
Setting the ''fireball'' aka my spess

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Feb 29, 2008
So I don''t know if I am going to be able to set my stone right away, it might have to wait until later in the year. But it is fun to think about, and the better idea I have what to do, the better I can plan and budget.

This will be my first gem stone where I don''t go for a super budget setting. But I need a little help as I can''t figure this stone out. I did an extensive google image search, and found several examples of spessartites that look great, and some that are just not my tastes. Based on all the pics I saw, here are some things I want in the ring setting

1) Yellow gold and diamonds
2) some yellow gold directly around the stone
3) I don''t think I can spend more than $1500-2000. I know this might seem high, but even with a setting of that budget, the project would still cost less than the sapphire project I did last year.

From there I am all over the place. I have found a bunch of settings, but there are pros and cons to each of them. I would love to do a custom setting (I would love to use Ocean Pearlman after seeing Gyspy''s ring, and I know she has worked with concave stones before, but I am thinking a custom setting is out of my price range.

Here is the stone. It is 6.3mm and I have a size 6 finger

In natural light


In artificial light

It sure is a fireball. I
Here are the settings I like and the pros and cons

Endless Love
Pros: I love the clean lines and classic look, as well as the rim of gold around the stone
Cons: Cost, and in old threads, I read Richard Homer does not recommend bezels because repolioshing is harder (the stone already needs it believe it or not)

Whiteflash halo
Pros: Price, I love the profile view
Cons: Too much diamonds not enough metal?

Sholdt ring

Pros: Price, I like the lines
Cons: Is the stone to exposed? Maybe too modern?

These are just some of my thoughts. Any opinions.
Toughie, doc.
LF, for me, I love the third option. It really shows off the stone and that is one gorgeous stone.

The first one, I don''t care for a bezel, with what Richard had to say.

WF, hides the stone with the halo. It is just my opinion for what it is worth.
Tell me about it, any you don''t like....maybe that will be easier
Date: 4/15/2009 7:48:09 PM
Author: Linda W
LF, for me, I love the third option. It really shows off the stone and that is one gorgeous stone.

The first one, I don''t care for a bezel, with what Richard had to say.

WF, hides the stone with the halo. It is just my opinion for what it is worth.

Thanks, my BF likes the third one best too. I am starting to think that may be the best option as this stone has a lot of presence and an elaborate ring might compete with it. But I go back and forth.
I know it would be hard for me to decide too. It is such a gorgeous stone. The third option, would let your stone shine on its own, but you would still have some diamond presence too.
I'm afraid I don't care for the others, but that's just me.

ETA: Yes. That'll be cheaper and fresher-looking too.
Date: 4/15/2009 7:55:43 PM
Author: Harriet
I'm afraid I don't care for the others, but that's just me.

ETA: Yes. That'll be cheaper and fresher-looking too.

Well, none of those are settings I have to have for this stone. Just I can't find anything that is perfect.

I am guessing that will be something I will need to have made. Guess I will looking to contacting a couple people. I love Leon, but I am guessing he is out of my range (at least for this project, I will have a Leon ring in the future).
I''d like a Leon too someday. "sigh" He does such gorgeous work.
I love the sleekness that Sholdt setting portray
and I think your stone would look fabulous in it! But, I also like the WF one as well.
Date: 4/15/2009 7:59:24 PM
Author: LtlFirecracker

Date: 4/15/2009 7:55:43 PM
Author: Harriet
I'm afraid I don't care for the others, but that's just me.

ETA: Yes. That'll be cheaper and fresher-looking too.

Well, none of those are settings I have to have for this stone. Just I can't find anything that is perfect.

I am guessing that will be something I will need to have made. Guess I will looking to contacting a couple people. I love Leon, but I am guessing he is out of my range (at least for this project, I will have a Leon ring in the future).
Try Terrie Ly. She does custom work and her prices are very reasonable. These are somewhat similar to what you might want:
Thanks, another new vendor for me to look at.
Check out as well. Tons and tons of styles for that size stone.

