
Secrets of the 2012 Ruckus 2 crazy pearl loves perspective

4Ranch Girl

Feb 22, 2010
The PP 2012 Ruckus is a must for any pearl lover. Last weekend was a blast!! I have not got rested up yet and I am still walking on air from seeing and touching everyone's pearls.


I left home 6:30 AM for the drive to LA. Dropped son off at a friends for the weekend. Got back on the 405 and promptly got stopped in traffic on the way to PP. If there was a down side to the whole weekend it was the LA traffic. Arrived at PP and dropped off things for the party. Gave J a hug, got a fast tour of the new expanded offices, hugged the new Mrs J (sweetest woman alive). Jumped back into my car and sped off to LAX to pick up NacreLover and her wonderful hubby (I adore that man and they make a perfect team). She calls at 10:35 and has landed and on the runway. I am blundering down the road weaving my way through the traffic. Whew...There they are I see them, waving at me and me waving back both of us squealing. WOOHOO there is Ethel. Looking beautiful in her traveling costume. Hugs all around. Mr NacreLover is a prince of a man so he gets a welcome to CA hug too.

Back into traffic. We are staying at the Beverly Hills Hilton for the night on Wilshire Blvd. Creeping along in traffic with lunch reservation at 12:30 and 1 and 1/2 ours to go 15 miles I think we could make it.

(Last week the hardest part was deciding where to take Mr and Mrs NacreLover for lunch. I agonized over this. My first thought was Spago. Called for reservations and they were closing for renovations until September. RATS is all I could say about that. Now what??? My sister was over and I asked her for recommendations. The first thought that came to her mind was "Housewives of Beverly Hills" didn't one of them open a restaurant? Hmmm. Google is great. Called and got a recording to leave a message. I did, and was called back the next day. Got the reservations for the arrival day. WooHoo and a Whew too.)

Finally we arrive with only moments to spare for our reservations at Sur, (Lisa Vanderpumps of Housewives of Beverly Hills) name dropping here but why not? We decide to sit on the patio and SUPRISE J joins us. Good food, really good food was enjoyed by all but the conversation was better. We had a 2 hour lunch.

Equipment stated arriving in the street. Police in uniforms too were milling about out side. Hmmm... something on a long pole? Could it be a bomb squad NacreLover asks? J laughs and informs us they see that all the time around LA. It is only a crew getting ready to film something. Then a big white convertible pulls up, woman driving with hat, very large hat, coat too (hottest day in LA at 92 degrees) is she crazy hot sitting in the car for a long time while they film. All I could say is reality tv is not spontaneous at all it looks scripted to me. NacreLover, Mr NacreLover and J signed releases while I was in the lady's. If you watch the new show you might glimpse us there. You won't see me because my back was to all of the action though.

Back into traffic now to the hotel to check in. I decide to drive on a different street so they could see the Beverly Regent where Pretty Woman was filmed. Turn right on Rodeo Dr to see the stores. Lots of tourists, not much spending going on because most were not carrying shopping bags. There was a yellow and black Buggitti (sp?) a car like Simon Cowell drives the million dollar one parked on the street. Finally at the hotel an hour later to check in and get ready for our 6PM diner reservations.

NacreLover requested good Mexican food so it took me awhile to find the right choice. Criteria was not she-she but authentic, close to the hotel too. J recommended El Cholo in Santa Monica close to the water. 45 minutes to go 5 miles we were late but they had our table waiting. I was only going to eat lightly but it was so good I ended eating most. (Oh well, I had been so good for the last few weeks.) Back to the hotel for some well deserved rest before all the festivities begins in the morning. We have an early morning appointment to shop and boy were we raring to go. And shop we did.
Re: Secrets of the 2012 Ruckus 2 crazy pearl loves perspecti

4 Ranch girl forgot some of the best parts of the day. She came into our room right before we left for dinner at El Cholo. She had twisted three of her Pearl Paradise Tahitian strands into a torsade and was wearing her matching Tahitian drops with the Romantic Collection findings. She sat down on the chair by the window and we were talking. The light was just perfect in the room and her necklace came "ALIVE" I started saying , STOP I have to take your picture. I took a few but the glare from the light on her glasses were ruining the photos. She then removed them and tilted towards the lightly filtered window.... WOW!

Re: Secrets of the 2012 Ruckus 2 crazy pearl loves perspecti

Ready for Friday's adventures?

It was a very long fun and exciting day. I fell asleep early last night so awoke bright eyed and bushy tailed raring to go. 5:30 AM my eyes popped open and I decided to do a early morning spa day on my self...starting with a facial then a pedi, shampoo and blow dry all before 7 AM. Finally NacreLover calls and asked if I am up yet? And how about breakfast at 8. We go downstairs to a beautiful dining room next to the pool. I ask to sit outside because it is so lovely and cool. Omelets, fruit, OJ, coffee lots of coffee were had by all. The birds were tweeting and trying to steal a crumb. What a life! By nine thirty we are back into our rooms packing up for the move to the mansion at 4PM. Load into the car and stop at a shopping mall for a book for Mr NacreLover no book store to be had so we looked at puppies before our appointed arrival time at PP. 10:30 couldn't come fast enough because we were ready to shop.

And shop we did. We shopped till we actually dropped. We arrived at 10:30 and did not stop viewing, trying on, drooling with our eyes bugging out of our heads. We did not get the bill for our purchases until Sunday when we were thrilled and awed.

Pausing for a commercial break so NacreLover can post some pictures.....
Re: Secrets of the 2012 Ruckus 2 crazy pearl loves perspecti

Natural color cultured Vietnamese Akoya necklace and loose earring pairs. Un dyed , enhanced or bleached

Re: Secrets of the 2012 Ruckus 2 crazy pearl loves perspecti

Friday PP Shopping.....

First Be still my heart. I am not sure I remember the order of what we saw or even all that we saw but I will try and NacreLover can fill in where I leave off. Because at this point my eyes are swimming like a kid in a candy store and Christmas of my dreams all at once. All I could think of was I want this one, I want that one and I will have one of those too.

Ok here goes...

NacreLover wanted to get a strand of white south seas like my light bulbs. I had brought them in so we could match colors. Remember mine a white but with a silver/blue overtone. They are extraordinary because they glow and are shiny they are not the usual satiny finish of the white ss. J said at lunch yesterday he had just gotten 40 strands from Atlas pearls. (They are a pearl farm from Indonesia that specializes in white ss like Jewlemar from the Philippines specializes in golden ss. They breed their mollusks for the colors they want.) FYI if you have dreamed of having white ss NOW is the time to make that call to J ask for ones like NacreLover. They are baroque but OMG I can now seed my title of Wilma to NacreLover hers are HUGE and appear round and glow just like my light bulbs. Even Mr NacreLover held them up to his neck. Stunning is what they are.

Next J went to the vault and brought out the white metallic strands. Just a small hand full. All I could think of was how I was going to get one for myself. My mouth watered, I wanted to cry I wanted one so badly. I chose one and crossed my fingers and waited and waited and waited some more before I was give the go a head that they could be mine. Plain and simple torture it was. But I now am the proud owner of white metallics. J only found a few strands when he was shopping in Hong Kong this past June. These are rare strands. They do not match for them. These are collected out of the entire harvest and the Chinese say they have a rare green undertone which don't match into their regular strands. But Jeremy says it is not the green undertone you see it is the magnified orient that makes them look so special. They are so shiny that J ran into the vault and pulled out a strand of natural Hanadama's that have been certified with a certificate and embossed seal then he selected several strands out of the metallics and laid them next to the Hanadamas and you could not tell the difference between them or at least Ezzy and I could not only J could on very, very close inspection.

Since there are so few strands of the white metallics available if you are interested Call and ask to be put on the list for the white metallic strands. You need to call. Then ask to be put on the preferred list that will give you advanced notice on specials that are up coming. The white metallics are rare and not easily obtainable and the wait as some just found out could be up to two years. As of this weekend everyone who was on the list got notified as a strand was available for them. That was before we who attended the Ruckus were even offered them.

Off J goes to the vault again and out comes the Natural color Vietnamese Akoya strands. May be a dozen strands or so. Remember I have never been fond of Akoyas they are really beautiful, have wonderful luster and anyway I bought several years ago the natural color baroque rose overtone blues. You know the ones we all bought. I just like bigger pearls and the natural color ones in the size I can afford are just not in my budget. A past pearl queen Sandii bought a strand from TPO and from what I remember it was in the 4 figures. I saw hers when she came to visit me several years ago. Beautiful they were. Hang on to your hats ladies I am now the proud owner of not one but 2 strands of the Natural color Vietnamese multi colored Akoyas with a "chicklet" clasp as Mrs J calls them. NacreLover too. We are twins with our Natural multi color Vietnamese Akoyas.

To be continued.........
Re: Secrets of the 2012 Ruckus 2 crazy pearl loves perspecti

Natural color cultured Vietnamese akoya strands and Madama grade cultured blue akoya certified strand.

Re: Secrets of the 2012 Ruckus 2 crazy pearl loves perspecti

4ranchgirl's double strand Vietnamese natural color cultured akoya necklace. We both selected two strands and had them created with the same chicklet clasp.

Re: Secrets of the 2012 Ruckus 2 crazy pearl loves perspecti

Here are some photos of the White Metallic freshwater strands. There were a handful wrapped with a ribbon placed on the table and we selected our strands from them. 8-8.5mm was the group we selected ours from, there were some slightly smaller pearl strands of these wonderful pearls, but I am unsure of the exact size

Re: Secrets of the 2012 Ruckus 2 crazy pearl loves perspecti

4ranchgirl and I were not sure if we would be allowed to buy these pearls as there were so few and the Ruckus had not started yet. J looked in "The Vault " and found the group of smaller MM strands and decided we could select our's during our shopping spree on Friday morning.

4ranchgirl looked though the group with the ribbon and pulled the strand that called to her.

Usually when I am unsure of what to buy, I ask for Jeremy to select my strand from the group of pearl strands. He pulled one out he thought was the one I NEEDED.

He then went into "The Vault" and brought out a strand of certified Natural color cultured Hanadama akoyas and set them next to the strand he had selected for me. To my untrained eye, I couldn't tell them apart, except the Hanadama had a clasp


Re: Secrets of the 2012 Ruckus 2 crazy pearl loves perspecti

This is 4ranchgirl's strand of Metallic 8-8.5mm freshwater pearls. Just dreamy.

Re: Secrets of the 2012 Ruckus 2 crazy pearl loves perspecti

Friday continued....

We are still shopping let's see I think I have broke the bank with a double strand of the Natural colored cultured Akoyas (the lovely Mrs J strung them for me before I left for the mansion later that afternoon). And last but not least for me today was the coveted white metallics and the pearl weekend has only just begun. Don't think NacreLover hasn't been shopping like mad either. Her picks so far gianormous white south sea light bulbs, the double strand Vietnamese Akoyas and the coveted white metallics. Mr NacreLover have I told you he is a prince yet? He sat at that table with us the whole time, what a guy! Finally I hear his tummy growling so at 2 we are off to lunch next door at the best deli/restaurant. I seem to stop by there every time I go to PP. Great salads and sandwiches, my son always asks me to bring him a sandwich from there. We only have a half hour to eat before heading out to the mansion. We are going to follow J there earlier than the rest of the group.

Sitting at lunch J brings KauaiAnne to join us. We don't really "know" her but yet we do "know" her and now after the weekend we are now pearl BFF's. By the end of lunch she is sharing my salad just like my IRL bestie would. We are having many new PGers come to the festivities this year so it is going to be fun making new friends.

Short lunch and we run back to PP. More of the group has arrived. Hugs all around. Everyone is so happy to see each other and start to catch up on what has happened this past year.

KauaiAnne gets into my car (brave woman) and Mr NacreLover gets into J's hot rod and off we go to the Malibu mansion. 30 minute ride goes on and on and on. We go one MPH down PCH that's Pacific Coast Highway for the non California readers. After drinking a whole glass of coke with lunch and sipping it's refill my teeth are as they say floating. I feel at the rate we are going we could be driving for another 3 hours before we arrive. I spy a Jack in the Box. I have never been so happy to see a fast food restaurant in my life with a stop light for an easier access getting back into the slow moving traffic. Pit stop for all. Whew! Plus we get more drinks as in soft for the road.

After a couple of wrong turns we arrive. WooHoo is all I could say. Nestled in a serene valley is our home away from home for the weekend. We get a tour scout out the rooms, make our selections of where we are going to stay. I try out the various couches being that I am single with lots of people coming in two's I don't feel that it is fair to take a whole room for my self. I first sit in the billiard room on the pin tucked leather couch. Nope not for me. Off to the living room...hmmm. two there to choose from. One is a good possibility. Next off to the media room very nice couch there. Oh, Oh the sun room next door looks good too with a nice view over looking the pool. My decision is the living room. Has that Provence feel plus the couch has lots of nice pillows. Right off the formal entry with the sweeping staircase. NacreLover is trying out the beds. Her choice is the third one on the left with a great adjoining bath.

Everyone is arriving and making their room choices. All very orderly. Caterer is late because of traffic. What makes it so very funny is I haven't eaten three meals a day in years but I am famished. I wonder how many pounds I am going to pack on this weekend?

The entry hall is majestic with its tall sweeping stair case. I spy a niche under the stairs next to a french window overlooking a garden. So I decide to play Harry Potter and make my bed for the weekend under the stairs. Plush arrow beds have been provided for the overflow and I have brought all of my own bedding so I am set. I think a few are jealous. I even have visitors to my space because there is a seating group near by. I am a happy camper.

Freshen up for dinner. I of course use NacreLover's sumptuous bathroom upstairs. Lots of good food and drink. Conversations with new and old friends. I of course try on everyone's pearls. They are used to me by now after 3 years and even brought new treasures to share and show me too. I am in pearl heaven and it is only the first night. What more can a Pearl Lover ask for? Right? I know it is well after midnight may be 2 but not quite 3 when I rest my weary head on my pillow and fall fast asleep. Not dreaming of sugar plums but PEARLS.

To be continued.......
Re: Secrets of the 2012 Ruckus 2 crazy pearl loves perspecti

Here are trays of loose strands of White south sea pearls.


Re: Secrets of the 2012 Ruckus 2 crazy pearl loves perspecti

This is my first and probably last strand of White South Sea Baroque pearls (who needs more?). They came from one of the Atlas Pearl Farms in the Indonesian archipelago in Bali. Dr Joseph Taylor is growing silver lips in different areas and this is one of his strands.

It is 10-14mm and is silver white. I am a thrilled pearl queen. They were purchased at Pearl Paradise

Re: Secrets of the 2012 Ruckus 2 crazy pearl loves perspecti

I knew that Josh from Kamoka Pearl farm in Tahiti would be attending the Ruckus and he brings pearls for us to buy. This year he brought some loose pearls and a strand. I really wanted a larger cherry Tahitian to put into the front of my necklace I purchased last year at the ruckus from Pearl Paradise. I had bought a pair of matching studs from Josh last year. (larger ones in the photo) Well, he had a 12mm which I purchased and a larger pearl which I did not. I would have had to purchase two 12mm to put the larger pearl in the middle, he only had one. These pearls are real hard to come by and the likely hood I would find another 12mm to match this is not good, so I passed on the larger pearl for now. I asked Jeremy to drill it for me so I can just restring my strand and slip it into place.... I am a happy pearl queen.

Re: Secrets of the 2012 Ruckus 2 crazy pearl loves perspecti

This is what I selected from Pearl Paradise.

A strand of 6.5-7mm Vietnamese multi color cultured akoya double strand necklace with chicklet clasp.

And 8.5-9mm blue akoya cultured earrings with romantic findings.

The earrings have a rose` overtone like our baby blue baroque strands many of us purchased at PP in the past. The color of blue in the Vietnamese strands are more vibrant as you can see. The nacre on some of the pearls were checked I believe and they were 2mm thick. These really are glossy pearls and they are quite beautiful.


Re: Secrets of the 2012 Ruckus 2 crazy pearl loves perspecti

I know 4ranchgirl showed you her metallic white freshwater strand and here is mine along the Baroque White South Sea Strand I just showed you. They are laying on a snow white cloth in the shade.

Re: Secrets of the 2012 Ruckus 2 crazy pearl loves perspecti

The blue akoya drop earrings were purchased to go with the baby blue baroque strands many of us purchased a few years ago from PP. I was afraid unless I took the strands with me to lay next to the loose pearls I would select the wrong pair, or my memory of the color would lead me to purchase the wrong pair. I love the pink overtone these baby blue barouqes had so I looked for the loose pair which had this quality the strongest. Hisano moved some on the sticky pad together to get just the right look I wanted.

Here they are next to my three necklaces I made with those pearls.

Re: Secrets of the 2012 Ruckus 2 crazy pearl loves perspecti

If you were on the fence and thought you might like the Multi color Vietnamese akoya's but wondered just how blue they were next to your baby blue baroque akoya's , I snapped a pix with my strands.

Re: Secrets of the 2012 Ruckus 2 crazy pearl loves perspecti

Saturday Morning......

