

It was funny. I wonder if they have one for sports and how plenty of people have no problem devoting hours and cash to watch men (bc women's sports are not as popular and supported) kick balls, throw balls, pass balls...the man and the ball. Millions of dollars go to that pastime, sold as an experience, collectors' items, etc...and all because grown men want to play with balls!
ame, thank you for posting the link, I laffed my a$$ off and my geologist hubster has prescribed I watch this video prior to any jewelry purchase I might contemplate :clap:
As a PROUD vendor of beautiful rocks, I was more than a little disgusted with all of the outrageous lies that were told. If we in the industry had not worked so hard over the past two or three decades to remove the conflict diamonds from the supply chain and done so much to share education with those in the public willing to make even just a little effort to find it, I might find it funnier.

As it was, I hope that most people will enjoy a good giggle, but know that the price does NOT include 4 dead people as shown in the video. I just could not get past my dismay to enjoy the, to me, failed stab at humor.

I want the "Impracticle Rock Hat" !!
stracci2000|1424640871|3836584 said:
I want the "Impracticle Rock Hat" !!

I laughed way too hard at that, and sent the link to my pageant court. HAHAHA. I loved this video, thanks for sharing!
I've never wanted to be a janitor in my life, but now I'll work there for free :naughty: !
I was inordinately fond of the name that they came up with for for the collection from which that impressive diamond ring came. The announcer proudly stated "this is from our Signature Shiny Rock That We Found Collection." And until I saw the "impractical rock hat" I did not have a true appreciation for the humor involved in that label!!!

Thanks, ame!

AGBF :wavey:
I've had way too many people tell me these things non-satirically, with deadly seriousness, to enjoy the humor of it.

I do like the term "impractical rock hat"
Wink|1424554013|3836112 said:
As a PROUD vendor of beautiful rocks, I was more than a little disgusted with all of the outrageous lies that were told. If we in the industry had not worked so hard over the past two or three decades to remove the conflict diamonds from the supply chain and done so much to share education with those in the public willing to make even just a little effort to find it, I might find it funnier.

As it was, I hope that most people will enjoy a good giggle, but know that the price does NOT include 4 dead people as shown in the video. I just could not get past my dismay to enjoy the, to me, failed stab at humor.

I think that the point was simply to mock the maul store BS. Not the legit, hardworking, honest vendors like you.

I mean, you don't sell Impractical Rock Hats.
Thank you WInk [and all other vendors on PS] for upholding and sharing your high standards that we all benefit from. :appl:
ame|1424803414|3837568 said:
Wink|1424554013|3836112 said:
As a PROUD vendor of beautiful rocks, I was more than a little disgusted with all of the outrageous lies that were told. If we in the industry had not worked so hard over the past two or three decades to remove the conflict diamonds from the supply chain and done so much to share education with those in the public willing to make even just a little effort to find it, I might find it funnier.

As it was, I hope that most people will enjoy a good giggle, but know that the price does NOT include 4 dead people as shown in the video. I just could not get past my dismay to enjoy the, to me, failed stab at humor.

I think that the point was simply to mock the maul store BS. Not the legit, hardworking, honest vendors like you.

I mean, you don't sell Impractical Rock Hats.

LOL, if only I could find a good supplier for those...
Jimmianne|1424812151|3837636 said:
Thank you WInk [and all other vendors on PS] for upholding and sharing your high standards that we all benefit from. :appl:

Thank you for your kind words. I love it here, and so do many other very good vendors!

Wink|1424812482|3837641 said:
ame|1424803414|3837568 said:
Wink|1424554013|3836112 said:
As a PROUD vendor of beautiful rocks, I was more than a little disgusted with all of the outrageous lies that were told. If we in the industry had not worked so hard over the past two or three decades to remove the conflict diamonds from the supply chain and done so much to share education with those in the public willing to make even just a little effort to find it, I might find it funnier.

As it was, I hope that most people will enjoy a good giggle, but know that the price does NOT include 4 dead people as shown in the video. I just could not get past my dismay to enjoy the, to me, failed stab at humor.

I think that the point was simply to mock the maul store BS. Not the legit, hardworking, honest vendors like you.

I mean, you don't sell Impractical Rock Hats.

LOL, if only I could find a good supplier for those...
Yea they are harder to come by.