That stone reminds me so much of the sun.
I like the WF one and the third is really nice too. What''s the ocean one you mentioned like?
interkitten: I don''t have a specific setting from her in mind, I just like her style

TL: Thanks, I was looking though that site with the whole e-bay thing, I will have to take a closer look
Date: 4/15/2009 8:08:27 PM
Author: Harriet

Date: 4/15/2009 7:59:24 PM
Author: LtlFirecracker

Date: 4/15/2009 7:55:43 PM
Author: Harriet
I''m afraid I don''t care for the others, but that''s just me.

ETA: Yes. That''ll be cheaper and fresher-looking too.

Well, none of those are settings I have to have for this stone. Just I can''t find anything that is perfect.

I am guessing that will be something I will need to have made. Guess I will looking to contacting a couple people. I love Leon, but I am guessing he is out of my range (at least for this project, I will have a Leon ring in the future).
Try Terrie Ly. She does custom work and her prices are very reasonable. These are somewhat similar to what you might want:
Hmm, looks nice Harriet! How did you learn of her?
By the way, I do like the Sholdt setting, too. I think I would go with that one, provided it be a ring for "careful" days to not damage the spess.
Date: 4/15/2009 8:47:50 PM
Author: icekid
By the way, I do like the Sholdt setting, too. I think I would go with that one, provided it be a ring for ''careful'' days to not damage the spess.

What about a hybrid ring. The lines of the Sholdt with scattered diamonds????

by the way, did you ever post pics of your spess? Did I miss it?
# 3 setting, modified to have a bezel around the girdle to protect it [or at least more of a bezel than #3 shows...tension settings are not appropriate for a spess]......leave the pavillion open.

Date: 4/15/2009 9:13:30 PM
Author: LtlFirecracker

Date: 4/15/2009 8:47:50 PM
Author: icekid
By the way, I do like the Sholdt setting, too. I think I would go with that one, provided it be a ring for 'careful' days to not damage the spess.

What about a hybrid ring. The lines of the Sholdt with scattered diamonds????

by the way, did you ever post pics of your spess? Did I miss it?
I like that setting idea!! Does Sholdt do custom??

No photos I am working on it. Unfortunately I am doing toooo much real work (my last floor month!) and it's really cutting into my fun time.
I start an intensive care month in 2 weeks. I totally understand. I did some retail therapy today because I got off at noon, and this will be my last nice day for the next 6 weeks.
Date: 4/15/2009 9:45:38 PM
Author: LtlFirecracker
I start an intensive care month in 2 weeks. I totally understand. I did some retail therapy today because I got off at noon, and this will be my last nice day for the next 6 weeks.
I am doing CCU next month, too! But I far, far prefer that to floors even though the hours are about the same. I'm sick of running around all day

eta- I cannot believe intern year is almost over. As painful as it can be... it goes so fast. And I've really just started feeling like a real doctor over the past few months.
Chrono found Terrie's website. I met with Terrie to discuss setting my Paraibas, which I still haven't done.

I think I got hit on by a reconstructive something-something surgeon today.
I love Terry''s work and since she works with high karat gold, your spess will really shine in it.

I like the open design of the Sholdt but the exposed girdle on the north and south end worries me. If you do choose that route, I''d add a collet (collar of metal around the girdle) as added protection.
Date: 4/15/2009 9:49:00 PM
Author: icekid
Date: 4/15/2009 9:45:38 PM

Author: LtlFirecracker

I start an intensive care month in 2 weeks. I totally understand. I did some retail therapy today because I got off at noon, and this will be my last nice day for the next 6 weeks.

I am doing CCU next month, too! But I far, far prefer that to floors even though the hours are about the same. I''m sick of running around all day

eta- I cannot believe intern year is almost over. As painful as it can be... it goes so fast. And I''ve really just started feeling like a real doctor over the past few months.

It goes by fast. Intern year ending was kind of bitter sweet. I had some great friends during that year, and we went out separate ways, but I do not miss the hours.
Date: 4/15/2009 10:39:11 PM
Author: Harriet
Chrono found Terrie''s website. I met with Terrie to discuss setting my Paraibas, which I still haven''t done.


I think I got hit on by a reconstructive something-something surgeon today.

How funny!!! A lot of docs go there for ''conferences'' and go crazy. It is kind of funny to hear stories about middle aged guys partying like they are in college. But I am thinking there are a lot of reconstructive something-and-something''s in South Beach who live there. How could he miss that rock on your left hand???
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