To give you a flavor of how everyone is.... Think back, far back to when you were in elementary school and got to go to a slumber party with all of your besties. All of the giggling, showing and telling, gossip and trying on everyone's outfits? Well imagine doing this as adults with all the pearls you have ever dreamed about., big small and rare. Remember, your excitement and not much sleep, who needs sleep right?

The pitter patter of big feet on the stairs started at 6 AM. Considering the different time zones I am glad they waited until 6 to descend the stairs. I as HarryPotter with pearls flip over and back out from under the stairs. (Backing out bum high in the air was not because the space was small but because of bad knees.) TaDa and into the kitchen I go for coffee. The caterer is starting to set up our breakfast buffet to be ready for us by 7AM. Second to arrive is NacreLover and Mr NacreLover we decide to go to the living room because in other couches have sleeping people on them. Slowly but surely people start arriving with coffee in hand to join our group. Mind you we are all still in jammies. I coordinated a teal cashmere ruffled shawl over my blue and white batiste jammie pants for modesty sake.

So from 6 ish until 9 -10 ish I am on the living room couch dishing pearls. Mr and Mrs NacreLover retire to get ready for the day. I ask one of the fellas who are on their way out the door to go surfing to please call my son and let him know I am fine and there in not any cell service where we are. I was told he would be happy to call him and as an added bonus he would tell him that I became a wild woman and he had to pull me off the chandelier last night and some other good tid bits. I gave my blessing for all teasing to ensue, the more the better. Evidently he did end up telling my son I was really funny as in "Your mom is really funny" Son says "yup that's my mom". Now after being home I learn from several sources I kept many entertained. And I also learned today that NacreLover and I together are a real life Lucy and Ethel tag team and what one doesn't think up the other does and we are entertaining to watch. I guess pearl tales are like fish tales they improve with the telling. OK now it is my turn to buff and fluff for the day.


I do have to back up a bit to yesterday. NacreLover and I talked this morning and she reminded me of some really neat new pearls J found in Hong Kong. He went to the vault and pulled a bag of strands out. Slowly he starts putting them out one by slowly one. Tiny, tiny akoyas graduated in color and size from light to darker from small to larger akoya to Tahitians and back around in a color wheel way. The first few weren't quite our cup of tea but when one came out we liked squealed in unison. Think stuck pigs but no snorts. She took great pictures of them. There is one that is silver/gray to pale blue to darker blue and back again around. You will see in the pictures what I am talking about. TDF

Ok now back to Saturday....

When I arrive back down stairs the pearls have been pulled out from every bag. Sarah from Kojima has a table in the corner pulling out beauty after beauty. I emailed her before the weekend and asked her to bring a special pearl I had spied on her web site. She did and I fell hard for that treasure. NacreLover has pictures of the pearl plus the enhancer bale she brought for it. I wear it on the new white metallic strand. It is a copper/green drop. The color is breathtaking too. This was the only pearl I was going to buy because really how many more do I need?

Opps... there I go again. I also asked another PG friend to bring a Hippocampus she has made for me just to see. Never dreaming one I could afford the work of art or two she would be willing to sell it. I am now the proud owner of a Hippocampus with a large gold/pond slime California shape flat pearl for the body the total size of art/necklace is about the size of my hand.

Then Josh from Kamoka pearl farm drops a bag of pearls on the table. Be still my heart. I still have a beauty from last year to set so none for me. But it is still fun looking. Lots of Oooh, oooh sounds from the lookers.

Lots of pearl trading, pearl talk and pearl looking going on plus all the while NacreLover taking pictures.

1 ish time for more food. Great lunch and more pearl talk. Now things are jumbled in my mind to order of what happens so I think I will post this and pause for a moment to think.

To be continued......
Re: Secrets of the 2012 Ruckus 2 crazy pearl loves perspecti

great post! thank you, pearl queens!

i am in LOVE with the cherry.....i will never buy a strand but the idea of one really fine large pearl in a strand sets my heart on fire.
Re: Secrets of the 2012 Ruckus 2 crazy pearl loves perspecti

Quote from 4ranchgirl:
I do have to back up a bit to yesterday. Nacrelover and I talked this morning and she reminded me of some really neat new pearls J found in Hong Kong. He went to the vault and pulled a bag of strands out. Slowly he starts putting them out one by slowly one. Tiny, tiny akoyas graduated in color and size from light to darker from small to larger akoya to Tahitians and back around in a color wheel way. The first few weren't quite our cup of tea but when one came out we liked squealed in unison. Think stuck pigs but no snorts. She took great pictures of them. There is one that is silver/gray to pale blue to darker blue and back again around. You will see in the pictures what I am talking about. TDF


Re: Secrets of the 2012 Ruckus 2 crazy pearl loves perspecti

Saturday lunch yum!

Have I told you yet I have not eaten three meals a day for years. But when it is delicious I filled my plate with the best of them. Tea sandwiches, a variety of them, great salads, and desserts. All the while continuing to talk pearls. We are going to see a video presentation of a soon (2 years) to the theatre or festival circuit documentary about pearls. (think Al Gore's global warming but pearls) Problems ensue because the cd or computer or something technical had a snafu plus we needed batteries to work the remote. It did give us a breather to talk more pearls while we waited and waited.

Along came 3 o'clock and that is close to tea time. A "Mad Hatter's Tea Party" has been planned. Special teas have been brought from far and wide, Special treats are baking in the oven, fruit being sliced all the delectable things you would find at a perfect tea. Lots of sillyness. We had so much fun we have decided to do a tea again next year.

I don't think I have really mentioned yet that for every meal most of us change clothes as well as pearls. That in it self was a packing production. Even though you are only going for a couple of days you need to travel with luggage, lots of luggage. Think at least three maybe 4 outfits a day. I have much sympathy for the Victorians and all the morning, day, tea and evening clothes rules but this is fun because you get to plan around your pearls. It also necessitates you going around looking, trying on everyone's new to you beauties three times a day. Good thing there were great big mirrors in this house to facilitate the ogling/drooling.

So up the grand stair case Nacre Lover and I go to change for tea. Repair makeup, comb hair oh and we were instructed to bring a pearl crown.Nacre Lover 's is a real pearl crown, me I just could not push the buy button on fake pearls so I wound my 100 inch rope around my head. Rats my clothes are in the car hanging. People are gathering on the stairs for a picture. I fly out the front door to the big circular drive. No one in sight of the front door and it is closed so I strip off my shirt and change there. Bottoms are the same thank goodness. Run in but I have missed the picture. That's ok because most did too. LOL Everyone is in the dinning room. Our new buddy Kawai/Anne is in charge of the pouring and actually using a silver but tarnished tea service. I have a black/red tea with lots of sugar. It is great. Fill plate with fruit. No sweets for me because dinner is only a few hours away. Groan....

Then we have a class in earring making. Fun, fun, fun!!! All supplies have been supplied. Thank you Sherri and Sarah. I know from last years pearl stringing class I am not really good at intricate work. I watch and cheerlead. Time flies and some adjourn to take a swim. It is almost time to dress for dinner. Mr Nacre Lover goes first to shower and shave. We are next to buff and puff. Nacre Lover is elegant again. Very regal with her very large TDF multi colored Tahitians. I have on my light bulbs with a diamond falling star moon pendent hanging into the sort of cleavage. (I wonder if that word make it past the censor). Down to hor'dorves and cocktails we go.

Saturday evening..............

Lovely, lovely early evening. Not yet dusk but the filtered light is beautiful through the trees. Hor'dorves being passed. I choose red wine. Some still in the pool so a group sits poolside chatting. The wait staff very attentive. We are really spoiled. Some are served hot tea in the pool. Circulate and circulate some more. More guests arrive, greetings and introductions are given. Dinner is served. We eat again.

The young film makers finally present a teaser for all to see. It is absolutely outstanding. If they can focus it and not get sidetracked to differently storylines it will be a must see for any pearl lover. The photography is breathtaking and the snips of interviews are good. We will tell you more later. We asked lots of questions and were given the opportunity for input. Very, very fun. On the coffee table there is a plate of pearls. Very beautiful pearls later they are going back into a dark blue velvet bag. The Emperor hands me the bag to look into and critique. He whispers into the young film makers ear. I pull a very large circled golden south sea. Beautiful but back it goes. The Emperor says what else. I think treasures. After a glass and half of wine I am feeling no pain. I spy white south seas in the bottom. Pay dirt! I keep looking and pull out three, evidently those three are worth all the rest put together. The Emperor bet on me and won.

Circling and circling having great conversation. Everyone talking and bonding. I was very happy to be able to cement old friendships and create new one's this evening. Sometime in the wee hours I crawl under the stairs for some well deserved rest. Tomorrow or I should say today is the long awaited best day of the weekend. We go to the "Vault" and play. Sweet dreams everyone.

