
Shameless Bragging

Purplesparklies, WOW! :cheeky: :cheeky: You should be very impressed with yourself! I sure am. Doesn't it feel wonderful to be able to run upstairs without dying? That was my first happy realization after I lost 35 lbs. last year -- nothing compared to your great work, but it feels so good to feel good, huh? It's also fun again to shop for clothes!

AP -- wonderful for your mother and you! Let's hear it for one day at a time. At the beginning you never believe you'll be able to do it; then you're amazed at how fast each one day adds up. I felt that way & shazam! have been sober 21 years as of tomorrow! If I can do it, anybody can. This is not a brag, btw -- nobody gets sober alone, only by giving it over.

Enerchi -- yay for little baby puppy! One thing they're good for is teaching us patience.

--- Laurie
JewelFreak|1359809372|3370394 said:
Purplesparklies, WOW! :cheeky: :cheeky: You should be very impressed with yourself! I sure am. Doesn't it feel wonderful to be able to run upstairs without dying? That was my first happy realization after I lost 35 lbs. last year -- nothing compared to your great work, but it feels so good to feel good, huh? It's also fun again to shop for clothes!

AP -- wonderful for your mother and you! Let's hear it for one day at a time. At the beginning you never believe you'll be able to do it; then you're amazed at how fast each one day adds up. I felt that way & shazam! have been sober 21 years as of tomorrow! If I can do it, anybody can. This is not a brag, btw -- nobody gets sober alone, only by giving it over.

Enerchi -- yay for little baby puppy! One thing they're good for is teaching us patience.

--- Laurie

JewelFreak -- thank you and I'm very happy for you as well! 21 years...fantastic!!
So many great things going on, yay for everyone! I'll have to think about what I want to brag about...
Today, after years and years (7!) of very slow losing (about 90 pounds total, though there was a bit of yo-yoing in the middle!) and toning up and hard work, I zipped up (and looked pretty decent in) a size 12 dress at JCrew!

Never in a million years did I think that would happen! I went it to try and figure out, based on where the 12 didn't fit (since they only carry up to 12 in store, or at least a my store), if I was a 14 or 16 since it's a bridesmaid dress possibility. Imagine my surprise when the 12 zipped! AND it looked GOOD! (Not great, but nothing a good pair of Spanx wouldn't fix right up!)

(I didn't buy it...$198 was a wee bit pricey for me, ESPECIALLY without having an occasion in mind...but I'm watching it like a HAWK for a sale!!!)
vc10um|1359858286|3370846 said:
Today, after years and years (7!) of very slow losing (about 90 pounds total, though there was a bit of yo-yoing in the middle!) and toning up and hard work, I zipped up (and looked pretty decent in) a size 12 dress at JCrew!

Never in a million years did I think that would happen! I went it to try and figure out, based on where the 12 didn't fit (since they only carry up to 12 in store, or at least a my store), if I was a 14 or 16 since it's a bridesmaid dress possibility. Imagine my surprise when the 12 zipped! AND it looked GOOD! (Not great, but nothing a good pair of Spanx wouldn't fix right up!)

(I didn't buy it...$198 was a wee bit pricey for me, ESPECIALLY without having an occasion in mind...but I'm watching it like a HAWK for a sale!!!)

:appl: Congratulations!! I hope the dress is on sale soon - you deserve to own this milestone dress! :bigsmile:
justginger|1359858728|3370852 said:
vc10um|1359858286|3370846 said:
Today, after years and years (7!) of very slow losing (about 90 pounds total, though there was a bit of yo-yoing in the middle!) and toning up and hard work, I zipped up (and looked pretty decent in) a size 12 dress at JCrew!

Never in a million years did I think that would happen! I went it to try and figure out, based on where the 12 didn't fit (since they only carry up to 12 in store, or at least a my store), if I was a 14 or 16 since it's a bridesmaid dress possibility. Imagine my surprise when the 12 zipped! AND it looked GOOD! (Not great, but nothing a good pair of Spanx wouldn't fix right up!)

(I didn't buy it...$198 was a wee bit pricey for me, ESPECIALLY without having an occasion in mind...but I'm watching it like a HAWK for a sale!!!)

