrote that the sender e-mailed on Sunday so there wasn''t any way she could have acted on her request anyhow answer or not.

I vote for 3 day weekends!!!!

I vote that you hurry up and set that huge EC so we can ogle it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I vote for Blackberry free days!
Bliss, this is very true. Even if AppleQueen had responded to the e-mail the very instant she opened it, the person couldn''t have sent the package until today anyway.

So, PurrfectPear, why should AppleQueen have to take time away from her weekend with her husband just to respond to this question, which had already been answered, and which could/should have waited until this morning? I think it''s important for AppleQueen (and everyone else) to draw a line between her work time and her personal time. If she responds to e-mails like this, that just sets a dangerous precedent, IMO.


Apr 4, 2008
Heck, I'm amazed that you responded so early this morning! LOLOL! I vote for YOU!

I know my government officials and offices and I would never expect a reply or response on the weekend unless it was PR or state emergency. You're very quick and considerate to address it first thing.

But to address Miss Pear, I do think outside of the government 8a-5p hours (by the way, those are sweeeet hours)... most people would have responded on Sunday. That is why they call it the Crackberry! Don't sell your VCR for $5 to feed your crackberry habit!!!!! Heehee. I was a crackberry head for the past 2 years and am still in rehab.


Mar 31, 2008
I'm in aerospace, the world of AOG (airplane on ground) and schedule emergencies.Many of us are more or less informally "on call". We can turn off the phone, say we were out of range, or answer. Only our own whims, dedication, or specific plans dictate how we handle the phone or email.

I'm no slave to the company but I just don't think it takes that much out of my life to handle the odd issues as they arise. It's just not that big a deal to me. I'm well paid (to be honest, probably overpaid
) so I don't object to a little extra time here and there.


Oct 20, 2007
I wouldn''t feel bad. In Europe the weekends and evenings seem a lot more off-limits than they did in when I worked in the US. Just type her a quick glad you got it solved since I don''t work on the weekends and be done with it.

Even if you saw the email there''s no need to respond. I''d rather be "right" and set a pattern of my weekends and evenings being off-limits. When you respond you open up to other people thinking it''s okay in the future as well.


Feb 27, 2008
Thank you Irish Girl and Bliss and everyone else, I appreciate your support.

I do love my job but I love my husband more. At this point I''m spending more time with my work than I am him.

I usually take my laptop on vacation with me so I can respond to anything major that comes up during the time that I''m gone but I hate typing on the Blackberry. I spent much of my anniversary trip in March scheduling meetings (even though there is a staff member whose job it is to handle that sort of thing) so I don''t think I''m guilty of neglecting things that have to get done.


Feb 27, 2008
Date: 8/11/2008 3:12:23 PM
Author: purrfectpear
I''m in aerospace, the world of AOG (airplane on ground) and schedule emergencies.Many of us are more or less informally ''on call''. We can turn off the phone, say we were out of range, or answer. Only our own whims, dedication, or specific plans dictate how we handle the phone or email.

I''m no slave to the company but I just don''t think it takes that much out of my life to handle the odd issues as they arise. It''s just not that big a deal to me. I''m well paid (to be honest, probably overpaid
) so I don''t object to a little extra time here and there.
I understand that and I do agree that sometimes it is just easier to deal with it then than to put it off for later. This just didn''t seem like a big deal to me since she couldn''t do anything about it until today anyway (and the information she''s sending isn''t time sensitive). If something was a true emergency I would certainly deal with it then.

My job requires me to serve a fairly large geographic area (about 1/3 of the state) and I''m usually pulled in a million directions during the week. After getting way too stressed out over work emails on weekends (including my wedding weekend) I''ve had to set some boundaries in order to preserve my sanity in my personal life. It also drives me crazy when people want information that I could not possibly provide to them unless I was at my office and I''d rather just wait until I''m back at work and can give them all the info they need rather than halfway answering their question.


Jun 3, 2008
Date: 8/11/2008 3:27:13 PM
Author: applequeen

Date: 8/11/2008 3:12:23 PM
Author: purrfectpear
I''m in aerospace, the world of AOG (airplane on ground) and schedule emergencies.Many of us are more or less informally ''on call''. We can turn off the phone, say we were out of range, or answer. Only our own whims, dedication, or specific plans dictate how we handle the phone or email.

I''m no slave to the company but I just don''t think it takes that much out of my life to handle the odd issues as they arise. It''s just not that big a deal to me. I''m well paid (to be honest, probably overpaid
) so I don''t object to a little extra time here and there.
I understand that and I do agree that sometimes it is just easier to deal with it then than to put it off for later. This just didn''t seem like a big deal to me since she couldn''t do anything about it until today anyway (and the information she''s sending isn''t time sensitive). If something was a true emergency I would certainly deal with it then.

My job requires me to serve a fairly large geographic area (about 1/3 of the state) and I''m usually pulled in a million directions during the week. After getting way too stressed out over work emails on weekends (including my wedding weekend) I''ve had to set some boundaries in order to preserve my sanity in my personal life. It also drives me crazy when people want information that I could not possibly provide to them unless I was at my office and I''d rather just wait until I''m back at work and can give them all the info they need rather than halfway answering their question.
Good for you, AppleQueen!!! I think boundaries are vital, and you have every right to insist that others respect yours!

BTW, you are a WAY better person than I am for checking your e-mail on your wedding weekend!!! You need a raise, my dear!!!


Feb 27, 2008
Date: 8/11/2008 3:39:39 PM
Author: Irishgrrrl

Date: 8/11/2008 3:27:13 PM
Author: applequeen

Date: 8/11/2008 3:12:23 PM
Author: purrfectpear
I''m in aerospace, the world of AOG (airplane on ground) and schedule emergencies.Many of us are more or less informally ''on call''. We can turn off the phone, say we were out of range, or answer. Only our own whims, dedication, or specific plans dictate how we handle the phone or email.

I''m no slave to the company but I just don''t think it takes that much out of my life to handle the odd issues as they arise. It''s just not that big a deal to me. I''m well paid (to be honest, probably overpaid
) so I don''t object to a little extra time here and there.
I understand that and I do agree that sometimes it is just easier to deal with it then than to put it off for later. This just didn''t seem like a big deal to me since she couldn''t do anything about it until today anyway (and the information she''s sending isn''t time sensitive). If something was a true emergency I would certainly deal with it then.

My job requires me to serve a fairly large geographic area (about 1/3 of the state) and I''m usually pulled in a million directions during the week. After getting way too stressed out over work emails on weekends (including my wedding weekend) I''ve had to set some boundaries in order to preserve my sanity in my personal life. It also drives me crazy when people want information that I could not possibly provide to them unless I was at my office and I''d rather just wait until I''m back at work and can give them all the info they need rather than halfway answering their question.
Good for you, AppleQueen!!! I think boundaries are vital, and you have every right to insist that others respect yours!

BTW, you are a WAY better person than I am for checking your e-mail on your wedding weekend!!! You need a raise, my dear!!!
I needed to check my email that weekend... to keep my mind off the wedding
And I did get a raise (almost 50% more!!!) very soon after.


Jun 3, 2008
Date: 8/11/2008 3:43:34 PM
Author: applequeen

Date: 8/11/2008 3:39:39 PM
Author: Irishgrrrl

Date: 8/11/2008 3:27:13 PM
Author: applequeen

Date: 8/11/2008 3:12:23 PM
Author: purrfectpear
I''m in aerospace, the world of AOG (airplane on ground) and schedule emergencies.Many of us are more or less informally ''on call''. We can turn off the phone, say we were out of range, or answer. Only our own whims, dedication, or specific plans dictate how we handle the phone or email.

I''m no slave to the company but I just don''t think it takes that much out of my life to handle the odd issues as they arise. It''s just not that big a deal to me. I''m well paid (to be honest, probably overpaid
) so I don''t object to a little extra time here and there.
I understand that and I do agree that sometimes it is just easier to deal with it then than to put it off for later. This just didn''t seem like a big deal to me since she couldn''t do anything about it until today anyway (and the information she''s sending isn''t time sensitive). If something was a true emergency I would certainly deal with it then.

My job requires me to serve a fairly large geographic area (about 1/3 of the state) and I''m usually pulled in a million directions during the week. After getting way too stressed out over work emails on weekends (including my wedding weekend) I''ve had to set some boundaries in order to preserve my sanity in my personal life. It also drives me crazy when people want information that I could not possibly provide to them unless I was at my office and I''d rather just wait until I''m back at work and can give them all the info they need rather than halfway answering their question.
Good for you, AppleQueen!!! I think boundaries are vital, and you have every right to insist that others respect yours!

BTW, you are a WAY better person than I am for checking your e-mail on your wedding weekend!!! You need a raise, my dear!!!
I needed to check my email that weekend... to keep my mind off the wedding
And I did get a raise (almost 50% more!!!) very soon after.
LOL! I know how you feel about needing to keep your mind off the wedding . . . and good for you for getting that raise!


Feb 19, 2004
IMHO I don''t think it''s a big deal if an employee doesn''t respond to an email on a weekend. But, you''re in a managerial position. Clients and bosses usually expect more. Just due to that, I would have responded.


Apr 27, 2007
I am in management, and my scheduled work hours are 8am-4:30pm M-F. I actually work 7:30am-6pm M-F, and I absolutely do not answer my office phone or e-mails after 5pm or on weekends unless it is something urgent. There''s always just "one little thing," so you have to cut it off at some point. I learned after a while that if I don''t stick to my cut-off, I can''t get anything done. I give enough of my life to work during the week, and weekends are my time!

I don''t think you did anything wrong. I wouldn''t have answered that one until Monday either.


Jun 17, 2005
She is not your boss.

Your superiors are fine with your plan, and if it is an emergency you do respond.

Her question was not time sensitive, and your reply was done in enough time for her to get the papers to the right place.

If all this is true, then I would NOT apologize. I would merely reply to her, X, I responded in a timely manner. I am sorry you felt this was not the case.

I would not belabor it or be more apologetic that that. You CAN be sorry she felt you were not timely, but I would not apologize for what you did, which was not wrong.


Mar 26, 2006
Date: 8/11/2008 1:28:32 PM
Hi everyone,

Just a quick post to ask everyone's opinion on something. I had been reading through the thread about Crackberry addictions and it got me to thinking about an email I received this morning... here's the story....
Apple, I feel kinda bad about starting the Crackberry thread if it made *you* feel bad about this situation....

Really I do belive you did the "right thing" in your scenario, and my thread truly was in jest. Ack! So sorry!!!


Feb 27, 2008
Thanks everyone, to be honest.... I''m 100% OK with my response. If I''m having a busy day at the office it can sometimes be the next morning before I respond. I think our world is becoming more and more impatient because information can be so quckly and easily transferred. In my opinion just because you can be available 24/7 with Blackberries doesn''t mean you should be.

This morning I came into the office to find a voicemail from someone else that said "Well I see that it is 5:01 and you are obviously not still in the office".... Geez people.. .I just don''t get it. Part of me wants to tell her that the reason I wasn''t there was because I had to get a package to the DHL drop box by 5 (which is the truth) and the other part of me just wants to tell her to get a life.
I''ll probably just call her back and see what she needed... she called me 3 times yesterday when I was here!
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