To be continued.........
Re: Secrets of the 2012 Ruckus 2 crazy pearl loves perspecti

OK, I am not the writer that 4ranchgirl is but here is my take on the Saturday festivities. I was hoping to take lots of photos to show you all so I had pad and paper in hand and lots of room on my digital camera. First thing Saturday morning I asked Sarah Canizzaro of Kojima Company if I could take photos of all the pearls she brought to show us. Sarah obliged.

Sarah has a very interesting mix of pearls in her collection you don't see every day. I was especially excited to see her collection of Japanese Kasumi pearls and the lookalike Chinese Kasumi style pearls.

Here is a little about the Japanese Kasumi pearls from Sarah's website:

Freshwater pearls from Japan’s only current pearl-producing lake:

Japan Kasumi pearls are large freshwater pearls with a shell bead nucleus. They are cultivated in the upstream areas of Lake Kasumi-ga-Ura, some 40 miles northeast of Tokyo. (Kasumi-ga-Uraroughly translates to “the body of water beyond the mist”.) Three men remain active in a craft that employed many hundreds during the 1960's and 70's.

A far cry from the white, round, near-perfect pearl ideal, Japan Kasumi baroque pearls are appreciated by a minority who choose character over perfection, individuality over uniformity, and splendid, natural colors over the absence of color.

Japan Kasumi pearls are cultivated in a hybrid freshwater mussel, which is a cross of the Hyriopsis cumingii / Hyriopsis schlegelii species. The sizes of the pearls range from 9-13mm, although most are between 10-12mm. Baroque pearls from this production often have a unique “rippled” surface, which has helped make them a relatively common name to pearl enthusiasts world-wide.

Naturally occurring, brilliant colors and “oil-slick” luster have further proven to some that these pearls are worth the difference in price from their Chinese counterparts. Japan Kasumi pearls are found in shades of white, cream, orange, peach with various shades of pink, and even sometimes a golden-green. The most prized color is deep-purple.

These freshwater pearls are not given any treatments after harvesting. They are simply rubbed with salt to clean them, rinsed and prepared for export.

As this is a very small production, we often wonder how many pearls we will be able to offer each year. The lake has had a history of problems with both pollution and naturally occurring amoebic invaders, making the farmers’ jobs increasingly difficult. These factors add to the price paid per pearl. Again proving their rarity, a strand of our Japan Kasumi pearls was included in the Museum of Natural History Pearl Exhibit, which, since 2001, has toured around the world.

Kojima Company has carried Japan Kasumi pearls since 1995. We love making strands for an increasing number of enthusiastic customers. These pearls are quite rare and often misunderstood in the market; therefore we enjoy educating our customers about their unique origins. We offer a packet of literature to anyone who is interested in reading more about Japan Kasumi pearls. Please feel free to contact us and we will send it to you in the mail
Re: Secrets of the 2012 Ruckus 2 crazy pearl loves perspecti

Here is 4ranchgirl's pearl pendant from Sarah at Kojima Pearls and the white metallic strand from Pearl Paradise.

Re: Secrets of the 2012 Ruckus 2 crazy pearl loves perspecti

Here are photos of the genuine Japanese Lake Kasumi-ga-ura pearls. First the strand of rippled surface pearls.

Re: Secrets of the 2012 Ruckus 2 crazy pearl loves perspecti

These are the smooth genuine Japanese Lake Kasumi-ga-ur pearls.

Re: Secrets of the 2012 Ruckus 2 crazy pearl loves perspecti

Here are the genuine Japanese Kasumi-ga-ura rippled strands and smooth pearls

Re: Secrets of the 2012 Ruckus 2 crazy pearl loves perspecti

These are the Chinese lookalike Kasumi style pearl strands which are 1/10th the price of the genuine Japanese pearls. The lavender Chinese lookalike Kasumi style are natural color, the white are bleached.

Re: Secrets of the 2012 Ruckus 2 crazy pearl loves perspecti

Here are the Chinese strands with the genuine Japanese Kasumi-ga-ura which are in the middle looped so you can tell the difference

Re: Secrets of the 2012 Ruckus 2 crazy pearl loves perspecti

Still at Kojima Company I have more items to show you....

Sarah had the most round glossy 3mm akoya strands I had seen. Love these