:appl: Congratulations!! I hope the dress is on sale soon - you deserve to own this milestone dress! :bigsmile:

Congratulations from me too! Here's to hoping that at a size 12 there are many, many more (and cheaper) dresses out there for you! :praise:
vc10um|1359858286|3370846 said:
Today, after years and years (7!) of very slow losing (about 90 pounds total, though there was a bit of yo-yoing in the middle!) and toning up and hard work, I zipped up (and looked pretty decent in) a size 12 dress at JCrew!

Never in a million years did I think that would happen! I went it to try and figure out, based on where the 12 didn't fit (since they only carry up to 12 in store, or at least a my store), if I was a 14 or 16 since it's a bridesmaid dress possibility. Imagine my surprise when the 12 zipped! AND it looked GOOD! (Not great, but nothing a good pair of Spanx wouldn't fix right up!)

(I didn't buy it...$198 was a wee bit pricey for me, ESPECIALLY without having an occasion in mind...but I'm watching it like a HAWK for a sale!!!)
:appl: :appl: :appl: Kudo's to you vc10um!!! AWESOME!! That is impressive that you lost that amount of weight -- but that you stuck with the program for that long --- many just give up after a short time or a few pounds. I'm one of "those people"! I'm very proud of your success story and thank you for sharing!
minousbijoux|1359825563|3370530 said:
So many great things going on, yay for everyone! I'll have to think about what I want to brag about...

I'll help you --> you are the best PS/romance novella editor that I've ever had the joy of working with!! That "Loving/Barrett" story on CS was so much fun to write and I'm glad you kept me on track... smut and all!! ;))
I love this thread !!! So amazing to see everyone's tremendous successes !!!

I have good news too - I just got promoted for the 2nd time in my job in less than 2 years being with this company... I work in the fashion industry (corporate) ::)
Ive finally got a new job!
Better hours, better pay, better perks, larger company and no customer contact what so ever!
4ever|1360134595|3373396 said:
Ive finally got a new job!
Better hours, better pay, better perks, larger company and no customer contact what so ever!

:appl: Congratulations! :appl:
4ever|1360134595|3373396 said:
Ive finally got a new job!
Better hours, better pay, better perks, larger company and no customer contact what so ever!

Congratulations, future girl!!! How exciting! (And I hope married life is treating you well!)

And congrats to you as well, frankie! 2 promotions in as many years is awesome!

So many thank yous to justginger, minousbijoux, and enerchi! It's been a long journey, that's for sure, and it hasn't all been a losing journey...I've definitely lost some of those pounds more than once!
Thanks :bigsmile:

Married life is great thanks vc, big congrats on your weight loss!
4ever|1360134595|3373396 said:
Ive finally got a new job!
Better hours, better pay, better perks, larger company and no customer contact what so ever!
congrats... :appl: the next round of drinks is on you.
May I just say how much I'm enjoying this thread? I was away for a long weekend. It was enjoyable because of the people involved, but all about dealing with family business. Coming back to see the sharing and support here is uplifting!

That said, a general congratulations to all!

And, for me, I'm happy to report that the business I went away for, to see about my dear aunt's health, looks to be good news: she is gaining strength each day and may be able to go home the end of next week. Then, we will see how she does at home. I pray that she is able to stay in her home of 45 years for as long as she wishes and that if she is not able, that my family and I are able to find a wonderful place for her to live, with the help that she needs and deserves.
Congrats everyone!! There are some very brag-worthy items here!

I hope you don't mind if I do a bit of bragging... I LOVE my new job!!!! I was concerned about whether I had made the right choice because I took a pay cut for it, but I am SO HAPPY that the money doesn't matter. I'm finally doing something that I'm passionate about. I was previously working in transportation/shipping and my boss was a horrible, micromanaging, racist/sexist pig. Now I'm working in travel & leisure and my new boss keeps telling how impressed he is with my performance and how glad he is that I'm a part of the team. Part of my new job involves becoming aquatinted with different properties that we work with--So I get three times as much vacation, and comped rooms and flights so I can stay at fancy resorts all over the world. I'm pinching myself!!!
Congratulations! :appl: